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October 22, 1927 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-22

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Publication in the jBulletln is constri2etive notice to all Members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to theOPresident until.
3:30 p. m. (1].:34 a. nm. Saturday.)

Women's iCS='inch Club will m-eet in Rfcuin
ing, Monday, October 24, at 7.30. Franc
U'niversity of ihgnBn
S Formation tn o ri 11 -,l! t aI o'clock IAv
timne li


Volume 8T


Vlnumber 29

Statement W ithe Reference To The Ohio-1leliigmiiFootball (hGame: Hatted and iiatles rtUtldflit. are ,ut
Tlhe formal opening ceremony of the stadium will commence at 2:.s
o'clock, Ann Arbor time. The game will be called at u:00 'o'clock, Ann Arbor 1eriig (danlgerous(ICIUSionkS Ui)ou1 the
time. Everyvone should hold his own ticket'on entering the gate to the stad- desirability of thir headgear_>: if we
um area. Holders will be admitted through any gate.! accept the statement of r I):.oyal S.,
After entering the stadium, follow the walkways to your section entranceCoea, 8,Uitdttssntr
to the stadium se ats. ,iCpln,'9,Uic tg eao
'there will be 85,000 specators at the game, the majority or whom will from New York.zaid formner lpxrofes-
come to Ann Arbor by automobile. Parking areas will be at a premium. Each sor of optliamology are., otolog y at;
resident of Ann Arbor will aid materially in the solution of the parking prob- the . University. Coni(nhing on the1
lem by leaving his automohile at home and not park on any street. tcugaeattd oadpoeto
F. H. Yost. *cleit tiue-oadpoeto

About a]l
Balhi uc
to poor
a forcefi3
can cut

- 2,Natural Science Build- GV
J.al Thorpe, A Secretary. 'THAT CAN ANSWER TELEPH ONE AND GV .Ili
C a es will be iss uedl at this
L. Malclm.11I, Stud.1ent \ gr. nw
°,S' D A G E ai
TLE S Y U T Hxiit e tilePi
It it does to the hair' is to fode
ss on the other hand is due' e
i cu a i n w i h Ca eaggravated by pressure of a ' n et, i
nd. The heart cannot pump rr ' n f
ii stream of blood to the ex-fn "
of the body; slight pressure le i, n el
off the blood stream almos3t tuehu i
Hats of ample size and# k'fI 5 }Fb t ile iuI el
te ria l m a y , h o w ev er, be w o rn d p la i g c o s q u n e i ' r .a § - { .i inpr i .. ,"y

* t nt ofi1 uev isloi
ril b,3 iiili operator.
ihiery can be called onl
toene. asked questions
iit il ructions has just
win"trated inl the offices'
w~i fork Electrical comn-
'h arrangelient, called
0Co t "l ' tei t is 1t1e'inl-
£R. 1. Wenl'ey, at thes
iectrical engineer. This
i1 :er1.an t, acc ording- to
Ior, Ii1lllfiled al appli-
isolated IMr~wer station';
can lake the place of t'
td r'aid atte"ndant, The
lch is shomn, is sensl-
iiferent tones whIich canl
wilted to it over te reg.
1,l1oue. The tones are
by- tuned circuits hich
operate relys that canl
to perform lariouis acts
till1ing switches and low.
n rates. The servant is
human in appearance; it
we like a cross betweenl
lild .1 telephone SwVitchi-
telection ig 0,ht. ,

