4 ait
IH 10 21-
Will Appoint Committee to Determine
Possiblity of Journalism
As A Separate Unit
Louis A. Weil, editor and publisher
of the Port Huron Times Herald, was
chosen as president of the University
Press club at the business sesion of
thle organization's ninth annual con-
vention which was concluded here yes-
Weil succeeds Arthur R. Treanor,
editor and manager of the Saginaw
News Courier, president for the past
"year. Norman H. Hill, editor of the
Saulte Ste. Marie Evening News was
named first vice-president. The
second vice-president for the coming
year is Harry II. Whiteley, editor of
the Dowagiac Daily News and the
third is Thomas Conlin, editor of the
Crystal Falls Diamond Drill. Prof.
Johtn L. Brummk of the University de-
partment of journalism was again
elected secretary-treasurer.
Committee Appointed
Following the recommendations of
President Clarence Cook Little of the
university regarding the possibility of
making the department of journalism
a separate unit of the University a
resolution was passed sanctioning the.
appointment of a committee repre-
senting the press club to confer with a
committee- representing the adminis-
trative board of the university. 'Ihe
appointment of this committee was
placed in the hands of the retiring1
president, Arthur R. Treanor. In re-
porting, Treanor announced that in
order to secure the men whom he1
wanted and felt should compose the
committete both from the standpoint
of general recognition and from the
amount of time that they could devote
to the sessions, perhaps a month or
more of time would elapse before he
could announce its complete person-
Resolutions were passed honoring
the memory of the late Edmund W.
Booth, editor of the Grand Rapids
Press and Wilbert H. Gustinf, manag-
ing editor of the Bay City Daily Times,
who passed away during the past year.
Following the business meeting the
club met for luncheon and afterwards
was the guests of Fielding H. Yost
and the Atheltic association at the
Michigan-Ohio football game.
Satisfaction Expressed.
In concluding the meetings, a gen-
eral feeling of satisfaction was ex-'
pressed by the majority of those in
attendance who voiced their senti-
ments in another resolution express-
ing their appreciation of the coopera-
tion of the University in aiding them
to plan and hold their annual session
and in providing for the complete
and varied entertainment that was
proffered for the visitors while in Ann
Saturday morning's sessions brought
tho meetings of the Press club for
the ninth consecutive year to a close.
The group of more than 130 arrived in
Ann Arbor Thursday morning and
after registering at the Union met for
the openpg session early Thursday
afternoon at which President Treanor
gave the opening address.
Among the speakers who were pres-
ent for the sessions were President
Clarence Coo Little of the Univer-
sity; Virgil V. McNtt, manager of Mc-
Naught's Newspaper syndicate; Prof.
Robert M. Wenley, Prof. Roy W. Sel-
lar, Prof. Thomas E. Rankin, Prof.
Leigh J. Young, and Prof. Raleigh
Schorling; Fielding H. Yost, William
'. Leazell, assistant editor of the New
York W,)rld; and Arthur W. Stace, di-
rector of the Michigan bureau of
public utility research,
en State 9, Syracuse 6.
Communication is Enroute to France;
Will Be Delivered Monday
At Foreign Office
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-The Amer-
ican note for the Paris controversy
with the French, sixth in the series
between the two countires, was on its
way to Paris today and will be de-
livered to the foreign office Monday by
the American embassy.
Washington officials declined to
summarize the communication or dis-
cuss its character other than to im-
plicate that it was conciliatory in
Hope is entertained, in spite of early
gloomy anticipations placed upon the
French note of last Saturday, That
the American answer will possibly
terminate the conversation in an
agreement for a formula for commer-
cial treaty negotiation. There is little '
question that officials here believe yes-
terday's development with respect to
the Washington government as to both
agricultural guarantees and the ques-
tion of . sending American experts
abroad to study the books of foreign
exporters will prove to have created
an increasingly deadly atmosphere in
which the Paris conversation is pro-
It was learned authoritively tonight
that the new American Paris note does
not contain any suggestion of pro-
-posals not already brought out in the
exchanges with the French war office.
