ESTABLISHED 1890 ArC Ar Ar .Omtqppp-t t r t a n ,4&1133t MEMBER ASSOCIATED ' PRESS j VOL XXXVIII, NO. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1927 TEN PAGES Coach Yost Forecasts By Prominent Alun P[RTINENT TESTIMONY if:udge Bill' Day is going to be at that pep meeting Friday night," SCoach Yost said to the sports editor yesterday, "there'll be pep to spare. Hile's one of the most rabid of all our MARTIN LITTLET'ON, DEFENSE LAWYER, PLACES FINNEY ON WITNESS STAND rrurir aF~' -r~ dl ir rvinIflTrJ*F football fans, and there have been three generations of fans in the Day family." "He'll be there," the sports editor assured the coach. Vil 1 LLF M I IKU Vi: V IUNI)EP1 I ost continuea in a pease way, "'Bill' Day follows the team around Nothing To Show Siinclai's ConllectiOll as if he was still playing here and as Wii ,$20,000 In iLberty Bonds, if it was his team. And he's one of Is Chaim Of Iefense the best boosters that we've got." Judge Day played football here the ,;s ci P s year before Yost came. Popularly WASHINGTON, Oct. 19- With bolld! known to all of the students as Bill Day, he was one of the most active strokes which the defense frequently- sought to stay, special oil counsel be- ban unfolding today the story of thel leasing of the Teapot Dome naval re- serve on which they will ask a jury in the District of Columbia supreme court to find Albert B. Fall and Harry F. Sinclair guilty of consp racy to de-___. fraud the government.n rk Before presentation of direct ev ArIglii a 'inCurchan Will Tke Up dence began, Martin W. Littleton con-F Art and Early Hisory of songs eluded his lpreliminary statement foi _Fro _ Modern View the defense in which he promised that HOLDS HONORARY DEREE there would be no evidence to show' that Sinclair ever had any connection .- with any of the $250,000 in Liberty j . English music and its supremacy in bonds which reached Fall or his rela- the madrigal style druing the six- tives-a transaction which forms a I high point in the government case. t teentliceitury will ponstitute 'the Soon after Littleton concluded his subject of the first of a series of two at times dramatic, address to the jur- lectures to be given in Natural Science ors, the government put on the stand auditorium this afternoon by Rever- one of its most important witnesses Edward C. Finney, first assistant se- end Edmund Horace Feilowes, M. A. cretary of the Interior under Fall and Mus. Doc., of St. George's chapel, still holding that job.. Windsor Castle, London. The lecture Previously it had placed in evidence will begin at 4:15 o'clock, and will the leases and contracts affecting Tea- be open to all who are interested. pat Domne Finney Examined Canon Fellowes is a noted authori- From Finney, Owen J. Roberts for ty on old English music of the Eliza- the government elicited the direct bethan and Jacobean periods, and he statement that Fall took out of the has been secured through1, the efforts hands of his associates in the Interior of members of the departments of department the handling of the Tea- English and music to deliver two pot Dome reserve and personally con- f lectures here. The second lecture will ducted the negotiations with Sinclair be given at the same time tomorrow. for its lease. During his stay on this side Canon Moreover, Finney said Fall had im- Fellowes will conduct a tour of Cana- posed silence upon his associates con- da at the request of the Canadian cerning the lease, which lay locked Council of Education. With him will in his desk for days while senators be the men of the St. George's Chapel and cthers vainly sought information choir of London, and the boys of West- as to whether a lease had been exe- minster Abbey, Who will appear in cuted or whether there was any In- . recital. He will give'short talks along tention to execute one. the lines of his lectures. Relying frequently upon documn.e-n Canon Fellowes is the holder of the tary evidence, which Finney identified honorary degree of Doctor of Music. the government showed that in leas- conferred by Trinity college of Dub- ing Teapot Dome to Sinclair without lin. He has devoted many years to the public notice and competitive bidding, gathering of English madrigals from Fall departed from a practice sustain- all available sources, and has brought ing both as to wells leased in the these together in several published naval oil reserves in California and works. The songs that he has edited the public oil lands in the Salt Creek number more than a thousand, and fields of Wyoming, adjacent to Tea- have been brought together in the pot Dome. English Madrigal School, a work of Letter Presented 36 volumes. He is now in