T F. MTC.HTC.A1ti DAILY TTTURSDAY, OCTTODE L nn- 193", III I IrIM I o~r Hu 4utgneeded, that business warranted it, l and that the engineering feat was ?Published every morning except Monday feasible. Contrasted with this evi- during the University year by the Board in dence we have only the prejudice of Control of Student Publications. the state of New York and the East Member. of Western Conference Editorial opposing it, which seems small enough Assocriation. A opposition indeed. The Associated Press is exclusively en- Whether New York and the East ttiled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise want it or not, the canal is bound to credited in this paper and the local news pub- come, for the history of human lishedl herein. cm,0 h itr fhmn achievement displays in no doubtful Entered at the postofflce at Ann Arbor, terms the fact that in the long run Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post the most efficient process will pre- master General, vail. The St. Lawrence waterway Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, presents the advantages of efficiency Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- and economy over the present route; nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. and 25 miles is a very very small EAL Amargin to impose between the inter- EDITORIAL STAFF gt n T1 T W C ~ l ~ YH J~ hA W rfr! f 0' a ...J aiSa% t ..s09,r-& '! ....' A R..a .ta nuu.ny , ~. A xF..W&AA -. l#, *V.. s .. XYY Jliffff/jli7rrnl9'rli llrY/f.7NAYrr1 - Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Edlitor..,.'.. ............Ellis 71. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly. .Charles E. Behymer Stf Editor.,.............Philip C. Brooks, City Editor.............Courtland C. SmithI Women's Elitor...........Marian ,. Welles Snorts Editor............Herbert E. Vedlerj Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wal, Jr. Telegraph Editor.............Ross. W. Ross Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors sis oz a sectional progress of mankind. group and thei Robert 1t. inch C. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrickj Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait. Jr. Margaret Arthur Marion MacDonald Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy Stratton Buck Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy Sydney M. Cowan Harold L.. Passinan William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn William C. Davis Pierce Rosenberg Clarence N. 'Edelson David Scheyer Margaret Gross Eleanor Scribner Valborg Ezeland Robert G. Silbar Marjorie Follmer Howard F. Simon James B. Freeman George E. Simons Robert J. Gessner Rowena Stillman Elaine E. Gruber Sylvia Stone Alice Hagelshaw George Tilley Joseph E. Hwell Edward L. Warner, Jr. Charles R. Kaufman Teo J. Yoedicke Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling Sally Knokx} BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr. { 3 SPANISH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Spain, for the first time since the dissolution of the Cortes in 1923, has a functioning legislative body as a re- sult of the Royal Decree creating the Spanish National Assembly, just is- sued. The statement stipulates that the new legislative body shall have the character of "a National Assem- ably, directed and advised by the Gov- ernment, but endowed with its own prerogatives and functions, which shall prepare and submit gradually to the Government within three years, and as a preliminary draft, a general and emplete legislative plan to be submitted at the proper time to a sincere consideration by public opin- ion and in due course to the royal sanction."' Altogether the Assembly is com- posed of 325 to 375 members selected from practically all the walks of life, made up of men and women, single, widowed or married, the last named with the consent of their husbands who themselves are not members of the Assembly. Unlike the United States Congress, women will be al- lowed, thereby, to be members of the new body. For that reason, this par- ticular phase of it will be well worth observing. Time has generally proved that when a nation alters its form of gov- ernment to hear the voi e of many rather than of one, it has that minute made a stride forward. Indications are that this will be no exception. Spain is to be congratulated on its progress. Before long it will be out of order to think of the European countries as being' backward and anti- quated in modern business, religion and government. s Advertisingc.............Pchard A. Meyer Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising....... ..Edward L. Hlulse Advertising. ..........John W. Ryswinckel Accounts.................Raymond tWachter Circulation.............George 1. Ahn, Jr. Publication..................Harvey Talcott Assistants i S r E I Fred Tiabcock George Bradley James 0. 