THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... r r r rurrrrri.rnnn ir r NEI'(TYPE BOOK SHOP .iKl ~ NEXTWEEStop Kan Operat TO urtN N[ W[ Iy11Associa' _____PITTSBURGH-The suit to bar the Wfill Afford Opportunity To Buy Bok Knights of the Ku Klux Klan from In Atmosphere Of Literaturo operating in Pennsylvania followed With00utt Haste an action filed by the organization in C ~federal court here against five "ban- TO )KEEP RARE VOLUMES ished" members to restrain them from - - I tsing the naive of the order in their Opening Tuesday, Nov. 1, the Print activities. The Klan also asked $100,- and Book Shop, located at the corner 000 damages, claiming the "banished" of Jefferson- and Maynard, will seek' mermes named, the Rev. John P. to provide residents of Ann Arbor S&r ay er, Charles S. Hunter, Charles F. Oyer, William C. Davis and Van A. and students with an opportunity to 'Bairrickman, al,l of the Vittsbuirgh become acquainted with books with district, collected funds of that less haste and more atmosphere than amouint belong ing to the order after prevails in the city's book stores. Two their dEisi:ent has learned of large purchiases ofI Chilean nitrate, used only for ex- plosives, by the Soviet government. I ,. i nn Arbor 12:0 Aidnt.{ 8.5g A. M.t 9 o A. Al. C(CT) Oct. y WED., GOY. 2 RETURNING ],v. C 1,u, n9.0 '. A.(CT) O t I .%% '11) a :LI' M . ((CT) ( 1, t. 2? A A-III . onA. Al ., i') O ct. 30 ROUTE VI7A MILAN AND WAB3ASIIRY. PTJVf 'iAN LEEP"IS AM)D1DAY COACILIS Slepr Eaiyfor O (cupanc(Y 9:40 P.. ,(ET) Oct. '25 11i "Pecure Pullmaanmd !Railroa