s, .
&U fl
Dana llhustrate Need Of Utilization
of Waste T ibulerland Areas
lr in UC-ed Stat"s
J. A. ILursley, dean of students,
sp)aking on the third Michigan radioj
night program broadcast last nightI
through WWJ, the Detro t News, ex-
plained to the radio audience the pur-
pose, advantages and nature of the
:student loan fund y, il helprinlg Michi-
gan s tudfnts who are financially un-
bn l n t *tin #it i rrlil~ d. a -
Coolidge IRefutsr To Acrepit Deposed
Admiral's Request For
(ny Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28.--Admiral
Thomas P. Magruder must look else-
where than to the White House forl
assistance in his disi.eeoment with
the navy department, which, originat-
ing in criticism of naval administra-I
tion, has resulted in his removal as
commandant of the Fourth Naval dis-
Rted tieflon iI Not Be A pplicable to
This Year's leoinme; Will Not Go
Into Effect Until 1.29
(zy Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.----A ma-
tIeria reduction in the corporation
tax rate, but not to apply to 1927 in-E
come, is the ce-itral feature of the tax
reduction p'an now und',r discussion
1 by Republican members of the Ways
a, A eans Committee of the house,'
which will commence public hearings
on the tax bill Monday.
John N. Garner, leader of the
Democratic group in the committee,
previously announced that he was op-
posed to making the corporation tax
reduction applicable to this year's in-?
come, so that this plan appears to'
have an excellent chance of adoption.
Aside from the argument that
heretofore has been raised against
retroactive corporation tax reduction,I
there is a political move behind the
Repubica.n esposual of this position.
The majority leaders havo been look-
t n .
Wolverine Front With Excption of
Left Tackle Will Probably
ltRemain onehlanged
(THerbert E. Vedder, Sports Editor)
CHAMPAIGN, Ills., Oct. 28.-Keyed
to a high pitch and full of "pep" the
slightly favored Michigan football
squad took its final workout today
preparatory to facing the strong and
confident Illini tomorrow in a game
which is regarded as the hardest
battle on the Wolverine schedule. The
Maize and Blue squad arrived here
i early this morning and spent the day
quietly at the Urbana Country Club,
aside from the hour workout in the
broiling sun in Memorial stadium this
The weather was perfect for a track
meet today with the thermometer reg-
istering 75 degrees most of the time,
but it was far from suitable for foot-
ball. If the return of summer pre-
vt,~ niftn+tn-rao-m f fra pt
Will Be Eighth Encounter Between
Yost and Zuppke Systems With
Former Iolding Small Mfargin
By Clarence Edelson
CHAMPAIGN, Oct. 28.-Life is just
one marauding animal after another
for Coach Bob Zuppke's scalping In-
After ruining the Northwestern
Wilcats in their own lair the Illini
tion withlnout as>istaie. Dean Bursley trict.
dcla ttet e total amo t President Coolidge has denied theI
disposal of he Universiy at the pres- ""admiral's application for revocation
cnt time for this purpose is nearly Justice Frederick Siddons of the order detaching him from his
$137,000; but that even this amount Of the District of Columbia Supreme post and has refused to grant him a
was found to be insuficient this fall. Court, who is presiding at the Fall- personal interview on the subject,I
"Prior to this year there has never ..choosing rather to leave the case in
been any difficulty about providing as- Sinclair conspiracy trial in Washing- the hands of Secretary Wilbur. Thist
sistance for those whose applications I ton. After the impaneling of the was announced late Thursday by Mr.!
for loans receive the approval of the jury the case got under way a few Wilbur after a conference at the
committee appointed to consider days ago and some startling testi- White House.