43rwn James B. Cooper Charles K,('eorrrll Bessie t'. Egeland Benl isman Katherine Frochne Douglass Fuller Herbert Goldberg L H. Goodman Carl W. Hamme~r RayTotelich Marsden R. Hubbard Hal A. Jaehn James Jordan Marion Kerr Thales N. Len ington W. A. Mahaffy George IA. Perrett Alex K. Scherer William L. Schloss Herbert E. Varnum THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1927 Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN WELCOME! STATE EDITORS The University and The Daily join in welcoming the delegates who will come to Ann Arbor today and tomor- row for the ninth annual University Press club of Michigan convention opening in Ann Arbor this afternoon.I In past years the contact with the many newspapermen and editors from throughout the state of Michigan has been exceedingly pleasant, instructive' and.beneficial. This year, with one of the best programs ever arranged, the chnvention is expected to he even1 more worthwhile than in previous years. 25 MILES There have been times in the his- tory of mankind when five minutes spelled the survival or defeat of a government, and there. have been times when a few miles meant the dif- ference between life and death. The narrow margin is one of the most commop as well as one of the most dramatio phases of human existence; and if there is. any outstanding exam- ple of one of these narrow margins portending tremendous consequences at the present time it is the 25 miles which separates the Middle-Western farmers from the sea.+ On first thought this statement may seem absurd, but it should not be too1 hastily judged. Already there is a+ 30-foot channel from the mouth of the, St. Lawrence river to Mdntreal, 1,0001 miles inland, and at the present time1 the Canadian government, at a cost; of $114,000,000 is deepening the Wel-' land canal' around Niagara Falls to a 30-foot channel. When this project is completed there will remain just the1 La Chine rapids, near Niagara falls,i which can be circled by a 25 milet canal, between the Western farmer1 and a waterway to the markets of1 the world.v The cost of building a canal around1 these narrow La Chine rapids will be $127,000,000. The power plant erect- c ed at the spot would generate in lesst than 50 years the ehtire cost, aside1 from the fact that the ocean water- c way route would save the farmers of1 the country its original cost every year, Good business, if nothing more, 1 would seem to dictate that the canal' be built, for the farmers of the Middler West are paying for it every year in freight rates, according to a statementi1 OM AD OL SERIOUS ESS The serious injury of Dr. Georg lHerman Derry, president of Mary grove college of Detroit, in an auto- mobile accident last Saturday nigh has drawn attention to one of the most serious problems of our present- day educational system. *I* * President Derry, according to the published report, was riding in an automobile, and as the result of a collision he suffered a broken collar bone, several possibly fractured ribs and numerous cuts and bruises. * * * Of particular significance is the fact that although another man was in the car at the time, President Derry alone suffered injury. * * * No longer can the situation be neglected. Every time our own Presi- dent scrapes the fender of another car in attempting to park, attention is called to this alarmingi condition. The instant any college president climbs into a motor car he s in danger. * * * In order to protect the presidents of our middle-western universities and set an example that may in time make the world safe for all college presidents, we are submitting to the governing body of each Big Ten uni- versity the following regulation, which we hope will be unanimously agreed upon: "No college president in active at tendance at any Big Ten university shall be permitted to operate or ride in any motor vehicle. In. exceptional and ordinary cases, when the party concerned has demonstrated his fit- ness to be accorded the privilege, the rule shall be relaxed to, the extent of allowing him to ride with other drivers." * * * It is only after a long examination of the situation that this measure has been resorted to. The college presi- dents have been given their oppor- tunity, but they have failed. This accident