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October 20, 1927 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-20

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, 1927



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HDj Barbo'ur Scholar Writes Of Personal
Experience On Return To Warring China

SCONDUCT Children's Aid Society Finds Homes For
Different Types Of Children In State DECORATE FORlPART


All Squads To Deport At Palmer Field
In Regulation Costume
At Exact Hour
Interclass hockey squads have been
chosen and the games will start this
afternoon. All Freshmen and Junior
squad members report at,,Palmer field
at 4 o'clock and -Senior and Sopho-
more squad members at 5 o'clock.
Games start at 4:15 and 5:15 prompt-
ly. Everyone is to be in uniform,
composed of white middy, dark bloom-
ers. If any members of the squad do
not appear they will be dropped. A
schedule of officials for the tourna-
ment games will be posted in Barbour
Members of the Senior squad are:
Sarah Bonine, Miriam Hosmer, Sylvia
Baird, Helen Beaumont, Marie Brum-
meler, Eunice Child, Jane Folsom,
Mildred Hardy, Gertrude Welch, Mar-
va Hough, Arlene Unsworth, Martha
Robinson, Nellie Hoover, Hilda Harps-
ter, Eleanor Harvey and Eleanor
On the Junior squad are: Ann Zaner,
Cynthia Hawkins, Rose Shasser,
Jeanette Sanborn, Ellen Grinnell,
Ethel Klaudermann, Louise Cooley
Frances Miller, Marie Hartwig, Vida
McClure, Janet Jones, Dorothy Lyons,
Thelma Levine, Bernice Shook, Estheir
Middlewood and Dorothy Sothrens.
Sophomore squad: Margaret Bush,
Alice Crane, Margaret Sibley, Dorothy
Bloom, Margaret Stahl, Gertrude
Smith, Louise Cady, Elizabethi Loomis,
Margaret Ohlsonj, Arlienne Heilman,
Marjorie Muffly, Frances Bielby, Mar-
garet Goff, Ruth Resh, Laura Beal
Chipman and Clara Mitchell.
Freshman squad: Margaret Eaman
Helen Domini, Roberta Reed, Helen

A letter which brings the war in!
China very close has just been re-!
ceived from Miss Wei Dien Djang, who
was in residence here as a Barbour
scholar from September 1926, to July
1927, when she returned to China. She
has written to Miss Grace Richards,
adviser to women, as follows:
"My plan for coming back to China
so suddenly was quite an unexpected
one, as I did attend the summer school
for three days. For the sake of meet-
ing my sister in China I had to hurry
up my journey to the East. I spent

five days with my brother in Baltimo:e revolutionary spirit through reading
and had only one week for traveling history and literature. This time, un-
through Washington, D. C., New York fortunately or fortunately, I got some
personal experience, for my fiance
1i1 went directly on to Nanking. The

tion and the defeat of our army in the
northern front.
"I reached Shanghai on the eigh-
teenth of August. My father, my four
brothers, my two sisters and my fi-
ance, came to meet me. At that time
our new capital, Nanking, was prac-
tically in siege. Shanghai and the
whole area of the two coastal prov-
inces was in immiiiet danger. Trains
from Nanking were full of refugees,
even some of the governmental offi-
cers let their positions.
"I used to anticipate the feelings of