them," the speaker said. "This fall s However, members of Congress,;
the calls for help have been so num- h btkeenly alert to the Magruder situation,(
Brous that already several have had to the trial yesterday M. T. Eberhart, have expressed varying views. Sena-
be denied, and many students have son in law of Fall was one of the tor Oddie, Nevada, ranking Republican1
been iven nnly a hart of what they ,,,;,--,,,,on the naval committee, declares Ma-;
Rear Admiral Magruder
Who received a cool reception when
he appealed his case to President
Coolidge. The president informed him
that he was in no position to aid him
and that Secretary Wilbur was in ac-
tual charge of the contact of the
department. It was intimated that any
action which was taken by Wilbur
would he supported by the administra-
principal witnesses. - 'V ---------VOI vai another day, a 5d111g Ul Li
?sked for. This is true in spite of the gruder has done the national defense '-ing for a way to make a really worth j substitutions is in store. If such r
fact that due to the Brosseau gift last a serious injury; Representative Mc- r while reduction in the corporation tax I should happen the Illini with theirG
spring we have had more money to Clintic, Oklahoma, Democratic mem- fl a UUwithout exceeding the limited surplus wonderful reserve material, superiord
loan than ever before. I lINlU ISUEDl TO h ber of the house naval committee, I of $250,000,000 for 192, which the even to that o the Wolverines, should t
Unemployment Ranks Large. asserts the admiral should be givenrTreasury has estimated. The propo- rate a favorithe W e
"Apparently this unusual demand 'Aa vote of thanks by the committee flUTflfl ft sal to postpone application of the re- Rain Threates Ilomecon g. b
has been due to the difficulty many I L T f itself, duced corporation rate until tax pay-i Weather forecasts, however, call for i
students had in finding work last Opposed To "Gagging" Iments of March, 1929, has been ad- I probable showers which may dampen
summer, and to unemployment or oth- Representative Britten, Republican,'P, yvanced as a way of accomplishing this Illinois great homecoming consider-
er causes leading to the present fin- Not To Tolerate Conspiracy Against Illinois, a "big navy" man and mem~ tB ay O IUll a m purpose. ably. The sod of the fied was hard ase
ancial stringency of many parents. State, Bratiano Says In ber of the house committee, believes This n illExcise'TaxesATtiGrowfturose a rock an the groundkeepers sprink- 7
During the whole of last year we made Speech To Deputies that "Magruder went off half cocked; The proposal now is to reduce the led it this afternoon following the I
490 loans totalling $52,000, while this I instead of doing the navy a service, corporation tax from 131-2 to 11 per Wolverine practice.I
fall e have alredy loaned $32,000 CROWN TO BE PROTECTED he probably had hurt it in the eyes of TO SHOW LATERAL PASS cent, a change that would entail an Feeling about the Illinois campus
help to' i8O students, and the public." He said, however, that annual loss of revenue of $225,000,000. has been at a high pitch all week, andg
college has been in shsnecessita (Iy Associated Press) Congress never would tolerate the Expectations are held for the at- At the same time the remaining excise Thursday night saw several bonfires
thep ree nch ale ad re- "gagging" of any naval officer and tendance of a crowd of more than taxes on automobiles, theatre admis- and students took more or less charge
that he intended having Magruder be- w3000 people at the gridgraph portray- sos and club dues and the war of the street cars. In general, the
ferred to. At the present noment Warning to Prince Carol and his ad- fore the committee for a presentation al of the Michigan-Illinois game at 3 stamp taxes, would be abolished and a Illinois students expect their team to g
there are 903 loans outstanding, total- herents that Roumania will not t- of his views. o'clock today in hill auditorium. small reduction applied to the middle win.I
ing $108,000. erate any conspiracy against the state In a Navy day address before em- A special wire leased from Western brackets of the income surtax, these That a different result is just .
D~ean Bursley then cited various ex- Thtadffrn esl1s4uta
ampDen of h badlysome struds -was given by Premier Bratiano in an ployes of the department Thursday Union will relay the results of the latter changes collectively costing like'y was shown by the Wolverines w
ampies f how badly some students Secretary Wilbur said the depart- game, play by play, from the Dyche $125,000,000 to $150,000,000. themselves in practice this afternoon.
one casneed it w na a as state. boy deuts Thursday night.d h b ment had tried faithfully to conform stadium at Champaign. The play, If all applied immediately these tax Everyone of the 33 players on the fieldh
one case it was ioovered that a boy deputies Thursday night' w to President Coolidge's policy of which is enacted on the actual play- reductions would reduce the 1923 re- was full of pep and lively as coulda
had lived four months on less than "Roumania does not want and wil economy and that he felt Congress' ing field will be reproduced on the venue $350,000,000 to $375,000,000, but be.Ry Baer, great guard on whom h
sixty etsaanday,3 0 spending 15 cents e not have aelectedheade of the state' would be disposed to grant the navy i gridgraph in less than three minutes. if the 13 1-2 corporation tax is con- much aepends in stopping the Illini
for breakfast and 35 or 40 cents for the premier declared nm discustengsuch reasonable appropriations as willCompetent help will be employe un- tinned in effect with respect to 1927 running attack tomorrow, was in uni-n
be necessary for the needed increase I der the direction of Charles A. Living- income, the actual loss in revenue orm and went through his work withf
"Cases such as these," Dean Burs- ihe would return to Bucharest to take stone, '28L, to insure a minimum of during 1928 would be only $125,000, vim. The spirit of the Maize and Blue
Icy saidl in conclusion, "made one upl)his place as king if called by the. in the fleet."v
"For the first time in history," he , time in operation. 000, to $150,000,000, and at least $100,- was at top pitch. And every man in
realize the sacrifices hundreds of stu- nation. added, "the fleet is ready for action I Spectators who are interested in 000,000 of the estimated surplus could perfect shape.
