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Vol. XXXVIII, No. 32.
Buckeye Football Mentor Attributes
Saturday's Defeat 'o Failure
Of Passing Defenses
(Oy Associated Press)
COLUMBUS , Oct. 25.-Da' of thea
"anvil chorus" which began its knock-
ing as soon' as Michigan's football
team had hung up another victory
over Ohio State last Saturday wasl
beard far and wide today.I
A group of irrecocilables to the
present regime of things athletic at
Ohio State became more outspoken as1
a result of these developments:
Claims of Dr. John W. Wilce, head
coach of Ohio State, that the Ohio
State team which played Michigan1
last Saturday was "the best that Ohio
State has put in the field this year,"
and that the team's errors were not
Resignation of A. W. Raymond, city
recreation director, as president of
the Varsity "0" Alumni association,
after the organization had given Dr.
Wilce an ovation on his appearance
at this meeting, was tendered.
Suggestions made at a meeting of
Ohio State -alumni at Cleveland that
"two-thirds of th players who parti-
cipated in lhe Michigan game turn in;
their suits, that Ohio State get a new1
head coach, or that a decided shake-
up of the team be instituted."
Resigns After Ovation
Taking the ovation given Dr. Wilce
as an edorsement of his regime, Ray-1
mend resigned, saying that he felt
"there is something; .radically wrong
with the system'in vogue. I don't feel1
that I can continue to serve as pres-
ident of an organization that is sup-~
posed to be a loyal backer of the
present regime," he said. Raymond,
Varsity tackle in 1910-11-12, was one;
,i me 1h Amrican choice of several;
sports writers.l
Dr. Wilce attributed Saturday's un-
satisfactory showing against Michigan
to several things among which are,
The after-effect of a warring ele-
ment within the team which had been!
eliminated just prior to the game by
a shift in the lineup.
A great overrating of the Ohio State
team early in the seison.'
A difficult schedule drawn to meet
the "community demand" rather than
with the idea of winning games.
Belief that all teams which had met
Ohio State so far have been pointed'
for the Buckeyes.
Wilce Denies Charges
Dr. Wilce denied 'that the coaching
staff has neglected to emphasize'
blocking and tackling. He admitted
there were many tackles missed in
the Michigan game, but said that they
happened at a time when they were
most costly and noticeable.
Failure of Ohio defensive men to
follow the particular Michigan man
he designated for him to watch caus-
ed collapse of the forward pass de-
Similarly, he said, Ackerman, end,
had failed to follow instructions to
watch for the famous Michigan "83"
play which led to a Wolverine touch-
down. This play, known as a favoite
Yest trick, is a fake kick from place-
Following complications which arose
shortly after the announcement of the
student members of the Admiistra-
tiv boai(d of the College of bLiterature,
Science and the Arts, Dean John
1 Effinger announced yesterday the.
members who will serve for the com-1
ing year on the board, These students
are Jo H. Chamberlin, '28, Elizabeth
Nutt, '28, and Roy G. Curtis, '28.
These students will sit as active
members of the board when any cases;
which have to do with student dis-;
honesty in academic pursuits are be-
ing considered. The plan is in ac-
cordance with one which was inaug-
urated several years ago and which.
has proved satisfactory in all of theE
colleges of the University.
T'he student members of the hoard
are chosen because of outstanding ac-
complishments during their three"
years in School.
Among the features which will be
of particular interest at the gridgraph
portrayal of the Michigan-Illinois
game Saturday in Hill auditorium will
be the addition of a light to represent
the lateral pass which has become
such an important element in this
year's game. This new light will hold!
special interest for Michigan suport-
ers, since the use of that particular*
play has been so widely executed by
the Michigan team.
The price of admission will be 50 1
and 35 cents, as usual, and tickets
may be procured at the Union or at
any of the bookkstores.
Charles Livingstone, '28L, who
operated the gridgraph for the 'pre-
vious game will again be in charge.
A wire will be leased from Western
Union that will bring the results of
Sthe game, play by play, direct to Hill
auditorium from thestadium at
Champaign. Scores of other Western
conference games and all games of
importance will be announced as soon
as they are received.
lnrsley, Dana, Worley, and Cuncannon
rTo Talk On Michigan Night Over
Station WWJ
The third Michigan Night program
of the 1927-28 season will be broad-
cast by Station WWJ, The Detroit!
News, Friday night, Oct. 28, from 7
to 8 O'clock, program manager and
annoincer, Waldo M. Abbot, of the
rhetoric department announced yes-
Included on the third program will
be talks by J. A. Bursley, dean of
students, Samuel T. Dana, dean of the
school of forestry, Prof. John S. Wor-
ley, of the engineering school and an
address by Dr. Paul N. Cuncannon of
the political science department. Var-.
