.3.ER 2G. 192 THE MICHIGAN DAILY AGE SEVEN CLEVELAND GROUP OF SCIENTISTS TO VISIT ISLANDS IN PACIFIC OCEAN FOR EXPl ORATION Jj . A party of scientists from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, accompanied by indcpendent scientists and natural history experts, are sched uled to depart from Los Angeles, Cal., soon on an expedition to the Galapa- gos islands in the Pacific for explora tions and research. The photograph shows the schooner . Georganna in which the party will make the trip and the insert portrays Capt. H. Carp elan, ccrmma?,der. Debs Memorial Radio Fund Station Is Established In New York Dr. John Haynes Holmes made the service of his fellow men, first in the dedicatory address, extolling the life 'struggles of organized labor for life and work of Debs and declaring the and bread and then to the larger movement of Socialism for world-wide station to be a fitting memorial to justice and peace, liberty and happi- his name. Others who spoke in- ress. To Eugene Debs, Socialism was eluded Norman Thomas, chairman of not a mere political creed or an aca- the Fund; Morris Hiliquit, Arthur demic program of social reform. To Garfield Hays and Theodore Debs, his deeply ,religious being Socialism who came from Terre Haute, Ind., to was the expresson of the perennial accept the station in the name of the longing, faith and hope of the en- Debs' .family. slaved and crucified masses of the Mr. Hillquit spoke on the life of whole world for redemption and liber- Eugene V. Debs. He said: "This Ra- ation and the Socialist movement an dio Broadcasting Station is dedicated organized struggle against the inhu- to the memory of Eugene V. Debs. ni-:mnities of men to man. Its call letters WEVD stand for the; "It was this all-absorbing, all-dom- initials of his name and it is highly'ining passion of human love which fitting that the station should be 01) insipired every public and private ac- ened on this, the first anniversary of lion of EugeneV. Debs throughout the his death. whole of his life, that gave him the "Eugene V. Debs holds a place Gf nagnetic, almost superuman hold of his own among the immortal figures all nersons with whom he came in in Anerican history. Ie did none direct contact, and, which set him of the things that ordinarily bring Ipart from other men. fame and glory to men. He did not "And it is in this spriit of Eugene lead armies to victory on battlefields. V. Debs that the Radio Station WEVD He did not attain to a position of i;s been established and is now dedi- power in government or industry or ,a ted to his memory. one of eminence in science or art. ' " EX'VD stands pledged to the ser- He made no great discoveries or in-. vice of the people as was Eugene V. ventions. He did not amass a great ' 1),, It will incessantly combat in- fortune. He was a simple son of th| jlStice and oppression in industry, common people, the humblest among government and "in relations with the humble, the poorest among theI other countries. It will steadfastly poor, a creature haunted, ridiculed,.endeavor to promote the great cause and maligned, a prison convict and for which Eugene V. Debs has lived social outcast. And yet hundreds of +and died and for which millions of thousands qf his fellow men and wo- the best men and women all over the h world are struggling, the cause progress, peace and liberty." of OHIO STATE-Tau Beta Pi, honor- ary engineering fraternity, which held its 26th national convention here, had representatives from 52 different col- leges. ILLINOIS-More than 450 appoint- ments were made in the R. 0. T. C. Ain't It a (rand and Glorious 1eelin' ' By BRIGGS WHEN YOU'VE BOUGHT A NEWAND YOU TAKE THE RI6 OUT TOj AND WHEN YOu'RE 5A1N1CT ANG 1 CAR THAT THE SALESMAN SAYS SEE JUST WHAT SHt vM L -. AT 55 you SEE A COP TALING WtI L 0D 70 MILES AN HOUR JLYSp. .- -- ._ , S /, ,- .t / ' QfI-H43 -H I AIN'TT ~-R-R--AN0 AND!17 G~OR- Q5FEELIN P'JE co cc -i t~r -'TA-T rlin (7?rI