dents a e maing; to get an education Thej premier's exposition of the 'syte agMseySrusAtcs
adsow he kneed for glan fudsto ynasticsituation andm ir' x st defse ofat a moment's notice. The officers to 'the progress of Michigans lateral be carried over to meet governmental Mystery Shrouds Attacks.
man a wartime fleet are available;, pass plays will be enabled to follow expense in the year 1929, when the Mystery shrouds the attacks which
lighten the load they are trying to the measures taken by his daoer - the vessels of the fleet are adequa tely their effect by means of a light re- full tax reduction would become ef- the two leading contenders for Big
Iar." me thwat rn atept y C arol tot equipped and stored. The navy is so centl installed on the board that fective. Thus, the bill would insure Ten honors will use tomorrow, but it
Dana Discasses Forestry. thwart any attempt by Carol to obtain equipped now as to be capable of ex- registers the attemp of a lateral pass. adequate revenue for the Government is expected that much in the way oft
of forestry, i discussing "the Utniver-hfo hlon ithlarotedre!y pansion and of practically instant Scores of other Western Confer- I at least until the year 1930, by which new plays and trickery will be at-I
Sungt- from Julio Mani, leader of the Na- once games and all the games be- time it is confidently predicted the tempted. The Illini expect Coach Bob
sity of Michignsyugs ay tl tional Peasants' party who defended moilzaio.,
less than two month's 0o1, showed theiPl ince Casand calleng ed iprza an Nay Program Itween tems of national prominence increase in business of the country Zuppke to "surprise Michigan with'
urency othe poble' ofd, foet byprince Carol and challenged the pre- While as yet plans of "big navy" will be announced immediately upon will be sufficient to care for the something new." Michigan, the crafty,t
unn i of the m to the ofatof s oumana men remain in a somewhat nebulous reception I situation. has also only dipped into her bag ofs
uinmainz sonic of the outstanding trary to the sovereignty of Roumania state, there is a positive current of The varsity hanl will march to the Aid To Coolidge tricks superficially.
facts. I Referring to the announced discov pstv u -Coig
"One-fourth the total land area to te o o thought among a number of members auditeriuni some time prior to the The advantage of the plan from Although Coach Wieman would give1
of the tot land of a plot to restore Carol to the hat failure of the Geneva conference start of the game, and will provide the standpoint of the Republican par- no definite lineup other than the 16t
of the United States consists of land throne now held by his 6-year-old to reach an agreement on limiting mrsi tlrroughot the afternoon. Var- Ity is obvious. It would make possible men he named prior to leaving Ann
suitable for the roeIo o foie ad son, King Michael, Premier Bratiano wareraft tonnage not affected by the sity cheerleaders will lead yells from another bumper tax reduction on the Arbor, it is likely tht there will be
and not likely to be of value for agr declared that the fate of the Ron- Washington arms treaty, calls for the platform. eve of the national election and, to not more than one change over the
cuiture," Dean Dana asserted. Only manian crown could not be left to the serious consideration of the advisabil- A much larger crowd than that a great extent, neutralize the Demo- starting team of aweek ago.
a little over half of this immense ar ea caprice of any individual or party, ra xet etrlz h eo trin emo ekao
is nowt p oducing any netofsMh.ofor-any ity of providing funds for additional which attended the gridgraph dis- cratic cry in favor of a tax reduction. Gilbert, place kicker extraordinary,
producing growth f Declaring that M. Manoilescu, gfor-fiyhting craft. play of the Wisconsin game is ex- of at least $400,000,000. At the same promises to be another Friedman inr
timber and practically none the full mer under-secretary for finances, had___________
amount of which it is capable. Inth r pected by the alumni association, who time it would insure plenty of rev- this respect in his consistency andc
amhun on he is lands, o encouraged the princer o return to sponsor the showing. o nue for the Government until the end brillance. Yesterday, he sent severala
Michigan alone the idle lands, once nmani a thu e naged ina A LAu admission price of 3 and 501 of President Calvin Coolidge's Ad- I across the bar from 45 and 50 yards.t
forested, now comprise nearly one- Manoilescu was thus engaged in a "AMERICAN FIRST''" nswl echreadtcet a iitaioInMrh 99 Captain Bnnie Oosterbaan took a
third of the state. IAE IA ' cents will be chared, and tickets can Iinistra tion in March, 1929. CpanBni otranto
'We Ame se conspiracy against the state. This be obtained at the box office before I There undoubtedly will be strong long workout at punting along witht
'We Americans use each year nearly brought an outburst of applause from SLOGAN IN DRIVE the game. The doors will be opened pressure from the corporations to Gilbert, averaging better than 40t
A much wood as all the rest the premier's supporters, who in- I at 2:15. have the reduction of their taxes ap- yards with his boots.
