THE MICHIGAN DATLY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Published every morning except Monday, during the University yeat' by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise' credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suscription by carrier, 4,OO; by mail, X4.50 Offices:etAnn Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street., Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor...... .......Ellis B. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............Courtland C.Smith Women's Editor.......... Marian L. Welles Sports Editor ............H1erbert E. Ved ier Theater, Books and Music.VincentrC. WallJr Telegrah Editor.............Ross W.uRoss' Assistant City Editor...., Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors- Robert E. Fincb G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul '. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait, Jr. Margaret Arthur Marion MacDonald Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy Stratton Buck Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy Sydney M. Cowan Harold L. Passman William B. Davis Morris W. Quinnl William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg Clarence N. Edelson David Scheyer Margaret Gross Eleanor Scribner Valborg Egeland Robert G. Silbar Marjorie Follmer Howard F. Simon, James 13. Freeman George E. Simons Robert J. Gessner Rowena Stillman Elaine I;. Gruber Sylvia Stone Alice Hagelshaw George Tilley Joseph L,. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr. Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke Donald J Kline Joseph Zwerdling Sally Knox' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertisin~g............Richard A. Meyer Advertising........ ..Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising ............Edward L. Hulse Advertising.........,John W. Ruswinckel Accounts .. .......Raymond Wachter Circulation ...........George B. Aha, Jr. Publication... ...........Harvuey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock Ray Hotelich George Bradley Marsden R. Hubbard James 0. Brnwn Hal A, Jaehn James B. Cooper James Jordan Charles K. (orrll Marion Kerr Bessie U. Egeland Thales N. Lenington Ben Fishman W. A. Mahaffy Katherine Frochne George M. Perrett Douglass Fuller Alex K. Scherer Herbert Goldberg William L..Schloss L. H. Goodman Herbert E. Varnum Carl W. Hammer WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1927 Night Editor-G. THOMAS MCKEAN i the League of Nations is building the machinery and the tradition which will some day loon, as a mighty ob- stacle in the way of fiternational wrongdoers. Whatever our opinion of the proper stand for the United States to take may be, we ennot deny that the League of Nations has at worst done no harm, and that it stands now in such a position that it looms larger and larger in the field of international adjustments. PRACTICAL REMODELING Transer -of innumerable engineer- ing projects undertaken regularly by the government to a single department is the crux of a plan submitted recent- ly by the American Engineering coun- cil, and looked on favorably by Secre- taries Hoover and Work. It is recom- mended that the management of all such problems he placed under an as- sistant Secretary of the Interior to advance the ends of efficiency and economy. Several incongruities now evident in the present makeup would be elimi- nated by the plan. Some of these are the present supervision of public roads by the Department of Agricul- ture, supervision of architecture by the Treasury department, the board of engineers for rivers and harbors and the Alaska telephone and telegraph system from the War department. Many of the present arrangements are heirlooms from the past, when the in- terests of transportation were tied up with the advancement of agriculture. They not only add confusion to the average citizen but waste large sums of money through complicated appro- priations. Practical management de- mands a simpler and more economical arrangement. N RIVALRY The recent announcement by Henry Wickham Steed, owner and publisher of the London Review of Reviews and former editor of the London Times to the effect that England will indulge in no naval rivalry with the United States or any other'nation is a state- ment worthy of profound notice. The English government, like any government, depends after all on the people, and when a leader of popular thought, the owner of one of the most powerful political mediums in Eng- land, is willing to state definitely that there will be no rivalry it should put even the fear of Mayor William Thompson of Chicago to rest on the subject of the English menace. The three power naval conference, to be sure, was a failure on the sur- face, and we can expect nothing but failure as long as all parties enter conferences with the sole idea of hav- ing their plans.adopted as against the remainder of the ideas. But the pub- lic opinion of England will never stand for any competitive naval build- ing program any more than will our own; while good feeling between the people of America and the people of Britain, will do more in the long run to foster international understanding than the calling of dozens of incon- clusive conferences. CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be isregarded. The names of comnnuni- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon reqest. Letters pub- lished should not be construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. AUTO BAN QUESTIONS To the Editor: The present automobile situation has given rise to so many and con- flicting stories and rumors that can be set at rest only by a definite and at- tested answer or set of answers that we wish to ask, for our own benefit and, we feel, the benefit of countless other students likewise interested in the actual situation, a few brief ques- tions in the hope that they will be an- swered by someone in authority, pre- ferably the man in charge of the en- forcement of the automobile ruling, Mr. Emery, or the Dean of Students. 