. .... . ...... . ................ iMODERN WOMAN LACKS GRACIOUSNESS ACCORDING TO SIR ARTHUR UNDERHILL warnasnmu n ii n nr-an! WPM[ Al But slight difference between the shyly when addressed by a man. This '1odrrn Womimn and her Victorian pre- again, says Underhill, is purely im- decmors is seen by Sir Arthur aginary. "They mostly wore theirl Undorhill, a distinguished British bar- hair at that date in plaits coiled at the ris or ;nd writer. "The modern girl hack of the head and fastened with a greatly deceives herself in thinking comb, which I can not help thinking that she is on a different plane to her was at all events as becoming as the predecessors," declares Underhill. coiffures of the shingled maids and "The tact. is that it is her environ- matrons of today. ment only that has changed her out- "Neither were Victorian women gig- look, her status, and her manners. Ex- gling and shy. On the contrary, they cept for a certain lack of graciousness, enjoyed a hearty laugh, and a good she is very much the same capricious, many of them a contest of wits, with plucky, illogical, enthusiastic, incom- any man." prehensib!e, but generally delightful With regard to athletic games Sir being as the woman of Victorian Arthur remarks: "Most certainly times." they did not play the rougher games "For myself, born in the year 1850, of hockey and football. Indeed, the I am a Victorian unashamed, and even long dress of that pero iuwdo more unashamedly firm in my admira- long dress of that period would have tion for the Victorian woman-not made it impossible. And I think that, that I have any serious quarrel with even if public opinion had permitted the young woman of today, the 'mod- it, they had too much consideration ern girl,' as she loves to call herself. for their appearance to run about in All that I claim is that she is too trousers or shorts, looking like often disposed to feel and express a stumpy, perspiring, and unlovely very ill-founded contempt for her for- boys. bears." "But the Victorian women delighted In refuting some of the criticisms in balls and dances. These were not which have been made of the Victor- the somewhat sad-looking affairs that ian woman, Sir Arthur says: "We are one now sees in hotels and like frequently told that the Victorian places. The round dances were most- woman fled from mice, screamed at ly waltzes and galops interspersed a spider, fainted at the sight of a cut with the rather ridiculous polka and finger, and generally behaved like a schottische. But the waltzes and gal- pampered and neurotic inant. This is ops were much more strenuous affairs all moonshine. I do not think that I than the modern waltz or foxtrot, and ever saw a woman faint before I came I fancy that the modern girl would to live in London in 1869, and not find that they took quite as much out often after then. of her as she'could give without un- "In those days, women universally due fatigue. rode side-saddle, with long riding "To sum up, I see but little differ- habits, and to take a brook in that ence between the modern young wom- guise was a very different task from an and her Victorian predecessor," ob- taking it astride. They also drove serves Underhill, "except that to in- spirited horses, a task, requiring, I nocent feminin4 vanity the former think, more grit and nerve than has added some mental sex-conceit, steering a motor car, for each of the and not a little apparent hardness and horses has its own views, which do not worldliness, with a corresponding always coincide with those of the loss of the graciousness and charm drivers." which was the chief asset of the Vic- It is very generally assumed by torian lady. Nevertheless, the girls of modern writers that the early Victor- today can be very charming and at- ian women wore ringlets and giggled tractive when they like." a Dormitory Director GIRLS CLUB MEETS Capt. Bricker Says Advocates Courtes. FOR ORGANIZING Shooting Of Rifle I Coute - spirit \t the first meeting of the Girls' Is Easl y Learned v "Courtesy and a spirit of mutual Edsthn ional Club on Wednesday after- helpfulness among the students -oul non, October 26, Mrs. Hellen R. "o, .a , . do much more good than any talk '. Shoot. Ccrtinly shooty advises about vague ideals and 'moral stan-' Shambaugh, the faculty sponsor, will Captain Bricker of the Reserve Offic- dards,' said Miss Elva Forn'ook. outline the plans and policies as well !ers Training Corps, "even if you are social director of Martha Cook, wom- as the program of the club for the ignorant of rifle craft at present." en's dormitory, when asked whether year. All sophomores, juniors, and Rifle firing is a mechanical operation she thought the colleges and un'ver- seniors irrespective of their schools, which nearly everyone can learn. It sities were fostering idealism amonge. is not difficult to acquire rifle tech- the students. or colleges, who are interested in iiiqtie. Good form combined with "This consciousnes of one's rela, teaching as a profession, are urged muscle control, proper methods of tion to the people about one and the to attend this meeting. It will be held sighting, aiming, trigger squeeze, and consequent effort to help everyone in the Library of the University High constant practice will develope any- with whom one comes in contact is one into a good shot. Perhaps it will what we are trying to develop here in School (second floor.) not lead to expert efficiency but the Martha Cook," she continued. "If this Under Mrs. Shambaugh, the club results obtained will be far above the feeling that each student was working has been completely reorganized this average self taught pupil. Anyone for the good of every other student fall. At the first meeting, the election who is physically and mentally fit could be instilled into the group as a ,f of.icens will be held. During the can learn to do well if properly