ESTABLISHED r1890. Jr IA&Uf at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS i i I -, - " 0 maw"I . . . . . .. . .................. Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1927. EIGHT P TO BROADCAS T THIRD MICHIGAN NIGHT FROM DETROIT, STATI'ON WW DEAN BURSLEY: WILL DISCUSS ANDI EXPLAIN STUDENT LOAN FUNDS PLAN MUSICAL NUMBERS C111eannonl Will Tell About Ro sevell In Commemoration Of Former President's Birthday Broadcasting from the studio room on the fourth floor of University hall through WWJ, the Detroit News, the third Michigan night radio program of the present season will be on the air between 7 and 8 o'clock tonight, with Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric department again officiating as an- nouncer. - Several prominent University offic-I ials will address tonight's radio au- dience and the talks will be interr spersed with several musical num- bers. J. A. Barsley, dean of stu- dents, will discuss "Student Loan Funds," explaining how students who are unab~le to finance their last few college years are aided financially by the University through funds allottedf HOP APPLICATIONS TO CLOSE TODAY All those who wish to obtain appli- cations for the class of '29 J-Hop must procure them today from the side desk in the Union lobby.: The booth will be maintained from 1 until 6 o'clock by the committee. ;These ap- plications must be returned on Wed- nesday or Thursday of next week dur- ing the same hours with a stamped envelope. Applications for tickets andt the returns of the same cannot be made on any otherdays, according to the committee in 'charge. It is also asked that juniors do not apply for other classes. SLOSSON LECTURES ON Professor Says United States, Britain, Small-minded at Armament Conference at Geneva $OLUTION IS YET UNSEEN Speaking before the Toltsoy league yesterday afternoon, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department de- clared that war will never be abol- ished by talking about it. According to Professor Slosson, the HEG. NT TAITE ilTOI GYRON PARKER,' 26 IU DIES IN HASTINGS nr~rniirMyrion Parker, '26, died suddienly WANdnesTRA at Hastings, Michigan, of Ipneumonia following an operation for nl apniii.Pre collapsed on the uNground with acute appendicitis, and ceivinghelp. When found he was SEEK MEANS TO CURB MENACE rushedito the hospital and operated on OF AIRPLANES FLYING immediately for, acute appendicitis. OVER STADIIMI His appendix had burst but the oper- ation would have been successful if APPROVE UNION REPORT the coldthe contracted on the ground APPROVEPOR had not developed into, pneumonia after he came out from under the ana- Make One Amendment Regarding Sal. esthetic. Funeral services will be held aries And Grant Maintenance today. Item Of Summer Budget Whiletat Michigan Parker was ____I prominent on the campus. He was Postponement of further action for business manager of The Daily, a the present on,. the automobile quesmember of Michigamua, a membe'r of Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary journal- tion was decided upon last night by istic fraternity, and a member of the t 11- ~L1S pu rpose. Talk denunciation of war is a pleasant but l~iluaTo Talk "Thrlie University of Michigan School ineffectual way in whch to spend one's of Forestry and Conservation" will time. He maintained that for any solid le the 4subject of a talk tonight by j accomplishments in the directtion of S'amuel' T. Dana, dean of the school war outlawry we must have some of forestry, the newest school of the practical machinery of peace en- University. Dean Dana has served the United States government as a forcement. Such machinery may take forester in many fields and positions the form of- either a world court or and is well e(i0ipped to give an in- some sort of a league of nations. Pro. teresting disclission of this subject, L essor Slosson remarked in this con-. according to announcer Abbot. nection that he personally favored an Dr. Paul Cuncannon, of the political effective world state, a federation of science department, will speak on the all the nations with an international subject "Thieodlore Rloosevel t," this thnaiswthniteaiol police force to keep peace among the topic being particularly timely as members. However, in Professor Thursday, Oct. 27, was the annivers- Slosson's opinion, such a solution of ary of Rooseyelt's birthday. Dr. Cun- international problems is a long way cannon will sneak of some of the off, and, in the meantime, we must achievements of the man and fighter find some substitute which the jealous who became one of the grcatet pres- nations will accept., idents. Professor