Presumably it is confined to the state-
ment of the American attitude in con-
nection with conditions discovered in
the last French note, which were said
to make their communications unsat-
isfactory to the workings of govern-
ment. Further examination gave a
more favorable outlook that the new
note will serve to clean up, it is said,
any doubt that may still exist as to
the true significance of the French
conditional statement.
If, as is hoped here, it proves to be
not specific stipulations requiring ad-
vanced pledges from the United States
as a basis for treaty negotiations, of-
ficials here would not be surprised if
the formula under which those nego-
tiations will proceed should be com-
pleted within ,a fortnight or so, and
the actual business of treaty drafting
BERLIN, Oct. 22.-Through the as-
sistance of the Rockefeller Institute
of America, the ancient University of
Goetingen will soon lay claim to be-
ing the "center of the mathematical
The Mathematical institute of the
university is in process of complete
overhauling and extension, and it is
thought that by 1929 the Mathema-
tical institute will be the most com-
plete of its kind in the world.
The Ohio State game has been held with the 86,000, it finally becomes so
and the new stadium is officially op- natural that the whole affair seemed
ened! It was not a dedication, for
there was nothing to which to, dedi-
cate the great bowl, but it was as
impressive and as satisfactory as any
dedication could hope to be; for even
the weatherman smiled and cooperat-
ed with the production of a perfect
The University of Michigan, nor the
whole state of Michigan ,has never
seen a crowd so vast. Endless files
of human beings, piled nearly a hun-
dred rows high, encircled the smil-
ing green area in which was enacted
the business of the afternoon. It took
one's breath away, this multitude,
upon first entering that immense
bowl;' but after one took his infinite-
simal place in the scheme of the thing,
and cheered and shouted and sang
Captain Benny Ooosterbaain (above).,
Louis Gilbert (below).
Who, ,in yesterday's game, showed
themselves to be a remarkable offen-
sive combination. Passes, Ooster-
baan to Giblert, were directly respon-
sible for all of the three touchdowns,
scored by Michigan.
This reverses the famous combina-
tion of the last two years when Ooster-
baan was on the receiving end of the
passes. Captain Oosterbaan has
proved himself to be the most accurate
passer of the team.
Gilbert not only .proved his ver-
satility by his excellent work in re-
ceiving passes, but also distinguished
himself running back punts as well as
making several long runs through a
broken fiend.
(By Associated Press)
Illinois 7, Northwestern 6.
Chicago 13, Pennsylvania 7.
Wisconsin 12, Purdue 6.
Notre Dame 19, Indiana 6.
Minnesota 38, Iowa 0.
Navy 32, Duke 6.
George Washington 13, Fordham 0.
Georgetown 25, West Virginia 0.
Ohio Wesleyan 7, tienison 0.
Georgia Tech 13, North Carolina 0.
Wabash 7, Colgate 0.
Butler 25, Depauw 6.
Drake 26, Grinnell 6.
Kansas Aggies 20, Oklahoma 14.
Western Reserve 37, Kenyon 0.
Wittenberg 28, Ohio University 0.
Alabama 24, Sewanee ,0.
Yale 10, Army 6.
N. Y. U. 20, Rutgers 6.
Washington and Jefferson 14, La-
fayette 0.
Victory Avenges String Of Defeatst
Pennsylvania Has Haned 1
Stagg Teams1
By Charles W. Dunclay, Associated-
Press Sports Writer".
CHICAGO, Ill., Oct. 23-Amos Alon-
zo S'tagg, dean of American football'
coaches, saw his dream of 30 years
crowned with success today when his
maroon jerseyed warriors conquer-1
ed Penn 15 to 7 before 55,000 spec-a
The4victory avenged,attleast for,
this 64 year- old football teacher, a
string of defeats Pennsylvania has,
handed his team.
