THE MICHIGAN DAIL FAUIYMN TEN ANY cOURSES OFFERED THIS YEAR DEAN DANA wIatIL ADDRSS FORESTRY CL UB TONIGHT BY U IV R IY X E SI N D VII N Samuel T. ;Dana, dean of the school returned to Ann Arbor with Prof. ThO nno nIofrdIof forestry and conservation, will be Donald M. Matthews from a conven- Coursesroffered this year by the pids: Geography of Asia, Prof. R. B.((an O S Y "E T Ni the principal speaker at the meeting tion at Grand Rapids, is also expected a dOrh FuntiniUUN i UniCves Extension department are ?tal; Supervision of High School Sub-I of the Forestry club to be 4eld tonight to address tie gathering.B many and varied. Although a great jects, Prof. RaleighBoknrf Schoarling. Bay in room 2039, Natural Science build- Professor Matthewsl also brought o kn Po.E. V. Jotter Is Elected Secretary majority of the courses are offered inI City --industrial Infrmation, Prof. ing. He will speak on work i o-bc ihhmMjrCog .Aen At N~eetlng of Ohio Valley various high schools in the City of De- Ceo Murland; Problems in Voca- estry experimentation in experimetal former director of the bureau of fr- Sectiont of Society tot ayaegvni hg col inlEuatoyn udne rf stations and of his work in state estry in the Philippine islands, whoCa 2. + D+p + T*nand small colleges throughout the Cleo lurtla:id. Sainaw-Th-e Socia forestry, organizedra sol e oat foi irestry ntheC ' iA g3IE_ 'TDand Economic Background of Voca- Arthur Koehler, in charge of wood island for h riig ofntv _____state. tional Education Prof. C"ieo Aurtlandtec hnlogy in the forest products foresters, directing th, school for 14 Members of the faculty of the School oeist of themrses giv tofhours alamazoo--The Junior High Schoo. oto h ore ietohus, laboratory at Madison, Wis., and who years. of Forestry and Oonservation return- o rdt oeo hmbigo a Prof. H1.1. Ryan. Pontiac-Modern graduate standing and several with an Social Problems, Prof. L. J. Carr. Mt dysedyfo 1 ovnino h eyetrafrmaonetoofteundergraduate rating. The classes lClemens-Elemenutary School Curricu- ; ukOct, I'1PYou ' e ^ Ohio Vally section of the Society of meet once a .week for a two hour ses- i lum, Prof. G. C. Kyte. G. * .-CaLllg bg un., iJa* A.-V.'G. f. American Foresters which met in ! sion during- a regular semester. Fol-__________ Cambridge City,:.Southern Indiana. lowing is a list of the cours es offered in Detroit: o(sraie a e"TI EE TRIGTD Y,( ENS Prof. E. V. Jotter of the forestry Advanced Accounting, Prof. William Co.sraie a eI ' ER ,S A TN O A ,( E N S school was elected secretary of the IA. Paton ; Comercial Law (Advanced) { ,(nnett as 1New HeadG Twent eight representatives from Latin in Secondary Schls, Prof. .D i i ever cetra stte atened he on-L. Carr; Individualization of Instruc- vention. Forests In and around Cam-i tion, Prof. S. A. Courts;' Ph losophy bridge City were inspected by tours of Education, Pof. S. A. Curtis; V-j at Henryville, near the southern bor- Problems in Vocational Eduication and der Guidance, :Prof. Cleo Murtland; Meth- Prof. Dow Baxter of the University I cods of Teaching Industrial Subjects. forestry school gave a speech on "The I Prof. E. L. Hayes Industrial Informa- means necessary for protecting forests tion,' Pr. E. L. Hayes; Reinforced:tr from insects and fungi. Prof. Robert1 Concrete, Prof. J. If," Cisse; Ameni- Craig, Jr., spoke on the marketing ofl can