THE MICHIGAN. DAILY R HOLDS NEW JOB I*& Bd? I PHILADELPHIA, Pa.-Lon Jour- The first printed Bible was the det, former Pennsylvania star, was appointeadvisory coach ofthe Gutenberg Bible, which was also the ketbail squad. first book printed from movable type. a UTD TO uTAIl THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT3 P.M. SI THIS ICOLUMN CLu$-s AT 3P, ANTED game Dial Ferdior Rd. 'i o r cat11 I _I BOARD AREXIIT ADVERTISING 1"I. - rir EXACTING STATE TESTS MUST BE PASSED TO PRACTICEr PROFESSIONALLY PEOPLE ARE PROTECTED Analytle Power And Creative Ability Are Demonstrated; Six Years' Training Necessary An exhibition of the designs mader for the last State Board examination The reorganization of the Merchantl in architecture is now hanging in Fleet corporation has resulted in the placing of Thomas AV. O'Connor, chair' Room 301 of the new Architectural man of the shipping board, In the Building. The designs may be in- presidency. spected by th e public today and Mon- day between the hours of 9 and 12 SCENES . IN UNIONI o'clock and from 1 to, 5 o'clock. TAKEN ON FRIShA Y Since 1915 Michigan has had a law restricting the practice of archi- Scenes of the Union, were taken yes- ,. q i olG V% 0^1 prt r rrrrwwi Ir l lgq ;I'y4 ' --- .i wnyrirlY .i- "" mom i .1 The New Fall models, exclusively Whitehouse & Hardyin design and fln'sh, may be inspected at GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. 36 South State Street HUTEL SAGE, Detroit, Mich. 1537 Center St. Around the corner from Capitol Theater. Downtovn s1.oping diistrici. Quiet place for reined peoPle. All outside rooms. Single, $1.50; double, $2. PrivateI bath: Single, $1.50 anri $2; double, $2.50. NOTICES. NOTICE-Party who took BENNY U$STERBAAN'S coat by mistake from ARCADE CAFETERIA pleasei return to owner or ARCADE CAFE- TERIA. Phone 3775. 28, 29 NOTICE-We deliver between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phon24481. 20 100 KOLLAUF CUSTOM TAILOR-Ex- perienced cutter and fitter. Office and workrooms, 1151/2 So. Main St., over Walk-Over Shoe Store. 27,28, 29. THE HEIDELBERG-807 E. Washing- ton St. German home cooking. Dial 3409. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. FOR RENT FOR SALE-Ladies' raccoon coat. Call after 7 p. M., at 614 Forest 4347. 29, 30, 31 .i l! APARTMENT-324 E. Jefferson. FourS large rooms; private bath; heat and water. First class condition. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 20n WANThI) WANTED-Ohio State tickets. Van Est, 21172. FOR SALE EXCELLENT dress suit for sale, worn twice. Made by Marshall Renchard of Detroit. Reasonable. Box 57, Michigan Daily, Press Bldg. 2S, 29 WANTED-Salesmen to sell two neW articles at Ohio gameAvoid c""- :petition, gL~ood wagecs. Call115x)64. 2"" 29 WANTED-Salesmen to sell Michigan and Illinois arm b:ands, pillows and pennants at Ilinois ame, Chance to earn extra spenling money and expenses. Call 596. 28, 2 , 30 LOST LOST-A black leather notebook with phylosophy notes and green Schaefer pen. Return to Daily office. Reward. 29 Call 29 -sExclusive Lasts and Patterns . W&22 WHITEHOUSE PsgndadSl Ol HARDY. BROADWAYT 40" STREET 144WEST42ND rpHET METROPOLITAN OpiRA HOUSE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET PHILADELPHIA-1511 CHESTNUT S=ET - - - ~ - - - - - WANTED-Two adjacent tickets for today's game. Call 9116, early. 29 SALESLADIES wanted; must be ex- perienced in ladies ready to wear dept. None other need apply. To work all or part time. Good wages, steady employment. The Fair Store, 200 N. Main. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 GIRL'S ATTENTION-Special this week. Shampoo and e1xpert marcel- ling, $1ine wvng anicuring. Telephone ;Mi1. f :gg 'yinn Beauriy Shoppe, side entrance Trojano'tski Barber Shop, 1110 So. U. 27, 28, 29 Subscribe For ;;a;mc TH ;E 4a;;%c MIC IA sWEEKLY tecture to those qualifying through examination, as in the case of medi- cine and other professions. In engin- eering and surveying similar require- ments were established in 191)i., The purpose of such laws is to protect the public by establishing minimum requirements for independent prac- tice. Title Is Limited Since the establishment of this law the use of the title "architect" has been limited to those who have formally qualified. While there is an occasion- al evasion of the requirements as in the case of other and similar legisla- tion, the conditions. as a whole have greatly improved. The examinations for architects ex- tend over three days, two of which are given almost entirely to building construction involving the use of steel iand concrete and the design of a truss. On the third day a twelve- hour test is given in architectural de- sign. This year the problem in de- sign is a motor bus station in a large city. There are included waiting and lunch rooms, business offices, and various service units. The drawings are made without ref- erence material, the aim being to demonstrate the power of analysis and creative ability of the candidate. The Michigan standard of admission to the examination is one of the highest in the United States. Candi- dates must show six years' combined technical training and-experience with legally quallified pra)t;itioners. The drawings are judged by a jury of ar- chitects associated with the Universi- ty or otherwise active in the state. SAN JUAREZ, Colombia-Colomnbla has the smallest per capita debt of any nation in the world. terday in connection with the Univer- sity motion picture, work upon which is nrogressing rapidly. The meeting. of the board gf directors' of the Alum- ni association also was a feature of! yesteVday's film, and last night scenes were taken of 'the University, pep meeting held in Hill auditorium. Today pictures will be taken at the Ohio State game and* work on the picture is proceeding very satisfactor- ily, according to Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the President. Dr. Rob- bins also expressed the hope that whenever campus scenes are being' taken the students will cooperate and enter them, since one of the princi- pal objects of the movie is to show campus life and institutions. The work on the inside scenes will be undertaken after the outside pic- tures are taken, it was announced, since the leaves are necessary for good 'outdoor scenes. REILAND ADDRESS TO BE POSTPONED Announcement was made yesterday from the office of Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the President, that the address scheduled on the fall series of convocations to be given by Dr. Carl Reiland, well known pastor, would have to be postponed because of the ill health of the speaker. The address had been scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 20, and the announce- ment made is only a postponement, since it is probable that Dr. Reiland I will appear here later in the year. No change in the remainder of the program of convocations, which in- cludes this year Newton D. Baker, former secretary of war, has been made. v _--_____ - --_,_.._. .. (4 C4 ( 4 4 C4 C4 h ~~im -,. 3 I ..... - a _ t 11 I v j ., ;. 0 h : ti t ,,, 0 , , -t v f , v ... u M i t w , f V f 4 .r..., V E, Ann Arbor's Finest Men's Shop Try on an Overcoat of Mt..Rock Fleece! s I, Guaranteed to Wear #. O O n . ... J"{ n r n r 4t .° l 'v v . , v v _ , v T V 1 ' N 1 , r 4 V 4 or 9 $50 Wire in many households waffles that toothsome and nourish- ing dish-are considered as a treat to be enjoyed only occa- sionally. This feeling, no doubt, is a sort of left-over" from the troubled hours of the old time cast - iron con- trivance for waf-fle-making, with its grease and smell and We are featuring this fall a supremely fine Overcoat made of an unusual fabric known as "'t. Rock Fleece''. No other soft, fleecy Overcoat material will stand such hard wear as this. Te ideal garment for motor, football game and all-around use. Smartly styled along conservative lines; beautifully tailored and lined. tiresome running kitchen and table. between i 11 The Electric Waffle Iron has chagcd all that. Waffles of a delicio sS rarely made in former days are cooked at the table and served fresh, hot and crisp. No grease, no offen- sive odors, no walking about. ANN ARBOR AT 336 SOUTH STATE STREET The Electric Waffle Iron runs on 21/2 NWHOAMIS ~B~VERCOA EDOtR JFN W DOLLARSd I 11 IE .I