IOus musical numbers have also been
arranged. The complete program is
as follows:
"Chante Triste" by A. Arensky, will
be the opening musical selection play-
ed b~y Hans Pick, head of the violon-
cello department of the University
School of Music. Mr. Pick is a grad-
uate of the Conservatories of Karls-
rube and Budapest; a pupil of Popper;
a former solo 'cellist of the Phila-
delphia Symphony Orchestra; and a
member of the Rhode Island Trio.
This is his first year in Ann Arbor.
"A Broadening of Opportunity for
those with an Engineering Education"
will be the title of a talk to'be given
by Prof. John S. Worley of the en-,
gineering school. Prof. Worley pre-.
sented courses in transportation en-
gineering in the University in 1925-26,1
the following year because of the de-
mand for his services he was com-
pelled to move to New York Cty re-
turning only as a lecturer in the Uni-
versity. This year he has returned as
professor of transportation.
Allegro Appassionato," and "The
Swan" both by Saint Saines, will be
cello solos by Hans Pick accompanied
by Mrs. George B. Rheadsofthe Piano
department of the University School
of Music. They are next on the pro-
"The University of Michigan Schol
of Forestry and Conservation" is the
title of a talk by Samuel T. Dana,
dean of the school of forestry, the
l newest school of the University. Dean
Dana has served the United States
goverhment as a forester in many
fields and positions.I
"The Little Shepherd's Song" by
Proctor will be sung by Miss May A.
d Strong who his this year been added
to the staff of the voice department of
the University School of Music. Since
1924 Miss Strong has been upon the
faculty of the Northwestern School
of Music, during these years she has
also given many concerts and has been
commended graciously by many nota-
notable critics.
McGovern Is Initial
L :cirer Of Series
Jury Informed Of Fall's Failure To
Submit Legal Questions
To Proper Officers
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25-A differ-
ence of opinion between the defend-
Expjorer to Illustrate Experiences
With Motion Pictures Taken
In "Forbidden City"
Dr. William Montgomery McGovern,
explorer of the sacred city of Lhasa isu
Tibet, will speak in Hill auditorium
tonight on the opening number of the ants, Albert B. Fall and Harry F.
1927-28 Oratorical lecture series pro- Sinclair developed today as the gov-
gram. The address will begin at 8S
o'clock. ernment dontinued to unfold :to a
Dr. McGovern, a graduate of Ox- vjury in the District of Columbia Su-
ford university and a Fellow in the preme Court the story upon which is
Royal Geographical and Royal Asiatic Iybased an indictment for criminal con-
societies, is at the present time affil-7 spiracy in connection with the leasing
ated with the Field Museum of Nat- of the Teapot Dome Naval oil re-
ural History in Chicago. He is con- serve.
sidered to be one of the most daring Breaking into the proceedings for
of modern explorers, his experiences a second time within less than a
on the occasion of his exploration of week, Fall almost shouted that he had
Lhasa in Tibef attracting world-wide no objection to the presentation of
attention., certain technical testimony by the
Dr. McGovern was fortunate in be- Di. WilliamI W. McGovern government to which George T. Hoov-
ing able to smuggle a motion picture One of the most daring of modern er, chief counsel for Sinclair, had of-
camera nto the country when on his explorers, who will open the lecture fered a vigorous protest and argu-
way. to "The Sacred and Forbidden s(iso h rtria soito o meat before Justice Siddons. '
City" and as a result of this will illuesn Iseries of the Oratorical association to- Imn eoeJsieSdos
i night in Hill auditorium. { This time Fall did not rise from his
trate his talk tonight with the first ___________ _ chair, as he did last week, when he
motion pictures ever taken in Lhasa appealed to the court to admit testi-
The lecture tonight will be the first mony which he regarded as "vital" to
on the seri-cs of eight numbers on the IKhis defense. After he had stated that
Oratorical program this season. Harry he had no objection, the former Interior
A. Franck, a graduate of the Univer- secretary glanced over toward the
sity of Michigan will be the second jury while his counsel, William E.
speaker, appearing here Nov. 18. Mit.r1H .UU Leahy, made his supplemental state-
Franck recently returned from Pal- mnent to the court:
estine where lie made an extensive Dr. Irle'y Will Tell of Actiiities "We want the record to show that
study of changing conditions. Ile has fi 1,ca1i11tg, R ii1s at I we do not object to any questions re-
taken as his subject, "What's Happen- Chichen IIIa lating to this lease."
