rrN~wirwr I
CA T 4Word of the Putnam expedition un- mat a terrific storm was reported. The,
N dertakingthe exploration of Baffin Morrissey was lashed by the gale for
t Island, which left last June, including over 36 hours.
[silo N'T!in its party, Prof. Lawrence M. Gould, The party will return to the United
of the geology department,'and led by States about October 1. Professor
lGeorgePalmer-Putnam, the news- Gould's classes are being taken by
papr oner inicaes hattheex-substitutes until he returns to Ann
TO JIOIJLJ~ MEE iNG paper owner, indicates that the ex- Arbor..In a radio to the outside world
TO HOLD PEP EETIGS" plorers have had an adventuresome the pa rsd the rts at
S i ES A,I summer. Professor Gould is assistant he party expressed their regrets at
A N~ Wa iir IA l7 0I smme. Prfesor oul isassitan th naaro f tn tnnti n~ Vlii .nnnr'
"The machinery now in force for ,
admitting students to the Medicalf
school is inadequate and should be re-
placed as soon as possible by a morel
efficient system," Hugh Cabot, deanE
717.. F.q MF. T ILI t' DR
nnrIT i n onrnTini r
omnitee Reports 66 Seats Sold In
Cheering Section For Three
Big home Games,
Though a definite resolution re-
arding the automobile ban was not
loptedf, the Student council, at its
rst regular meeting of the year held
st night at the Union, appointed a
rinmittee to consider the advisability
drafting a statement of some kind
-r presentation to the University an-
.orities. The members of the com-
ittee, as appointed by Courtland C.
nith, '28, president of the council,
enry Grinnell, '28; John Snodgrass,"
d Ellis Merry, '28. The group will
eet this afternoon.
In addition to the consideration of
e automobile ban, several reports
the various committees of the
uncil were heard, includinng the re-
>rt by Charles Gilbert, '28, chairman
the cheering section committee, I
hti.announced that though more than
! seats had been taken by the stu-
nts in the cheering section there
fre still some remaining that may
secured at the Union. The com-~
ittee is now working on a plan
cereby the size of the background
r the block 'M' may be increasedl
d if the project materializes mbre
an 100 additional students will be
eded in the group.
lan Student Convocations.
Snodgrass also made the report of
e cdmmittee on student convoca-
)ns, announcing that the speakers 1
d been secured and that the first
inday meeting will .he held early in
wvember. Though the definite list
speakers was not made public, the
en are all prominent in religious
id educational circles of the coun-
7, Snodgrass said.,
Russell D. Sauer, '28, was, appointed
.airman of the fall .games commit-
e by the president of the councl,
.ldthough the games will -not be held
il about the time of the last foot-
11 gamies the preliminary plans will
undertaken immediately. Ellis
arry, '28, was appointed chairman
the elections committee, which will
,ye complete charge of the fall ele
Ws in all of the schools and colleges~
.the campus. The elections, will be
arted soon.
Three pep meetings, one- each to be
ld before the Ohio State, the Navy,
d the Minnesota games, were tenta-
rely approved by the council tihough I
definite. plans will tb made until
e approval of the University au-
arities is secured. Fred Asbeck,
), was appointed to take charge of
ese meetings, which will be held
tober 21, and November 11 and 18 if
Coniittee Chosen
Appointments to the University
sciplinary committee, upon which
e Student council. has two repre-
ntatives, were made by the presi-
nt, who chose Gilbert and Snod-
ass to serve with him on the group.
4e 'same two men will serve with
ruth on the Senate Committee on
udent Afflirs, and with the addition
Starrett and Ernest McCoy, '29,
.11 form the advisory committee of
e Student council.
A coinsderable n inber of minor
fairs were taken up byrthe council
aong them a proposed plan of co-,
erative student insurance against
eft of clothing. The roposal, which
ad been made by anpalumnus, was
fated. The council alsomrefused
participate in any way, with the
artering of busse to Chiagh the
ack-cnd of the Chicagofootball
Professor Gomberg has lately been
ado Director of Laboratories in the
anis try department. There has
en no Director since the death of
'orosor Campbell, in 1925.
