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October 25, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-25

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Saes That It Is Isless' To Attempt
To Harmonize Science Of Bible
And Modern Discoveries
Speaking Sunday evening before the
"Wesleyan guild of the first Methodist;
0piscopa1 'church, Prof. K. F. M~ather,
Ilairvard university geologist, declar-
ed that there -Is nothing incompatible;
in the doctrines of Christianity and of
According to Professor Mather, the,
first creation story in Genesis is good
science-not. good, modern science bu
the best that the writers of the Bible
knew. In fact, Professor Mather
maintains that the portion of the story
which, refers to the earth bringing i
forth fishes, etc., means, in reality,
The second creation story Professor
.Mather dismissed as pure allegory and
folklore which was never intended to
be taken a a literal, historical ac-
count, The speaker remarked that!
when a man 'speaks of a tree of evil
he does not mean an actual tree.
Old And New Not Alike
Vrofessor Mather then concluded'
this portion of his speech with the
statement that it was useless to at-
tempt to harmonize the science of thei
Bible wih ,m~odern discoveries. .Ac-
cording to' the speaker, the world has
not changed since biblical times but
the inhabitants have.'
The speaker emphasized the factj
that, as we no longer accept the
theology of the Old Testament, we
should not be disappointed if it,
science does not conform with mo-"
ern knowledge.
Professor Mather then discussed thei
question of Jesus and evolution. Ac-
cording to the speaker, Jesus said
nothing whatever on the subject of
evolution because no one was interest-f
ed in the question at'the time He was
spreading Is doctrine.
Evolution Is -Middle Step
According to Mather, the Bible gives,
us; the force of creation, God, and the
result, the universe. In his opinion
evolution is the middle .;step, the pro-
cess of creation, the -tool of the crea-
tor. "Evolution is the surest proof of
God," he maintained
The speaker then concluded his ad-
' dregs with a discussion ,as to wjetheri
evolution is an immoral, selfish pro- '
c~ss. According to Professor Mather,
it is not. In rfact tae maintains that
future survival values-will be mea-
ured in terms of ability and desire to
cooperate for the common good.
(Continued from Page One.)
Professor Brumm asserted'1"Mch-
gan has never attempted any slavish
imitation of other departments of
journalism. It has kept its orseI
istrictly critical and professional and
has made no attempts to teach trade
aspects of newspaper publication.
With University tradition as a back-
ground it should be an easy matter to
build up more strictly professional
possibilities of journalistic training
at Michigan."
"The department has always strong-
ly advocated that background courses(
such as political science, sociology, i
economics and hstory should beI
taught in special sections open only
to prospective journalists and with
its point of view definitely recognizd"'
Professor Brumm said "We're such
a department brought to pass here it
would be one of the most notale
achievements iAn education for journ-
alism in the United States."
Read 'The4

Daily Want Ads

Fa1c il itl s of the Union were ex-
t;eii(1 ;l o their limit by throngs which
crowded1 the building, Saturday. -Al
competecount in all departments of
the Uniion was .kept and the figures
showthatone of the largest crowdsl
in the history of the Union used thet
-wrious branches.
Th'e count showed that 40,536 peo -
psle entered the Union on Saturday. In
the depa):rtments: 1,677 people were
skerved in the dining room; 3,225 wes-<
served in the tap room; 377 used the:
swimmling pool; 140 used the bowling
alleys; 264 were taken care of in the
barber shop; 205 people had their
shoes shined; and a capacity crowd
attended the dance Saturday night.

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( Crf,.adc, Lunen or1 'lfrsdlA .j0B1nd
In Fatll IPound akte'


Cascade Linen Sheets
are folded.
Special Price This Sale
'two Pounids, 51c
Tiv a rtonms (100)
Envelopes, 4ic
Marsala Bond comes in,
fiat sheets, with the
newer larger envclolpe:
to match.

