1 l MB|l|ll IN FIRST MAJOR HOME GAME ON 1927 SCHEDULE [ 01 - [[NO } nll
MICHIGAN ATHLTICS PdB AaIN- Indian Tie With Northern Promes
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Compactness, Perfect Drainage, And
Proximity Among Features
of New Structure
John HL< Maloney
Marking a new epoch in Michigan's
athletic history,, the gigantic new sta-
dium, fourth geiieation of Michigan
stadia, will be for ially opened to-
day, before a crowd of approximately
86,000 spectators4.'C
Looking back over 37 years of foot-
ball at 1Ichigltt Th189,3, the present
huge bowl offers -a decided contrast
to Michigan's first stadium which had
a seating capacity of 400 persons.
For three years before the first sta-
dium was constpted, spectators
would line up thei carriages around
the athletic field, hich was located
on the present sits of the medical
building and Wate nan gymnasium.
Add New S54nd in 1896
Due to the increasing popularity of
football, the Regents ordered the con-
strudtidn of a second covered stand
in 196. The new stand had a seat-
ing capacity of 800 persons. Since
that time great strides have been
made both in the popularity of foot-
ball and in larger facilities for taking
care of increasing crowds which wit-
ness 'the great American game.
It is interesting to note that in the
Michigan-Chicago game of 1904, there
were 13,500 paid admissions, a record-
breaking crowd which amazed the
middle west at the time.
In 1907 tie gridiron was moved to
the site which it occupied until this
season. Crowds grew larger and
larger, until 1914, when the present
concrete stand was constructed on
Ferry field. Even this stand proved
inadequate to take care of the
throngs Last year, wooden bleachers
were Cbnstructed at both ends of the
field and kwere filled. Until this sea-
son,Michigan elevens have played a
contests on Ferry field for the past a
twenty years. c
Can Increase Capacity
Less than one year ago, th present af
site of'the' stadium was a weed filled 0
swamp which came to be called "Lake E
Tillotson" when chosen for the site n
of the new bowl.A .year can, and
did, wreak great can es. In a short t
time the swamp was drained, an army
of men, steam shovels, conveyors and s
trucks, Working nighftand day, quick- '
ly changed the gtr of "Lake Til- f
lotson"'from a iswamp to a huge hole ti
in the ground, resembling the crater i
of an extinct voleanOVisitors, watch- e
ing fhe progress of excavating, when h
told that the "hole in the ground"
would be an irhmense rectanglar con- c
crete bowl' to be completed for the i
grid 'games this fall, would shake a
their hea'ds, rather dubious that such t
a feat could materialize. n
Yost Realizes Ambitioni p
But it did materialize and under the d
direction of the inimitable Fielding H. M
Yost, University of Michigan's Direc- f
tor of Athletics, the stadium is a real- n
ity, today seating the largest and most
colorful;crowd that ever attended an
athletic contet in Ann Arbor.
During the first few months of work,
considerable difficulty was experi-
enced by the workmen, due to the fact
tht underground springs caused in-
cessant cave-ins. This difficulty was
overcome by constructing artificial
drains to take care of the surplus water.
Throughot the winter steam shovels
carried away the' clay and sand, ap-
proximnately 240,000 square yards of
dirt were excavated and hauled away.
With the advent of favorable
weather in the spring, construction
received an impetus and on May ninth,
with the forms in place, workmen
started pouring cement. The cement
work was completed on September
fourth. Into this huge block of c-
ment work were inserted 440 tons of
reinforcing steel. The stadium took a
definite shape, ° a huge rectangular
Much foresight was shown in the
construction. The drainage system
consists of a network of pipes be-
neath the playing field. Twelve huge
conduits were imbedded in the con-
crete, allowing enough room for any
special lighting, heating and electrical
appliances which may be used in the
The over all dimensions of the sta-
dium are 800 feet by 600 feet. The
bowl was constructed in 44 concrete
sections. Around the entire length
and breadth is a concrete deck 50 feet
above the playing field and 28 feet
wide, There are 72 tiers of seats,
which include four tiers of box seats.
These 72 tiers of seats will accom-
modate 72,500 spectators, 2,500 being
box seats.
