scci rv Villnice~at2;00o'clck h~i Berlin doctor-says that bobbed'
afternoo, n in the Uiversity hospital Pr~. I iaI3 Szllo) hail in women causes them to lose the
for a3n openm forum (iscussion of vari-- Who has r(,ecatly bee elected a power to concentrate.
ous (iseases. The regular business pi~ni rse fSeesIsi _________ ______________
mreet ing wvill h e held tomorrow morn-tt(A ehnlyIooknN.J
inzg at 9:00, also at the University tt fafbhn .J
hosIital.Ilie w ' ed i ; It A Jleft of Wash- irn Fxues
Today's- meeting will consis't of op)- ing-;to0n Si,f te ivc ,i ty last winter. 1IL'p l urs
en forum discussions, whila tomor- adR piig
row's, program will include speakers ?'NENTON - Police guard was n earn .
from mnany parits of the cobratry.rDoc- placed~ on Notivseusoldest build-
tors who hcave~ spent much time in1 irg to keepl the tdets from setting Bring in your old kerosene
specialized research or practice will it on fire' because of conference foot-.
divulge the information and statistic",. ball success. lamps and let us wire them
____ - - - into electric lamps for you.
* p ENST ROS.~
I Electrical Shop
,210 South Fourth. Ave.
" Then come in and try the betht1_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _
luncheons that,Ann Arbor
can soffer.
Ouir dainty sandwi^ches3 and fountai
yo copeey.i "
10you thMi t
Plea ant Surro undings ;,Fxc elient service.:I
-1 ---------