Stagg ,the "old man" of the grid-
ironasent an inspired crew of foot-
ballers against Pennsylvania today.
Th.ere was an efectiveness and trick-
ery in the Chicago attack in ad-
vancing the ball through the line, and
Stagg's backfield aces pass}:d ;and
passed and passed until the bewilder-
ed Pennsylvanians became dizzy un-
der the barrage. It was the first time
in the memory of the oldest maroon
admirers that Stagg sent forth a
team equipped with so effective a
forward pass attack.
Chicago, threatening and dangerous
from the very first play until the last,
scored a touchdown in the second per-
iod and another in the third by beau-
tiful passing. Starting from the
Pennsylvania '47 yard line in the sec-
ond period, Stagg showed the eastern-
ers some hidden ball formations of his
own, when Leyers, who had replaced
Burgess at full-back for Chicago, gain-
ed 12 yards on two effective pivot
plays through tackle.
Then the maroon opened up with
passing, shot from Anderson to Men-
denhall, running for 14 yards, with
Mendenhall carrying to Penn's 31
yard line before he was checked.
Then to make the situation more
confusing the Maroons started some
triple passing. Leyers took the ball
from center and feinted a plunge at
the line, turned and tossed the ball
back ten yards to Mendenhall who in
turn shot it forward to Anderson, who
was brought down on Penn's six
yard line. After striking center for
a yard, Mendenhall was given the
ball a second time and crashed
through left tackle for a touchdown.
Police reports of yesterday carried
the name of one more student, Rex.
quite in the scheme of things.
Ohio's 110 piece band was first on
the field at 2:15, with its scarlet and
gray uniforms and the white spats.
Then Michigan's maize and blue capes
emerged from under the east stand,
and while the crowd rose and roared
its applause the wolverine organiza-
tion opened the ceremonies with a
blare of a trumpet.
Then, the alumni entered and fol-
lowed the bands on a parade around
the field. With them were the nota-
bles present, including several gov-
ernors and former football stars. With
the alumni also were the two real
live wolverines, "Biff and Benny."
Then the first 20 men of the Michi-
gan team entered, and another round
of cheers volleyed from the throat1
of the stadium. Ohio's team entered,
which was the 4ignal for the pennant
wavingaroot ersfrom Columbus to
whoop and cheer in the most ap-
proved Ohio State manner.
Four airplanes zoomed overhead;
the bands spasmodically competed to
see which could play "Hail, Hail"' with
the fastest tempo (It was a draw);
the sun smiled congenially as the pun-
ters thudded the pigskins in their
warming up drills; the Ohio State sec-
*tion sang "We don't give a darn for
the whole state of Michigan;" and the
wolverines tknawed at thei steel bars
in a vain attempt to be out with their
vicious cohorts on the field.
Finally the officials came, and two
former women students at Michigan
and Ohio carried giant boquets out
before the battery of cameras. There
they posed with a football player
apiece, and having satisfied the news
reels retired to the sidaiiELs. Then
the kickoff-and the game-but that
is another story.
During the game Michigan's cheer-
ing section had its first chance to
perform effectively, and though the
seating arrangement made somewhat
of a mess of the "M" itself it was all
forgotten when Gilbert flashed across
the Ohio goal line for the first touch-
down, and amid the delirious bedlam
the flying cardboard cards of the
cheering section made up for what-
ever other shortcomings it may have
had previously.
At the half the Michigan band was
somewhat outmaneuvered by Ohio's
aggregation, though both of the mu-
sicians' groups did excellent work.
The principal difference was that Ohio
could make a recognizable "OHIO"
while our own "MICH" looked remark-
ably like a mob scene. At the "M"
however, Michigan excels, and demon-
strated her excellence yesterday.
But it finally ended, and the Michi-
gan band had the chance again to
crash forth on the opening strains of
the "Victors;" and the 86,000 piled out
of the stadium. It was the official
opening 21 to 0.
