t r aii ASSOCIATED PRESS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1927 TEN PAGES FELOWES SPEAKS DN EARLY ENLISH MUSI IN IRST OF LECTURES ANGLICAN CIIURCHIAN DEALS WITH PERI10D BEFORE BACH AND HANDEL WILL SPEAK AGAIN TODAY Calls Sixteenth Century Te Golden Age of Polpioiii Music hInEngland "The sixteenth century was for Eng- land the golden age of music as well as for history and literature," de- clared the Rev. Edmund Horace Fel-~ lowes yesterday afternoon during the first of his series of lectures on Eng- lish music of the Elizabethan and Ja- cobean periods. Canon Fellowes, who is in charge of the choir at St. George's chapel, Windsor castle, Lon- don, has been procured by the Uni- versity officials to deliver two of his series of three lectures here in order to present to the students of English literature and the history of music' the importance played by the period in which the madrigal and its re- lated forms were developed. He will give the second lecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science au- ditorium. Yesterday's lecture dealt with the period before Bach and Handel, during which so much of the English military and literary triumph took place. Canon Fellowes states that not only did mu- sical atmosphere exist at that time, but that the existence has not been surpassed from the point of thorough- ness and quality at any time since kthen- I nnMusical Education Necessary "A musical education was consider- ed not a mere asset, but a necessity* in the society of the day," he contin- ued. "There was no such thing as a concert room in the sixteenth cen- tury, for the music was eithe: of the church or of the home. In the houses of the period there were large dining rooms in which many people would t gather for supper. Afterwards there would be singing as the customary procedure. Song-books were passed out, containing only the one part or voice, and those present were expect- ed to sing the parts at sight. "Were thisthe case here or in Eng- land at the present day," Canon Fel- lowes declared, "we should shortly produce composers of some note-and in a fairly large quantity." The Anglican churchman described at length the derivation of the term madrigal, and 'told how it was lost sight of for a long time through the fact that the church music crowded out the home or table type. lie ideni - Lied the madrigal proper and the bal- lad as two distinct forms, and stated that in the latter a sort of dancing seemed to predominate, although the two were often run together. Modern Mluse Chiefly TLIie "Modern music is heard by auditors only in the beating of the time," he said in comparison. "The madrigal considering the circumstances that were present at its development, has what may be described as melodic in- terest. 'Every part of it contributes to the whole. In this respect the most interesting historical fact is that mad- rigals were never printed in the score. A writer would save up his songs until he had as many as 20 or 30, and would then send them to the publisher in a collection. These would then be printed in the parts only, and without bars. "Polyphonic music composition came to an end early in the seventh cen- tury, because all of its devices were played out. However, the principles of free and varying music are be- ginning to be revived by modern writ- ers. I consider this a most hopeful promise, The singing of madrigals as it was done in, the 16th century had to be dropped if for no other reason than, that the intelligence of posteri- ty would not have been equal to its demands." Canon ,Fellowes illustrated his lec- ture with selections of records made by the English singers, which organi- zation is 'spreading the work of the madrigal composers. The singers ap- peared here last year, being spon- sored by the University Choral un- ion. DEFEAT OF PLAN CAUSES SURPRISE (13y Associated Press) ROME, Oct. 20.--The complete re- jection in behalf of the Italian gov- ernment of the fundamental condi- CANON FELLOWES IS GRATIFIED AT SPREAD OF MUSICAL REVIVAL Enthusiasm in England over the lozenges, like diamonds turned side- revival of polyphonic music of Eliza- wise, instead of the circles used at bethan England has spread even more present. than its advocates had hoped, accord- The tenor port-book which he show- ing to Canon Edmund 1-. Fellowes, ed was one of eight %which originally who lectured here yesterday on that .completed the score for those songs. subject. In ia1'y. cases, howeir, he said that Beyond the prominenice given the at least 10 would be ;equired, as two music by such organizations as the full sets would be used for two sec- English singers, who ang in Ann tions of a choir singing alternately. Arbor last spring, the polyphoniic mu- Canon Fellowes has himself done a sic has been taken up by choral so- great (Ical of arduous labor in search-y cieties, and has been used in various ing for the raire old books, and in musical festixals, he said, with a'translating them to inodern notation. favorable reception. The evidence of the wide popularity of the after-dinner singing sessionsL in Elizabethan England shows a much domestic musical appreciation than isl demonstrated anywhere today, and a f much better developed knowledge of TO A'LL UYeaI[poIIiIUrl the art by people in general.