RED AND BLUE TEAMS COMPOSED OF OHIO Ws E" Interest In AMS D DADE "Women Excel Men In Industry" Says Sports Is AdmirableLL I G. E. Sutherland At Press Convention STATE AND MICHIGAN PLAYERS ENGAGE IN Says Dr. Sappington INTRA RL INA L Com'n excell en industry," ington News are all women. Even in ---- as 1~ ther aten of Mr. G. H. Suthr- the mechanical department Mr. Suth- A S t u d e n t s h a v e n o d o u b t a l r e a d y ~trt ego MeI S t e t ec n a d aey. u-unh vd- - - l a n d , e d i t o r o f t h e L u d i n g t o n N e w s , i n e r l a n d f i n d s i t m o r e p r o f i t a b l e t o em - Arrangements Made By Board For interview yesterday at the Press ploy women who, accrdng to Mr. Atheism CLDS[ GAME AT PALM ERFlIELD SATURDAYmade the acquaintance of Dr. Edith Of Two Fields Will Greatly Convention. "They are more ac- Sutherland, 'tear right through the topic of d _na-sFacilitatelayc '. en tiue(,"they take a work" and who receive the highest ing Tues ism IN SCHOU' SSED BY ATHENI n in our schools, was th iscussion at the Athena mee ay night. The text was tal finals are now in sight. The stronger Oilof1 teams are working into shape in order ,inc to make a bid for the championship. tious 1 This week's play will take place on libel. two fields instead of one as previously. thing; w This will greatly facilitate the play an advantage which the Intramural xvit has been seeking. brains On the old field, Alpha Omicron both o Pi will meet Alpha Xi Delta at 4 ing, ai o'clock Monday; at 5 o'clock, League tion." 5 will play Delta Gamma; Wednesday The at 4 o'clock, Adelia Cheever and Lea- and ei gue 4; 5 o'clock, Helen Newberry and Kappa Delta; Friday at 4 o'clock, the winner of the Alpha Omicron Pi- Alpha Xi Delta contest with the win- ner of the Delta Gamma-League game [ at 5 o'clock, Alpha Epsilon Phi and the winner of the Alpha Chi Omega- Kappa Kappa Gamma game. The schedule for playing on the The new field, which is beside of the game field house will be as follows: 4 excitex o'clock on Monday, Alpha Chi Omega od dc and Kappa Kappa Gamma; 5 o'clock, Eihus Kappa Alpha Theta and Zeta Tau Ohio S Alpha; 4 o'clock on Wednesday, Lea- Man gue 1 and Pi Beta Phi; 5 o'clock, house Martha Cook and the winner of a game. game between Phi Gamma Mu and Chi Omega; 4 o'clock on .Friday, the Bets winner of a gome between Betsy Bar- costun bour and Alpha Gamma Delta and evenn; Delta Delta Delta; 5 o'clock, Alpha miock Phi and the winner of the Kappa dinner Alpha Theta-Zeta Tau Alpha. houria dance GIRLS' GLEE CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS miss m j tors At a meeting of the women who Mrs. A were admitted to the Freshmen Girls' her ho Glee Club which was held at 4 o'clock (ay aft Monday in room 305, Schol of Music for the purpose of electing officers Mei and outlining the plans of the coming at dir year, Miss Delma Loyer, '28, presi- ,Profes dent of the University Girls' Glee \Venlc Club presided and the following offi- Mrs. cers were elected: Gwendolyn Zoller, HIwa '31, president, Luella Lawton, '31, se- cretary-treasurer, and Jean Robinson, Delt '31, librarian. alumn: Miss May Strong, director of the day n organization, explained that during ' the coming season the group would The work on a cantata and an opera to tained Sbe presentedlate in the school year. honor 'JiUu i JL CIU 1I a ucation, and was enthusiastic about -- the new field house for women, on Functioning this year, for. the first Palmer Field. She said in this con- time, under the direction of ,the Wo- nection, "Of course, I greatly admire men's league, the World fellowship the new equipment for women's phy- committee at Michigan is different sisal education at the University of than at most schools, where it is California, and I can't go back on my under the management of the Y. W. Alma Mater, but I think that thel C. A new Palmer field house is wonderful,j World Fellowship committees are and sure to mean a great deal in the international, including girls of all future of sport's among University of races and nations and through the Michigan women." World's Student Christian Federatona they are united with both men and STORES DISCOUNT women students in forty countries. FOR LEAGUE FUND Although foreign students living on F a campus offer an opportunity for personal contact and the members of Last year several of the Ann Arbor the World Fellowship committee take shops gave to the Women's league advantage of this, it is not necessary discounts on sales made, in order to to have foreign women on the campus earn more money for the league to bring about the formation of a building fund. This year this same committee. At Michigan State college: policy is being, followed out by three where there are no foreign students, of the stores. there is a committee which devotes Morril's store in the Arcade is al- its time to reading about the life of lowing 5 per cent discount on all cash foreign women and make reports. of sales. Last year Jacobson's clothing their readings in committee meetings.. store gave 10 per cent of all sales to Thus they strive for the same aim of the league. This same policy will be a better understanding of the life of followed out this year. Goodhew's foreign women. flower shop is giving 10 per cent to The members of the committee hope the league. But in order to get this that by promoting friendship with discount for the league all buyers foreign women' who will be leaders must ask for it. It is not enough that in their own country that they will a sale is made. The buyer must de- .+++t..__+_ -1.-r I o n ln4., thnl ia ari, pq t4hn c, l-i .o,,nnnt Ann- 07 .. I