No changes in the faculty have been
ade, and only a few minor changes]
advanced courses.
Tle first meeting of the Inter-fra-
rnity Council scheduled for this year
ill be held on Tuesday, October 4.
Bicers for the coming year will be
rcted3 at this date.
director of the expedition and head
The party sailed aboard the Mor-
rissey, famous ship of the Arctic, and
captained by Robert Bartlett, of Peary
fame. Aboard it was a party of scien-
tists who were to collect specimens of
the flora and fauna of the region ex-
plored. Numerous museums and insti-
tutes are interested in the expedition.
Stop for final supplies for the Mor-
rissey was made at Brigus, N. F. The
entire town turned out to greet the
ship. The ship sailed north from there
and little word has been received from
them since. They have been in radio
communication with the outside world,1
but reports seeping through have been
scanty in news value.
As the party progressed farther
north the ice floes grew thicker and
they were bothered by the ever preva-
lent Arctic fog. Captain Bartlett had
to use the "questing lead" to pick his
way through the shallow waters. A
close watch was constantly needed to
ward off dangerous icebergs.
Members of the party have radioed
tales of hunts for polar bears and
killings at short range with revolvers.
Two..Plankton nets were lowered for
specimens whenever the ice permitted
in order to collect specimens of the
sea life. The shallower bottoms were
dredged with clam-shaped instru-
ments attached to lead weights.
Inside of Fox Basin a whaleboat was
sent from the Morrissey to explore the
coast line. Professor Gould hopes by a
study of the fossils of that region to
correlate the history of North America
with that of Europe. While the land
expedition was *out, the Morrissey
sailed up the opposite coast of Fox
Basin to a rendezvous with the whale-
boat. It was while making this trip
First Convention Skirmish Conies
When Aviation Resolution Is De-.
feted; Government Entertains.
I (By Associated Press)
PARIS, Sept. 21.-The American
Legion today had it first convention
fight and General "Billy" Mitchell,
who not long ago stirred up much
commotion in the American aviation
service, lost his stand for immediate
creation of a separate air department
in the Cabinet. The convention, how-
ever, adopted a resolution favoring
consolidation of all branches of na-
tional defense into one Cabinet de-
It was a day of final cleaning up of
routine, and tonight was given over
to electioneering in behalf of candi-
dates for national officers of the
Legion and tlre auxiliary.
There were more patriotic cere-
monies today, more big excursions to
battle fields ald provinces and the
best air circus the French army fliers
could present to startle, amaze and
amuse their brothers in arms.
The solemn touch was given the
day's proceedings when the great Os-
suary at Verdun was dedicated to the
memory of the French who died there.
The men and women were feted at
social affairs and there will be a few
tomorrow. The last big affair and
perhaps 'the most magnificent will be
the French government ball tomorrow
The Legion convention open meet-
ing which furnishes plenty of color
was not lacking in that element to-
day when a short but snappy air fight
occurred. The skirmish came over
resolution recommending organiza-
tion of an aviation department in the
American government. The fight led
by General Mitchell resulted in defeat
for the former American aviation
SAN FR4NCISCO-The 1929 national
amateur golf tournament may be held
over the Pebble Beach, Calif. course.
the news or the (reath of Gen. Leonard
Wood and said that so far the trip
has been a success.
Little, Yost, rappuirg and Badgley Will
Speak on Opening Program;
Abot is Announeer.
Four speeches by well-known Uni-
versity officials will feature the first
"Michigan Night" on the air this year,
according to the program announced
yesterday by Waldo M. Abbot, of the
rhetoric department, who is program
manager and announcer.
President Clarence Cook Little will
be one of the four speakers, and as his
talk will be necessarily brief on ac-
count of his attendIng a meeting of the
Board of Regents on the same night,
he has chosen the topic "Remarks"
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate atletics, will address the
radio listeners-in on the subject,
"Making Physical Education For All
a Reality.'