of the world put together,"' he creased their clamor of approval when (By Associated Press) plied to tax payments to be made The Illini feel that in Capt. Bob
continued. "Wtre grow only a fourth l
oth he added: CHICAGO, Oct. 28. -- "America next year, but the plan of a defer- Reitsch they have a great center, and1
as much as we use. The ohrI "hee sal h uhrt fIFirst," lMayoryerThompson'san fvauefer
Whoever assails the authority of , Mayor Thompsonscampaign Fourth Publication red reduction does not appear an tomorrow is apt to tell much concern-
three-fourths conies from the remain- the state is an enemy of the nation slogan drove the British lion out of i
ing virgin forests of the South and. fj ('L@~11~ unmixed evil. ing his ability since Michigan is more
west,. iegn (1rst of whc isut alr.and must face the full force of the the spotlight today as an aftermath Of 'llchigan veekly l The corporations have been anx than satisfied with her sophomoret
wlst. N doubt w an aw. Let this be known at home and of Chicago's investigation to deter-0 1eWions to get their tax reduced be- i star, Al Bovard, who is expected to
i n sight. N o d o u b t y e ca n abroad." mine whether its school children and Se t o tiQ scrbers slay a big part in the Michigan de-
get along with less wood than we now,_ _ _ t iiesaeraigpoaad~_ cause o the feeling that the era ayabgprinteMcgnd-
net g wth be o ut ta cm TN its citizens are reading propaganda of tax reduction is running to a close. fense against running plays.i
use, but we shall be about as com- SALE TO START SONyN inspired by England.s Four editions of The Michigan There has been a belief that it is The Lineups.i
fortable in doing so as a man with a Mayors throughout the Middle West'Weltenws aps ulc-nwo ee.I
'10,000 income who suddenly finds ANN ARBOR HISTORY BOOK received letters signed with Mayor Weekly, the newest campus p Tblica F now or never. wi
bnel oceolieo_$,0._in have gone into the mail. The From theviwon of the corpora- limsycga
rd.Thompson's name inviting them to paper is in its first year and is be- tions the present plan has the ad-
the new school hopes to "Ann Arbor-The First Hundred join the America First foundation and gsea not onl to students on the vantage of making the rate lower than ShorL ran
pasiingbisent notttheonl-y t tdnso h atg f aigtert oe hnISchultz or..,.. LT . .Harrigan, or
active ort in bringing abut the per- Years" is the title of a history of send him $10. Mayor Thompson was ca a
peuto n ieuse of forests and cmps but to parents and alumni, could be hoped for if its was to be Muegge Pommerening It
Petuation and wise Ann Arbor which has been recently one of the incorporators of this or- scattered around he country as well.I made retroactive in effect. Crane........LG .. Palmeroli
their resources. So far as it can do written by Prof. Orlando W. Stephen- ganization founded this week with the i I of The Weekly is wholly The argument against the retroac~ Reitsch (capt.)