ing in Palestine," and this address Evidence Is Cumulative
will include much of the mated iis DISCOVER ARTISTIC WORK I Much of the evidence offered today
thirteenth book on travel,~ by the government, both verbal and
Word has been received by Carl . Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, noted arch- documentary, was of cumulative char-
Brandt, of the department of speech, aelogist, will speak at 4:15 today in acter, goingdirectly into elements of
who is financial manager of the I aua cec uioimo h the case including the failure of Fail
who i finacialmanagr of thehe Natural Science auditorium on the, to submit legal questions connected
series, that Gov. Albert E. Ritchie, of 'subject "The 1927 Season at Chichen th the leg trastion o te
Maryland, will speak here Feb. 15. Itza." with the leasing transaction to the
Box office sale of tickets for to- Dr. Morley is a specialist on the rlegal oficers of the government; a
night's address will continue in Hill civilization of the ancient Mayas, and purchase by Sinclair of outstanding
auditorium this afternoon, Mr. Brandt since 1924 has been in active charge thil oand in Teapot Dome by
announced yesterday. of the Carnegie Institution's project hl of decis, n egal
Other speakers included on the Ora- at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, which is the handling of decisions on legal and
torical series this year are Dr. Will largest piece of archaeological field other points i the lease of the Wy-
Durant, author of "The Story of work in the New World. On co-aination
Philosophy," Commander Richard E. The now ruined city of Chichen Itza'!nIcrass-examination of one gov--j
Byrd, Atlantic and North Pole flyer; 'was at the time of the Spanish con- enent witness, Arthur W. Ambrose,
Syud Hossain, international orator; quest one of the centers of Maya cul- farmer petroleum technolost of the
and Gay McLaren and Edwin M. Whit- ture, a civiliza, on which had reached - Interior department, the ac 'e scor-
ney, dramatists. The last number on a high state of advancement centuries ed with testimony that both Ambrose
the program this year will be Hos- before the white man set foot in the! and H. Foster Bain, director of the
sain's lecture, "Eastern and Western Americas. bureau of mines, had informed Fall
Idealsto be given in Hill auditorium It is even believed that the Pueblo of the danger of the drainage of Tea-
on Feb. 20. (Indians of our own Southwest, as well pot Dome through wells drilled in the
Miss Dorothy Detzer, national exe- AS CAROIIL 'P O S 1
cutive secretary of the Womien's In-
ternational League for Peace and
Feedom will speak on the subject
"Welfare or Warfare" at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon in Room 25 Angell
hall, under the auspices of the local
branch of the League for Industrial
Thanks to a wide experience in the
Far East and in Europe, Miss Detzer
is well qualified to speak on a subject
such as she has announced for to-
night. She worked in the Hull house
in Chicago for a number of years fol-
lowing which she spent two years in
Vienna working with the American
Friend's Service Unit.
The Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom whom Miss
Detzer is representing stands upon a
threefold platform. It advocates edu-
cation against militarism and race
prejudices; opposition to forces that
might result in war; and promotion
of the study of devising a concrete
method of insuring world peace.
Famed Bridge Expert Is Touring South
Iichigan Under Auspices Of
Women's League
Princess Helen Postpones DePaM
On Account Of Trouble Wi
Has Caused Crisis
Milton C. Work, internationally fam-1
ed bridge expert, who is conductingt
a five day tour of Michigan undera
the auspices of the Women's league1
of the University, will be in Ann Ar-
bor tomorrow and will give instruc-
tions in the assembly room of the]
Unon from 2:30 to 5:00 o'clock in the
afternoon and from 8:00 to 140:00
o'clock at night.
Work' comes to Michigan directly
from the Pacific coast where the de-
niand upon his]
- time is so greati
that it was only
with great difficul-.
> :ty 'that he coutd
arrange "to spend
5 days in the mid-
dle west. The tour
was started in Kal-
Samazoo yesterday,
today Work will be
J in Battle. Creek
and tomorrow in
Ann Arbor. From
here he will go to Lansing and Fri-
day will be spent in Jackson.
Instructions are open to both men
and women and reserved tickets for
tables are still obtainable at Wahr's
bookstore or at the alumnae offlce.
According to Mrs. W. D. Henderson,
executive head of the alumnae coun-
cil, "There will be no question of
waiting to know where you will be
placed to play, b'ut throse holding tick-.
ets will be ushered to seats according
to the tickets."
Those who have heard Work prev-
iously report that he furnishes ex-
ceedingjy good entertainment and ex-
ceptional instruction in the game of
I bridge..