in- whole, then some effective honor sys- structed." tem could be carried out. Any report- year, according to Mrs. Shambaugh, The notion that it is necessary to ed breach of the honor system would j many women prominent in the educa- have a good eye and to be exception- not then be looked upon as 'tattling' tional field will speak to the organiza- ally steady in order to shoot well is a but as a sincere effort to help the of- tion. The University of Michigan misconstructed idea. Steadiness is fending student. faculty will also be represented. At acquired by practice. "Having a good "Besides I have found in the social these meetings the members of the eye" is jr t a wrong way of express- service work I have done that dishon- clubs will be given the privilege of ing that aa ijncividual knows how to esty and cheating are not entirely the meeting the speakers personally. The aim accurately and to sight a gun ef- individual's fault but are to a great ex- Girl's Educational Club offers won- fectively. tent the fault of the environment in derful opportunities to those who are A choice of position is first in learn- which he has lived. There has been interested in taking part. ing to shoot. Standing and kneeling something lacking in the group with 7 eare the most difficult positions for they whom he has lived if they have not TEXAS NEWS COMPILED do nut aimod any support for the made him realize that such practices arms. Efficiency in shooting from are more harmful to the individual IN DEAN'S SCRAPBOOK these postures rests entirely with the than to anyone else. The only way muscle conrtol, the sighting, aim and to correct the person who makes a tScrapbooks, recording the history of trigger squeeze. By shooting from ; practice of cheating and such dishon- the activities 'since 1919 of the Univer- the prone or sitting position the arms est methods is to put him in a group sity of Texas women, are kept by the can rust on the knees or ground, thus who will help him and show him that assistant dean of women Miss Lucy lessening the weight of the rifle and such practices are harmful. It all M. Bewley of that University. News enabling attention to sighting, aim goes back to the fact that if o spirit of stories which in any way concern the and trigger squeeze to be more con- mutual helpfulness could be instilled women s'tudents are clipped from "The centrated. These latter are the most into the students many evils could be Daily Texan," campus newspaper, and comfortable positions. solved by them." pasted in the scrapbook history. When shooting for efficiency one These books, placed in the offices of does not "pull the trigger." The trig- SENIOR SOCIETY the dean of women are immensely en- ger is drawn back by squeezing the joyed by all visitors; freshmen wom- entire hand like clenching 'the fist., ELECTS MEMBERS en taking a particular interest in The squeeze does away with possible them, according to Miss Bewley. jerking. The slightest jerk would Senior Society announces the elec- Of particular interest, also, in the either raise or lower the barrel of the tion of seven women to their group. dean of women's office is a library of rifle and spoil the shot. It may be Ilelen Wooten, Rhoda Tuthill, Mar- ibooks dealing with women of both the surprising to learn that just before garet M'yer. Madelyn Dankers, Jan- ;past and present which the women of the shot is taken an accurate shooter ic:e Peck, Dorothy Swartost, and the university may read in the office. will take a breath and hold it until cele Ilaus, aorethe senaromnd Thes books cover historical, voca- after the bullet is released. Even the Helen hlafuse are the senioreomen tional, and biographical fields, slightest motion caused by respira- who have fulfilled the requiment s ------ ------ thon can spoil aim. and scholarship. Their initiationotivill 0 O-On December 1, at Spring- Correct aim is attained only by con- take placerio October 1matI -lelei field, O., the Women's debating team of stant practice. It is necessary to get Naeerry dormitor Marion Andlen W\ittenberg college will meet an En- the "feel" of the rifle and to sense the son '28 has been appointed chairman glish men's debating squad composed exact position in which the site of the of 'both the initiation and of the din- of a Weleliman, a Scotchman, and an rifle should rest. This cannot well ner which will follow. ;Einglishman to defend the argument be taught to anyone. It comes in- that co-education is a success. stinctively. DENVER-- Sorority o p e n house nights have been banned at the U~ni- versity of Denver, according to the Denver Clarion, campus ne yspaper.- ee rr because of the complaints by the par- Gren Tre 1I ents of the soi'ority women that they were being kept up until all hours of 205 So. State t. the night by the visiting fraternity men.Celu Cordially invites you to partake of Mrs. Catherine R. Corletit, Cleveland, League II team did not appear. The tournament has been making use of two fields since last week. Field II is not in very good condition, but a p., will vote for the first time this fall. faster game can be played there, since She has never voted before because the ball rolls faster on a dirt field. she was uncertain of the issues. I1111111111111U ill I 111tllilllliliillillllllilUl1 111Ni 1119 l11l1 lI 111U l lll ,lllll llllliti11111 ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION LECTURE -- William Montgomery McGovern'- "To Lhasa in Disguise" - Hill Auditorium, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Season Tickets Still on Sale IllCll HAllT TTIlllllllllllll lilli1111illilli N111oil 111 1111 I SUCH ATITENTTION INTHE ow% * w r"W "1i i I,, I r 1 y'./J.I"l~l/ I"~Y././J./"1lJJt1J1./~11"11J1. "l./Yl.!1,/"11. .' ".I". .o .rl. ". . . '" FOR A PERFECT SHAVE Finish up with ESCO SHAVING LOTION Imparts that refreshed and stirmulated feeling to the face h NI