charge of One bit of evidence presented by the all music at St. George's. government was what associated jus- I The lecture to be given today will tice Butler recently described in the deal principally with madrigal growth Supreme Court decision returning and construction, and with the mad- Teapot Dome to the government as rigal composers. It will be illustrated the "exultant" lett er of Fall to Ed- by Canon Fellowes vocally and with ward L. Doheny that the interior see- the aid of the lute and piano. retary had obtained complete control of the naval reserves and would handle GOODRICIJ-ISPEAKS them without consulting navy officials except possibly on qcuestions of poll- ON QUEENSLAND'S e't' SOCIAL PROBLEMS Another liter offered by the govern- CB ment was written to Edwin Denby Prof. Carter Goodrich. of the eco naval secretary, by Fall in July, 1921 nomics department, spoke yesterday suggesting the exchange of Naval roy- afternoon in the Natural Science audi alty crude oil for fuel oil and storage. t oriuml on the subject "Some Ques Denby replied approving this plan. tions from Queensland." The defense had contended that this beginning his lecture with a brie suggestion came from Capt. John A. explanation of the differences and sim Rohison, naval officer who conferred ilarities between Australia and th with Fall about the oil reserves. United States, Professor Goodrich pro In connection with this exchange ceeded to sketch the condition of th Finney tesified that he had informed trade union movement in Quensland Fall that counsel for the Standard Oil Accoding to the speaker, there i company of California had declined at the present time a rapidly widen to bid on leases ou an oil exchange ing breach between the labor govern basis on the ground that such an ex- ment of Queensland and the labo change was illegal, unions, the extremists among th Court Adjourns unions claiming that the governmen Finney's examination had really on- is not holding true to the socialisti ly gotten under way when court ad- rinciples of their party and the gov journed for the day and he will he ernment maintaining that the union recalled tomorrow for questioning es. are making socialism impossible b their strikes. pecially as to the danger of drainage Professor Goodrich then emphasize for Teapot Dome, a danger which Fall fact that the government o thefatta th goenet : centended induced him to make the Queensland was a form of half-social lease. le will be subjected to long ism and that the party leaders wer cross-questiohing. I putting the soft pedal on the mor In concluding his two and a half extreme portion of the socialistic pro hour address to the jury, Littleton I gram. He characterized the Queens indicated that the defense 'would land government as "socialism with show that the policy of secrecy about out plans." Teapot Dome originated with Theo- Professor Goodrich then conclude dore Roosevelt, Jr., as assistant sec- his lecture *with- the warning tha retary of the Navy; that the policy of America may s'oon have her own clas exchanging royalty crude oil for fuel problems to solve. oil a-d tank storage originated with Robison and that the purchase and STORM HOLDS UP sale of oil by the Continental Trad- FLIGHT ing Company, Ltd., originated with F G OF DAWA H. M. Blackmer, a missing govern- 1(By Associated Press) ment witness.A Inspiring Speech PS N RTSLL-TICKET AtPRPepET MeetingORSMUST BE nnus At Pep MeetingRECTIFIED TODAY men in school. Besides playing fpot- CUflUI Ii For the. benefit of those students ball he was in many other campus who have not yet received their tickets activities and was president of the IlD Afl WC i rfl for the Ohio game, the student coun- Athletic association in his senior oU lI US cil committee on the cheering section year. will have a booth in the main lobby Following his graduation he entered ----- of the Union again this afternoon from the law in the footsteps of his father EMPHASIZES IIFFERENCES IN 3 until 5:30 o'clock for the purpose and became a United States district at-1 BETTERi T A T'ION of exchanging the tickets of those men C MI C N T U 10 , 0 9 torney. Iirs father before him was OF SEXES who signed for the cheering section,U d t t en gpr e i fmi ohu United States attorney. When Judge - - procurred their uniforms and did nomrt u rai or Sa~ inaw -E ito r. i Bill Day retired a few years ago to AWAITS ORGANIZED VOTE receive seats ilsectioiis 21, 22, or .'