THE MICNIC'IAN DATT .Y' mT-TxT'n.gnAV. tI TI-IF MtCIT~ M f~! TTTUQfA . . &L. s q a.-av' ZV, IV4 CONVENTION ATTENDED CONVENTION TO OPEN! BY PROF. MATTHEWSFI RST SESSIO,,N TODAY 'YOUTHFUL PROS3ECUTOR, ONLY 34, LEADS HOOSIE R CORRUPTION QUIZ I NDIANAPOLIS---A 4h e a r-o I d matn"ofsuch youthful appearance held 'ounty ' attorney -who ? I T (,l i e oimport cant alloffic ]Discusses Forestry Research Before Gathiering of Wood Industry Experts in. Grand Raidds RETURNS TO ANN ARBOR Profs. Donald M. Matthews and' Wil- liam Kynoch returned yesterday from a convention of tho' wood industries division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, which met in Grand Rapids, Mich. Professor Mat- thews trade a? speech at the meeting, discussing a paper read by Arthur Koehler on "The Need of Research in Tropical Woods before Marketing Them." Professor, Matthews discussed. the topic from the viewpoint of the man in the field. He pointed out the need for research in the source of supply in the tropics of the quantity of wood there and its cost of extraction, An information bureau is needed to con- centrate on research and investiga- tionm, he believes. Matthews was appointed a sub-mem- ber of a committee to organize this research. Members of this committee include Major Georg-, P. Ahern, of the Tropical Plant Research foundation; D. H. Allen, Thomas Perry and Major Wilkes of the War Department, who is connected with the timber supply division of the army. Matthews was retained as a technical advisor on the resources of South America. Major Ahern and Koehler returned to Ann Arbor with Professor Mat- ihlews where the Major addressed classes in the School of Forestry and Conservation. (Continued From Paget nc) From 4:30 to 6i o'clock a general dis-! cussion will be heid andl a tea ten- dered the visiting womnen by Theta' Sigma Phi, womn's journalistic stir ority. At 6:30 o'clock Friday night the, annual banquet will be held in the main dining room of the I~nion, at which William Preston Beazell, as-j sistant managing editor of tihe New York WorldI will be tho principal speaker. Fielding H-. Yost, dlirector of, intercollegiate athletics, will also be called on to speak at this tine. The convention will he concludedI Saturday with the animal business session and election of officers ini the morning and a luncheon at noon. In the afternoon the delegates will be the guests of the Athletic association at the Ohio State univerzity foot;)all gamine. Students in the department of jour- nalisln in the University are associate member of thle Press Club and are urged to attend the convention. The general public is also welcome to at- tend the open sessions. Professor Brumm, who has charge of all ar- rangements and the program for the convention, announced. University of South Dakota-A tax levied on cigarettes is financing the erection of a $250,000 stadium. The proposed armory and gymnasium willj be the fourth state building paid for' with the money derived from this tax. yo";:,' r ha", carriel the tal':t* of pr-os-; ee~tion for the last ithreeVQaresin 1II- (ian:a's sensational1 inquiry _ aal- legdftlpolitical corruption. li" is> willialm Ii.' Horny, ?pro-:wut n ji ttorney of Marion couinty, which tin-' i'ces Indianapolis. Although a re- Jpnublican, lie was instrumental in the indictment of the republican governtor of the state; hie convicted the republi- can mayor of Ohe state capital for vio- lal-ion of the corrupt practice act ; and he 'e;Dt to prison for life a mlan whose p olitica1l power was spokien of with bated breath. ATamy times HRmy has had to conl- vince strangers that, he was the inan whoe held the office of county prose- cutor. They could not believe that a The pot beg an to boil in Indiana after Rmy won the state's case 1ganinst D. C. Stephenson, former rad (ragon of the Indiana Ku Klux lachiarged with murder in connec- Iio:n with the (doath of an Indianapolis girl and sentenced to life imprison- menit, For a year Remy has devoted vir- tugally all his time to investigating charges of Thomas H. Adams, Vincen- nr~s publisher, and of the convicted Stephenson that corruption has been rampant in high offices in the Hoosier state. When the functioning of the grand jury was interrupted lately by .charges that there had been an at- temp~t to bribe a juror to vote against reurning an indictment against when the latter wras tried for black- choice. Mayor John Dluvall of Indianapolis, mail in connecction with acts of vandal- Hie was re-elected at the last elec- Remy and his associates tooks the ism in TIndianapolis. He is credited tion b)y a greater plurality than an~y issue into their own hainds, filed anl with obt aining much of the evidenice' other ca:ndidate on the republican affiidavit against Duvall charging upon which the grand juryr indicted ticket. violation of the corrupt practices ! Governor Ed Ja ckson, Mao ual Is four-year record shows convic- act, and won their case in court. l Gorge V. Coffi, -Marion county repub- tions in 90 of evemr 100 cases. Former Mayor John W. Holtz-1 lican chairmlan, and Robert G. Marsh, mvan and Emsley Johnson, Indian- local attorney. Campus territory amounting to 11,- apolis attorney, have been assisting By a queer turn of fate, Remy holds 000 acres will be appropriated by Remy, but they have worked under the office which Jackson, Coffin and' Stanford U N~er~siy for "developing his direction despite their greater Marsh are charged with attempting to years of experience, bribe former Governor Warren T. Me-' the greatest botanical gardens in the Remy convicted John J1. MacNamara' Cray to fill by an oppointee of their' world." i s Calling You Sunday d X.P.G!0 October BC W o ,'. TO THE LADIES! We can Clean and Press your garments ,; th our new Process and make them look I~he new. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO. Cash & Carry Branch Office Madame Pompadour-the unf ©r- most ravishing beauty! M~~~~~~1adaePmaor-h n r Open 7 a. mi-. to .8 p. gyn. Press Building Tod Thi Satur I . ,'. t. .. . . i. ^, .:,='_ ,.,..:. kq .3'i'' .. , - :r' rs" , Y x'... y s,7. c. _ .J / "" °r' "!i -sy -. . ,. - .., ., w . ,. ,. n^ ' t «:h ? i . k , ,. x"°-Y :yr i"4%6.. ti n'r " u ' '- ' ,X i r . .; ,; , .. y 1 ". y.:. { n Yi; ~' > d ; ¢ ' a:s F". >; ,,r.; ki:;. J i Y 'f 7 . y. '"'r'. rya tiy: .s ; ' r.. r; :ct ; '. a ' .b'^... ;a-, ~. '. "°'Yr r.. f" ;s. 4t6 . o-'? , } . :77 , "i 3 ;!;,1 , y rr . :e . y> d'4 :- } ? " "t rcTppO, 'STARTING TODAY-, " SPECIAL STAGE PRESENTATION! aw , RA DER &FOIO 13 En tertainers WITHrI'llr E CARLET MASK BAND t/ Added Features A Larry Semon Comedy "THE STUNT MAN" Paramount News Pathe Review Shows Daly-2:0)0, 3:30, 7:00, 8:40 )&T'i s i )Itinces-l0c, 30c, 40e Aights-l0c, 50c 13 OF111E~ OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY On the screen t7 t L0.o'i-J/us ~ ?/n~knm7Ape wi5u OLIE BORDE NELrI Lt..M~ RSLR.HLNCA~E ALLANEDWAN pDEch' i I t i I z i I I I i + I I i . i 4 r L th. poi Morena rbelt Wl Ic 9roduct1;0 z, . - a upo%% , " -- I II I' P0 LI ( 2:00 3:35 3i;c 14k 7:04) 8:44) 50C 25C -7 aaiii rlay - ~ rr~Il The roiaaanc -- Sweethiearta a -~?pi oerishted yc 9aramount4 'I~cktf love Sen~cs I. never see ce of a fn anld her Im'- -o n g lover!s I AND IN OUR ADDED SECTION I .Mieliigaii Locals News Scoops Arcade Orchestra Grantland Rice Sport Light Tackles and touchdowns Soon, Very Soon--Sunday, October y1 y yCOMES 23-Soon,' Very Soon fl1e woria's (,rcatesr Nuotion P ctU re r,- An Entertainment *l I . I - _ .G~yV { .tAl L Pi And Gloriously B~eyond All Comparison INOT A WAR PICTURE , ,,,. r ..,, . I -A115 O( .,...'T t I vffisw- -,- \lAl0-A\ --, T td'R"x e