THE MICHTGAM DAILY SATURhDAY, O('TOI1flTR 29, 1' . .............. . . .. . . ......................................... .. . . . ....... ....... :ti Published every norning except Monday duin, the University year by the Board in (t'-l of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news disirtches credited to it or not otherwise creittI in this paper and the local news pub- lihed here in. Eutered at the postofficetat Ann Arbor, Tdichigan, as second class matter. Special rate postage granted by Third Assistant Post- m,,, t,,r (;neral. Sucripation by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $4.50. Oeffces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Stre t. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. ')IIITORIAt STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor......................Ellis B. Merry Editor Nichigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith Wog en's l~ditor........... Marian L. Welles "Iprts flitor.............Herbert E. Veddet Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. ITclegraph Editor.............. Ross W. Ross Assitant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert r. Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson lack L. Lait, Jr. Margaret Arthmr Marion MacDonald Emnnons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy (ratton Buck Charles S. Monroe jean1Campbell Catherine Price Je pieChurch Mary K. Ptolemy Sydney M. Cowan Harold L. Passman W1'ian 1. Davis Morris W. Quinn William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg Clatence N. Edelson David Schever Mar-'arct iros,; Tleanor Scribner Vaiblor; gEc'ir(I kobert G. Silbar MTarjorie ,Tuner howard F. Simon fames 11. Freeman George E. Simons Robert J. Gessner Rowena Stillman Elaine E. Gr'ber Sylvia Stone Alice Hagelshaw George Tilley ln eph E. howell Edward L. Warner, Jr. Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling Sally Knox BUSINESS STAFF Telephone -21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. preliminary work in the University ose upon the heels of the first art- college. icle came a misquotation in an inter- Those deemed unfit for continuing view; and following that has come T H E A T E R their university careers will be grant- a reply by Secretary of the Navy Wil- I ed certificates and asked to leave, thus bur. Now Admiral Magruder has been B 0 0 K S eliminating from the university the relieved of his command as officer in M U S I countless misfits Who clutter up class- charge of the fourth naval district, es and hinder the progress of whole and instructed to report to Washing- . sections of more capable fellows. It ton to answer to his superiors. is obvious that all young men and Criticism, tempered with senational-i TON IGIT: "The Servant in the women are not equipped mentally to ism, is always a dangerous thing. Ila us in the Whitney theater at S:1 pursue a professional course, and The sensationalism, by nature, does' Welock- these the University will eliminate as not appeal to the common people as 1%) N *l( - U Te Mimes present the f --' actit *6 it i roval99 (I ; ii Excellent Meals 1.4idies and Gentlemen Single Meals - 5Qe, 65C Weekly Board - Cor. State and Washington I De Molay Dance MIKE FALK'S ORCHESTRA TONIGHT, 9-12 MASONIC TEMPLE (4th Ave.) S; gently as possible before they have logical, and quite justly so. Never- linatLeiiiu'a eko tig viL - wasted their time. theless in this instance, at least, Ad- in their i huater at 8:30 o'clock. The whole thing represents a tre- miral Magruder has the support of * * * mendous stride in the field of educa- large groups of naval men, including TlE AlSA-LAZARRI CONCERT tion. It is different from the plan of Theodore Robinson, assistant secre- A reviw mb Harold May. Meiklejohn at Wisconsin, different tary of the navy, who only Thursday When Rosa Raisa made her first { . appearance, 0 minutes late at Hill from the junior college plan; differ- night fired a broadside of criticism at ,, auditorium last night, clad in a. start- ent, in fact, from everything that has the "beureaucrats" of the Navy de-aI ling red gown, it angered well for a thus far been tried. Michigan seems partment and the "present mediocre hug inet , it nobrd e t for on the threshhold of a great and in- condition of the navy." but nobody expected the spiring pioneer enterprise in the field There is little doubt but that there wocal pyrotechnics with whichnsshe of education; and Michigan owes at i some grounds for this criticism,or was prepared, in an easy and debonair: least her unanimous good will to the it would not have gained the wide- laisrtErani Involteeeamie. 