HAomesfor many children are found
by the Michigan Children's Aid so-
Sale of chrysanthemums which is ciety. This society takes care of four
to be conducted under the auspices of classes of children, rendering all some
the Undergraduate Campaign com- kind of service. The first type of
mittee of the Women's League will children consists of those concerning
start this Saturday. Over 800 large whom requests come in from rural
chrysanthemums are coming from and town districts in all parts of the
Albion where they have been ordered. state. A trained children's worker is
Besides the single flowers there will sent to personally investigate each
be corsages. These corsages will be case. The reports and recommenda-
sold at $1.50 each. The single flow- tions are sent in to the main office of
ers will be sold for one dollar. the society, and the matter is given
There will be two booths on State immediate consideration.
street where the flowers will be sold. The policy of the society is not to
One will be located in front of Betsy break up a home except when this is,
Barbour house. The other will be a necessary step in saving the child.
placed between Packard street and Often relatives are found and brought
Hoover street on State street. Mem- to the rescue, and sometimes advice,
bers of the committee will be in is the only thing needed. Financialj
charge of these booths. The Woman's help is, however, too often necessary:
League is to' receive 25 per cent of and in this the society is handicapped.
money taken in by the sale of these Children of the secQj d class are
flowers. It is urged that all houses I those whose needs demand a tempor-f
which are buying flowers place their ary foster family pending the rebuild-
orders with the Leagu' and also to ing of the child's home. These chil-
instruct theirsmembers' to buy their dren are boarded out for different
flowers at these booths. lengths of time, and in the majarity
of cases return to their own homes
CAMPAIGN BEGINS after the readjustment has taken
FOR FI ANCING OF Placethird class of children includes
FRESHMAN SPREAD those who are accepted as permanent
legal wards for the purpose of adop-
The Freshman spread finance cam- tion. A great deal of the society's
a~izn bezanesterda Dorothv Grif- time is devoted to work with children,

If people could but realize the num- III iLiUiLiMi [.l[I L fl
ber of lives affected and that children ' "
so lovable live, appropriations would
not be so hard to get, and the social Among those invited to be present
workers would not be so handicapped. at the Women s league party to be
A more experienced staff of field .given tomorrow from 4 to 6 o'clock in
workers is being hired, and more Sarah Caswell Angell hall are Dr.
competent caretakers are being found" ,aga.a
and trained. These women are win-a et Bl, Mss B arce J h s n
valuable in case work, in child plac- Miss Grace Richard, Miss Alice Lloyd,
ing, and the care of children. The Miss Lone Johnson, Miss Ethel McCor-
matrons are very skillful in caring for mick, Mrs. Louise Van Sickle, Miss
the various types of children, and Pauline Hodgson, Miss Annis Hall,
more satisfactory individual develop-
ments have resulted.
Every year the Michigan Children's Figge, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodworth,
Aid society has attained higher stand- and Miss Dorothy Oghorn.
ards and made fewer mistakes. It has Decorations for the party will be In
made more studies of the personalities the crimson and gray of Ohio and the
of boys and girls and has fitted them maize and blue of Michigan. Palms
into homes particularly suited to
them. Probate judges and public of- ancins will be usic by thn
ficials are accepting and requesting wr's four-piece orchestra.
assistance from the trained social All University women are invited to
workers in the solution of the chil- attend. The occasion will afford an
dren's problems which come to them. excellent g-nncunitv nv forir,1 try hbp-

first five days I received his telegrams
constantly, but not a single word dur-
ing the next nine days. It was one of
the most frightful battles that was
fought during the whole revolutionary
expedition. General Sun's best army
of 50,000 soldiers crossed the Yangtze
river by three ways. Our capitol, Nan-
king, was cut down entirely. As the
result of five days fearful fighting.
Sun lost everything; 20,000 of his men
died and 10,000 of our army also lost
their lives. That terrible struggle
hastened the co-operation between the
Nanking and the Hankow govern-
ments Early in the morning _of Sept.
3 Mr. Sun and Mr. Tan, representing
the Hankow government, arrived at
Shanghai on a special train. My fiance
representing the legislative council of
the Nanking government came with
them. At present our armies in the
front become victorious again and the
political arrangement is comparatively
Since her return Miss Djang hs had
two excellent offers, one to teachj
Modern Chinese history and same
courses in political science in Sheng-
bai College, from which she was grad-
uated, and the other to lecture on po-
litical science in the First National
University of Canton. At the time of
writing she had not decided whichl
she would accept.

'Y 1

iMiss Wei Djen Djang
Boston and Niagara Falls. I returned
to Ann Arbor on July 25th and re-
mained there for one night.
"In spite of all the hurriedness, I
had a pleasant journey through the
United States and across the Pacific.
From Seattle to Yokohama we could
not get any important Chinese news.
When we reached Japan, it was just
the time of General Chiang's resigna-

Humphrey, Helen Schneider, Mary SOCIETIES ELECT
Elizabeth Whitney, Hilda Felske,
Frances Nussbaum, Katherine Wilcox, YEAR'S MEMBERS
Blanche Deutsch, Esther Kock, Janec
Robinson, Martha Bachmer, Nancy Ten women were chosen for mein
O'Neill, Urina Darrow, Catherine bership in Portis literary society from