T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary
and business manager of the alumni
association, will deliver an address on
alumni subjects. The fourth speaker
on the program is Dr. Carl E. Badgley,'
assistant professor of surgery, who
has chosen the subject, "Infantile In-
The first program will be broad-
dast Sept. 30, between 7 and 8.o'clock
from WWJ, the Detroit News station,.
the same as last year. The second pro-
gram will be broadcast Oct. 14.
The first program will be inter-
spersed with musical selections,
mostly University numbers, by the
Uiversity band, under the direction
of Nicholas Falcone. Included in their
part of to program will be "Varsity,"
"Victors" and "Yellow and Blue."
Due to the demand for seats in the
improved and enlarged cheering sec-
tion which has been arranged in the
new stadium by the studet council
and 'which will function at all of the
'home games, the office for the re-
ceiving of applications for seats in,
the section will be open again this
afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock in the
main lobby of the Union.
The section is rapidly being filled,
according to the statement of the of-
ficials in charge, but there are a few
choice blocks left. Applicants who
have not yet made arrangements to
sit in this section will be able to do so
this afternoon.
Under the new plan all of the seats
in the section are located between the
33-yard lines. Students who elect to
sit in these seats will be allowed to
transfer their seats for others so that
they may sit with their family or with
friends at one or two of the home
games. This arrangement is made
possible by a cooperative plan of ex-
I change between the student council
and the athletic association.
There will be no practice or nc
organized sessions of cheering. The
uniforms will be the same as last year
and will be distributed at the time that
the applicants present themselves at
the Union.
Arms Connittee Unanimously Ap.
Proves Graduated System of Se.
curity A Propoed By France
(1k, Associated P ress).,
GENEVA, Sept. 21.-The weaving of
the peace fabric at Geneva advanced
swiftly today, bringing out in sharp
relief the colors of arbitration and se-
curity as vitally essential to the com-
pleted tapestry, of which disarmament
constitutes the third necessary ele-
Unanimous approval was given by
the disarament committee, the most
important organ of the League of Na-
tions assembly, to a project, introduc-
ed in its original form by the French
delegation, whereby the League of
Nations preparatory disarmament
commission, while arranging for a
general conference on limitation and
reduction of armaments, will center
its activities simultaneously on ex-
tension of arbitration agreements and 4
a graduated system of security among
the nations.
Resolution Adopted
A comprehesive resolution, which
is considered certain to be approved
by the assembly, was adopted today
requesting the Council of the League
to urge the preparatory commission,
on which the United States is rep-
resented, to hasten completion of its
technical work, thus enabling the
Council to convene a conference for
the limitation and reduction of arma-
ments at-the earliest possible date.
While the United States is expected
actively to continue its co-operation
with the disarmament commission, the
Washington government is not expect-
ed to assume membership on another
special commission which the resolu-
tion envisages.
The commssioh will discuss the
best means of developing a workable
system of arbitration and security
among the nations. It will labor
simultaneously with the main prepara-
tory commission, but its membership
will be restricted to nations belonging
to the League. Jurists probably will
sit on the commission because of the
complicated judicial nature of the
problems to be considered.
.This special commission will be re-
sponsible, however, to the main dis-
armament commission on which the
United States is represented. It will
study means of. re-enforcing the
League covenant by suggesting se-
curity agreements, so that nations
may graduate their commitments in
proportion to the degree of solidarity
existing between them and the elab-
orate measures which the nation
would be prepared to take in support-
ing any recommendations or decisions
of the Council in the event of a con-
flict breaking out in any particular
Physics Department
Has New Professors
Three new additions to the facully
of the Physics department have been
made this semester. Two of the Pro-
fessors, Dr. Uhlenbeck and Dr. Goud-
smit, are from the University of
Leiden, Holland, wh'ile the third, Dr.