S(By Associatd Press)
BUCHAREST, Roumania, Oct. 25.-
Roumania is seething with political
excitement. Former Crown Prince
Carol is the central figure in the
struggle which is already being waged
for political control.
Just as the celebration of the sixth
birthday of King Michael is being
celebrated, an alleged plot has been
disclosed to establish the exile Carol
on the throne of his father, the late
King Ferdinand. Martial law has been
declared, and the government and a
opposition party are lined up for what
promises to be a bitter contest for
M. Manoilescu, under secretary of
finance in the late A. Verescu cabinet,
has been arrested and placed in, the
state prison at Gilava. He is charged
with being one of the principals for
the reestablishment of a former crown
prince. He will be courtmartialed, it
is reported, within a few days, and
former Premier General Averescu will
defend him before the military court
against accusations which are certain
to be made of high treason.
Letters From Chrol Found
Among the alleged compromisini
letters found in the possession o1
Manoilescu were several from Carol
who is residing at present in a subur
of Paris. It appears that Carol want
ed a referndum of the people of Rou-
mania as to their wishes regarding
his return. Other letters dealt wit
the question of the dynasty.
* Princess Helen, the abandoned wif
of Carol and King Michael's mother
who had contemplated a trip to Flor
ence, with a stay there of severa
months, has postponed her departur
in order to avoid the appearance o
leaving on account of the Carolis
crisis. Queen Marie and the boy kinl
are atthe royal summer palace Sinaia
Queen Marie frequently has expresse
the desire that her son Carol .remair
away from Roumania and the warning
that the reopening of the dynast
question would only cause turmoil
throughout the country.
Fight Planned
The opposition parliamentary grou
are planning to fight a battle royal o
Thursday; as the summons of the lead
ers has gone forth to the province
for members to appear in ful
It is declared by government offi
cials that Manoilescu, on returning
from Paris, where he had many in
terviews with the former crown prince
and others, carried documents o
proclamatory nature addressed to th
chief of the opposition party. Th
newspapers announced that the Peo
ple's party, of which Manolescu is .
member, intends to interpolate th
government on Thursday, consderin
his arrest unjustified.
Premier Bratianu,hwho has bee
indisposed recently, had a long con
ference with his leading supporter
today, and outlined to them measure
he intended to take .to maintain th
constitutional government.
Play By Kaufman And Connelly Willj
Be Presented By Comedy Club As
First Offering Of Year
As its first production for the cur-
rent season, Comedy Club, campus
dramatic organization will present
"Dulky," a comedy in three acts and
one scene, beginning Nov. 2, and run-
ning for four performances. The
Mimes theatre will be utilized by the
company in presenting the drama.
' "Dalcy," was written by George S.
Kaufman and Marc Connelly, the
authors of "Beggar On Horseback,"
"Merton of the Movies," and "The
Butter and Egg Man." The story
originated with Franklin P. Adams
in his New York World column "The!
Conning Tower," and was developed
by Kaufman and Connelly. It deals1
with the troubles of a young business
1 man that are caused and augmented
by the frivolity and farcical foolish-
ness of his wife. The drama was
originally produced in New York with
Lynne Fontanne and John Wesley inI
the leading roles.
The cast has been chosen for some
time and rehearsals are being held
daily. Phyllis Loughton, '28, is play-
ing the title role, while the cast in-
cludes also Charles D. Livingstone,
'28L, William Bishop, '28, Vera John-
son, '28, Richard Woelhaf, Grad., and
Harlan Cristy, '29. Sets for the pro-
duction will be in charge of Frederick
Redmond, while Robert Wetzel, '28,
is directing the project.
Several of those in the cast will be
remembered for previous. work in
campus productions, especially in
Comedy Club plays of last year which
included "The Last Warning" and
"Great Catherinje." The later was
produced for two years. Livingstone
has appeared this year in "The Bad
Man" and "On Approval."
The seat sale for "Dulcy" will be
as the Aztecs and Toltecs of Mexico, j
had felt the influence of the Maya!
civilization and culture.
By the works which they left behind
them, it is known that the Mayas were
artists as well as empire builders.G
The temple walls at Chichen Itza are!
.covered with mural paintings, and
beatuiful mosaics are common among
Maya ruins. It is also interesting toI
note that the Mayas were the only
Indian race to develop a system of
In his lecture this afternoon, Dr.!
Morley will deal in particular with the
important recent finds at Chichen
Itza. His talk will be illustrated with
colored stereoptican views.j
"S'tudent Loan Funds" will be ex-
plained by Joseph A. Bursley, dean
of students. Needy and deserving stu-
dents who are unable to finance their
last few years before graduation, are
aided financially through the medium
the disposal of Dean Bursley for thig
of funds which have been placed at
"Cradle Song" by Adolf Weidig, will
be sung by Miss May A. Strong. Miss
Donna Esselstyn, of the University
School of Music, will b'e the accom-
pan ist.