Slosson emphasizes the "A Broadeninu of Opportunity for I fact that we are living in an vxtreme ' Bose With An Enginee ig Educa- nationalistic period. In this connec- tion.' will be the title of art address tion he commented on the small- to be given tonight by Prof. John S. mindedness on the United States and W rley, of the engineerini. school. England at the recent Geneva arma- Professor Worley gave courses in nment conference. The speaker also transportation engineering in the Uni- characterized our relations with Mexi-! versity in 1925-26, later moving to co as being conducted in the same New York city because of the demand petty spirit. for his services, returning only as According to Professor Slosson, the a lecturer in the University. This peoples of the world must become in- year he has returned as profersor of ternationally minded before peace transportation. treaties of any sort can become effec- M'usicail Numbers Included I tive. The world powers must become Opening tonight's program will be tolerant of the rights of others. "A a musical selection, "Chante Triste" nation should be a gentleman," he by Aremsiky, played by Hans Pick, declared. head of the violoncello department .Discussing the causes of the World of the University School of Music. war, the speaker stated that the con- Pick is a graduate of the conserva- flict was not premeditated by any na- tories of Karlsrube and Budapest; a tion or groups of nations. The sensit- pupil of Potper; "a former solo 'cellist iveness of a number of diplomats up- in the Philadelphia Symphony orches- on matters of national prestige was, tra; and a member of the Rhode Is- in Professor Slosson's opinion, the land Trio. This is his first year in real cause of the war. Ann Arbor, and consequentliy his first amppearance on a Michigan radio FEW PEOPLE SEE ' night pro gram. D P R "AllegrogAppasionato" and "The ; PLA YERS DEPART Swan" both by Saint Saes, will be 'cello solos played by Pick, ac- Michigan's Varsity football team companied at the piano by Mrs. Geo. was given a sendoff by about 10 stu- B. Rhead of the University School of dents, a small group of curious towns- the Regents of the University at their regularly monthly meeting. Means for curbling the menace of airplanes flying too close to the Stadium or other University property, 'and the passing on the budget for the Sum- xier session constituted the other principal business of the meeting. The decision regarding the studentl use of automobiles was embodied in a statement which read: "The Board of Regents is always glad to receive information, suggestions, or requests from the student body. With respect to the present regulation concerning the use of automobiles, it is our be- lief that the experiment should be given a thorough trial before any question of its modification is consid- ered." To Inquire Into Law It was moved that the council of the Regents consisting of two mem- bers of the board be instructed to in- quire into the existing laws, both federal and state, as regards the pre- vention of the flying of planes orl other aircraft over the new stadium or University property. It is thought by the Board that as much good can, be accomplished by the publication of these findings and their portentions as could be done by any sort of pro- ceedings at law against the' offenders. This motion was caused by the action of one plane in particularly that flew insistently and directly over the filled stadium during the course of the game last Saturday. There is at present a state law forbidding the flying of an airplane within 1500 feet of the stadium and also a federal law Instigated through the Department of Commerce regulating the same pro- cedure. The report of the last fiscal year for the Union was read and approved by the Board. The report showed anI operating profit of $3730 as against the deficit of more than $7000 for last year. This is the first time since the completion of the building in 1918 that the Union has showed any profit. The period covered in the report is from Sept. 1, 1926 to Aug. 31, 1927. It was suggested by Regent James 0. Murfin of Detroit that a note of com- mendation on the report be sent to Paul Buckley, manager of the Union. Summer Budget Passed t The budget for the operation of the Summer session was passed with one amendment regarding salaries. The maintenance item was granted as re- quested by Dean Edward H. Kraus. The total budget asked for next year was $255,743, while 'approximately $241,000 was granted by the Regents. An increase of $13,000 was asked for salaries and but $5,000 was given. Prgf. Richard A. Rossiter, of the astronomy' department was named chief astronomer with the Lamont ex- pedition, at present in South Africa. Prof. Alfred H. Lovell, of the electrical engineering department was granted leave of absence for the second semes. ter of this year. The United States Pharmacapoeia donated the sum of $2,000 to the Uni- versity, to be used by the pharmacy department in research. The gift was accepted by the Regents. Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. FIRST CHORL UNION 'CONCERT TO BE HELD Virgilio Lazzari To Appear In Place Of Rimini Tonight In Recital In Hill Auditorium ROSA RAISA WILL SING As the first number of the Extra Concert series sponsored by the Uni- versity Choral union, Rosa Raisa and Virgilio Lazzari will appear at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium in a joint recital. The program that has been an- nounced will include several operatic arias in solo form by each of the ar- tists, and many duets to be rendered together. Piano accompaniment will he by Guglielmo Soma. Among the outstanding numbers of the program are the arias "Ernani Involami" from Verdi's Ernani, and "Rituora Vinci- tr" from Aida by the same composer, which will be sung by Raisa; Bizet's "Toreador Song" by Lazzari; and the (duet from Doizetti's "Don Pasquale," [and the duet from Mozart's "The Mag- ic Flute," by the two singers. Raisa is a dramatic soprano and the wife of Giacomo Rimini, baritone of the Chicago Civic Opera company, who was scheduled to sing here to- night, but whose engagement was cancelled because of ill health. She will be making her first appearance in Ann Arbor tonight. Raisa is a native of Russian Poland, where she led a stormy youth in order to gain a musical education. She escaped from the pogrom that led to a mas- sacre in Kiev, and made her way to Italy, where she studied and appeared in public recitals. It was at one of these latter where she was discovered by the conductor Campanini and forthwith engaged for the Chicago Civic Opera company. She is spoken of by critics as a dominating figure due to her artistry and personality. Lazzari is a b'asso and is also a member of the Chicago organization. He will fill the place of Rimini on the program. Lazzari is the leading basso of the company and is said to be an excellent actor as well as a singer. He has an exceptionally wide range of roles. Raisa has more than 25 operatic roles in her repertoire, and these will make up in part the program for to- night. Single admissions for the concert tonight are available at the offices of the University School of Music on Maynard street; otherwise admission will be to the subscribers to the series. CHICAGO ALUMNI WILL CELEBRATE The University of Michigan club of Chicago is planning the largest cele- bration of its history in honor of Fielding H. Yost on Friday, Nov. 4 at the Stevens hotel, according to word received last night. The informal banquet is to be at- tended by Director Yost, Coach Wie- man, the Michigan Band,adirectors of alumni associations, and Chicago alum ni. Judge Charles Cutting ,91, of Chi- cago will act as toastmaster for the affair. Hawley Tapping, alumni secre- tary, will a'so attend the meeting. FIRST MAFELDA SURVIVORS LAND (By Associatcd Press) BAIIIA, Brazil, Oct. .27-Tales of a horror filled night were told by the first of the survivors of the wrecked Italian steamer Principesa Mafelda, as they reached this port today aboard the French steamer Mosella, one of the six ships that answered the Ma- felda's distress call. Reports from survivors that more MAKES FLAT REFUSAL' TO REVEAL SOURCE OF BONDS INFALL TRIAL EBERHART DEFIES GOVERNMENT COUNSEL IN REFUSAL TO ANSWER QUESTIONS MAY BE FORCED TO TELL Charge Bonds Were Used To Pay Off Private Obligations Of Fall, Eberhart And Tresricos (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-Flat re- fusal to reveal the source of $230,500 in Liberty bonds, which bulk so large in the Teapot Dome conspiracy trial, was made today in the District of Columbia Supreme court by the man the government contends had furnish- ed that information. He is M. T. Eberhart, Pueblo, Colo., banker and son-in-law of Albert B. Fall, who after a visit to New York, Washington and other eastern points, returned to his home town with that amount of bonds, which went into the lock bank held in the First National Bank of Pueblo in Fall's name. Before Eberhart was called to the stand, the government had presented to the jury evidence to show that the bonds were used to pay of f debts of Fall, Eberhartsand Fall's Cresrito Cattle and Land company. The bonds were received by Eberhart after the lease