Literature, Prof. S. F. Gingerich; r I forest products and Samuel T. Dana, Outline of English Literature, Prof.; dean of the school of forestry, gave a C. D. Thorpe; Commercial Geography,~ talk on society affairs. Dean .Dana? Prof. R. B. Hall; Organic Evolution,'s: was formerly president of the organi- Prof. R. C. FHuss<;v; Elements of(if COAmeria nation, Journalism, R. W. Desmond; Adver- 3C M A discussion osf forest methods, cut- tisement Writing Prof J. L. Brumm; a h t -w ting, the relation of forests to -Missis- Systematic Ethics, Prof R. W. Sellars; >I, ste s sippi flood control, and timber growth Aesthetics, Prof. D. H. Parker; Ele- ;mr were ~discussed. By touring the state mentary General Psychology, Prof.a2 the delegates to :the convention were i Adelbert Ford; American Government, --- - given an opportunity to see what was Paul Cuncannon; Principles of Ex- V being done. In southern Indiana, a pression, Prof. G., . Densmore; Prin- I. B. BennettQa mon forest of white pine was inspected. The ciles of Expression, L. M. Eich;" The C~evtvso h Dmno fjqees pines do not naturally, grow so far Drama, Prof. T. E. Rankin; The Pam- atWiLeeg south and experiments in their trans- jily, ,Prof. A. FE. Wood; Principles of Canada, in convention atInnpg Plantation were being tried. Social CaseWokFrdJhsn have named R. B. .Be'nnett, of Calgary, . '- Cpher courses offered outside of Alberta, as the new leader of the par- Detroit are: Flint-Elementary Gen- ty in the Dominion. He succeeds Ar-.f eral Psychology, Dr. E. B. Greene; .American Literature, Prof. S. F. Gin- tu egefre rm iitr gerich; Vocational Guidance, Prof. G. 5 E~~. Myers; Problems in Teaching of Mss Mercedes.Glietz, London typist, 1, Elementary and Secondary School swam the Englih Channel suces IScience, Prof. F. D. Curtis. Grand Ra- fully on her eighth attempt. how$ 2:00 . riginal Lee Golden's Midianders extras Uinder His Supervision. Now for Your Future Engagements. II. R. Wax (Bus. Mgr.) 8981 imittee representatives May Hear Uis )AY) L( adorable ENNE of this Ove Story - 3:40 7:00 8:40 V. a 2'With Antonio Moreno Her1beit Wlcox' . She Ruled Millions! F ~Invi idt,) be every vword. Aries trinihi It ilervfrw. And yet, gill She mwant:e d ivas t fle love of a poor young poet whi- isee stch~is richly miounted tale of roiii a i pi et igteni oceiiti~py 'rance! tone .tli n -ure -,it ldV 'nialps LAST TIMES TODAY r Y SO ;. N 000 Prices Matinees loc 40c 0c With local Models and Vaudeville featuring ANI ,. i Eleven Entertainers ReVue, Eleven Enltertainers Comedy In a Country Clb Holv tilt, Women Loved 11int GOLF WAS HI1S A.Irlpo ourt Vrawfiord anzd George Kf. Arltliur Oin tMe Stage- Fraank Joe WILSON BROTHER.S In -A~o [lso-cick MIeehiana's "Football Sense" Paramnont j Comedy N ewes "Plunlber's- 'Mack sennett Daughter" Majestic :Orchestra Scarlet Mask Band of Oltio State University -AND ON THE, SClEC a /mun ADDED- - 2 Grantland Rice Stoops Sporting. 1Tichiiai fTackles ;ocaosand Arcade_ OrcesraA-trQo I ,l rTouchdowns I COMING~ 3 f 1 Sunday, Oct. 23 7 , .East Side and P~ark Avenue riding the p ~roulette of lie! Spain the wheel andI see what MARIETTA MILLNER. t) JAMES CRUZE PRODUCTIC? 94tE5ENThGS9Y APOL!H UKOR axe $SE 1..~ASKY i241RSDAY-"DISCOVERY M'NIHT ad SALVATION JANE" The World's Greatest Gal es of Laeghter / - ,:. .w , NOT A WAR -PICTIURE SENTOR5; Give the Ensia your -ImqBES 0 YOUR PHOTOGRAPH BY