60 faculty men headed by President spread attention that it has. On the Rmaisas rdi's a"riarEranani" nvarousa Little who will work through the same day that Theodore Robinson was enthusiasm that did not dampen dur- winter in perfecting her new plan. eliverng his scathing criticism of the ,ig the whole concert ; she was called department in Philadelphia, Secretary j enCo(1 after encore until DRAMA FOR ALL Curtis Wlu a dr~iy uo o noeatrecr ni Otto Kahn, the New York mil- Wilbur was addressing 200 of finally she got down to "Oh, let me its employees on the occasion of Navy recceem again," the concert singer's lionaire, banker and generdus patron day, urgig them to "be prepared t of the arts, who made of the Metro- justify your retention efore an con- last rsrt. Mine. Raisa's partner in jusifyyou reenton efoe ,n cn-thbis gala affair, Virgilio Lazzairi, a politan Oprea house a gathering place gressional investigating committee." lass grab at ago tgo ilzzhe ga for all lovers of music and opera, has On the same eventful day, also, Pres-ilest:b aiuto apa turned his attention to the drama. The ident Coolidge refused to ta a hand ft by Rn s failure to appear, same motive which actuated him when in the whole maer by refusing toangmbrs in the grand man- he made his v'mture in opera has gran conference to Admiral Ma-er. While it would have been folly moved him to leud his assistance to griuer to sacrifice one of Raisa's songs it the drama-the desire that the coin- 'is at great pity that Lazarri couldn't monpeople as well as the rich shall isThrough all of the controversy that have had a larger share of the pro- .pw is bound to result, however, the Amer- havea plce were hey ay ejo) canpublic must not lose sight of one .-, the best that is being done on the In Jiugiug her operatic arias, espe- thing-a clear distinction between the stag, cia~ly "is i dArte an "Rtorna I question as to whether there is graft s "Rosa laisa showed the real Since the earliest days of art the in the present organization of the drama has been the most popular art navy, and the question as to whether 0zality of her artistry; her voice rang nav, a~l he uetio asto hetertrue and brave on every note no mat- form. With living and moving char the navy is large enough.y acters utilizing the human voice, and simula tig the cenethatsurround Already there have been tendencies simulating the scenes that surround toward confusion, and the "big navy ' us in life, the drama has appealed to nmen" have leaped into the fray not so ? all racesand all peoples it has drawn much with the idea of inc-easing the all people alike, rich and poor, withinefcinyofte esn eprmn the charmed circue of its appeal an efficiency of thep resent department as with the thought of emerging with it has given them an increased under- a greatly increased congressional ap- standing of life and of art. No other sandi o life sdaof art. No sothr propriation for a larger sea force. The. art fosm is so universal and so sooth- ing to the human desire for beauty issues must be kept separate for the sake of both sides, for while there may and for enlightenment, be difference of opinion as to the{ It marks a distinct advance in the proper size for our navy, there is no field of art when private individuals difference of opinion as to the fact 1 delve into their pockets for the where- tbat the naval affairs should be run withal to support art and to take it to as efficiently as possible. the people. Now that Mr. Kahn has trh It is to be- trusted that there will (l started the movement it would be r stre h oeeti ol ebe no confusion of indictments, and ' gratifying to see some others follow that when the final hearing is held this' question of red tape and efficIencey calities. It would inject new life into merits the American theater and would makemo O0.PTICAL3 DEPARTMENT S Lenses and Frames made To Order Optical Prescriptions t Filled I HALLERS IS: State St. Jewelers Subscribe to THE WEEKLY ANN ARBOR .? -Interstlate - - lI IIt) $1.25 oni way. $,3round trip Leave Ann Arbor City Pharmacy 8 A. M. 12 Noon 4 P. M. 8 P. M. stop at Union 5 Minutes later Leave Toledo Interurban station 8 A. M. 12 Noon 4 P. M. 8 P. M. THE BLUE BIRD COACH LINE, INC. Phone 9870, 118 Fourth St. Try this delightful brick of rkch ANN ARBOR -I .® I 1 DAIRY CE CREAM! Three layers Advertising .. ........Richard A. Meyer Advertising..........Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising . ..Edward L. Hulse Advertising........"..John W. Ruswinckel Accounts................ Raymond Wachter Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication ... ...........Iarvey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn George Bradley James Jordan NalT-ic Brumier Marion Kerr Jumes O. 13r n Dorothy Lyons James B. Cooper Thales N. Lenington. Charles K. (orell ( atherine McKinven Pa rara Cromuell W. A. Mahaffy I nc lDanecr Francis Patrick Mary Lively George M. Perrett less'eiC .Ergeland Alex K. Sherer Ona Felker Frank Schuler BenI ishman Bernice Schook Katherine Frochne Mary Slate Doug lass Fuller George Spater eastrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson Ihelen Gross Ruth Thompson Hierbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum I. J. hammer Lawrence Walkley Carl V. Hammer Hannah Waller RayIliotelich deliciously blends Black Walnut Lemon Custard Vanilla ANN ARBOR DAIRY ed R R IT S 01) Ak S KODAK keeps mhe story THE MODERN KODAK AIer the football game. Sun nearly gone ; dusk in the offing-but still time for a picture with a modern Kodak. See the modern Kodaks here today-learn how recent developments have simplified picture-making. Qu lilt finishing on Velox Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. 