of Teapot Dome Naval oil re- serves to Harry F. Sinclair by the for- mner interior secretary. Claims Rights As was the case when he was called in the Teapot Dome civil suit at Cheyenne, Eberhart based his refusal to answer on his constitutional rights, contending that such testimony might tend to incriminate him and lead to his indictment on the very same charge that Sinclair had made. Justice Siddons will determine later probably tomorrow, whether Eberhart will be required to tell from whom lie received the bonds. The govern- ment contends that Harry F. Sinclair gave the bonds to Fall as a part, at least, of the consideration of the lease of Wyoming Naval reserves. Patently nervous and extremely ill at ease, Eberhart was a reluctant wit- ness from the first, and at one point appeared on the verge of going to jail for his refusal to answer a previous question as to whether he had met Sinclair prior to Feb. 1, 1922. Justice Siddons directed him to an- swer. "I decline to answer," Eberhart re- iterated. Douglas Asks To Advise Charles A. Douglas, a Washington attorney, appeared then for Eberhart and asked permission to advise the witness. Justice Siddons refused, re- marking that he had advised Eberhart. The witness then asked the ste- nographer to repeat the question and finally answered in the affirmative. That eased the tension for a moment,. but Eberhart later refused to answer another question and Justice Siddons+ directed him to do so. Before coming to the source of the Liberty bonds, Owen J. Roberts, of special government counsel, carefully1 laid the groundwork for that question by dragging from the witness the ad- mission that he had not had business transactions with Sinclair; that he; never had been employed by the gov- ernment, and that he had nothing to do with the negotiations for the lease of' Teapot Dome and did not know it had been leased until more than a month after the lease had been execut- ed on April 7, 1922. . Besides being Fall's son-in-law, Eberhart was general manager of Tresricos Cattle and Land company at the time. SEVERAL HUNDRED WILL MAKE TRIP, Repor ts of r alroad and football ticket sales indicate that several hun- dred of the student body intend to go to the Michigan - Illinois game to- morrow at Champaign. The railroad officials in charge of the sale of tickets for the special trains that leave Ann Arbor for Champaign to- night announce an unusually heavy demand for tikets. Harry A. Tillot- son, business manager of the Ath- letic association, reports that more than 4,500 tickets have been sold for the game, and that many of them have been purchased by students. The specialatrain that leaves here today will grant stop-over privileges in Chicago for a small additional cost. The train will return to Ann Arbor on Sunday. A telegram was received yesterday. by Courtland C. Smith, president of the Student council, from H. G. Marsh- all, representing the Illinois Student council, inviting the Michigan stu- dents to inspect and enjoy the Illi- nois campus. The text of the tele- graim follows :, "The Student council of the Uni- versity of Illinois in behalf of the stu- dent body of the University cordially invites the students of the University of Michigan to visit the Illinois cam- pus when in Urbana for the Michigan- Illinois game, Saturday." HALLT GIVES SPEECH~ ON ELECTION SYSTEM Says That Present Method Is Reason For Largee 3Iachines Which Rule in Cities SPEAKER EDITS MAGAZINE Explaining the workings of the I1are single transferable form of pro- portional representation, George Hal- let, editor of the Proportional Re- presentation Quarterly; spoke yester- day afternoon in room 25 Angell hall under the auspices of the League for Industrial Democracy. The lecture culminated in an open discussion of the present system of elections em- ployed in the United States and their weaknesses. After asking first that his audience consider elections not as the great American game but as a means of getting something done, Hallet went into a discussion of the difficulties of actually getting action under the present system and then went on to state that the present election sys- tem is also largely responsible for the machines that practically monop-I olize city governments. Further than this he explained the extreme difficulty of success under a third party and then went into a discussion of the success of a com- bined proportional representation city manager plan in Cincinnati. He also explained the workings of proportion- al representation in Cleveland, men- tioning its successes and pointing out the ways in which he claimed i would more nearly