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.. i.7. 'S l 47 ~ Lif 1 4 V .d ,i Vk k :di1. '#i:
Published every morning- cxcept Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publicatons,
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press .is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postar Ne granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Strect.
Phone,: lditorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Edit)r.................. ..... lllis B. M rry
Editor Michigan Weekly. 0Ca11s E. Behy'mer
Staff Editor....... ....Philip, C. Brooks
City Editor . .......... Courtland C. Smith
WLt'v ."cs l rit(,r......... .Marian T,..Welles
Sports Editor........... ert E. Ved-ler
h r Juo . .d .. Vient C. Wall, Jr.
'I\hr~~b ~di('r...........If~OsS XV. Ross
Assistant City Editor....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Plw ?Fich (;Thmas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern l Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson JackT ,. Lait. Jr.
Margaret Arthur Marion- MacDonald
Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy
Stratton Buck Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy
Sydney-M. Cowan larold L. Passman
William B1. Davis Mn ris W. Quinn
William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg
Clarence N. Edelson Pavid Scheyer
Margaret Gross TElcamor Scribner
Valborg Egeland Robert G. Silbar
Marjorie Follmer howard F. Simon
James B. Freeman George E. Simons
Robert J. Gessner RowenaStillnan
Th~ine 1;. Gruffer Sylvia 'Stone,
Alice Hagelshaw Ceprge Tilley
Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner,.
Charles R. L aufman Ieo J. Yoedicke
Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling
Sally Knox
cernedr, the situation will be largely
the same as ever.
The agreement reached allows the
exhibitors to reject one-tenth of any
block of pictures offered them, and
thus far it sounds very agreeable in-
deed. A horse of another color gal-
lops into the picture, however, when3
the remainder of the agreement pro-
vides that the'exhibitors must pay 50
per cent of the cost of the rejected
pictures even when they do not use
It does not require much logic or
mathematics to figure out that there
are very few pictures so poor as to
cut an average audience in half; and)
when one bears in mind that in addi-'
tion to paying for the rejected picture1
the exhibitor has to rent another at
the regular rates, the real cost of the
compromise to the exhibitor is ap-
parent indeed. Neither does it require
much logic to see that under this sit-
uation very few pictures will be re-
jected, anid thrat even if the entire 10
per cent allowed is turned down, the
general public will carry the dead
weight of all rejected pictures as an
added burden when they buy their
tickets. The public will finally pay,
and while the so-called compromise
of the producers .and the exhibitors
may sound well on paper, and appear
to be a half and half arrangement, the
general public pays half price for all
of the pictures which are never shown,
may not be so ready to see the situa-
tion in the same light..
The recent statement by Premier
Poincare of France to the effect that
France will hereafter adopt a course
of pacifism is encouraging, to say the
least, if it is credible. Several large
doses of the essence of pacifism would
not hurt any of the European nations,
and least of all France, with the larg-
est force of armed men in the world
under her command. .
However encouraging the statement
may be, the world needs to be shown
in this as in other instances, and
France will have adequate opportunity
to prove her good intentions in action
rather than words when the dis-
disarmament conferences ' are con-
To preach pacifism on the surface
is one thing, to practice it is quite
another, and while we must neces-
sarily give Poincare the benefit of the
doubt in the meantime, a sincere and
heartfelt effort towards world under-
standing in a tangible way is the only
way in which France can give ma-
terial evidence of her admittedly good
Telephone 1114
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising...............chard A. Meyer
Advertising..... .......Arthur M. Hinkley;
Advertising ............ Edward L. Hulse
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Fred Babcork Ray Iotelich
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Bessie U. Egeland Thales N. Lenington
Tien Tishman WV. A. Mahaffy
~atherine Frochne George M. Perrett
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Herbert Goldberg William L. Schloss
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Carl W. Hammer
OCTO ER 22, 1927
Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK
"Welcome, 01110 State! Michigan
is always proud to act as host to
the teams, the students, and the
aluuiii of your great 'educational
Institution. It looks with pleas-
tire over the three decades of
spirited and friendly rivalry on
the gridiron -which the present
Jieeting climaxes. It knows well
that the Buckeyes their rep-
reseutathes on the -playing field
are the best of sportsmen. On the
day set for the dedication of its
new stadium, then, Michigan ex-
periences even greater joy in re-
ceiving their friends from Ohio.