Committee chairmen for the Wo-
men's league and Interchurch Bazaar
to be held Dec. 2 and 3 have been an-.
nounced by Jean McKaig, '28, general
chairman,', as follows: Josephine
Welch, '29, assistant chairman; Ber-
nice Staebler, '28, treasurer; Helen
Rankin, '29, chairman of articles; Dor-
othy Morehouse, '28, chairman of en-
tertainment; Mary Bowen, '29, chair--
man of candy; Janice Peck, '28, chair-
man of sellers; Mary Alice Moore, '29,
chairman of placing; Virginia Gies, '29.
chairman of decorations; Margaret
Arthur, '29, chairman of publicity;
Hilda Mary Evans, '29, chairman ofj
marking; Marva Hough, '28, chairman
of door committee; Arlene Unsworth,
'28, chairman of service committee;
lorence Watchpocket, '29, chairman
of posters. The chairman of the teal
room will be announced later.-
T-Square, the honorary women's ar-I
chitectural society, will have chargej
of decorating Barbour gymnasium, the!
customary scene of the bazaar. This{
is the first year that this society hast
undertaken the responsibility and the
plaft insures competence as the mem-
bers are interested and trained in this
line of work.k
The co-operation of the churches of
the city will be directed by Mis,
Louise Douglas of Ann Arbor and a
special effort will be made to offer
the public attractive articles at rea-
sonable prices. Invitations to the ba-
zaaritlie proceeds of which will be
turned over to the league fund, willi
be issued to Ann Arbor alumnae, so-
rorities, dormitories, and all league

a group of forty tryouts, as a result
of the second tryout meeting held or,
Tuesday night. Invitations have been
sent to the following: Frances Jen-
nings, '31, Jane Robinson, '31, Flor-
ence Frandsen, '31, Margaret Lauer,
'31, Florence Tennant, '29, Eleanor
Horsey, '29, Margaret Lyons, '28, Nan-
cy O'Neal, '30, Blanche Deutsh, '311
and Frances Johnson, '28.
Initiation will be held by Senior So-
ciety at 5 o'clock, Oct. 31, in Helen
Newberry for the following: Helen
Wootman, Rhoda Tuthill, Dorothy
Swartout, Janice Peck, Margaret Mey-
er, Madelyn Bankers, and Helen House
At 4 o'clock yesterday on the hockey
field Newberry defeated Delta Zeta by
a. score of 910. It was a fair game
with good team work on both sides.
The fastest game of the season so far
was played at 5 o'clock in which Kap-
pa Delta defeated Alpha Epsilon Phi
by a score of d-3. The ball was on
both sides of the field in real see-saw
fashion. Both teams were evenly
matched and not for one moment did
the interest lag either for the watch-
ers or for-the players. Members of
both teams were alert and quick.
Thirty members of the University
Girls' Glee Club are to be the guests
at the banquet to be given to-night at
the Union by the University Press
Club of Michigan. The invitation was
made by Professor John L. l3rumm,
head of the department'of journalism.
The Glee Club will 'entertain withl
I Michigan songs.I

Golf Classes Will
See Films Of Jones
Moving pictures of Bobby Jones,
holder of the British Open and Amer-
ican Amateur golf championships, are
being shown to golf classes this week
in Barbour gymnasium. It is thought
that in all sports much can be learned
by seeing a good player in action. If
this golf experiment proves fruitful,
Miss Ethel McCormick, assistant di-
rector of physical education, intends,
through the courtesy of Calkins and
Fletcher, local druggists, to introduce
moving pictures in other sports.
At 8 o'clock and at 9 o'clock today
two films of the champion will be run.
All those interested are urged to at-