Dennison, a Michigan graduate, has
just returned from three years. at the
University of Copenhagen. Dr. Uhlen-
beck gives a course in Thermo-
dynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
Dr. Goudsmit on the Theory of
Spectra, and Dr. Dennison in the
Theory of Band Spectra.
of the Medical school, declared yester-
day. He states that there were 900
applications this year for the 200
places open in the freshman class of
that school and that the methods used
in eliminating tihe 700) who were re-
Man of Wide Journalist e Experience I
ai 'ceeds ifoward P. Jones, Who
Resigned I Spring
Robert W. Desmond, recently an
editor on the Paris edition of the New
York Herald, and formerly connected
with the Milwaukee Journal and the
Miami Herald, a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, has taken charge
of the journalism classes, filling the
place left vacant by the resignation of
Mr. Howard P. Jones.
Mr. Desmond came to the Univer-
sity during summer session after
spending a year in Paris on the New
York Herald. He has had a varied ex-
perience in journalism, working on
the Milwaukee Times Weekly, going
from there to Florida to work in
Miami, and then to Milwaukee again
to work on the Journal, staying there
three years.
He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi,
honorary journalistic fraternity, and
graduated fron Wisconsin in 1922.
,Mr. Desmond will lecture and also
direct a laboratory course which is
an inovation, and aims at several
things; to provide the students with a
closer supervision, with more person-
al attention, and to open up markets
for the literary efforts of classes.
There will be three laboratory sec-
tions, meeting twice a week, for twb
hour periods.
To further facilitate the work of
journalism students, a secretary-li-
brarian has been added to the staff,
who is in charge of all periodicals and
books of the department. This is a
step in the final acquirement of a
library for the department.
As was done last year, a free-lance
class of writers will again be held this
year. Prominent journalists and free-
lance writers will address the class at
frequent intervals.
Besides the' addition of Mr. Des-
mond, Mr. Haines has also been added,
to the journolism department as a
part time instructor and will have
charge of the laboratory sections.
fused admission were far from satis-
Dean Cabot declares that to judge
an applicant for admission by his
scholastic standing is hardy the prop- -A D C R S
er procedure, "An effort should be
made," he stated, "in the direction of
installing systems whereby due con- UNOFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED AS
sideration will be given an applicant's 'WINNERS OF \TWO PRIZES
character, accomplishments, and abil- TOTALLIN $15,000
ity to think instead of depending sole-
ly upon his scholastic record."YPIAT FLYERSIT
Theproblemhbecomes.morecompli- YPSILANTI SIXTH
cated, according to Dean Cabot, by
the fact that many students enter the Stinson and Schiller Hurtling Thru
literary college for the combined cur- Air on Non.Stop Flight From
riculum and when they are ready for New York to Spokane
the study of medicine, they must
necessarily compete with those clam- (sy Assciated K Press)
oring for admission from other col- PFLTS FIELD, SPOKANE,' Wash,,
logos. I Sept. 21.-Leading the parade of air
racers across the finish line in two
NT2,300 mile transcontinental air derbies
from New York, C. W. Holman, St.
Paul aviator, and J. F. Charles Rich-
mand Va., tonight shared the laurels
of victors in the great aviation
''B Taking the lead near the last lal%
across the mountainous stretches of
First Offering of Current iDranmatic Montana, Charles flitted away from
Season.Will be Staged two close rivals in the Class B.race,
Early in October. for smaller planes, and he was fol-
(lowed a few minutes later by Holman,
CAST IS NOT ANNOUNCED I in the Class A race for larger planes.
Holman made a difficult landing on
As the first offering of the current the bare rim of one wheel, after losing
season in campus dramatics Mimes one of his tires.
,,tThe two fliers immediately were un-
have chosen "The Bad Man," by Emer- officially announced as winners of the
son Porter Browne, to be presented event. Holman as winner of the major
for one week beginning Monday, Oc- event, would receive a prize of $10,-
'tober 3, in the Mimes theater. 000 and Charles $5,000.