--- The greatest of difficulty has been . eR Tss crn Seat To iIlip".ssioncEl experienced, Canon Fellowes explain Ti A i pasi-n d ed, in procuring the "part-books" Admission (of l ilence used in those days. *le brought with him from England two of them, once C the only copy of a particular song in CLIMAXES COURT TENSION existence. They show the old style of notation, with notes shaped like A R N T N c 2 -e rt T - I WA9EIINGTON, Oct. 20.-Albert B. Fall made an impassioned and dra- matic appeal in court today for ad- mission of evidence which he said, was "fundamental and vital",in his de- r~nrr-a r an rsa ain A3 IrI DELEGAgTES TO PRESS CONVENTION CONCLUDE FIRST DAY OF ANNUAL MEETING: LITTLE[ GIVES ADDRESS i F . t { Ef[[iE .F i X t STAVE TA HiS ON "EI)ITORt AND ) STATE" FO i MAIN SPEECHil OF A ITERlNQO TREANOR OPENS SESSIONS Martin, M~aw~ena Id, andi O'Brien Iii- reet Symposiuni on "The Editor 1 And the Com munity" Delegatds to the ninth annual con- vention of the University Press club of Michigan, editors from throughout the state numbering more than 100, assembled Thursday afternoon in the Union for the opening session of their' three-day convention. Arthur R. Treanor, editor and man- ager of the Saginaw News Courier, and president of the organization, opened the session at 2:30 o'clock, with the presidential address. Presi- dent Treanor stated that in his opin- T10N is TOPIC YI Jt IlllW i CO-EIWCA- OF TALKS AT DINNER SESSION McNift, And Prufe sorh htankin, Wen- cly, And Sellars Are Main Lec- turers For Morning Session President Clarence Cook Little, speaking at the President's dinner of the University Press club of Mlichiln in the Union last night heartily rec- ommended that the members, at the present convention, appoint a stand- ing committee which might co-operate with the adninistration and other parts of the University in working out a method of approach to the training of journalists. This committee, according to the plan suggested by President Little, would meet with a committee repre. I n a I 0111. Ol tII I R' Ii.' fense against charges of criminal con- 1 1 3 j . I i LLI3spiracy in leasing the Teapot Dome I ion the annual meetings of the Mich- senting the administration of the Uni- 1 1DNaval oil reserve, but for the time be- igan editors served to create a better versity, himself to be one of the ing at least, a ruling was withheld.I eersrto ty to wrk oute"a sane, orig- Western Senators Are To Mee Today Rising from his seat beside his coun- understanding between them and the eroinal and mutually agreeable program In Effort To Reconcile Views sel, the former Secretary of .the Inter- University as well as between them- which would set the pace in the field On Agrarian Relief for dumfounded judge, jury and spec- selves. "There is no doubt," the of journalistic education, and which tators with an insistent appeal that E. speaker said, "that the press of Mich- coud be reasonably proposed by the JOWAN SUGGESTS REMEDY C. Finney, assistant secretary of the igan is more sympathetically inclined time of the next session of the state interior, be permitted on cross exam- legislature." ination by the defense to interpret oil toward the aims and obcctives of this legi (By Associated Press) great institution than it was nine Nast Build:Ideals leasing laws. He spoke for three min- - President Little declared that he WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-Prepared utes, while Mrs. Fallryears ago. Is it not evident that thePesidentdittle declrta t h to abandon the controversial equaliza- from a recent illness, wrung her press of Michigan has a distinctive re- cnidered iteof re tane to tion fee provision of the vetoed Mc- hands nervously. Justice Siddons, re- gard for this university, that it feels a ild the d rat thlnete ildh strong sense of responsibility for its ing; :that he did not believe in the Nary-Haugen farm bill, western Re- covering from his surprise, urged the stre evelopmenspnd poress method in vogue in- many of the pros- publican senators who have banded gesticulating defendant to speak future development and progress t together for legislation designed to through his counsel, along lines far more important than joarnivsities here hls - togeherforlegslaionthose which may be of a material na- journalism stood as a separate unit; benefit the West, will meet tomorrow "There are lawyers and mining thre?" The presidaant went on to that he believed that with a little in an effort to reconcile their views lawyers," Fall pleaded to the court. . posnt own onvt-thought and discussion given the on agricultural relief. "Judge Finney is a qualified mining Itions haveserved toring about this problem, Michigan shoud be able to The equalization fee provision which lawyer. He knows what this situation bet udendin. set up a system that would set the' met the particulir dislike of President is all about and if allowed to testify pace and at the same time avoid the Coolidge in vetoing the McNary- he could clear this situation up. Arlthr W. Stace, director of the in- obvious pitfalls of other schools. I laugen bill, must be sidetracked by Fall's sensational pleaa climaxed the formation bureau of the Michigan President Little compared the press the group to win the support of Sena- tension under which he has shown