A fitting tribute to the man who has
done and is still doing so much for
the University of Michigan was the
preeentation of the gifts to FieldingV
H. Yost, director of intercollegiate
athletics, by alumni at the annual
iniversity Press club banquet last
The appreciations, consisting of a
Packard automobile, a set of silver-
ware, a clock and a barometer, rep-
resent in part the feeling of respect
and affection thousands of Michigan
graduates for Coach Yost. It was
particularly appropriate and signifi-
cant that the gifts were presented
in the presence of some 250 news-
papermen-those who played their
part, an entirely willing and gratify-
ing part, in helping the famous Michi-
gan figure to realizo some of his am-
Today, again, more than 70,000 peo-
ple will be present at the dedication
of the new stadium, toward the re-
alization of' which no one has con-
tributed more than Fielding H. Yost.
In the many years to come whenever
the stadium-something of a Yost
symbol-Is spoken of or referred to,
his name will be remembered.
It has often been said, and it is now
more than ever before coming true,
that "Michigan will never forget
To the outside world it has been
announced that a compromise has
been reached by the producers and
the exhibitors of motion pictures
whereby the practice of block-book-
An ambition of Michigan students,
cherished since the day the alumni
first succeeded in ousting them from
the side stands on Ferry field, will be
realized today when two representa-
tive students witness the game from a
box on the 50-yard line.
For years the students have been
ighting for this privilege and at last
the University has yielded to their
pleas. Today those two students, the
stars of our campus movie, will be the
sole delegates of Michigan's 10,000
students,athletes of course excluded,
to sit between the goal posts.
Last year our predecessor, Timothy
Hay, took up the campaign to buy a
stadium bond so that two students
might be permitted to represent their
I classmates in. the sidestands. His
campaign failed, being more than $900
short of the mark, and it appeared
that the students were to be forever
excluded. But at last our dreams
have come true.
The two representative students
spent several hours yesterday re-
hearsing their roles in the new sta-
dium. Although both are Seniors,
neither was quite certain of his ac-
tions whenever the 50-yard line was
* * *
Today the eyes of all Michigan are
turned to Ann Arbor, where a great
stadium is being dedicated to our il-
lustrious, bond-holding, and otherwise
IN ORDER that the alumni may feel
perfectly at home, in spite of any
guiltiness of conscience, we have ar-
ranged for them a full day program
that they may know they are truly
Before The Game
8:00-Rival bands parade about
Ann Arbor.
12:00-Professor Yost begins ad-
dress to Michigan team.
1:00-Official alibis of rival
coaches released to the
1:15-Rival captains give real
dope to reporters.
1:45-Teams leave for stadium.
At The Stadiumin
2:00-Harry Tillotson arrives,
under heavy police guard.
2:05-Michigan band enters sta-
dium and parades on field.
Drum-major throws baton
over 50-yard line.
2:15-Representative students
take seats on 50-lard line,
accompanied by photogra-
2:30-Representative students
sign offical certificate of
attendance to be sent to'
Student Council for veri-
2:35-Ohio band comes on field.
Official flag-raising, fol-
lowing by hoisting of spe-
cial alumni banner.
2:55-Teams and bands with-
draw. Period of silent
During The Gamef
3:00-The kickoff.
4:15-Standing crowd admitted
to blocks of vacant seats.
5:30-The final score (to be de-
termined later.).
Between The Halves
Drilling by rival bands.
Address: "You're Welcome," by
Spike, '29L.
Alumni response: "This Hurts
Us More Than It Does You," by
Horatio Blimp, '00f.
Students and alumni join in sing-
ing of official Stadium Anthem.
Motorcycle exhibition by Kenneth
Professor Yost addresses football
Special For Students
Cheerleading squad entertains
about goal-posts.
Sample liquor raids by members
of Ann Arbor police riot squad.
Music by Reserve band.
After The Game
Bands lead parade to campus.
Professor Yost addresses football
In,The Evening
7:30-Movies at the local thea-
8:00-Members of football squad
repeat alibis to fraternity
9:00-Joint celebration of stu-
Benito Mussolini, the gentleman
who runs Italy, has added another to
his already long list of various de-
crees, abolishing holidays as a waste
of national time " and a detraction
from national efficiency. In line with
this he has changed two impending
holidays to Sunday dates, in order
that the public of Italy may not'be
disturbed from its labors.,
In a way the action of Mussolinif
can not be criticised, for this business
of national holidays can be overdone,
and no doubt it has been overdone in
numerous instances. On the other
hand, however, it is foolish to sup-
pose that any machine, even the ma-
chine which Mussolini has made of
Italy, can run indefinitely with clock-
like precision.
In all his passion for national pros-
perity and his probable good inten-
tions, it is quite likely that Mussolini
errs at times; and it is not only pos-
sible, but likely that he has erred in
this instance. After all, people must
have relaxation, and what will Italy
gain if its prosperity be unconfined
and the life of each individual Italian
be a miserable monotony?