equalize the chan- es of the machine and of independent candidates in elections to legislative bodies. Hallet is editor of the official pub-' lication of the Proportional.Represen- tation league. He is ,also the co-' author with C. G. Hoag of one of the most recent and complete boks on the subject. Its title is also "Pro- portional *epresentation." CORNELL-Grover Loening, presi-1 dent of the Loening Aeronautical En- gineering Corporation, has established' a prize fund of $5,000 for an annual award to the winners of an inter-col- legiate flying meet to be held each! year. UNI IRSITY COLLEGE FACULTY COMMITTE APPOINTEDBY LITTLE. SIXTY PROFESSORS TO WORK ON PROBLEMS FACING THE NEW COLLEGE MAY BE READY NEXT FALL Scholarship Record In 2 Year Course To Be Basis For Admission To All Professional Shools A committee of 60 faculty members, to be called the General Committee on the University College, has been ap- pointed by President Clarence Cook Little according to an announcement issued yesterday from the office of the President. The coimittee, which was chosen by President Little after a conference with the deans of the various schools and colleges of the University, represents every branch of the University, and will meet at least once a week from now until the final plans for the University col- lege are made. This committee will take up te work of the University college where the deans and the University Senate left it last. spring, after making th recommendation that such a project be instituted in the Ulversity here. The members of this committee are from the faculties of the various schools and colleges of the University, since the deans were represented on the original "body that made tie first set of recommendations last spring. President Little will preside as chair- man of this group, and by using both the organization of the deans which already exists and the new genera committee as parallel organizations It is hoped that the work will proceed rapidly and with double consideration. Smith Is Secretary Ira Smith, will serve as secretary of the committee appointed yesterday, and a vice-chairman will probably be chosen at thegir first meeting. Pres- dent Little hopes that by making rea- sonable progress from now until the end *,f the school year the Univer- sity college may be made a reality next fall. The University college project, which is somewhat new in the educa- tional field, will provide that all new students, 'upon enrollment, will enters the University college rather than in any branch of the 'University. T-his course will regularly last for two years, at the end of which time a comprehensive examinaton will be given every student. On the basis of this examinatio., certain students will be dropped from the University, receiving at the tim a certificate of some kind which wil parallel a junior college certificate at present. This elimination will not ,be in the nature of a discredit, since it will merely meana thatthe University authorities consider that particular student unfit-for the fur- therpursuit of any of te professional- curricula. It will be granted to ..a), those who successfully complete the first two years of University training. Some May :Continue At the end of these two years those desiring to continue in the profession- al schoolstand colleges may do so providing their showing through the early period has been satisfactory. Though their earlier choice of courses in the University college may have been in some measure a preparation for a professional' course, they will in no respectsbe enrolled in a profes- sional school until after having suc- cessfully completed the work of the first two years. Those who are thus admitted to the 'various professional schools of law, engineering, medlInnl, pharmacy, ed- ucation, business administration, and others will be chosen on tne basis of their showing during the two year period in the. University college. It is proposed also, to make the professional schools more nearly sim- ilar in the length of their course, and the tentative time proposed by the the committee last year was thlem years in addition to th two spent in the University colltge. This would, in effect, shorten some courses su-Ii as law and medicine while others, such as engineering, would be length- ened. This arrangement is not findl or definite and Will be considered carefully by the committee nbw at work. special attention will be paid dur- ing the first two years of the curricu- lum in the University college to the ineeds of the individual student, and it is planned to choose faculty mem- hers for their willingness to become personally