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October 21, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-21

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:r~vfn~pI~MEXICAN ORATOR S. C. A. WILL PLAN Preparations MNadetiisontenbewouc
Af~IIULWILL SAIL SOON DISCUSiSION CROUP Fo Union duaring the week-end, acu
__________________________ F'or Record Crowds !an tinac!tine , 1I be inlstalledl to7
! > F [Ii1 ~ raternmty discussion groups; under coal the number who enzter the bufl
the leadership of members of the fac- In anticipation of large crowds vis-
' ing.
ulty, is to be one of the new projects iting the Union this week-end, six new
ere distributed through thec to be undertaken by the Student Chris- telephone booths and a special opera- _____________________________
ut the edition is now exhausted tian association as a result of an ad- tor are being installed at the Union t
or Young said.Tie was plan-I visory committee meeting at Lane take care of the abnormal number of
bring up the question of re- hail Wednesday night. The details of calls which have not been provided for
the boo li hein the past. This is- only one of a
'n e h rjc aentbe opee number of things that are being done Wl
as yet, but the plan was given the this week-end. _W
state of Michigan employs two0 sanction and support of the meeting, Rooms have been arranged for
tour the state and lecture to wihwsintefrff nifra many alumni and student guests who
''' "' ~""..:. wrote;worctalkedi toe themroomingnfcrm-
schools, Young 'said. Walter''>.< dicsinone plnfoth s-wrtorakdtoheomngo-
dicsino e ln o h so mittee, but there are many still who
gs, naturalist and bird photog-/ ciation during the present year. are not taken care of. It is hopedI
,and James McGillivray are the ";; Among those attending the meeting however, that more roomns will be re-
eakers. They are available to : were the two secretaries, Homer Graf- corded with the committee, and all
ganization interested in a con- ::{;: ton and Eric Thompson, and William)j hohae oos hih aybe rntd
on pogrm, f r Bumbagh,'28,preiden ofthe tu-this week-end are requested to in-?
En s pr ogram. , teram ahero28,fprsident of the Stu'-form the rooming committee.1
ErstV.Jterreahr ffo-dent Christian association. In order to gain some sort of sta-In-,, u ,.. tn F0 nnmm in n2.:.......:v.

1 i




1 _ _ ,_

to make a touchdown Saturday in the
Michigan-O. S. U. Game
will receive free of charge a pair of

304 S.

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11 All

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