Special, Two Pounds, 61c
Two Cartons (100) Envelopes, 61c
25.c eIcrcated SkiN Soap ............2 for 26
.Iv~ Puarete"'t flk of Magnesia Iti1 o')wGyviaeamhseWtr......2 ;for.. 61e
Bon ircie Acid Powder ...........2p 1Or ~
'~cZinc Steuatet: Powder..........2fr 6
S t<, asxdl "13" Ibr Tonic...... fr 1
Se~tc Rex'all _ilisplepsia ''rlsets ...... ,.2 'rSic
('53, Rfexall .Anaalgesic Blalmta.........2 ic Cl
OcRexaall Catarrab Jelly.........2 for64,
-wc Re xall C(orn Solvent ...........2 rZt
I 5' Mechnics' SOatp Paste.........2 c 6
-A- Carblolic Salvr (4 tubes) ........2? for 2~z.
00' lcxv hery ark Cough Syrup ........ f;,r OW
ZZe Chamois Skinm................2 ior 4
1?^N,0 RxilCold Tablets .......... . fo''4
5 t1c te al4I Kidney L" ls .............2for S.~r
3 >v Riexal Little Liner Pills... .-.2for 4
d,3$ ira yr ilypopliosphites Comip-..°.2 fr 1i~
!'-' REpal[ .Toothache IDrops .........21 or 1 "v
:+P( Pep3sin Stomaich Tablets ........2 pfor 26c3f
)5c I1.exadl Rubbing Oil.........2 fr 34
"Mc d Mentholaated IPine Cough Syrup.. .2 for :Uc,
$1.100 ileptcuaa Tonic. .... ......... .2. fory$1.0l
°2"31 ZinacOxide Ointment ..*........2. f or 21ci
flareho Water Bottles (2 quarts).. .2"° for$.2
.5c Ch ir-cmA Tablets ........2 fo'r aye
2,'1 Surlphur Blood Tablets........2 for 24W
5(,IPi k axairve Twin Tabs ......2. for 24W
25c Soda Minat Tablets....... o 4
25vit Bitterlax Tonic Tablets.......2Sfr' 4W~
r.)c Quick Acting Plasters........2frSb
$22-)Foutaalin aSyringes (2 dquaarts;) ,.° .2f'or °-21,
15c, 11aBra' s pecIal Toilet Paper.2..fo -
(12 Rtolls Limit to a Customer)
3eGreaase Eradicator D~ry Cleaner.. .2 for :14W=
25t Pound's llardwater Castile.... ..2 for 24v
'0c Ilardwvaater Softener (I-1. k)..fr21
'Ne Sald Dressing (S Oz.) ........2 for,'ic
,30c V-armonty Bay Etuna.............2 fur S5
$1,01) Quinlinae Iair Tonic ..........:2 fo!r $.LO
10)c Poawdered Borax ... ,.........2 f;r!.ie
l9t Lb. Cocoanut Ron lBons (Fresh) ..2 " '~ ~
liltL. Pure Sugar Stick C'andy ...2 Lbs. Sic

Wet, Th , a ds ,Fri.,Gsatme
ctbr26-27 Q-7829
it fva n, l i 1Ga a5~cfhlatil o ithe
l hu' v ay l h e ('z.l '1. pric _ nor Vie f'irst
35C _'.r:'','. IdetPT .............. .f 4
I7 ,S _t: ... . .. o -?
2~r.1~:~ Ic' h .................bfr:~
i-a. e ......... ..2....S~
"s.. ii ad q'., m ( ia d k)'. . . ...r$ ~
~ ~4;s~ 'Fa S~ a: ci...a....... -' ~i
A14411 OWY((a A e ~~...........32tf~or S
'N,-~~d(Qh eI1?ir l 1C1 -; .............e i
Q S l aE ' i 3C!?;: ............... zlor L
W", -;taii)ia~Sa........... o r
^4h: Arti,. s V -i i:yng n'sis... 2 for. ''
Ue1 ._i 4ou 'ra......der........3fo3"c
54 fai k ~'~teFom. ........ ..for Si
Vi~ fi kcr.EM '3r;Ciek ' Kb.... ..... .. frKIP
A~c h'no is~dArt~ e:-.........

1 «a r. 3

y ;-, .
,.E -
;t. ,
.4 .
^ l

pealBi' Values
$1.00 Full . Pound
Plackag es. .2 for- $1.01
)ce H-alf Pound
P~ackages ... 2 for 36C
A great chance to buy
good chocolates at a
low price.

aeTR V



$1.00> Rubber i- lotiseol l Aprons...2 for $1.1
2- .(,Uii ii ssr~s t'sored).....2 for 4
"'' ig, 6Otcko Brea1fast ffe. .2 for 64
g" ;. aiP yiR' '°'om s (7>'c i.). ....2tior:16e
>'iins : I ( ids) ....2 for f66e
Pi'~P. th (1 (i.~...........2 fox -lc
K,2 ~o~ Phc ~i f2 .()......2 for$1 2'1
::~('~~~ YO101'(h )z.......... 2 fopr .3ks
3 ~a~hi (I;~'&vlc Hiter),S .....2 for 34W
She ~ ~ ~ ~~~. 'sra stii'uh.......2 fir°I
(AI~;Vz~;)......... .....2f'o$1,6
o ae~ a ~t Jms (5 lavors)...2for ic
i'ape.Ic~ (10(12)......2 for 34W
C s ule ...2ierA
t rz z('rexi t 'ts.(P lupd ) . .2 for'IN,,
7 ~~~~~~ le-ii c~ 9P,..........2 for 11c
. e cc orisat zll (I) O........2for Sit
;4e Pits Lgett'i .......ic......2 for' iC
oilIPX'; ~ ll,....... ...........2 for 24liW.
7':'Staiou'~'~ (sseted..........2 fcry1,
'Ide Cf.wm ' >it-n '°Q ! rti~ing P pr. . ...z'forw S
y4 'rx 5()E .jpe o1ht . .. 1or 4ic
o~~~~~>~o P og acu Fa line) . 2 fo 'fIle
z.f Lo W;(a' rp.. ........foli
lst' ;lmts.. ...............2 for 1?'E
$1,5; Sypbxuy l~~al tat!1',y . .2fo l, ,"
$LA seUdhai !;y......2 or$16
54'Lr atmr ttinxy.... o i

Whitney Theatre
Monday, Oct. 351
W G'SFI..L JANNEi'5'' rS3

40, 26




2 1


HADW 4su cv DL Ypu.



A perfect dentifrice, anti-
septic and deodorant.
Clean's and whitens the


The largest selling bttle in the
. orld. The price everywhere is


5 1'


. m


- - -


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