N~otice i re 71archase of Annuities:'
The attention of all members of the Faculty who by the term of their
appointment are obligated to purchase old age annuiles or who have the priv-
ilege of purchasing such annuities, is respectfully called to the fact that the
annuity rate's of the 'Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association will be
son, what increased begjnning January 1, 1928. There will be an appreciable'
saving to all who perfect their arrangements for taking annuities before the.
end of the present calendar year. Shirley W. Smith.
Exhibition of Designs Made for State Board Examination in Architecture:
An exhibition of the designs made for t he last State R~oard' examination
in architecture will be hung in Room 301 of the new Architectural w~ilding onr
Saturday and Monday, October 22 and 24. The exhibition will be .open from
9 to 12 and 1 to 5 o'clock, Emil Ltorch.
Special Activity Classes for Women:,
Classes for Special Activity will, be started Monday, October 24, and willE
be carried on in the parlors at Barbour Gymnasium daily from 10 a. mn, to
4 p. mn. Ethel Mc(~ormick.
Group No. 6, Freshman Women:
I will meet my group at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon, October 24, in Bar-
bour Gymnasium. Mrs. Arthur B. Maeiman.
Freshman Group:
I should like to meet my Freshman Group at 4 o'clock Monday at my
home, 106 Ingalls Street, corner or Huron Street.- Mrs. George 'Wulf.
M1iss Crosby's Freshnma. Group:,
I wish to meet the members of my group in Room 1010, East Medical
Building, Monday, October 24, at 4 p. m. Elizabeth Crosby.
Fresh man Women:
1 will mheet mny group on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Barbour Gym-
nasium. firma Butler.
'there will be a meeting of the Michigan Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha to
which all graduate engineers are invited at 7:30 Thursday,. October 27, in
room 3201 of East Engineering Building. Professor R. Nelson speaks upon
the subject: "The preparation of the Graduate Thesis."
R. H. Sherlock, President,
Cos i mpolitan Club:
'The initiation of new members will be held in Lane Hall on Sunday eve-
,.aug. WVill everyonie of the old members take this opportunity to welcome the
newcomers into the Club? Supper will be served at 6 P. M.
Raja ilowrani, President.,
Tlhct-c will be a metting of the Graduate English Club Monday, October'
24 at 8 p. in., in Room1 304 of the Union.! Matters of re-organization will come
up at this mneeting;, and all graduate students in English are urged to be
present. Thonmas 1,. fasady, President.
"IUpper Roomu" 10ble ("as'.;
The ''Upper Rooiu'" Bibhc Class meets.,as usual-tonight' at 7..p. m. in the
"Upper Room" at Lane Hall. The theme will be: ".Jesus and Progress." All I
Michigan men are cordially invited. George 4. Alder.
__".R.... . lY... "..."....... ................................ =....I

of capital extrcmities, he predicts
sunstroke for the hatless and baldness
for the hatted if present tendenfies
are Continued.
The actinic rays of the sun which
cause sunstroke, according to D r.
Copeland, are nearly as active all the
year round ari they are on hot sum-
mer .days.' "The brain may be serious-
ly affected by them if the head is uni-
protected. Some folks go withlout
hats because they think the sunlight
rwill stimulate the growth of the hair.

they are not pulled on the head as ifj
the wearer were a pursued pickpocket.
Of 135 students who walked down
the diagonal about 2 o'clock yesterday
afternoon 100 were blissfully aware;
of impending sunstroke, and 35 risked
cheating the barber by becoming
bald. It is doubtful, however, whether
students will start a wholesale resur-
rection of their chapeaux unless
health-service figures for sunstroke
risen above their present zero status.

v. here A ii
huntatt all
deviceV, ivl
ue to dii
be Iransm
selected 1I
in Wra o
Q madet
such as pt
ering darn
not at alll
loolks 1110
a radio Lt
board oii


- -- --------------

Aerial view of Wright field, recently$ dedicated at Payton, 0.' The
cerlbrtionr was made in the form ot a tribute to I lie .Wright brothers,
shown above.


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"Ann Arbor's Unique Sandwich and Coffee Shop"



OppoSite Engineering Arch

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Ou unsigs asadTilrdCohsar ftefnstadslce
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are shoing.rIts a"Knok4Out.r
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KahrnshngHtan Tailored Clothes oNek 'are Dobeinstads-Teei
Clothsesiathatr andwih hetouhtinNdonethBelaert onlndoneDobsheBest
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. ,.. .--- - _ - -w.., ,-

A few kindly
words about thel



Without prejudice to

Welcome Ohio

the new grays
and browns

After the game
meet your friends
at the Den.

About the fraternities, at the clubs and the
smarter sporting events-we find green hats
very much in the good graces of men who play
the new style ideas before they get common.
Some very handsome ones here at






Congenial Environment


Others at $5.00

4 flationra? InstitutionYrim Coast to Coast L

I- I

.n, ..r,. ... ,.A ... .rw-._ .Y. ..


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