committee en public utility informma- to the University in two respects; both tor Borah, one of its members. signs of laboring since his trial be- tion, was the main speaker on the afl he said, are educative, both guardians Senator Brookhart of Iowa, one of gait. He constantly has sat beside tternoon program. In his address, of the future and of its policies. "The the heated fighters for the vetoed his attorneys, making suggestions as "The Editor and the State" he spoke press will always be of utmost import- measure, is wotking on a solution by witnesses passed in and out of the of many of the opportunities that are ance in placing before the people the which direct appropriations from the box, in contrast to the more tranquil open to the people of the state today policies of- the University," President government would be resorted to in dispo-,it on of Harry F. Sinclair, the and urged the editors to remember Little declared. "In this respect, the place of the effort to raise finds co-defendant and the le,.see of'Teapot that "the most effective constructive Universiy, we hope, will always be through the equalization fee. Dame. journalism is informative journalism." engaged in trainng future leaders of' Moreover, the tentative plan calls Finney was ol the stand throughout1 Speaking of the idle land situation, the press. for the inclusion of all crops within the trial today, but his cross-exami- I1 1 ieclared, the state of Michigan Cits hlaiuicap - la nteeaadoe ad ei I Peient Little cited three ways n terms of the bill which would handle (nation was completed as adjournment has in these abandoned lands poten- ie ie t re a surplus crops through a government was made until tomorrow. Then the fia[ state forests, potential public which le believed the press is handi- agency. Objection was voiced last Ivemnbt will call geologists to tes-_I hunting grounds. potential game re - capPed, and should seek to improve, session by many opponents to the Mc- tify as to the danger of drainage of uge, potential state parks, all of Tirst, icaies o emn whichMichia sgoing tallofedphiasi, especially ini headline writing; Nary-laugen measure that it pro- oil from Teapot Domeit, a dangerwhich ichigan is going to needsecond, in interpretation of news val greatly within the net few years for scnftitrreaino esvt vidled fr only a few crops. ,which the defense said caused Fall yues where the emotional rather than olcasd public recreation. There are oppor.-. Coming from the ranks of some of, to lease the properties. the rational appeal is too often ac- the original supporters of the con- Testimony permitted to reach the tuinties for the establishment of state ce td; third, wheae theo netspaper troversial McNary-lHaugEn measure, jury today dealt lagely with whethe parks rivalling the ational parks ofbeconies, for business reasons only, the compromise bill in preparation by there was secrecy attending the exe- h eaksofeithe slave of the advertiser. soni of the western groups is being cution of the lease. Finney said e1 "Take our'recreational industry as For his topic, President Little chose watched with close interest also by wrote inquirers that Teapot)Dome ' The Moral azards of Co-Education" inyie' in"iyet infancy and producing t ia tthe administration, asked if possible had not been leased and no orders for income of upwards of $125,000,000 a When speaking of inaccuracies com- to have a farm bill passed which can its advertisement had heen issued, al- year" he continued, "It is an infant mon to newspapers in headline writ- be put into law. Such a move would though lie knew negotiations for a that needs nursing and encourage- ing particularly, President Little then eliminate a big- issue in the West in lease were on at the time. He assert- meat. And like other infants it needs told the delegates that he had an- the approaching campaign, it is felt ed that his action was in line with the correction." Turning to another irounced that as the subject of his ad- in these circles. policy enunciated by Fall. -phase he emphasized the need of en- dress, although he intended to say couraging a city beautiful spirit to nothing about it, knowing that, like ALUJMNI TO PRESENT COACH YOST 1 remedy many of the mistakes that time newspaper headline it would at- !TH MANY TESTI] ONIAL GIFTS hvrtract attention, and at the same bring WIiM N E TMO L G F]hvers""o"th ai r hisoic the point he was emphasizing. -___ __of American cities, and emphasizedt the part the press can play in bring- ThGrs'le urndeds- Alumni of the University will give athletic plants at other universities: te the p slan. e sls'tGlee clu, wrenedhsev- Ning this about, oral selections which were enthusias- testimonial of their respect and af- are not particularly the work of one Following the opening address, a tically received by the delegates. Prof. fection for Fielding H. Yost, director man, at Michigan practically all great general symposium was held on the John L. Brumm, of the journalism do- developments along this line are in- subject of "The Editor and the Cm- partment, presided as toastmaster. athletics, by the presentation of delibly stamped with the business subjety." The discussion was led by .timnat petaChie tanter.in several elaborate gifts, to be made to- genius and striking personality