.f R . Irainor, Saginaw Editor, W ill take a private praction, he was sue- fact that some of the men filled out Deliver Presidential Address Paul Jones, former Michigan full- ithn pliato bamspAdd ndToS atrNwpa ese ceeded in his position as .judge by I JM-elopmient Of Peeuliar 1'ields For t heir application blanks p~oorly and baue J Future Prophesied confused the ticket assignments at the O State Newspapermen Th p metm, In Adress 'athletic office. According to the an-_ The pep meeting marks the firs -- nouncement of the student council all concerted effort< of the year to unite Outstanding (Lttereines in the ulti- those studWntM who signed fr th( \\ith the registration of delegates scheduled for this niornitig and the student body in fighting spirit. mate goals pf men and women, and icheering section, pirocured their uni thef rst sessionlilannel for this afternoon, the miiiith annual convention Ohio comes here with blood in her; the treatment those differences should foms and then did not receive tickets i of the University Press club of \lichigan will get under way today in the eye-she still remembers her own have in a university education formed in sections 21, 22, or 23 should apply Union. IBetween 175 and 200 (lelegates are expecte to gather for this dedication game of 1922, she still r'e the substance of an address delivered j at the oflice in the Union to exchange year's covenitioni. members the 17-16 defeat of last year, by President Clarence Cook Little he- these seats for seats in the cheering A.\rrangements have leel ittade for delegates to register at the desk she has the defeat of last week at the fore the state conveution of ings section.-, i the niain lobby of the Lnion, rooms having been secured for them by hands of Northwestern staring her in Daughters last night. President Little I This will be the last afternoon that the face. The team and the siprport- emphasized throughout the corse ofj the ofhle'n in the IUion will be Open to Prof. ohn L. Bni, head of the journalism depatment, who has had ers will be tight ing mad. It is the his speech the Inadequate attention exharig these seats. All studentsI harge of the program and arrangements, and lby igma elta Chi na- puirpose of the Student (Oun~il in tt hs been given in the past to the who do not exchange their seats this tional journalistic fraternity, whose mineumbes wilhe in charge of the (esk holding this pep meeting to raise a ipeculiar functions of the sex, and the ufternooni ia y do so at the athletic frot 9 to 12 oclock for the registration period this morning. spirit here that will match that spirit attempts to remedy this state in the flici tomorrow. At 12 o'clock a luincheon will be held for the various Press associa- and the fight that Ohio brings wth - Itrienof mdern eduyCation.~~-~ ~~~~~~ on f lhe state, iinclutlinIg The Associated Press. Tie Michigan I eague them. r'ropeiers of ta change in ther of Dailies, and the WeelyPress association. The first session of the The band, the cheerleaders, speak- plit i1s of the future when the vote "jJ -------- - - - --- --- 1927 convention will begin at 2:30 porti, oveoffretem "ro hes futarechange ithe [Dvoteiis a h chyPes soiain h ba esino h ers, movies of former Michigan teams of women has become more settled 11o'clock this afternoon opening with in action against their rivals-all of ar(e not entirely vain," state the Pres- nrnM IES WILLL rII NIrthe presidential address of welcome the finishings will be there. The pep ident. "I believe that some of the iHl by Arthur R. Trainor, manager and will start bubbling over at 7:15 o'clck ideals that have been lost from the i U1'ii UITIU IlL ASSueditor of the Saginaw News Courier. and all the Student council is praying presentEOD sysem will be re- -sussion To Be Hld for is a big mob-and a good day Satn-storewhenl Defeats Short By Decisive ajorit; Foiig t de s byP sident Coe hnwmnrfanfo -1eeisSotIyDcsv l~~rt,+urday. teririg ito camaigns with their Harri~iet Trowbvride IS EetedI I Trainor, a general symposium on the --oi e-Pingr ose moairmsewinig f To frlie sides enecy te ~-~topic "The Editor and the Commun- fingers crossed-or from remaining T -"On Approval" Has Been Presented ity" will be held with Paul Martin, TO DICE 'RESOLUTION out entirely. Only Once Outside Of New York Thomas Conin, of the Crystal Falls "Along this line I anusdisagreei PHARMACISTS VOTE TODAY City Previously Diamond Drill, and Paul MacDonald, wih the authority that has stated that ---I of the Otsego County Times Herald, wome should not attempt to educate William Reed, '30, was cihosen pi I TWO NEW SETS ARE BUILT leading the discussion. This will be , utdent of the sophomore class /of the followed with an address by Arthur out the procedure for themselves. It College of Literature, Science, and the roduction three Stace, director of the Michigan Public -should be the policy of the coeduca- Arts