Entrances can be effected from the
four points of the compass.. The East
side has thirteen entrances through
portals, while on the North, South
and West sides there are 31 entrances
"over the top," making a total of 144
runways, as there are two walks to
each entrance. In the steel fence
surrounding the stadium are 72 en-
South Bend Eleven
(Special to the Daily )
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 21- The
Hoosier gridiron classic is on the
football program here tomorrow aft-
ernon when Notre Dame and Indiana
University clash inside Memorial Sta-
dium. The great showing Indiana
made against Minnesota last Saturday
when the Crimson held the Northmen
to a 14 to 14 tie, has made the game
tomorrow the outstanding contest in
the midwest.
Notre Dame comes here with the
same reputation Minnesota possessed
-that of having an unbeatable tearii.
The Irish are as heavy as the Minne-
sota men, which means that Indiana
will be outweighed by several pounds.
Knute Rockne arrived in Blooming-
ton with his Flanagans this afternoon
and limbered up inside Memorial Sta-
dium for more than an hour. The
Notre Dame coach possesses an array
of grid talent not seen on the Bloom-
ington field in many years.
Nie'fCoc Jc Wle' calt Mu IG NWLLH VELV
nd Grey football luminaries who will N V I 3F ' N
ittempt to gain revenge for their re- A Eu "IF:AD"
ent loss to Northwestern as well as Today, for the first time in the an-
ilong string of reverses at the hands nals of Michigan gridiron history, a
f Maize and Blue teams in the first Maize and Blue team will take the
Big Ten game to be' played inthe field of battle with two live Wolver-
iew Wblverine bowl. ines as mascots on the sidelines. This
In Capt. Ted Meyer, veteran guard, feature of the celebration of the for-
Lie Bucks have one of the most con- mal opening of the new Michigan bowl
istent linemen in the conference, was, made possible through the cour-
rhile Raskowski and Cox form a tesy' of two of the Detroit alumni,
)rmidable pair of tackles, the former Fred 'Lawton '11. and Clark Hyatt, '11.
ipping the scales at 212 pounds. Cox The nmascots, "BuRff" and "Bennie"
I slighter than his teammate but is 1s. they are called, showed little of the
n1}ii i a h yt t'A r ri s it
field of battle. It is planned to parade
"Biff" and his partner "Bennie" across
the playing field on the ends of leashes
which will be held by Lawton and
The live mascots will also play a
prominent part in the colorful cere-
monies that will preceed the Michigan-
Navy contest on November 12. Just
before the kickoff it is planned to es-
cort "Biff" and "Bennie" across the
field to the Navy bench where they
will be formally introduced to the fa-
mous mascot of the Middie eleven, the
Navy goat.
Up until today Michigan teams have
had a mascot and that mascot was a
wolverine, but a mounted one that has
graced the trophy case it the admin-
istration building at Ferry field for
some time; now everything is differ-
ent and Coach Tad Wieman's grid
Warriors, in addition to a fine new
stadium to play in, have two live Wol-
verines as mascots for the important
home games that remain on the sched-
1 ,"'.
IT .
M1rn71Cl5l.Q7r4 PTIM7r Tila enrnln5x narl'la I
c usiasm a oui . e comingna e
xeptionally fast and' makes up for t is evidenced among the throngs
is lack of weight in speed. fans who await the opening whistle.
Robin Bell, who is usually Wilce's When "Biff's" steel jacket was tried
hoice for one of the end positions, on for the first time last week, he,
s also a capable punter. Fred Grim, protested so vigorously that he neatly
former halfback, has been shifted nipped a strand of steel wire cleanly
o quarter and is making good at his in two with one snap of his powerful
ew position, w fle Byron Eby has jaws.
roved one of the Ohio team's most The Wolverines will play a conspic-
ependable ground gainers. Alber,nous part in the official opening of the
larek, and Kriss are all candidates new Michigan stadium just before the
or backfield posts, although the for-'- Maize and Blue and Scarlet and Grey
ner can play end if he is needed. clad elevens take their places on the
Fo the construction of the
Furnished by
Ann Arbor
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