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October 25, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-25

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Petroleum Teclhnoiogist Asserts That
Lawyers of Interior Department
-Were Not ionsulted
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-Moving
swiftly to one of the more important
elements of their case, special govern-
ment oil counsel developed today be-
fore a jury in the District of Columbia
supreme court that Albert B. Fall asl
Interior Secretary took personal direc-
tion over the drafting of the lease
which Harry F. Sinclair obtained forj
the exploitation of Teapot Dome, the
Naval oil reserve in Wyoming.'
Three present or former employes
of the Interior department were called
in the oil consipracy trial, and from,
them counsel elicted a connected story

Journalism Head And Officer Explalis
Views; Next Year's Meet Will
Try New Method
"Personally, I regard the 1927 con-
vention of the University Press club
of Michigan concluded Saturday as
the most successful that we ha/
ever held," Prof. John L. Brumm,
head of the journalism department
and secretary-treasurer of the organi-
zation, said yesterday. "It served to
reveal more clearly than any of the
previous nine conventions that all
types of newspapermen in the state
are coming to realize the need for
professionalizing newspaper practice,
and that University training is the
best means to that end."
"The convention was of importance
in that it re-affirmed its interest in
the department and expressed a de-
sire to cooperate, especially to carry
out President Little's recommenda-
tion that a committee of newspaper-
men who are also college graduates,
be appointed by the president of the
Press Club' to make a careful study of
the problem of education in journal-
ism. It has pledged itself to cooper-

itely faced about and now heartily
believed in training for journalistic .
Next year's convention, the tenth
annual one to be held in Ann Arbor
will take more the form of a journalis-
tic institute, Prof. Brumm declared,
its purpose being to devise short !lR. 1ILIA3I H. 3c-OV]
courses in newspaper practice and ILLUSTRATE TALK
problems, such courses to be conduct- 21OVING PICTURE:
ed by prominent educators and news-
papermen who are members of the NOTED AS ORIENT
P ress C lub.,_______________________
Speaking of the policy of the jour- Has Had Varied Experiences
nalism department, -Considered
(CntiudCon Par T) Daring
(Contnued n-Enterede.) -Ac d Cit


vaix-gvEntered Sacred City
J ournalism Opening the Oratorical series 1cc-
- tiire program for the 1927-28 season,
Convention Dr. William Montgomery McGovern,
considered to be one of the most dar-
ing of modern explorers, will speak
on the subject "To Lhasa in Disguise"
in Hill Auditorium tomorrow night.
Dr. McGovern is the orientalist who
found his way into the gates of the
sacred city of Lhasa in Tibet, where
he met with many exciting and varied
experiences which he will relate on
his appearance here tomorrow night.
At that time his experiences attracted
world-wide attention and established
him as one of the daring modern ex-