at their class election held yes- Utilities committee, on "The Editor Authorities Will Transmit Student tional institution to begin this educa- terday afternoon in Room C of the weeks, Mimes will present "On Ap- and the State." Stace was formerly Council Communication To i tion by defining the curricula of Law building. Reed defeated Robert proval" a comedy of English life and outdoor writer for the Booth publica- Governing Board i women along different lines, lines Short, '30 by a decisive majority aftersperform- ions and will explain to the assembled which will develop in them the femi- Read and Short had been chosen on manners, for series of eight perform- editors some of the scenic values and ASK MOVIE COOPERATION nine traits with which they are en- the primary ballot.anes beginning tonight. There will material resources of Michigan. Idowed. The capital of humanity in Harriet Trowbridge, '30, was chosen be no performance Monday of next Between 4:30 and 6 o'clock the dele- Acknowledgement that the admin business and politics has been more vice-president from a field of four week,and, the show will close a week gates will be entertained with an auto- t .c than doubled in the last few years incandidates in the closest election of ifrom aturday. The curtain will rise mobile trip about Ann Arbor. istrative authorities of the University which women nave voted. It is up to 'the day, after Aline Yeo, '30, had been at 8:30 o'clock. At ra-30 o'clock tonight the annual had received their communication r- the university to organize this capital chosen to oppose her on the primary. "On Approval" is from the pen of president's dinner will be held in the garding the automobile ban and would along proflitable lines." ballot. Beatrice Fromm, '30 was hos Frederick Lonsdale, who has written Union at which President Clarence transmit it to the Regents as request- Discusses Political Education en secretary and Theodore Bovard, 30, several modern comedies in the so- Cook Lttle will be the main speaker, "The education of women should be phisticated English style, among them addressing th editors on various ed was recorded by the Student coun- t mo ' li l pL "The Last Of Mrs. Cheney," which newspaper and editorial problems. . turned more to poitics, child Psy- POOECLS LCi3N *'Wl odSo ciI at its meeting last night at the chology, public and private health, was given in Ann Arbor last year by Will Hold Smoker Union. The commucation, which and the education of others," declared Ierthe Rockford Players. It is the be- the anquetfrom 9: was framed by a committee from the President Little He ustified in this ollege of iaracy lief of E. Mortimer Shuter and the to 11 o'clock, Sigma Delta Chi will Student council, was sent to the au- connection the recent appropriation to i Room 303 Chemistry Building directos of the company that "On hold an informalsmoker.sA program thorities for transmission to the the University of funds to construct4:00 Approval," a later vehicle, surpasses s been planned, refreshments will Regen s after a vote of the Council a new elementary school unit saying the former in the character of its be served, and membersmill be gin a weep ago. It protested against the that through this the University hoped s. action and its repartee the opportunity of becoming acquaint- was chosen treasurer. Both the latter'edwt.hevrosdirs automobile ban as "unduly restrictive to tighten up the system all along the two officers were elected by over- Charles D. Livingstone, '28L, has Four speakers will be heard on.the and unjust to the great majority of line, and to correlate the work of all whelming majorities. directed the piece and will be seen students" in much the same manner educational uits, eliminating the I The last election in the sophomore in one of the leading roes Othersn9oplock. Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the inspine-rclssestinnonpofvtheuledingoroles.Otherse9toclock.ePro. R. M. Weleyiofpth as the resolution previously adopted present degree of guess-workclasses under the regular schedule of in the cast include Lorinda McAndrew, Philosophy department, who recently At the meeting last nght two re- paring students the Student council will be held this '30; Jane Emery, '28, and Kenneth S. returned from London where he spent plies, oime from Dr. Frank Robbins "One phase of the difference be- afternoon in Room 303 of the Chemis- White, '29. Robert Mass, '30, is stage the past two years as director of the assitant to the President, arid one tween the sexes," continued the Pres-itry building, and none of the fresh- manager. American University Union will speak from J. A. Bursiey, dean of