1. Is it true that Mr. Em'ery is Assistant to the Dean 'of Students, and not Assistant Dean of Stu- dents? 2. Is It true that disciplinary measures, to be enforced by the Office of the Dean of Students, are being used as a threat in the. enforcement of the automobile ruling? 3. Has the Office of the Dean of Students disciplinary authority or is this authority vested in the Disciplinary Committees of the various colleges? 4. Is it true that Mr. Emery has denied students the right to make appointments with him or refused consultation when at lib- erty to grant such requests? 5. Is it true that additional of- ficers in plain clothes have been OAST ROLL IFEN CE An alarming condition has been brought to our attention. Girls-our present dates. our future wives-are being taught mastery of that dread: equalizer of humanity-the rifle. A generation of feminine crime is in the making. These girls may beI the forerunners of bobbed-hair ban-I dits, of rouged husband-murderers, ofI beskirted soldiers of war. A Chicago-I like nation of gun-women may be in store. * * * Every day throughout the country capricious wives eliminate their hus- bands to make way for new comers. Divorce is too long and troublesome. Ruch are the means that are being taught to our coeds. Think of this system extended to our University. Dishwater blondes, carrying plated revolvers to match as an effective means of giving boy friends the gate. Female snipers sta-I tioned near fraternity houses to pick off unwitting woman-haters. Coed marksmen touring the city by horse and buggy to bag elusive companions. Everyone can learn, say those who are teaching this terrible practice. Think what this means to us. Shall we continue to allow this alarming condition to be fostered in our midst? Now is the time to stamp out this insidious practice. Automobiles have been banned because they despoil the student's time. Liquor has been out- lawed because it corrupts the stu- dent's morals. And football seatsI have been limited because they tempt the student's pocketbook. What must we do, now before it is too late, to re- move this condition that threatens the, student's most precious possession- his life. HELP! HELP! A couple of weeks ago we attempted to predict a few football scores. The result was so disastrous that we de- cided next time we would leave the job to someone else. * * * i I i THEATER B O KmKu BOK -1 TONIGHT: The Mimes present "On Approval," by Frederick Lonsddle in their theater at 8:30 o'clock. * * * 311. AND )HRS. ROSA RAISA Great genius often runs in families. Take, for instance, the Fairbanks Twins, the Barrymores, the Whoops sisters, the Dumas (pere et fils) anl the Katzenjammer Kids. And the sun- dry famous marital combinations- the Guitrys, Sacha and Yvonne Prin- temps; Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Lunt; Basil Sydney and Mary lis. In fact this peculiar conjuncriC.L of artistic temperaments can only be ex- plained by "the fact that there are more white horses than there are .black horses. Friday evening in Bill auditorium Rosa Raisa and Giacomo Rimini are presenting a joint recital as the first program in the Extra Concert series. This is quite a pleasant' prospect, for{ Madame Raisa is representative of a rather exotic type of dramatic so- prano,. and her husband keeps close harmony for their duets and in gen- eral lls in the gaps between the Raisa. numbers. * * * S S IC «. ,1d elarqcest sellinq I Jityenworld black egree Superlative in quality, the world-famous opying EN S At all , dealers Buy give best service and a longest wear. dozen Plain ends, perdoz. $1.0o Rubbercuds,per doz. 2.20 American Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Makersof UNIQUE ThinLead Colored Pencils in 12 colors-$ 1.00 per dor. :i . y . .................... . . . . . BETSY ROSS SHOP Nickels Arcade I"" " T " " "' 10 l lifa JL I I LLJL iA WV UJLL At . Michi an THE GREATEST BRIDGE EXPERT I Halloween Candries In Appro~priate Halloween Boxes ' 'Big assortment-All prices -- It's - TIGE for - SALADS I1 OPEN SEASON AT MIMES When the silken audacities of "On Approval" are laid away Saturday, night, the portals of Mimes theater will not be long dark. For opening next week Wednesday, Nov. 2, Comedy club, eldest of the local drama-ven- dors, will present "Dulcy," George Kaufman and Marc Connelly's popular satire. In this piece, the authors of "Merton of the Movies" ana "Beggari on Horseback" have written another diverting comedy, rich with the sly caricature that one has come to ex- pect of them. The original produc- tion, starring Miss Lynee Fontanne, now with the Theater Guild's troupe in Chicago, ran a season on Broad- way; hence the Comedy club is con- fident of adding another to its list of hits, which includes "The Last Warn- ing," acclaimed by the public, "You Never Can Tell," acclaimed by the critics, and "Great Catherine," lauded by both. SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN SERVICE MARY LEE CANDIES Whitney Theatre Monday, Oct. 31' NEW YOR LOKDON SUCCESS lar r uscal'pfiaecverprodiiucet. Mis cbyRUDOLF FRIML Company of 100 The NewYorKCasmo ?cast Prutut HFADEDi65UCHDLTI.NGUI5HEDART15T5' (AROLYN THOMON-EDWARD NEL WILL H.PHfucl-*COOPER CLIfE WTRE LEANNG SUCCESSin LONDON MaIs .30$7 r 0N $1.65 TOMORROW THE PRESS CONVENTION - Even before the delegates to the ninth annual University Press club of Michigan convention arrived in Ann Arbor, The Daily, in its editorial col- umns; and those affiliated 'with thel organization, predicted its greatest1 success. That'this prediction was notr amiss was confirmed yesterday by9 Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the journalism department, who as secre- tary-treasurer, declared, "I regard the -1927 Press club convention as the most-successful we have ever held." The recent convention apparently accomplished much in more than one way. As Professor Brumm pointed out, it served a twofold purpose of re- vealing more clearly than any of, the other contentions, that all types of newspaper men in the state are