of mun rfihe disasin was le by Following the banquet, an informal night at the University Press club Coach Yost. He has passed upon Battle Creek, Enquirer-News, Paul smoker was tendered the delegates by banquet. every detail of the buildings referred MacDonald, editor of the Otsego Coun- Sigma Delta Chi, national journalistic The gifts, consisting of a specially to. MacHonald ed ofthe Otre, Co fraternity, li the main assembly hall of built Packard car, a set of silverware, "Alumni feel that now is the time rel d Tas Cati rn, ho the Union. An informal program was Ireplaced Thomas Conlin, editor ofthe a clock and a barometer, are to be to give some tangible evidence of theC Fmh provided, and an act was put on un- given by a committee of the alumni respect they have for Fielding Yost." rystal Falls Diamond Drill when the der the direction of members, from from various cities throughout the Among the most pro'minent of the Martin emphasized he fact that the i. nextUnion opera. i noft t country, headed by Roscoe B. Huston, many alumni on the committee arel newspaper, while in detail might not opera, was in charge of this part of 04L, of Detroit. Tom S. Hammond, '03L, and Carl egenhepsnaatntnofheh~prga The presentation will take lace in Gre,~1, fChcg,Jug Wila be given the personal attention of the th&: progranm. the presence of about 300 aepya, '0, of Ceean, ugh Wite, editor, on the whole represents his Today's convention program will' newspaper policy and attitude. O'Brien declared open at 9 o'clock this morning with a editors at the banquet in the Union '02L, president of the Fuller Construe- that "the paper that serves the peo- general assembly at which V. V. Mc- on the night preceding the Michigan- tion company of New York, Charles pe best wii be the best paper. Treat Nitt, manager of McNaught's Newspa- Ohio games. I Baird, '95L, formerly athletic director the people right, give them- the news per syndicate, Prof. Robert M. Wen- "We propose to show our apprecia-at Michigan, William S. Penfield, '70, and success will come," he said. All ley, of the philosophy department, tion of the splendid work Yost has formerly of the State department at the speakers on this subject emphasz- Prof. Roy W. SAar, of the pil done for Michigan in the past 25 iWashington, Tom Clancey, '10L, at- ed th e value offriendly service to osophy departmentllar o th his years," said Huston, in commenting torney, and Henry J. Kilelea, '85L, the community. E. Rankin, of tentent eoda t on the program. "A testimonial is Milwaukee baseball magnate. Desmond Talks will be the man sakers. due him at this time because he has Robert W. Desmond, instructor in At the afternoon s a just resigned as coach to give his full ClEERING SECTION the department of journalism, was the symposium on tleoy time and energy to the position of CO PL TEf conservation will be htear direct o" of ath s at M an an PLANS COML ETED concluding speaker on the aftotnoon s a w director of athletics at Michigananda program. Defense of schools of jour- At 4:30 o'clock Theta Sigma Phi, wo- to the inspiring building program ..- mfmeyactves u- men's journaisic sorority wl enter which he has inaugurated." Saturday's game will mark the jaiism, formerly a cont;vesia sub- mtain the visiting women with tea, and In summing up the work and opening of the cheering section for ject, is no longer needed, Desmond at 6:30 o'clock tonight the annual h lni-said. The time has come, he stateda 6, oclcktoigt heanua achievement of Coach Yost, during his this year. Following the plan inU n lie college trained u isniversity Press club banquet will be long period of active service at Mich- augurated last year, a permanent eat rnaist held in the Union. William Preston igan. Huston said: "The magnificient cheering section has been established is m'egarded as being better equippedBeazell, assistant managing editor of .,.,.-- -- --a- -- -, m r. . ~ .. . ,. -- ,.n . in than the man who comn eS into _a news- ~nVnc V rl nr awil t fi m i A .: >{ 'i E "No," said the man In the black went through the details of register-' derby, as a hand offered him two ing him and then offered him the tickets to the Ohio game, "I won't two tickets, with the result described need those. You see I have a stadium above. Professor Brumm staggered bond and I already have two tickets." backward, dazed. His three assistants Thick around were men bargaining fainted away. Vandenburg surveyed for tickets, students with their plea the scene calmly and then walked of best girls coming to the game---and away. "I must be," he said to him- bere was a man who refused two self, "either dumb, or an unusually preci us pasteboards! Three men be- honest man." hind the counter swooned away. Professor Brumm has only partially This, lest you mistake it for a.- fa- rccovered from the shock. He will bl, actiahl occurred in the main lob- not meet his classes today. His three by cf the iUniomi yesterday. Delegates assistants were, at last report, stark were registering for the annual con- mad, tossing in their leather straight- ventsin of the University Press club, jackets and hollering, "I can't use, and upon their registration they were those other two tickets to the OhioI given C mpiphinemintary tickets to the game." Ohio- ,ichigan gaimie. The tickets, so j