SARATOGA CELEBRATES SEOUI UNION WILL HOLD SHIP ON ROCKS CALLS FOR AID Pennants and all kinds of ribbons, that have been accumulated will be used to decorate the special dance in the ballroom of the Union tonight. Many new features will be offered in the way of entertainment of the dancers, including special numbers by the orchestra and feature dance numbers. All the tickets for the dance were sold a half hour after the sale started. A large crowd was awaiting the tick- ets to be placed on sale and they were sold as fast as possible. One of the largest crowds ever to have attended these dances is expected to be present. CONSTITUTION MAKERS TO ASSEMBLE TONIGHT FOR REGULAR MEETING Many of those who met in 1907 to frame the Michigan constitution will meet together again tonight in Ann Arbor in a regular meeting of the Michigan Constitutional League. The constitution which was drawn up at that time by these men is the con- stitution under which the state of Michigan is governed at the present time. The meeting will be opened by the president of the league, Attorney Mar- tin J, Cavanaugh of Ann Arbor. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school will address the group on the subject of constitutional law. Archibald Broom- field, a member of the league, 1 phone booths and a special operator has been done by the Union in order to take care of the excessively large amount of telephone calls which are expected over the week end. Last year more than 2000 calls could not be taken care of due to the lack of, lines and it is hoped that this will be remedied this week end. A general information desk may also be found inthe lobby of the Union in order to answer questions of the alumni wh6 will be here for the game. Any rooms which have not been rented as yet for the week end may be rented by calling the Union room- ing committee this morning. Therq are many for whom they have not been able to find rooms. This is an unusual photograph of the tanker Winifred O'Donnell, speak on the subject of the desirabl- which went on the rocks recently near Point Arguello, Calif., and sent ity of keeping the constitution before several SOS calls for help. The vessel was grounded in a dense fog. the people. Spanish Scholars T Inspect Universitys Scientific 1Equipment . A commission of scientists from the - University of Madrid, Spain, will visit - the University next week on Wednes- ~ day and Thursday, it was announced yesterday by Dr. Frank Robbins, as- sistant to the President. The com- munication received by Dr. Robbins indicated that the men would be par- ticularly interested in Ithe Medical school and the various scientific lab- oratories of the University. The commission was introduced by the Medical section of the Rockefeller W A LH R CPECIA L foundation. RAE _Black or Tan Scotch Grain RAE THEATER $7.50 -Now- - "THE DENVER DUDE" It's a Western, but not many guns. .. SnyWahr's Shoe Store Tom Mix In "OUTLAWS OF RED RIVER" Take her to the Rae. Downtown 108 S. Main _________R AIE 1 {{111 1111111 l11n {I11111111{1t11i1111{111111 {111 1 1* of i i .3 : _.-ya k . xi 1 \ 4 ;' .. 'P I Ny A \ 4 A ht as, r feather Lil Al Reg. U. . Pat. Off. (Prononnced Shoe-Glove) For Me, first lime-footwear protetion for women that strizes a distinctfashion note FASHION to the fore! Style designers, ini touch with the footwear mode, have applied their art to Shuglov. "Chic . . .charming . . . really a life-saver," say the smart women of smart New York. A featherweight accessory that guards delicate shoes and more delicate stockings. Let it rain .. . let winter come . . . let tripping heels splash, as heels will persist in doing . . you no longer worry either of weather or style -for the trim foot that wears Shuglov is clad with an eye to both. ': A You will, of course, want Shu- glovs immediately. Your favorite shop is showing them, in Nude, Gray, Brown and Black, with two types of heels, the Universal for military, military high and spiked heel -the Cuban for the lower and flatter heels. $5.00 the Pair 'C ,. frlnv', nis merle of l1cAh +n*riih-.. I You will see Shuglov on the smartest feef of Afmerica's smartest streets. Their feather light. ness ... themr becoming and harmonizing colors ... have brought to Shuglov that happy and