For years it has been the assump-
tion that business ran in cycles of
prosperity, crisis, depression and re-
vival. Industry has come to expect
this and even the institutes like the
Babson organization take such a fore-
ast for granted and mark the begin-
ning of the period by a broadcasted.
Melvin A. Taylor, president of the
American Bankers association, a man
well qualified by his long years in
the business of banking to give an
opinion, says that the days of sub-
servience to the business cycle are
past. In the opinion of Mr. Taylor,
the new systems in vogue in Americar'
accounting and statistical research,
and the new methods of manufacture
and transportation which eliminate
the necessity for large stocks of sup-
plies and manufactured goods will do
much to eliminate the cycle which is
brought on by a rise in prince and in-
creased supplies.
It is logical to suppose that these
things are possible. The phenomenaE
accompanying the business cycle have
been fairly well understood for some
TONIGHT: The Mimes present "On
Approval," by Frederick Lonsdale, in
their theater at 8:30 o'clock.
A review, by R. Leslie Askren
Frederick Lonsdale is an English-!
man. In itself this means nothing
until the fact is considered that the
English are very much more success-
ful at writing the sparkling dialogue
that comedy of manners requires than
are Americans. Where the fault lies
is a question. Perhaps the Americans
lack the polished, graceful background
to produce a play like "On Approval."
Ilut it is certainly true that the
Michigan campus lacks the back-
ground to produce such a show sat-
It would be unfair to say that the
Mimes production is unsuccessful. It
is splendid, and within the limits of
their abilities the actors do wonder-
fully well. But it requires more than
emotion and clear diction to make
I comedy of manners successful and
convincing. There must be restraint
and a hint of ineffectuality almost
totally foreign to the American per-
sonality if a true interpretation is to
be given. This explains why Lorinda
McAndrew was able to do so well
with her part, for it most nearly ap-
proached an American personality
than any of the other three.
Kenneth White, too, is successful.
His technique is a little uncertain
but at least there is a hint in his work
that he understands what he is aim-
ing for,-which is not true of Charles
Livingstone, good actor that he is.
'He makes "George" at one moment
an infatuated fool and at another a
wit and social lion. And in the end.
one wonders just what sort of char-
acter this "George" was. Jane Emery,
by comparison, is much more success-
ful but she would make a better
"Charmaine" in "What Price Glory"
than a "Maria" in "On Approval."
But in spite of this failing which is
after all one more of degree than
kind, "On Approval" is a fascinating
and amusing show in which the play-
ers do remarkably fine work, and we
must blame the American background
for the one fault which prevents
'Mimes from achieving it's usual pro-
fessional standard.
Rosa Raisa, dramatic soprano, and
Giacomo Rimini, baritone, will pre-
sent the following program Friday
evening, *Oct. 28, at 8 o'clock in Hill
Aria, Ernani Involami from
"Ernani'........... Verdi
Rosa Raisa
Aria, O cas to fior from "Re di
' Giacomo Rimini
Voron ...................Dubleva
Oh, cease thy singing..Rachmaninoff
Aria from "Pique Dame".......
........... Tachaikowskj [
Rosa Raisa
Duet from "Don Pasquale"..Donizetti
Rosa Raisa and Giacomo Rimini
Aria, Ritorua Vincitor from "Aida"
Rosa Raisa
The Two Grenadiers......Schumann
Toreador Song from "Carmen".. Bizet
Giacomo Rimini
April Weather ...............Rogers
Iris .....................Daniel Wolf
Rosa Raisa
Duet from the "Magic Flute"..Mozart
Rosa Raisa ahd Giacomo Rimini
A review, by Harold May
Yesterday afternoon Canon Fel-
lowes talked on the Elizabethan art
song. He brought out the fact that
this song form in its ephemeral ex-
istence of 15 years imbodied a spirit
and developed methods that it took
continental music 300 years to recover.
When an Elizabethan composer set
out to write folk song, according to
the Rev. Fellowes, he pondered deep-
ly over the poem that was to be the
burden of his song, tried to catch the
inner spirit of the poem, and aimed to
make his music embody all the chang-
es of pitch and latent rhythms in the
thought and cadence of the poem.
Cannon Fellowes then analyzed a few
songs minutely, then illustrated the
points that he had been talking aboutE
sometimes by singing them with a
piano accompaniment and sometimes
by singing them to his own accom-
paniment on the lute.
The songs that Rev. Fellowes sang,
in the opinion of the reviewer, ac-
complished everything that their en-+
thusiastic exponent claimed for them;
they paint, in beautiful, although
somewhat antique tones, in a skillful
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