G. A. knap p Does Well.
The cast for the production has not Charles.was the first to arrive after
been announced as yet, since eligibility the long flight which started Monday
lists have not been issued from the morning from Roosevelt Field. In
office of the Dean of Students, al- the Class B events he was followed in
though it has been tentatively selected, order by C. W. Meiers, Detroit; Eu-
Rehearsals for the play have been gene Dettmer, Tarrytown, N. Y.;
going on all week. Leslie Miller, St. Paul; W. H. Emery,
"The Bad Man" is a melodrama in Jr., Radford, Pa., and G.. A. Knapp,
three acts which has had several suc- Ypsilanti, Mich.
cessful runs throughout the country. Second to arrive after Holman in
In its initial presentation in New York the Class A event was N. B. Mamer,
at the Comedy theater seven years ago Spokane, Wash., who was trailed by
it ran for the length of the regular E. E. Ballouch, Chicago, and John T.
season with Edna Hibbard and Hol- Wood. Nine stops were made by the
brook Blinn in the leading roles. Later Class B fliers who took off Monday
road companies carried it to various morning and were followed 24 hours
cities in the country. Blinn also played later by the Class A racers. Six stops
the title.-r.ole in- the moving picture were made in the Class A dash.
version that was made later. Holman's elapsed time was comput-
"The Bad Man" was chosen for ed at 16 hours, 42 minutes, 52.82 sec-
Mimes initial presentation for its onds, against an elapsed time of 18
melodramatic nature and excellent en- hours, 35 minutes, 3.71 seconds for
tertainment, according to E. Mortimer Nick B. Mamner of Spokane, who fin-
'huter, general director of the organ- ished second.
ization. Mr. Shuter compared the In the SanFrancisco-Spokane Class
drama to that of "The Last Warning," A derby, N. C. Lidtiatt of Los Angeles,
given by the Mimes last year. arrived first with Lee Schoenhair, Sat
Sets for "The Bad Man" are being Francisco, second. Cecil Langdon, of
erected now under the direction of Aberdeen, Wash., was first in the
Otto Schiller, who has built the seen-' Class B San Francisco-Spokane derby.
ery for most of the Mimes shows of Non-Stop Planes Off
the last few years. Seats for the pro- ROOSEVELT FIELD, New York,
duction will go on sale Friday, Sep- Sept. 21.-Two airplanes were hurtling
tember '23, at the box office in the westward tonight in a 2,300-mile non-
Mimes theater. All seats will be re- stop race across the continent to S-.
served and will be priced at 75 cents. kane, Wash. They left behind a third
Orders will also be filled by mail. entrant, whose heavily laden plane
failed to rise for the take off. Eddie
Stinson, Detroit plane manufacturer,
Press Club To M eet the first entrant to take off, lifted his
{2black and yellow plane into the air at
October 2',21, 2 p. in., Eastern standard time and the ,
race was on.
Association Will Discuss the Problem I Some minutes later, C. A. "Duke"
Of Conservation and Will Hear Schiller, of Windsor, Onto., peering
Young Give Views out of the cockpit of the "Royal Wind-
sor," a plane once groomed for a
Professor John L. Brumm, of the I flight over the Atlantic, saw the start-
journalism department and secretary' crs red flagkfall and op'ened his
of the Press Club, announces that the throttle. He took the air gracefully at
University Press Club will hold its 2:1.
annual convention October 20, 21, 22. Then there came a long wait for
The biggest question that the asso- Steve Lacey, of Lomax, Illinois, the
elation of state newspapermen will third entrant, who had not Brought his
discuss this yearis that of conserva- plane to tie field. It was towed over
tion. Leigh J. Young, director' of theC
state conservation department, and an hour after Stinson's plane had
former professor of forestry in the taken the air.
University of Michigan, will address t 4 downke rnwat.
11. __.._I- --r~ _.i- ----.__ --- ithrottle and sped down the. runway,
the meeting as will other members and
officers of the department. Professor The plane was -eon to struggle for
Brumm, who is in charge of the pro- a grip on the air, but it kept bouncing
gram has not yet completed the final runway. At the far end of
arrangements for speakers. the planking, Lacey's plane almost
gie crashed into' a gully..