com- ing to realize that University training is the best means toward professional- izing newspaper practice; and second, of. bringing the editors of the state in contact with the University, its pur- poses and its needs. But it accomplished more than that. Members, showed themselves to be heartily in favor of President Clarence Cook Little's suggestion that a com- mittee of members of the Press club be appointed to meet University offi- cials in order to make a careful study of the problem of education for journalism, especialy as it concerns Michigan. Were a system to be work- ed out at Michigan, as a result of this pending conference, the 1927 conven- tion would indirectly leave its mark of a lifetime on all schools and depart- ments of journalism in the United States. THE LEAGUE The Eighth assembly of the League of Nations has passed into history, and all parties adjourned "in har- mony." To be sure, there was not much of a sensational nature uncover- ed in the Geneva meeting this year, because there was not much of a sen- sational nature to come before, the League; but this very lack of sensa- tionalism; this very quietness in operation similar to the smoothness of a perfectly adjusted machine, is one of the highest tributes that has as yet been paid to the development of the League. Somebody else tried it last week and were lucky enough to get a few right. Whereupon they posted the re- sults, together with a large amount of self commendation, all over the Press building. Just when we were about to mention it, someone came to our aid. * * * Oh Ben- It's bad enough to be a football wisenheimer. But when you start boasting about one lucky week then it gives murder. These two ducks who boasted about a 78 per cent average didn't mention their average the week before. Ask them about it, Ben, just ask them. Say, "What does 78 plus zero divided by two equal, huh?" And tell the gang what they say. It ought to be almost as funny as that apology yesterday iporning. Nelly. * * * SUPPORIiT YOUR .TEAM Michigan's new pep yell, sponsored by Dean Emery, will on no account be neglected at the Illinois game, accord- ing to the University cheerleader who will accompany the Wolverine repre- sentation next Saturday. * * * "We want to show Illinois that, even though they have had an automobile ban longer than we have, that we are just as good students as they - are," stated the Michigan leaders. * * * CENSORED The managing editor of The Daily, not approving of certain material that has been used in this column during the past few weeks, has suggested that it would be best to refrain from further mention of various topics that have been the subject of numerous recent comments. * * * It is, of course, unfortunate that it was necessary to call our attention to this circumstance. It is even more unfortunate that these topics should have been such apt subjects for com- ment. The objections were based largely upon a charge of loss of dig- nity. It is most unfortunate that these subjects need such protection, that their dignity cannot rise above our humble assaults. Benjamin Bolt. equipped with side-arms, hand- cuffs, and billies? Does the en- forcement of the automobile ruling R. W. * * * THE MIES Mr. Shuter has secured the rights for the presentation of "Young Wood- ley"-the Glenn unter play of the I last two years. It- is uncertain just! what' position it will hold in Mimes calendar ofevents, for there will be no new plays for that organization until their Union opera is safely passed the crisis. Geraldine Farrar after a year's re- tirement, during which there was much speculation over whether she would resume her professional career has at last decided to return to the concert stage. J ALNA bJyiazo De La Rocle; Little Brown and Comapany; Boston; $2.00. (The Atlantle Prize Novel.) A review, by R. Leslie Askren. Most books written today are fairly easy to review and pleasant, for they do not matter much as literature and all that needs to be done is define their little good points. It is different with "Jalna." Reviewing in this case be-' comes depressing, with a sort of baf- fled anlguish which comes from seeing a mediocre artist mutilate a beautiful idea. The review is an epitaph. Miss De La Roche started her book with the idea of tracing the develop- ment of the Whiteoak family. She created almost a dozen arresting and powerful characters, and she is her- self endowed with a style, which, though simple and clear, is capable of creating the atmosphere of heavi- Thursday, OC.27 This is the Event of the week. Don't miss it. Each lesson $2.00. Tickets at Wahr's. 230 in the Afternoo 8 o'clock in the Evening Read The Want Ads. ill E xhi iition and Sale Of the S. G. Gulian Collection 4 11 ness and complication which her story i requires. And yet the result of this I splendid combination is the thorough- Ily mediocre and ordinary thing that the Atlantic Monthly would like to pay $10,000 for., That such a result was to be ex-) pected is, perhaps, inevitable for there are few artists writing today who seem to be willing to struggle with their problems of plot and character! until they have mastered them 'com- pletely. Instead, they prefer to make just a show of struggle, and offer itt -a symbol more than a reality-as i sacrifice on the altar of their art. In "Jalna" this laziness is particularly discouraging, for the Whiteoak family is not the ordinary kind of a family. Each character is a vital and tre- mendous personality, and the family group so constituted is an immense 0 Mr. S. G. Gulian hasp recently returned from the Orient, after months of travel in the interior country in Search of Antique rugs. Many kilometers were traveled over dangerous roads to reach these natives of the interior, but all these hardships were forgotten at the finding of few rare gems of individual design and character. The colecti on consists of such rugs as- ISPAHAN, KERMANSHAH, SEREBEND, SHIRAZ, BOKHARA, DAGHISTAN, CABISTAN, IRAN, KURDISTAN, BERGAMO, FEREGHAN, SEHNA, BAKTIARE, BELUCH, MELEZ 0 11