has definitely proved that they are unable to eliminate the un- desirable features and take advantage of the benefits of the automobile, and accordingly the privilege must be withdrawn. * * * HOWEVER, this need not be a unil versal rulg. The presidents of our Eastern universities have shown that they may be trusted. It is only to the younger and inexperienced presidents of the Middle West that the ruling need apply. * * MARTHA ALMOST COOKS The blase honor students over at Martha Cook were treated to a thrill not so long ago, when one of the girls tossed her cigarette into a waste- basket. * * * After an expert toss clear across the room, it was unfortunate that the pa- pers in the basket should have sud- denly burst into flanles. * * * Several attempts to cast the burn- ing contents of the basket through the window screen were unsuccessful. At lst the alarmed dansel dashed down the hall, and procuring a mop- bucket in active service, poured its contents upon the conflagration. And so the honor of Martha Cook was pre- served. * * * GOING OUT AFTER THEM The autocrat of the automobile, Dean Harvey Emery, is evidently dis- satisfied with the results of his hench- man, Ken Withrow, official Univresity notor cop, and has started out to teach him a few tricks. At least that is the current interpretation of the Dean's actions. * * * Several mornings of late, the two confederates have been touring about the city in the Dean's large Packard, taking down the license numbers of all cars parked within a radius of several blocks of the campus. * * * We are not sure just what the re- sults of this extended sleuthing may be, nor how much our Sentinel may profit from his instructions, but we do believe it would be advisable for those who are still determined in ex. cruising their rights to keep under cove r. * * * WE'RE IN THE MOVIES NOW A steadily increasing quantity of an mail is placing a heavy burden upon the postman who makes the Press building, as well as upon the taff-membersnof all the cnmnnu nnh- CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded &s confidential upon request. Letters pub- lished should not be construed as e- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. INTEREST OVER AUTO BANX To the Editor: The small attendance at the debate held by Adelphi House of Representa- tives some time ago, shows a lack of interest, not in the ban on student- operated motor vehicles, but rather in Adelphi itself. I should say that the presence of seventy individuals at a meeting of Adelphi constitutes a phenomenal attendance. It is doubt- ful whether as many as ten per cent of the student body knew that there was to be such a debate, or, in fact, realized the existence of the organiza- tion. Of these ten per cent, perhaps one per cent might, in "exceptional or extraordinary cases," attend a meet- ing of Adelphi, provided that the one per cent in question had nothing of greater interest to occupy its atten- tion. Whether or not the majority of the students in this University favor the present ban on automobiles is a ques- tion which could be better answered by the result of an all-campus vote than by mere speculation. In my own opinion the student body is about as favorably inclined toward the present ban as the American colonists, early exponents of the doctrine of personal liberties and inalienable rights, were toward the Stamp Act of 1765, or as the British Parliament was toward some of the actions of Charles I. The present regulation states, I be- lieve, that no student shall be permit- ted to operate a motor vehicle; it adds that in exceptional and extraordinary cases the rule may be moderated at the discretion of the Dean of Students. How such a definite statement can possibly be construed, even by the wildest stretch of imagination, to pro-, hibit students from riding in motor vehicles operated by other, non-stu- dent, individuals is inconceivable. If the regulation is to be thus inter- preted, it may not be amiss to point out that riding in taxis or motor busses must obviously be precluded, although the owners of said taxis and busses are the only ones that can be said .to derive any benefit from the regulation. Not until all forms of electrical il- lumniation are prohibited and stu- TONIGHT: The dimes at 8:30 o'clock in their theater present the second production of tlie season, "On Approval" by Frederick Lonsdale, - with the following cast of characters: Maria Wislack...... JANE EMERY Helen Hayle.................. . .LORINDA 31cANDREWS Richard Halton............... ......CHARLES LIVINGSTONE