students, dent, "is that responsibility comes ( men elections will be held until after I Two entirely new sets have been on the subject "Impressions of Post were read. Both of the replies ack-1 more quickly to women. Men travel Thanksgiving. The elections of the I specially built for the production by War Europe." V. V. McNitt, owner knowledged the receipt of the coin- further mentally, but they pick up medical school classes will be held Otto Schiller of the Mimes staff, who and manager of the MNaught News- municatien from the Council, anl the more dust then dirt. They are for- at their own disetion due to the dif- has constructed most of the scenery paper syndicate and president of the letter fr'om Dr. Robbins annoruncedever small boys. Judging youth as a ficulty of arranging periods for the used in the theater for several sea- Consolidated Newspaper Features of 1 that the communication would be sub- whole, we have today betIter agents meetings due to the laboratory Ile- sons. The action encompasses two Cleveland, will speak on "Standardi- mitted( o the regents for their con- for killing Own) physically, mentally, riods. ( scenes, one i a drawing-room in May- zation of Newspaper Practice." Prof. sideration, as requested by the Coun- and morally. The Great War is a Ih( single office in the elections of fair, London, and the other in a coun- R. W. Sellars, of the philosophy de- il, at the next meeting of the Regents splendid example of the first, the grab- the sophomores of the literary college1 try house in northern Scotland. partmnent, and Prof. T. E. Rankin, of Oct. 27. at material gain evidenced ese- esterday which was closely contested "On Approval" is the most modern the rhetoric department, will spak i addition to the receipt of the cially in large cities an example wa that at vice-president, whe'e iss play that has een given by the or-n irthe topic, ewspaper English. official communications the 'eport o , the second, and the fact that youth eo as d feateld by a narov i 'anizaton during its recent opera- At 12 o'clock a Press association the "om""itteehwhich is assisting Dr. hoes not fiid spiritual inspia tion ;i ocnt efutions. Ithas been given but once out- se oen h Robbins on the Univemsity moving te ui ~ s asl sine hf(o ield-'he fhtimeginiini'icontewnedm-ourom-Thursday noon will 1be given in the pitr,1hc i o ein ll od,(f organized religion one of-the third. ;'lihdt(5 icldmg lls io'5(0g Union. - portcd that the wor'k o ilin ti me Aiy crit icism o extreme liberalityii bridge, Miss Yeo, Ruth Cochran, '39, plan last year, anW then by a special Friday afternoon will be featured scenredbeganyte wrkay, and th allyreliti cnmnof t r.melast.r y aminad Morton hack, '30. Both Hack company headed by Rober't Warwick by the special "Conservation" session scenes began yesteriay, aid that all religion cannot last." .and Miss Cochran were eliminated o- at the Bostelle theater in Detroit which tiie talks on various phases - students of the Unive'sity arei0- Condemns Doctrine the primary ballot, Hack receiving Mimes were granted special permission the central topic will be heard. ' quired riot to shy away from in President Little condemned per-inine votes and Miss Cochran 11, while by the owners of the script for the o . time J. toc i, merd. fromtofthe cmeawhen teIcegss by script l-i'm' tc ocrie n Pof. iLeighm J. Young, fornerely di- f tsonahly the bemavi!ristic doctrine jinliss Yeo polled 109 and Miss Trow- local run. rector of conservation in the state of I of general canpus life are being psychology, that considers wonien as !nridge had 13. On the iinal ballot Seat sales for the play have so far Michigan and at p'esemt research pro- taken, sime time object of the film is I possessed of no more of the protec- the count stood 131 for M'iss TProw- ; exceeded those of other productions, fessori in the school of forestry; Hugh - to show as true a picture of campus 1 tive instinct than men. le character- bridge and 119 for Miss Yeo, after the and indications point to the breaking Cabot, dean of the medical school; e iactivities and the University student zed "staying at home with the chil- most heatd election as well as the of' the record set by "The Bad Man" Norman Hill, editor of the Sault Ste. body as possible. John Snodgrass, ! dren" as alr achievement of the first closest of the afternoon. two weeks ago. That Arama broke all 'Marie News; Harry Whitely, editor of s '28E, delegated with John Starrett, water rather than a cramped exist- The other officers were all elected I existing records for attendance at the the Dowagia Daily News; Prof. Ral- - '28E, from the Council to assist with cnce, and said that it