'Three Dependable Stores We Have Served Michigan and Her Students for'40 Years COMPANY Dial 4101 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1927 Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, JR. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE What started a year ago as a mere idea is now definitely in the process of germination; and where nothing had been accomplished a year ago there is now a general plan which re- quires only specific elaboration to be, put into effect. This, in brief, is the history of the University college move- nment, a plan which would place all entering freshmen on an even basis, and eliminate at the end of two years all those unfit to pursue professional training. With the announcement this week of the appointment of a faculty com- mittee for the consideration of details of the University college, and the intention to place the matter before the Regents in time for action next fall, the whole scheme begins to as- sume definite shape. Thus far it has been considered and approved by a committee including the deans of the various schools and colleges, then it was approved in principle by the Uni- versity Senate, and now, on recom- mendation of the Senate, a faculty committee of 0 has been appointed to consider the curyicula to be offered, the choice of the faculty, and the pro- motion of students in the new col- lege. When this committee -has acted there will remain nothing more in the way of the project except the con- siderat ion of the Regents, and it is quite possible that this will be com- pletl in time to open the doors of the new school next fall. The significance of this new plan in the field of education is tremendous inleed,. Nothing so revolutionary on such a large scale, has ever been at- tempted , by any university in the c(ountry before. It means, in effect, the entire alteration of the present conception of an American university, and involves the adoption of a new sandard by which to mold our col- lege men and women. It would, in the first place ,pht all freshmen in the University college' upon entering. There they will be per- sonally noted by their instructors; will have the opportunity for investi- - -11- 4, it a powerful instrument in the educa- tion and culturization of the American public. A BATTLE OF WORDS "The denunciation of war is a pleas- ant but ine'ffectual way of spending one's time," was the statement of Pro-} fessor Slosson of the history depart- ment in his recent speech on the pros- pects for peace in the world. Outlin- ing the attitude of the world with re- gard to peace and the prevention of war, Professor Slosson advocated im- mediate steps toward some machinery which would actually function in the prevention of war, and named the world state as seeming to offer the most logical settlement of the situa- tion. This speech contains, in effect, the very essence of the thoughts and re- actions of many of the informed and thinking people of the world today. It recognizes that steps toward peace are, at the present time necessary; but at the same time it acknowledges that the end in view-a world state or league with international policing--is somewhat idealistic. To cross the gap between these two ideas, the im- mediate and the future good, some action is advocated which will deter- mine 4 present-day logical substitute and preparation for the end which is inevitable in acivilized and cultured world. Just as the order of the world has only been achieved by steps in control and regulation, so has peace been maintained. In the beginning the groups to which any idividual owed his support and his allegiance were essentially very small. Then came the city, the state, and finally the nation. Now to tie the nations together and to .stimulate in individuals an interna- tionally-minded spirit, seems only the logical step. From this international mindedness will come peace and un- derstanding. But some steps must be taken be- sides mere talk. Such organizations as the league to prevent war ,and other similar groups are doing nothing but urge people to take a stand against war. The mere taking of this stand will never prevent war. What we must have is some basis for an understand- ing. The agency which takes upon itself to do this is the agency that willI effect world peace. But it must act? j and its own merits alone. STIUIENT LOAN FUNDS The University of Michigan may well be proud of the fact that at the present time it has no less than 76I different loan funds given by indivi- duals and organizations for the use of students who are financially un- able to continue their' college educa- tion without assistance. These funds, varying in size from $100 to $20,000, total nearly $137,000. They have been made available through the generosity of various persons in the state who believe in dducation and are willing to contribute that students, who might not otherwise be able, finish