of events preceding the signing of the ate with the University toward this
lease; a story which had these essen- end without regard to time or ex-
tial details:read o im o. x
Thatl during the Christmas holidays pense in the best interest of journalis-
of 1921 when Sinclair was visiting tic education.
"It was generally' agreed," Prof.
Fall at Three Rivers, New Mexico, Brumm continued, "that the college
Charles V. Safford, administrative as- jBumcniud ta h olg
sistant to the sretary called for a graduate with the background of
report as to claims to property in Iatraining in journalism was more
Teapot Dome. adapted to the various requirements in
'aliTmanii rPrepared Report. the newspaper field than the man or
Thais report was prepared jointly by woman without such training and
Roy W. Talman, a special.agent of F that he or she would consequently ad-
the Interior department, andaHerbert vance more rapidly.
W. MacFarren, a mineral examiner, One prominent editor who two
and set forth that lone of the claims years ago was opposed to newspaperN
was worthy of consideration and that training announced that he had defin--
from a geological and operative point --
of view, it appeared imperative not to I ATT
open up the Teapot Dome in any man-
ner.gqunl Fall, who had returned Yui T L S T E
to Washington, called for a second-re- T CH
1922, less than, a month before the E
Sinclair lease was signed. This re- mIreCtor Of Intercollegiate Athletics
port dealt primarily with the claims S eaks TOStudets At IVJrst
of the Pioneer Oil and Ga company. Methodist Church
Tallman said that he and L. E. i
Eddy, another witness, had told Fall = iKE L O T M
that all the claims had been closed KIPKE'TELLS F T
out. The final letter could not be-
- found in the files, but Fall was quot- "The greatest word that I can give
ed by this witness as saying that he you is Love. Not sentinmntal love,
had no doubt it had been misplaced. but love for your work and love for
Then Tallman attributed to the your friends," said Fielding H. Yost,'
former cabinet officer a statement director, of intercollegiate athletics, at#
that he was looking at the matter from a men's student banquet held in the
a standpoint of "cautious lawyer" and First Methodist church last night.
was apprehensive that the claims I "The goal of every person is happi-
might come into the possession of ness and they can win happiness only
"unscrupulous persons" who might by giving service," Mr. Yost added.
use them to the disadvantage o the3 Harry Kipke, VAsity backfield
government, coach gave a shrt talk, telling of the
Arthur ;W. Ambrose, one-time Pe- hard work which the Varsity- goes
troleum technologist in the Interior throuh every year to produce win-
department, testified that Fall, had ing teams. Dr. Arthur W. Stalker
called him in; told him Sinclair had acted as toastmaster. Stanley Steinko,
made an offer Nor leasintg Teapot president of the Wesleyan guild, also
Dome; introduced him to the oil op- gave a short talk.
erator and his attorney, the late J. "The Secet of Success" was Mr.
- W. Zevley and directed him to pre- Yost's topic and in telling of the suc-
pare a lease. cess of the men on his teams, he said:
Fall Started Negotiations "The boys that I'm with don't drink!
First negotiations began in Fall's I talked to over 50,000 Michigan
office and then preceded in his 11- alumni on my trip west, and I never
brary in the next room and finally saw a drop of liquor."
were shifted over to Zevley's office, In seaking of Michigan's victories
where the lease was whipped into on the football field, Mr. Yost stated
final form. Ambrose said he never I that the best moments he had had
consulted any lawyers in the Interior with his teams had not been after vic-
department about the lease, referring tories, but when the team came in
all questions to Fall directly. after a defeat. He asked the 100 men
Ambrose was present when Fall . who were present to stick by the team
and Sinclair attached their signatures whether they won or lost.
to the lease, but he did not see Sin -
clair deliver to Fall any of the quit- MIMES SH W
claim deeds he obtained from qut MIM81
Pioneer company or other claimants '
and for which he was to have paid
more than $1,000,000, had the govern- WILL RE -OPEN
ment not stepped in to terminate the
lease through court action. Through-
out the negotiation of the contract, . After a two-day inactivity the
Ambrose treated the whole matter as Mimes theater will again be opened
confidential. tonight to continue the presentation
On cross examination of the gov- of the Frederick Lonsdale comedy of
ernment witnesses, defense counsel English life "On Approval." The
made it a matter of record that both drama played to full houses over the
E. C. Finney, First Assistant Secre- week-end, and was completely sold
tary of the Interior and H. Foster out for Saturday night after the Ohio
Bain, director of the Bureau of Mines, State game. There was no perfor'm-
were in Fall's office when the secre- ance last night, because of a private
tary told Ambrose about Sinclair's musicale that was being held in the
offer and directed that the lease be theater.
drawn up. ' Lonsdale's comedy, the second of
the Mimes productions for the present
TO LECTURE ON season, is in three acts and two
scenes. The settings for the three
ANCIENT MAYAS episodes are laid in a house in Mayfair
--- and in a country place in northern
Dr. Sylvanius G. Morley, interna- Scotland. These were specially con-
tional authority on the ancient Maya structed for' "On Approval" by Otto
civilization, will speak at 4:15 to- Schiller, Mimes' scenic artist.
morrow in the Natural Science audi- Charles D. Livingstone, '28L, carries
toriunm on the subject "The 1927 Sea- one of the four roles in the production,
sn at Chichen Itza." and is also responsible for the direc-
Dr. Morley, who delivered a lecture , tion. Other members of the cast are