intimate with the students Music." May A. Strong, of the University School of Music will also appear on tonight's program. Her first number will be "The Little Shepherd's Song,"' by Proctor, and her second, "Cradle S'oing," by Adolf Weidig. Miss Strong was added this year to the voice de- partment of the School of Music. INDIANA-Endeavoring to improve partment of the School of Music. Since their pitching before the spring train- ing season tarts, varsity baseball p itchers amc i'acticingin cage daily. people, and some trainmen, last night. The-team and followers will arrive in- Urbana on the Wabash railroad', this morning at 7 o'clock, Central Standard Time. After breakfast on the train, they will retire to the Ur- bana Country club which will be their. quarters while there. They will leave for home immediately; after the game at 5:52, and will arrive back in Ann Arbor at 7:33 the next morning. In addition to those whose names The Daily published Thursday morn- ing, Bruce Schwarze,back, and Field- ing H." Yost made the trip. RALPH BELKNAP LEAVES FOR HOME; PROFESSOR HOBBS WILL COME SOON I MIL TON WORK. EXPERT ON - BRIDGE, DECLARES -GAME TO BE AMERICAN HERITAGE AND SOCIAL NECESSITY "3ridge is now the American her- tage," said Milton C. Work, foremost bridge expert in the United States. "It' is the most played game in the world andl is, in fact, a social necessity.' "There are two reasons why bridge, is a social necessity and why it is the! game that satisfies the necessity. First. it is a game than can always be improved. For that reason the bore- don of knowing all about it is avoid-' ed. And secondly, it has become so beaui ifully conventionalized that there can he no desperate misunderstand- ings, and husband and wife can play bridge for a whole evening without a ripple on the eoffee cups the next morning." Milton C. Work was a four letter college at Pennsylvania in 1884, from the finance department in 1885 and from the law school in 1887. While still in school he organized a team of four who competed with a picked team from the City club of Philadel- phia in the first game of duplicate whist ever played. Although bridge was his hobby, Work's vocation was law and he prac- ticed it for 30 years. At the time of the war, he gave up his work in the law office and toured the country at his own expense for the benefit of the Red Cross, to which he was able to contribute more than $100,000. After the war he decided to devote all his time to his hobby and began by giv- said,."and last summer during my two weeks' vacation at Saranac, I took two of them along with me." At the bridge lecture-instruction program given for the benefit of trej Women's league at the Union yester-I day, Work took up the important question of doubling for information and for business at the afternoon ses- sion. "An informational double," he said, "is the most effecti e way to answer your partner's bid because it shows your whole hand. The main point in bridge is to so bid that the winning suit is the same as would have' been played had all hands been open at the start. "A general rule to remember in re- Word from Ralph L. Belknap, secondin command of Prof. William H. Hobbs' second Greenland expedi- tion, states that he left Paris for the gUnitStates on Oct.r20. He plans to go first to Rochester, N Y., to have his films, exposed on the expedition, developed at the Eastman-Kodack plant, and to arrive in Ann Arbor about November 1. The information was contained in a letter to Prof. Lawrence M. Gould of the geology faculty. Prof. W. H. Hobbs, according to the letter, is leaving for this country from Southampton aboard the 'Ieviathan on Nov. 1. Before retu: ning he is planning* to give a lecture in Eng-' land, according to Professor Gould. Professor Hobbs and Belknap have! spent the summer at an isolated spot on the Greenland coast conducting meteorological work of the party has, borne out Professor Hobbs's theory of the origin of Atlantic storms over the ice-cap, and has produced data on which to base predictions of these storms.. The wireless transmitting set which the expedition laboriously transported to the Kangendlugssdak Fjord was taken with great effort to the top of Mount Evans, named after Edward S. Evans of Deroit who has taken a gen- ero.m interest in the expedition, and4 set up under the direction, of Paul Oscanyan, radio expert of the party. It proved something of a disappoint- ment being copied in this country only, once during the summer, and thenI after the message had been relayed by a ship at seas.1 The researches into the hithertoI little-known mysteries of the greatk C A