their 'col- lege education. In previous years, according to J. A. Bursley, dean of students, no dif- ficulty was encountered in meeting the demands of needy students for loans. This fall, however, calb-s for financial assistance have been so numerous that several have had to be denied and other students were grant- ed only a part of what they asked for. This is thought to be due largely to the difficulty many students had in find- ing work during the summer months. In view of the fact that the student loan fund maintained by the Univer- sity is rendering a real service, every effort to keep it in sufficient funds should be encouraged. In this respect, the munificient ad- dition of~ $23,000 to the fund from -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brosseau, which form- ed the nucleus of the Brosseau Foun- dation, is particularly to be commend- ed. The only restriction that the fund cannot be loaned for use of students of law, medicine or art is, however, illustrative of another point in con- nection with the loans for this fund. As Dlean Bursley has pointed out, the restrictions placed in the deeds of such gifts that they be used for specific purposes means very ofteni that the moiey cannot be used to the best advantage, which, in turn, is con- trary to what the donor desired. It is to be hoped, with the respect to the real good the funds are doing for needy students in the University, that in any future contributory sums, sucih restrictions will be omitted. Recognizing that the student loan funds do the students, the 'University and Qducation in the state of Mich- igan a real good, the donors are to be Rosa Ralsa ter how slight its value; her tones at either end of her register were easy, accurate, and full whether pianissimo:. or fortissimo. Mme. Raisa is mistress of the aria. She sings them with power, with dramatic color, and with feeling. She did not seem to hit quite the same height with her songs: I "Voron" by Dubleva and "Oh, Cease Thy Singing" by Rachmaninoff. She sang her encores in a somewhat ro- bust manner, "La Paloma" especially l did she give a mighty bounce. Mr. Lazzari's chief solo "Largo dally Factotum della Citta" from Ros- # sini's "Barber of Seville" was sung in a manner that gave proof of his high abilities. Lazzari's voice is powerful and -,.resonant, and he is capable of modulations that give it almost infinite shades. One of his en- gores, an Italian folk song, was sung in a lovely fashion and made us wish T that he could have sung more of them. The best number on the program was the duet "La Ci Darem La Mano" from Ponchielli's "Don Giovanni" was the last one. It was a lovely melodicf thing, full of grace and wit, which the singers did not fail to impart in their accomplished manner. * * * "ON APPROVAL" Tonight's performance of "OnI Approval" will conclude a run of eight performances, all well sold, and well received by the respective audi- ences. "On Approval" has not proved to be one of the most outstanding bills of Mimes' various and sundry activi- ies, but it was without question very well done. At times there was some difficulty in George, Twelfth Duke of Bristol's remembering his lines, and at times the action was a little slow. But Maria's shrewish nature was cleanly outlined by Jane Emory in a well defined portrait; Charles Living- stone's stage presence and techniqueI made Richard an interesting study of a rather typical Englishman; and Lorinda McAndrews did exceptionally well with Helen. In fact all three of the new-comers, Miss Emory, Mr. White and Miss McAndrews will all be seen in forthcoming productions. -E. M. M.! "THlE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE" I Mr. McIntyre is presenting "The Servant in the Iouse" by Charles Ilann Kennedv in the Whiitnev theater I P wamom i IVI I , ANDY S 0DAS ,I' t f Although Hallowe'en is commonly devoted to merry- iflaking in the united States as well as other countries, it 1s ineresting to note some of the old beliefs and customs of other lands. The vigil of All Hallows or festival of All Saints being November 1st, Hallowe'en is the evening of October 31st. It is associated in the popular imagination with the prevalence of supernatural influences and is clearly a relic of pagan times. In England it was formerly known as "Nutcrack Niglt" it being customary to crack nuts, duck for apples in a tub of water and perform other harmless fireside revelries. All of the things were survivals of the festival of "Romona" on November 1st. Still older than these customs were the 101- lowe'en Fires, survivals of Druidical ceremonies. In Roman Catholic countries it was their Decoration Day when they visited the cemeteries to lay flowers on the graves of relatives and friends. In Scotland the ceremonies of the eve were formerly re- garded in a highly superstitious light. The principal event of the evening was that of consulting the future to discover who should be the partner in life. ANN ARBOR SAVINGSBA . . i particularly commended, and the ad- dition of any future sums to the loanj 101 N. M ain St. 707 N. University Ave. I I