was to enlarge by comfortable majorities. Short, Mimes theaerj including those of eigh Schorling, of the school of edu- - the production reported that outside j this sphere of activity that the energy Reed, and Bovard were nominated for' "Anna Christie."' cation; and Rev. U. Arthur W. Stalk- 1 of this phase, the difficulty of secur- I of modern education was slowly turn- president and after the Student coum- er, will al give talk', (n the different e ing students who were not camera ing.cilmen in charge refused to allow RESEARCH LAU E phases of "Conservation." t 1 shy, the work was proceeding sat- "Women are structurally and HnIovard to withdraw by a letter pre l E (Cotinued on Page Two) c isfactor'ily. stinctively different, regardless of sented at the imeeting, Short and Reed BY DEAN DANA IN | - Mention was also made by the their claims," Ire reiterated. "Their were nominated, Short receiving 101 LUAU CIGE LR s councilmen that the film was not to place is fixed, but the developnment of: of the votes cast and Reed 143. Bo- LECTGURE AT CLUB GE CO TYD UR G HNORS y be shown in Ann Arbor, according to that place is a field that cannot re- vard, after his attempt to withdraw1 I GETTYSBURGHERQ present plans, and that due to the ,I was refused, secured eight votes on "A good research man in forestry d large amount of interest in its filming ceive too much attention."t nmna!gbl t(uthveaget e o urost,(By Associated Prey) I Iagi-tie nominating ballot. must have a reat deal of eurio'sity,(iyAotdPr) f on the part of the student bodysomein The final ballot between Reed and imagination, and initiative," Samuel WASHNGTON, Oct. 19.-A statue - effort should be made to secure a LSH PREDICTS Short elected Reed by 150 votes to 106 T. Dana, dean of the School of For- of Major-Gen. George Gordon Meade, e local showing. Snodgress was dle- EU for Short. .estry and Conservation, declared in a commander of the Union forces at the O ocl hwig.Sodres a dle-SE RIOUS UPRISING O gated to take this matter u with te _The most overwhelming margin of Ispec-it made last night before mem- battle of Gettysburg, was accepted - authorities in charge of the release (y Assciated Press) the afternoon was secured when Miss hers of the Forestry club. "It all de- from Pennsylvania today by President n Fromm defeated Elizabeth Heminger, pends on the individual how far he Coolidge who braved a cold and rainy and distribution of the picture. MADISON, Oct. 10.-A political u-30 for the office of secretary. Miss can get ahead in research. He must day to honor the Civil war command- V Russel Sauer, '28, in charge of the Irising in the Middle Wst"which i'30,aforethehoffice ofssecretary.mMiss annual Fall gaies, raported that all!assin nc the poidenst, "hih will Fromm received 168 votes on the pree have patience, stick-to-it-ness, and he er. d nnlFmeaprd tho'ash proportions of a revoimry ballot to 84 for Miss Hemin- must be well versed in the funda- Although only partly shielded from plans had been completed forthi1ton"sul the Republican party Ilmnr t n o Novmber 12, the morning iron man the R ew n at ger while a third candidate receivel mental sciences. There is a romance the elements by a canvas canopy, the Sholding me te g nominate a man whose views on the only a scattering vote. On the final s President laid aside his hat and over- ofthemNavygame. He requested that McNary-Haugen bill are the same as ballot Miss Heminger received 77 hin research; there is always some- coat when he read his speech accept all members of Miciiganmua, Spix, those of President Coolidge, was pre- votes while Miss Fromm received 175. tdslg the memorial ir behalf of the na- Triangles, Druids, Vulcans, M nen, dicted by Sen. Thomas J. Walsh, Mon- There was no third candidate in the that forestry will be . . tion and waited afterwards in the in- and members of the Student council tan, in an interview here today. field for the office of class treasurer, I "If a man is to enter the admms± creasing chilly weather until the be present to assist in handling the Senator who is classified - trative branch of forestry he must be contests Walsh, woi lsiidpo-1 where Bovard overwhelnmngly do- lengthy program was over. contests. . litically as a dry, believes that neither feated John Rice, '30, for the position an organizer and must know how to During the ceremonies, H. H. Stayd, ve,sity exhibit was deferred by the party "is likely or ought to make a This was the second largest majority handle men. He must have some past commander of the Pennsylvania -ersrtyexhi aspdeerre by te - a1 1 n,,+ a fn nnn when Rnvaird swant ability as a .public speaker; he must G A R heam exhausted duringa