George, Duke of Bristol ......... ............KENNET WHITE * * * THIS AFTERNOON: The Edmund t Horace Fellowes' recital at 1:15 o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. * * * Elizabethan music, a term that sug- gests to many people the clumsy cold- hoppery things that a yokel bellows on his holidays, was, in its day the foremost music of the civilized world. Instead of cojitaining as is usually thought the naive elemental stuff of the ballads, it developed highly or- ganized anl complex forms, such as the madrigal. This music was not, however, confined to concert rooms in the grand palaces, but bore the burden of courtship, and other such matters, for otherwise dumb and stricken swains; in his songs, writ- ten by poets and musicians, he found the only medium through which he could express his deepest sighings, and through which he could tell the bitter disappointments which his lady's rebuff to his ardent advances caused him. And it was no unpleas- ant thing for an Elizabethan maiden, attired in her shift and ready for bed to hear the dulcet sound of the lute under her window. It is to be hoped that Edmund Hor- ace Fellowes' recital tomorrow will call forth a vigorous interest in, not only Elizabethan music, but in early English music of all kinds. Perhaps the interested ones would not find their interest fruitless. A rendez- vous miglt be found some place for those who care for the sparkling and spontaniety of a lively ancestry. "TAKE THE AIR" Gene Buck's new revue, "Take the Air," which is eventually destined for the Waldorf theater, if it survives a Detroit tryout, will open at the Cass on Sunday evening. Trini, the Span-i ish dancer and professional beauty of the Continent, and Will Mahoney as comedian, are to be co-starred. Doro- thy Dilley, the Ormond Sisters, George Taps, Charlotte Ayers, Audrey Dale, Hugh Bennett, the Pierson Brothers and Bobby Allen are listed as princi- pals. Mr. Buck, who has risen from days when he was a Zeigfeld help-mate until now he is an independent pro- ducer, entrusted "Yours Truly" to the town last Christmas, and with quite some success. It played to good busi- ness in New York last spring, in Chi- cago this fall, and is now on the road, "Take the Air" opens in Youngs- town, Ohio, this week for a few per- formances, and will premiere offi- cially at the Cass Sunday night. The book and lyrics are the work of Mr. Buck and Ann Caldwell and Dave Stamper is responsible for the music. * * * "PINWHEEL," a play by Francis Edwards Faragoh; New York; The John Day Company; 1927; $1.75. A review, by Vincent Wall. "Pinwheel" between the covers of a book is probably much happier than it was at the Neighborhood Playhouse last February. It's atmosphere of New York is caught more vividly into the stage direction; and since it is played in something like fifteen or twenty scenes, it would have been difficult to present convincing suggestions of the set. Mr. Faragoh has not attempted to catch a single street in New York, nor a definite or identifiable section of the, city, but he attempts to focus in his drama the spiritual ethos of the' metropolis. In his own words, "the visible architectural 'feel' of New York: concrete, and stone and steel and iron....." His characters are described in the same way. They are not definitely given as tangible hu- man beings but rather as composite people. The Guy, the Jane, the Book- keeper, the Lady Friend, the Fast Woman, the Sugar Daddy--hey are all an essence rather than an act- uality. Moreover in the present edition the play has been materially added to- for in many places in production only the impression of the restless move- ment of the city, the recurrent flow of neonle wn s'iven T. isan interpct I 11 it THEATER BOOKS MUSIC I - RAE_ Now TITE PRICE OF HONOR Shrley1la on KEMPF'S MODEL CITY 221 South. M-lin STUDENT'S MATINEE COUPON Thi. comnmo and 111c will admit any student over 14 years, or the coupon and five cents Nill admit any school child under t1 years. Good any day this week, from 1 to 6 p. in. SAT-THE DENVER DUD E I ..: -own SVN.-TOM 3MIX ill "OUTLAWS OF RED RIVER" RAE__ Read The Daily Want Ads The Heidelberg Opening Thursday, 13th 807 E. Washington St. German Cooking i f ! .1 t la ILO C. WORK The International Authority on BRIDGE Mr. Work tells how to play and win. Mr. Work is a teacher of teachers; nine out of every ten teachers use his system. Mr. Work publishes articles in more than one hundred fifty newspapers every day. Michigan Union Assembly Room * Thursday, Oct. 27th 2:30 in the Afternoon and 8 in the Evening il