Smuggled In Camera Arrival of Chairman Green of House
By using a clever camouflage, Dr. Ways and Means Committee
McGovern was able to smuggle a Adds Impetus
motion picture camera into the coun-
try and the story of his adventures COLLIER ADVOCATES CUT
will be illustrated with motion pie- __
tures. These are Vielieved to be the (By Associated Press)
first motion pictures ever taken in WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-Arrival at
"The Forbidden City," as Lhasa is the capital today of Chairman Green
commonly termed.
Prof. John L. Brumm Dr. McGovern received his Ph. D. of the House Ways and Means com-
Head of the journalism department, at Oxford university and is a Fellow mittee gave new impetus to discus-
who believes that the recent conven in the Royal Geographical and Royal sion of tax legislation by the fourth
tion of the University Press club o Asiatic Societies. He is at the present coming congress and specifically
Michigan was the most successful ever time connected with the Field Muse- centered attention on the meeting ol
held in Ann Arbjor. Th-e plan to o- tm of Natural Iistory in Chicago.
operate with University officials, in Dr. McGovern's lecture tomorrow that committee seven days hence to
accord with President Clarence Cook night will be the first of the series of begin the writing of a revenue bill.
Little's suggestion, for the purpose eight lectures on- the Oratorical pro- While the chairman said he was not
of making a careful study of the prob- gram this season. Harry A. Franck, prepared to discuss all aspects of the
gem of education in journalism, was a graduate of the University of Mich- prepedto disussoa, ae ofnte
adopted by the mnembers. Professor "an, who returned in August f prospective legislation, he announced
Brumm was unanimously 're-elected Palestine where he made a study of that he favored a general reduction
secretary-treasurer of the organiza- the changing conditions, will be the of the corporation tax. le likewise
tion. second speaker, appearing here Nov. declined to estimate now how much
-1.taxes could be reduced.
It was announced yesterday by the Representative Collier, of Missis-
I3IC1HGANENSIAN PICTURES Oratorical department that Gov. Al- sippi, a Democrat on the committee,
--- bcrt -E. Ritchie, of Maryland, will declared however, that he favored a
Seniors of the Medical and speak here on Feb. 15. This was the tax cut of $400,000,000, a minimum
Dental Schools and all others only date not fixed previously on the jtigure suggested recently by his
who find it impossible to apply 'program. Democratic colleague, Representative
{ for Michiganensian pictures ear- Box office sale of tickets for the Garner of Texas, the ranking min-
{ ly in the afternoon will be given :lecture tomorrow night will be held ority member.
their last chance to . do so to- in Hill auditorium both this afternoon "I believe taxes could be cut by
day. The office will be opened and tomorrow, Carl G. Brandt, of the $400,000,000," Collier said. "I favor
until 6 p. m. department of speech, who is financial reduction of the corporation tax to
manager of this season's program, an- 10 per cent. We should get rid of
nounced yesterday. the excise taxes as fast as we can."
EDITOR'S NOTE:-The fo low ng in. motor car has contributed?" I asked. that comes back to the original prem-
tervew by Lionel L. ous with r. R The president took off his glasses ise about the man who is wise enough
vesy appeaurre id eent ofstanford fil O be trusted with a car. ,If he mixes
vrsity appeared ina rent issue ofand considered for a moment before
The atioal Mtorst. ermi-ionforalcohol with gasoline he wont stay
publication has been secured he replied. Over his shoulder, through in college at all; he isn't the sort we
The 'Daily has opposel di~o i ily t he
P sent automobile ban, believing-a *o)(l' the window, the palm-lined main drive want here. In fact, his kind won't
fled ban as outlined in the editorial of of the campus was visible-with scores make out outside of college. No, you
Sept. 30 to be possible and prac tical.
The interview represents th iei of a of cars speeding students to and from can't put the blame on the auto-it
university administrative executive regarl- classes. "It has contributed speed; it doesn't belong there.
ils this problem .,AnyOuiisdoryviews
on this matter will be publishd r viw supplies a means, really essential, for "And, of course, the value of the car