The annual President's dinner given he tarting ficials learned that
for the President of the University, at l twudtk tohust eae that
which President Clarence Cook Little would take two houras to replace-the
will make the principal address takes eft Stinson and Schiller competing
I place on October 20. The annual ban- "for the first prize of $10,000 and the
quet occurs the next evening, at whichs$
i an vnm nnn nnr t xr ,,_ Isecond of $5,000.
Final call for tryouts for all depart-
ments of the 22nd annual Union Opera
was issued by E. Mortimer Shuter yes-
terday afternoon. Actual work in
training choruses for the production
will begin next Monday afternoon in
the Mimes theater.
All those who registered last year
and were in accepted groups at that
time are being asked to report, and
in addition any others, regardless of
whether they were dropped last
spring or not may again try out, since
there will be positions open through
ineligibility. -
Plans for the new Opera call for
an enlarged orchestra in the pit as
well as a possible stage orchestra
for use in the show itself.
Those interested in the poster com-
petition met Mr. Shuter yesterday
afternoon in the Mimes theater office
for an explanation of the terms of
this year's contest. The competition
will close at midnight on Wednesday,
September 28.
. !
The Michigan Daily offers ex-
cellent opportunities on its edi-
torial staff for practical experi-
ence in the different branches
of newspaper * work. Openings
are made on the reportorial staff
for newcomers interested in
making a start in newspaper
.work. Journalistic experience
or snecial ability in' writing,
Advancements in rank for many library science; Albert Parker Peck,
members of the faculty of the Uni- mineralogy; Ernest Fmanklin Barker,
versity, decided upon by the governing
officials during the course of the last physics; George Allan L i n d s a y,
school semester and made effective physics; Ralph Alanson Sawyer,
with the beginning of this college physics; Herbert Samuel Mallory,
year, marks the changes that elevate rhetoric; Clarence DeWitt Thoope,
associate professors to the rank of rhetoric; Peter Claus Okkelberg, zo-
professors, assistant professors to the ology.
rank of associate professors, and in- Colleges of Engineering and Aichi-
structors to the rank of assistant pro- tecture: Wells Ira Bennett, architec-
fessors. ture; William Platt Wood, metal-
The promotions which take effect lurgical engineering; George Granger
this semester are as follows: Brown, chemical engineering; Louis
From associate professor to profes- Allen Hopkins, mathematics; Vincent
sor-Literary college: Henry Foster Collins Poor, mathematics; Harry
Adams, psychology; George Rogers La Linn Campbell, shop practice. Medical
Rue zoolov. EngineerinE college: School: Harther L. Keim, dermatology
Sinai, hygiene and public health..
From instructor to assistant profes-
sor--College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: Philip Francis Weath-
erill, general and physical chemistry;
George Shorey Peterson, economics;
Robert Burnett Hall, geography; Stan-
ley Dalton Dodge, geography, Bruno
Meinecke, Latin; Otto Laporte,
physics; James Kerr Pollock, political
science; Gail Ernest Densmore, pub-
lic speaking; Melvin Theodore Solve
rhetoric; Waldo Mack Abbot, rhetoric
College of Engineering and Archi-
tecture: Jean Paul Slusser, painting
and drawing; Robert D. Brackett,
English: William Henry Egly. Eng-
some prominent journalist will aa-
- dress the convention.
, Loudspeakers will be erected in the
1 ballroom and taproom of the union
. and chairs will be moved into the ball-
,'room for reception of returns of the
. 'Dempsey-Tunney fight in Chicago to-
'night. Many students can be accom-
modated in these two rooms but an
overflow crowd is expected. A ring-
side story of the bout will be received |
More than 1,010 students registered
the first day at Michigan State Normal
college the opening day, according
to figures released by the secretary'?
office. This figure includes only up"
per classmen and those who had prey
viously attended Ypsilanti.
There are several openings for'
second semester freshmen and '