p gil ge;t yC;$ yu. V y U
fith, chairman of the finance commit-
tee, is launching an intensive drive to
collect a dollar from every sophomore
woman on campus to cover the ex-
penses of the annual party to be given
by the sophomores for the freshmen
on October 28. A booth has been set
up in the Barbour gymnasium and all
sophomore women are expected to pay
the fee as they enter the building. The
campaign will continue until Tuesday,
October 25, and in this time the total
amount must be collected. The mem-
bers of the. finance committee have
been assigned beats in order to col-
lect from the girls who are unable to
be reached otherwise. By working in-
tensively for the next five days Dor-
othy Griffith hopes to get the whole
amount into the hands of the treas-
urer, that the other committees may
begin their work in earnest.
Margaret Babcock, chairman of the
spread, is stressing the surprise party
idea, which the committee believes
will prove very successful.
Four Spanish professors are in
America looking for ideas to be used
in the new $3,750,000 university at
Madrid. Under the supervision of the
Rockefeller Institute they will visit
the Universities of Michigan, Chicago.
Harvard, Yale, Detroit, John Hopkins;
and Rochester.
Eleven 15-year-old girls are en-
rolled in the University of California
and are carrying their work success-

of this type. Children are not ac-
cepted for adoption until certain
minimum facts in regard to their fam-
ily background have been established,
especially facts concerning their pa-
ternity. Moreover, other agencies
have recognized the need of such in-
vestigation and assist the society to
secure family histories. This tends
to safeguard the whole business of
The fourth group includes those
children who are placed out in homes
on trial and under active supervision.
The homes are visited at least four
times a year until legal adoption. The
visit is not a superficial one, and the
report sent in covers a wide variety
of phases of the child's life and the
home. Practical results have justified
this policy. The children are put only
into homes into which it is thought
they will fit, attention being paid to
the life of the possible parents and
the tendencies of the child. IfI the
childis above infancy this is a serious
problem as its readjustments to the
new home and environment present
many difficulties. Thus, experienced
and sympathetic visitors are often
able to turn doubtful and discourag-
ing situations into ultimate success.

Women guests attending the con-
vention of the Michigan Press Club
in meeting at the Union this week-end
will be entertained at a tea from*4 to
5 o'cfock tomorrow at Helen New-
berry residence. The affair is being
given by members of Theta Sigma
Phi, national honorary journalistic
society for women.
Virginia Sands, '27, is in charge of
One of the candidates for mayor of
Concord, N. H., is Miss Helen Jones,
a twenty-four old college graduate,
who finished second in the primary
elections, defeating two seasoned pol-
Mrs. Frances Wilson Grayson of
New York is planning a trans-Atlantic
flight in a new amphibian monoplane,
the Dawn. Mrs. Grayson will leave Old
Orchard, Maine, as soon as the weath-
er permits, and attempt to fly to Co-

In the Limelight:-Leather Accessories
The Suede Belt leads the parade-
Next comes the Flat Envelope Bag of Alligator, Suede, or Silk.
The Tiny Coin Purse is prominent-
So is the Leather Gardenia-
But most distinctive is The Ensemble Set, including a
Bag and a Belt to Match.
In the Arcade

*Flowerday's Flowers,
Largest and Fi nest--Fresh .Cut.

orsagesof freshccutg
olden yellow pomponsP



for your week-end
party or dance




One Store



Better punch can not be made
Phone 5931


Flowers by Wire"
---- - --- "-- ---------- --- --"- "-a - "1

Less Formal Christmas Greetings
For one's dearest friends. Especially appropriate for those desir-
ing to use their Christian names rather than the more formal
"Mr. and Mrs
Hand colored and unique in design. Name in same type as
message of greeting. Order early.
Mary Louise Shop
Nickel's Arcade

1" _ .



-unu"t" r aY. aa.. u.a....". uy" .,a"u.u.......... 4..........a"". ............ = --t-
" a. aa".i r"a..r.7 .. 7...rae. .. 7 . aa..ss..i





The Parisian School of Lancing
announces the opening of its studio



Michigan dedicaths her stadium Saturday.
We dedicate our plant to clean cfothes. Our
host of satisfied customers testify that we have
kept our trust.

Sat. Night, Oct. 22.

All student

are cordially invited to attend the
French Tea and dance given
gratuitously from 7:00 p. m. to
:35 p. m. Music, refreshments,

The buckle pump as shown with hand turn sole, high arch,
mncl :farrow heel fitting; may be had in both black and brown
suedes and either a high or low heel. All sizes, AAA-C.
All Shoes, $10.00











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