Daily in the furtherance o an aderuate the student to get to his engagements in the social side of student life is
solution to' the automobile problem. on time. They are so varied today huge. It's influence has had a great
The complete interview follows: Ithat the necessity for an auto has deal to do-as another manifestation
Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of made its use a part of student life, typical of modern changes, that it-
Some of the students make poor use of with the change in the social rounds
Stanford University, has this pregnant the extra time they gain by- using a within the walls of the university. Its
message: "I will say that in spite of car-they 'blow it in' foolishly; but place is definite in student life, of
the tremendous increase in the -num- that is no criticism of the automobile which it has come to be an integral
ber of automobiles in use by students because the man who does that would part. The revolutionary changes that
here at Stanford in the past two de- 'blow' his time anyway. He's not the have come over colleges in the last
cades or so, we have had to send away sort who makes a good record here. It decade or so and that have come over
a steadily decreasing number of stu- all comes back to what I said before the outside world's attitude toward
dents for poor scholarship. On the about the student with brains enough colleges, have brought the automobile,
contrary, scholarship averages have to succeed here having brains enough among other blessings. It consequent-
increased right along with the in- to rightly handle his motor car. ly has its definite place and is here
crease in motor cars here." "Some of the men make use of the to stay.
Leaning back more comfortably in automobile to display their wealth; "From a survey we recently made,
his chair and smiling quizzically as they flaunt an expensive car about the and by the use of a questionnaire, we
he spoke, the president continued: campus to gather admiration. But have come to the conclusion that the
"Most of the students rode in an au- when a fraternity bids a man like that, automobile has no contributing effect
tomobile before they rode in a baby it doesn't bid him, it offers member- whatsoever upon low scholarship o
buggy, and it is second nature to them ship to his car. Nevertheless, there students. Men and women who fail
to have a wheel in their hands. That ( is compensation orr the other side of fail because they themselves don't
is just as it should be; it fits in per- the picture for any man here can buy measure up to the mark. It is ab-
fectly with the trend of the times; it ome Old wreck and for a few dollars surd to blame the motor car-in fact
is one more manifestation of the will have the same transportation as the to blame any environmental influence
of modern youth to control power. It rest; in that sense it certainly has a It's what's inside the man that counts
is a good tling for it early teaches the democratizing influence." Dr. Wilbur "As you know, we have a larger pro-
handling of a power plant correctly. laughed as he said this. No doubt portion of our student body living or
t Years ago a bicycle stood in much ithe there was in his mind the thought of the campus than most other universi-
same light, but the automobile has the hundred and one freak wreck con- ties, and it is our aim to have all stu
become more than a mere means of traptions that roll around the campus dents domiciled on the campus. A
swifter locomotion--it has had a di- on four wheels and little else. For present we have not the facilities am
rect influence upon college education equalizing the great differences in for those who are compelled to fin
itself. . wealth that unfortunately exist in col- quarters off the campus while in at
"In my recent tour of the East I had lege nothing acts more potently than tendance, the automobile is a distinc
opportunity to take note of the restric- the automobile. A steering wheel and aid. It ehables such students to mee
tions placed upon the use, of autos by a motor on four wheels that will run their engagements on time-and i
undergraduates in the institutions make all students kin. Perhaps this that way is an aid in maintainin
there-we have no need of such over- has had something to do with the out- scholarship at a high average and h
seeing here. It -would be absurd to sanding democratic spirit thatdistil keeping down the number of failure:


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