this it will at the sae time contri- i h dao h ekyi hlyiTeaguetaanttertoc etc cp. ......Bovard
b ste in no small measure to the co- son of the Scool of Education and announced intention of promon ne w to the University. Stories are tice feature has been that the corpor- McClure......RG.........Baer
nomic and social developent not only which is to be put on sale 2onday by "better citizenship based on loyalty selected from each paper published by ations for the most part pass their Nowack.......RT.........Gabel
oMichanbut of the entire oon the city's chamber of commerce.he D and andre saved to be re- taxes on to the consumers and that, Deimling..... RE ...... Nyland
try." hh t - -B t A- - rinted in The Weekly when it makes; as respects a year that is past, this French.......QB .... Hoffman
Prof. John S. Worley, of the en an yne Denies Pro-British A ccusations its appearance on Monday. In thistax already has been collected in the Timm.........RH......Gilbert
i.eering department, in his address, fi(hL Au -ess-.F * t way complete and accurate survey of form of increased prices for goods Mills...... ...LH .......Miller
"A IBroadening Opportunity for Those f i cago Authorities; Asks Fa iria the week's news on the compus is sold. I Stewart, or... F......... Rich
With An Engineering Education," cit- given to subscribers. Only news di-i _Humbert
ed fiv;e interesting facts resulting Prof. V. I1. Van Tyne of the Ameri- says in a recent article that, "I shall reetly related to the campus is used EN
fronm a careful study of engineering can History department, who has been expose a history by Professor Mc- in the paper, no Associated Press or AN AKESPADDRES I 1
education. These, as set forth, are: accused by Chicago officials of pro- Laughlin and one in which Professor oter syndicated stories making their.t IOTA ALPHA MEETING Timeofigas:3oask (n or
1, The engineering curricula as set British writing in his history, stated , McLaughlin and Dr. C. H. Van Tyne, appearance. s hgC tie. Offiia; sker (Chwest-
tp contains a very small percentage yesterday that all accusations have, of the University of Michigan, col- The first and last pages of the four iMichigan Beta Chapter of Iota Al- em)referee; Schommer (Chicago)
O; electives, most of the courses be- been made without specific references laborated. It will be necessary for page paper are devoted to general pha held a nemeting Thursday night umpire; Hedges (Dartmouth) field
in re unired courses. to passages containing 'vicious un- me to refer to these books in order news. - On the third page a resume of in room 3201 East Engineering build mane. Munma (Army) head lines-
------------------------------------------------------_....,.,, ,,14A ,;"o -. n *- +ao t is nco 'W~~hich, al1 clrut enineers imn
Losts are fidgeting their tomahawks
while waiting nervously for the even
wilder Michigan Wolverines whose
foray is expected sometime tomor-
The prolonged attack of vicious
beasts has converted the Indian
braves of this usually quiet and lazy
hamlet into a city of howling hyenas.
Nor does the rain seem able to dampen
the enthusiastic ardor of the huge
homecoming crowd of approximately
Somehow 1everybody here seems to
emember the game of 1924 when the
Galloping Grange Ghost did his 39-14
damage, Nobody wants to remember
he other Michigan invasions of 1921.
and 1924 when Steketee and Friedman
booted that football over the palisade
fence for 3-0 triumphs.
Eighth Encounter
Tomorrow's encounter marks the
eighth bout between the Yost and
Zuppke systems, for although Yost
has retired, Coach Tad Wieman still
has the typical Yost system with one
of America's greatest punters, "Old
83," a beautiful pass attack, an effec-
tive defense, and an all-American.
Zuppke, the man who holds the
reins of the Illinois eleven cylindered
grid buggy, hopes to bring the count
up to four apiece, and he has a squad
of perfect physical specimens to work
with, Coach Wieman being handicapp-
ed with three crippled regulars. Germ-
bis, Taylor and Baer. Gembis did not
accompany the team; Taylor is in the
hospital, and Baer is not as strong as
he ought to be after the gruelling
milling he received last week against
Ohio State.
Attack To Be In Air
Michigan will threaten through the
air of course, and so will Illinois.
Stuessy, quarterback of the Orange
and Blue, has been throwing passes
ever since the middle of last week or
thereabouts in a frantic effort to gain
more perfect control over his tosses.
Ihe was still overshooting his mark,
yesterday, however.
Everybody can throw, kick or run
on the Michigan 'team the Indians
seem to realize, and the strategic ad-
vantage of versatile performers of
the sort Coach Wieman is blessed
with cannot be overestimated.
Michigan's lineup is almost the
same as that which started against
the Buckeyes. In the line Oosterbaan
and Nyland at the ends, Palmeroll
and Baer at the guards, Pommerening
or Harrigan and Gabel at the tackles,
and Bovard at center are nominated
to do the charging, against Deimling
and Jolley, Schultz and Nowack,
Crane and Mitternwaller, and Cap-
tain Reitch.
Reitsch At Center
This fellow Reitsch at center has
had the benefit of all the usual Illinois
"all-American ballyhoo," and is in
fact a good center. Young Bovard of
the Wolverines is expected to do
great things as his vis-a-vis in the
middle of the line by the entire Mich-
igan coaching staff, sufficient at least
)to burst the ballyhoo bubble.
But Michigan has Gilbert in the
backfield to do his share of the de-
fense. Undoubtedly one of the two
greatest punters in the country and
fully the equal of the other one, Niem-
siec of Notre Dame, Gilbert's soarin
spirals and well-aimed out of bounds
twirlers are expected to nullify most
of the yardage the Illini are able to
make with all their linemen.
Rich Is Powerful
What Coach Wieman has in hiding
in the way of a running attack is
another matter to be reckoned with.
Rich, statistics reveal, averaged al-
most three yards in ten thrusts at
the civil war Buckeyes last week,
and was never thrown for a loss in
all that time.
Fortified with some hitherto un-
conceived tricks, the Wolverine backs
are as Knute Rockne has well stated,
"favorites at least over Illinois."