Paul N. Cuncannon, of the political
science department has chosen "The-
olore Roosevelt" as his subject. Inas-
much as Thursday, Oct. 27 is Roose-
velt's birthday, Dr. Cuncannon will
The initiation of the 21 tryouts who
were accepted by the Adelphi housef
of Representatives Debating societyI
will be held Monday, Oct. 31, in the
meeting room on the fourth floor of
Angell hall.
The successful candidates are:
Henry Parkes, a graduate of Oxfordf
university; H. Partica, F. Willis, C.
Vanderwoot, and F. Dumbrique, all of
the class of 1929; J. Young, W. Birk-I
rant, and J. Lait, all of 1930; and G.
Harrison, G. Smith, W. Graham, W.
Yeagley, L. Hartwig, M. Schutz, C.
Urist, D. Stoner, R. Ball, A. Schroeder,
S. McGilliard, W. Edwards, and Levy,
all of the freshman class.
The tryouts who were unsuccessful
may become candidates again next
semester, according to Robert Gess-
i nor, '29, chairman of the society.
University students who scalp foot-
ball tickets will be placed on-. per-
manent blacklist and will be denied
the privilege of obtaining tickets for
adjacent Salt Creek field.
Moreover, Ambrose said lie regard-
ed the drafting of the lease as a reg-
ular business transaction; that Fall
had not given him orders about
secrecy in the negotiation with Sin-
clair's counsel, and that it was Fall
himself, and insisted that there was
to be an equal exchange of crude
royalties for fuel oil instead of an ex-
change based on lower market rates
prevailing at the time.
r iTestimony Recorded.
During the day the government put!
into the records by agreement withl
defense counsel an affidavit of manj
long since dead, J. W. Zedely, one-
time Washington attorney for Sinclair,.
and the affidavit of former attorney-
general Harry M. Daugherty. Zed-
ely's testimony was that Fall made de-
cisipns in the drafting 'of the lease
and sought the "best terms he could
get" for the government, while Daugh-
erfy's chief statement was that he did
not render any opinion, "curbstone or
official," as to the legality of the lease.
Edwin S. Booth, of Tulsa, Okla.,
former solicitor of the Interior De-
partment, testified that he never was
asked for any legal opinion on the
lease and on cross-examination stat-
f ed that his office had passed upon oil
leases until about the time of the Tea-
pot Dome negotiations, when in con-
ference with Edward Finney, first as-
sistant interior secretary, it was
jagreed that leases would not be re-
ferred to the solicitor unless there
was some specific reason for doing
Applications for J-Hop tickets may
be obtained today from 12:30 until 5
o'clock at the side desk in the lobby
'of the Union, according to those in
charge of ticket distribution. Appli-
cations will also be received Thursday
afternoon from one to six o'clock
and on Friday afternoon from 1 un-
til 5 o'clock. They may be returned
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Ot. 25- Charging
that the United States is subordinat-
ing "thy interest of international com-
munication to considerations that are
purely political," Soviet Russia today
filed a protest wth the International
Radio conference here against her
exclusion from it.
f The protest reached the conference
at a plenary session which was fea-
tured also by granting of permisslion
to Germany, "in view of her excep-
tional condition," to retain the six
votes which she wielded in pre-war
days when gpeaking for a vast colon-
ial. empire. /
Russia's protest was signed by "the
People's commissioner, Liubovitch,"
and was addressed to the permanent
telegraphic bureau in Berne, with a
request that it be placed before the
radio conference here. It was insertedr
in the minutes of the conference but
no action was taken on it.
Russio had not been invited to par-
w ,
Special trains for Champaign the
will enable students to attend t
Michigan-Illinois game there on Sa
urday are being arranged. The spec'
will leave Ann Arbor at 11:00 o'clo
Friday night and arrive in Champai
at 8:30 the following morning.
will leave Champaign at 11:00 Satu
day night and arrive in Ann Art
at 8:30 Sunday morning. The fare I
the round trip will amount to $11.
exclusive of berth. With a stop-os
privilege in Chicago the fare 'w
come to $14.9p. Berths each way a
$3.00 for uppers and $3.75 for lower
Many tickets have already been so
ticipate in this conference because the and local railroad authorities
Moscow government is not recognized mate that more than 300 will
by the United States. the trip.
A local dealer in tombstones and 1 er he anticipated an early pui
monuments has discovered a new and
tion. Honwever, head nothii
, I