Possible misunderstanding as to the
condition of Laverne Taylor, sopho-
more end who was injured in the Wis-
consin game, has been cleared up by
a statement from Doctor Hugh Cabot.
Taylor is not as seriously injured as
early reports have stated. Dr. Cabot's
statement follows:r
"There seems to be some misappre-
hension about the condition of La-
verne Taylor, '30. He was hurt in
the Wisconsin game. After his re-
turn to Ann Arbor a fracture of the
sixth vertabra in the neck was dis-
covered. There was but moderate dis-
placement of the fragments and no
serious symptoms.
"Treatment will require -his stay in
By Herbert E. Vedder
Ably assisted by his inimitable captain, Bennie Oosterbaan, "Elusive
Louie" Gilbert led Michigan to a wonderful 21-0 triumph over a fighting
but definitely beaten Ohio State eleven yesterday to formally open the
great new home of Wolverine football teams in a most fitting manne.r
A record-breaking crowd of 86,000 frenzied fans, the largest number ever
-- to witness an athletic contest in Ann
rW Arbor, cheered itself hoarse from the
opening whistle to the final gun.
Oftentimes these- much heralded
.IS contests turn out to be farces; not
BLASTED BY ILLIN U rsoyesterday, for brilliant football,
ruled and the game brought to the
fore a most dangerous contender for
Illinois Victory In 1Her.1927 Big TenConference football honors in the
D)ebut RIesuti s in First Purple Wolverines, who are now in the midst
Defeat Since 1925 of a powerful drive for their third
______ Sconsecutive Big Ten grid title,
As a result of yesterday's. games
V Michigan is the only major team in
the entire country which has not been
(Bly Associated Press) scored on this season. In four games
DYCHE STADIUM, EVANSTON, Ill., the Wolverines have scored 89 points
Oct. 22.-The hopes of -Northwestern to their opponents nothing. Prince-
for a renewal of its Western Confer- ton, Geneva, Pittsburgh, and Louisiana
ence football championship sank be- State university, unscored on until
yesterday each had a touchdown
fore the invading Illini today when chalked against them.
Coach Bob Zuppke's 1927 Big Ten de- Gilbert Is Sensation
but brought Illinois a victory over the Louis Gilbert was the sensation of
Purple, 7-6. the game, out-Ebying even the great
It was the first Conference defeat son of Chilicothe, Byron Eby. His
since Stagg's Chicago Maroons won work at returning punts was only an
from Northwestern in midseason of incidental as he personally accounted
1925 and the first defeat Coach Dick for every one of Michigan's 21 points.
Hanley has tasted since he entered With Oosterbaan on the sending end,
the Western Conference coaching Gilbert received three passes, one
ranks. lateral and two forward, which he
An accurately aimed place kick converted into touchdowns. Each of
from the toe of Albert Nowack Illinois his three kicks after touchdown were
junior, who played tackle for the Illyni, perfect. His punting also played a
was the margin of the alert Illinois prominent part in the Michigan vic-
superiority over the equally alert tory, being well placed and effective
Wildcats. Tiny Lewis, Northwestern's because of their height.
big full back, wbo scored the Purple's Ohio State made the first threat
touchdown, missed his try for goal. when a series of running and passing
Both scores came in the second plays carried the ball to Michigan's
period and both teams balled upon 25-yard line following Huston's inter-
their aerial tactics to cross the goal cepting Gilbert's pass on his own 40-
line. 3
Thereafter Northwestern tried des-1
perately to score by passing, but the1
Illinf kept the receivers well covered,
and Northwestern completed only four.
out of 10 attempts in the third andj
fourth periods.
The scoring opportunity for North-
western t came early in the second
period due to the great superiority of
Lewis' punts over Mills' kicks. A 65-
yard punt by Lewis put the ball on
Illinois' 1-yard line. Mills punt reach-
ed only to the 15-yard line. "
-Haas passed to Waldo Fisher for a
12-yard gain and Lewis plunged over
from the 3-yard line on the first try.
Then with Clarence Stuessy re-
placing Blair French at quarter for
Illinois, the Illini unleashed their
overhead drive in earnesttt. Stuessy
passed wide to Walker for good gains
and then across the Northwestern
goal line into the arms of Walter- Jolly
who had just gone in at end.
The third period opened discourag-
ingly to Northwestern when Gustaf-
son's fumble gave Illinois the ball on
Northwestern's 20-yard line but the
Purple resisted the Illini attack and
the punting duel was resumed, this
time Walker having the better of
Calderwood in the exchange.
The one point margin of Victory for
Illinois was not quite as impressive
as the Illini's advantage on ground
gained as the invaders made 13 first
downs tc >!rthwestern's 10.
In yesterday's Daily it was errone-
ouslv stated that Samuel L. Jacobson.
yard line. Marek's attempted place
kick scarcely ~left the ground and
Michigan took charge of the game
scarcely to relinquish it again.
Gembis made four yards and a mo-
ment later caught a pass from Gilbert
for first down on the Buckeye 35-
yard line. On the second play after
this the Wolverines stationed a "sleep-
er" across the field and Oosterbaan
came back to pass. He worked a per-
fect deception by hurling the ball
straight down the field to Gilbert who
caught it on the 15-yard line and ran
across the goal line untackled for the
first touchdown.
Pass Again Works -
Jn the third quarter the Oosterbaan
to Gilbert pass combine again be-
came active. Afcr an exchange of
punts Gilbert's return put the ball on
Ohio's 40-yard line. Pucklewartz's
pass to Rich was incomplete and Ooos-
terbaan plunged through the line for
a yard. Then came another "'shoot to
kill" play by the senior members of
the firm. Practically duplicating the
first touchdown play, Oosterbaan,
standing in midfield, threw a tremend-
ous 48-yard pass to the same elusive
Louie who stumbled the remaining
two yards for the second score.
Hoffman, who had just returned to
the game, called on the venerable,
hoary-bearded, old reprobate of Yost's
"83" as a stimulant of the final touch-
down in the middle of the fourth per-
iod. After holding the ball on a fake
place kick by Gilbert, Hoffman picked
up the oval and scampered 29 yards
through the left side of where the
line had been to give the Wolverines
first down on the Bucks' 9 yard
line. After a buck and a penalty for
,ichigan Oosterbaan tossed a lateral
"I thoroughly believe in the train-
ing received on college newspapers,"
asserted William Preston Beazell, as-
sistant editor of the New York World,
who was here for the University Press
club conference last week. "By work-
ing on these publications the students
can at least learn what journalism is
all about, and this is a very important
thing," he averred in the same inter-
view. "Probably half of the prelimi-
nary training needed for the news-
"nrrncin . h lip nnimrorl rn
,and from that day to this I have nev-
er left the newspaper game." !Green, '29, 527 Thompson street, who
"I have never once regretted that was fined for scalping football tickets.
I entered the profession," he added.
Though he attended the University MISSOURI-Punishment for the
of Western Pennsylvania, Beazell violation of class traditions is the
spent his last year at and graduated lot of the freshmen at the universi-
from Allegheny university. "The day ty.
after commencement I went to work
on the paper with which I am now MICHIGAN PENNAN
connected," he said. . FROM LOFTY,
Beazell also mentioned that the
astern newspaper fraternityt thinksdg
I o' f the U Tniversity of Michig-anI According to a report given out by
the hosptal for some weeks and he is
clear out of football for the season.
It is not believed that the permanent
disability will be serious, though it is
probable that football might for him
be too risky."
Signed, HUGH CABOT, M.D.
> I
ials. Some of Ohio's loyal rooters may
inn _e HLr__ _ t_. L__v _._ __.Z.J .__4