STABLISHED 1890 Jr 41an a VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 26. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1927 DAY TO ENLIVEN PEP' MEETINO ON VENIN G1 DEFOE OHIO1CN TST FF E T FA 4OUS ALMMITN IS PRNCIPALr SPEAJ(EU ON IPROVRAM FOR FRIllAY VARSITY BANI WILL PLAY Carl Braiidt Will Represent Faculty at< Student Gathering In Hill Auditorium At the pe meeting to be held at Hill auditorium Friday night for the1 purpose of enlivening the student body for the Ohio-Michigan game on Sat- urday, Judge William Day, of Cleve- land, .will be the principal speaker,a representing the alumni, according to an announcement by the chairmen of the student council committee in charge of pep meetings. Judge Day was one of -the more fa- mous of the athletes at the University as an undergraduate and was active in all campus activities. Popularly known to the whole campus then as "Bill" Day, he has since that time maintain- ed his place as one of the leaders of the alumni, and is known through the country as Bill. He is, according to authorities, one of the most inveterate of the Michigan football fans, and they aver that a football game without Bill Day, is a very ordinary football game. "He is the ideal man to address a group of this kind," one of the older men on the campus said yesterday, "for the enthusiasm that he displays is right from the heart. He doesn't have to get up there and act. All he has to do is to get up there and act natural. And you'll feel the pep just running all over the place." Brandt On Program The address for the faculty will be delivered by Carl G. Brandt, instru- tor of public speaking. Brandt is one of the more popular of the younger instructors on the campus and has de- livered speeches at several pep meet- ings 4n the past. For the coaching staff there will be Elton E. (Tad Wieman, '17, assistant director of intercollegiate athletics ad coach of the varsity football team. Wieman or as lie was more popularly known in his haly- con days, "Tank", will have a real message for the students. This being his first year as the acting head coach he is acutely concerned with the for- tunes of the team. Present also will be the band and cheerleaders who will stimulate the crowd to action and expression of their spirit. There will be pictures of former Michigan football teams in actions against their rivals. These are by courtesy of Managers Helsdon and Hoag, of the Arcade and Majestic the- atres, respectively. The meeting will start at 8 o'clock and will last for a little over an hour. The doors will be open a short time before the opening time. COMMITTEES ARE SELECTED TO RUN 1928 JUNIOR HOP At a meetin of the J-Hop commit- tee, held last night in the Michigan Union, the committees to direct the various phases of the dance were se- lected and the regulations for the conduct of the affair were determined. The committees were formed as fol- lows: Ticket committee, Frederick R. Parker, '29, chairman, George Hub- bell, '29E, and Frederick H. Rahn, '29D; floor committee, Marshall 11. Boden, '29, chairman; favor commit- tee, Robert J. Gessner, '29, chairman and Paul Perrigo, 29P; music, Earl C. Gremel, '29, chairman; invitation committee, Charles F. Moore, '29E, vhairman; booth committee, Robert Petrie. '29, chairman, George Hubbell and Henry A. Dunlap, '29M; publicity conimittee, Frederick Parker. Olier members of the class have \lcen selected to fill out these commit- tes, hut their names are being with- hdld, pending investigation of their eligibility., 'The applcations for tickets will be yead(y fOr distrilbution about the firsi of riext week. The sale of tickets will beg'i on Nov. 29. RUMOR PUNISHMENT METED TO AUTO BAN VIOLATORS; OFFICIALS SILENT FO10UR CLASSES OF '30" [ | E% rraU( r *( Little And Bursley Deny Knowledge Of Any Action Against Breakers Of Regents Regulation As the result of reports that disci- plinary action has been taken in sev- eral cases against violators of the automobile ban, three administrative officers were interviewed yesterday morning in an attempt to verify the rumors. Though the reports were to the effect that the students had been placed on probation, no definite state- nent was forthcoming from any of the officials interviewed. When asked whether any disciplin- ary steps had been taken against the violators, President' Clarence Cook Little replied that "I know of none, but if any action has been taken I shall undoubtedly hear of it today. As far as I know there has been no action takeni thus far against the violators.". Proceeding to J. A. Bursley, dean of students, the following questions were asked: L "Has there been any disciplinary action against the violators of the automobile ban?" - l)ean Bursley declined to answer.! 2. "Are there many violators of the ban?' he was asked. "You know as much about that as _._._. lieve the student body as a whole is UILAPl 'plaing he gme'in rgardto te iEntire Student Body Suspends Dudies regulation." In Protest of Suspension of 6. "Do you notice many violations 1 Senior Cadet of the ban on the street?" "I shall probably ask you that the U ISSI LIIUIU(By Associated Press) next time you come in," Dean Bursley LEXINGTON, Va., Oct. 18 -The en- said. "The only way we can tell is by ;PSOIIO REIS 0 F LiTERARY tire cadet corps of Virginia Military the number of cars on the street, and COLLEGE WILL BALLOT institute went on a strike today, re- while I have seen men driving cars in THIS AFTERNOON maining at Carrick's while all military several cases who looked like students I activities and classes were suspended. they might just as well have been I The strike was precipitated by the from Michigan State college or Ypsil- STUDENT COUNCIL DIRECTS suspension of W. F. R. Griffith, a sen- anti Normal college. At least one for- --- i jor, by Superintendent W. H1. Cooke. mer student car has passed into the Schools Of Law, Engineering,I)entistry I It was unofficially reported that hands of' a high school student, as 1 And Architecture Hold- Annual Griffith's was the thirty-ninth suspenz- well. I am sure, however, that the Election Meeting sion since the start of the present number of cars parked at fraternity i term, but this could not be verified at houses is much less than previously." George Rich, '30L, was elected Ares- the college. ident of the freshmen class of the ' A freshman is reported to have told Law school, Philip Cochran, '30E, was the superintendent that he was forced to undergo an operation for appenlh- Schosen president of the sophomores of citis as a result of hazing in which the engineering college, A. J. Eckel, Griffith is said to have been impli- 'I30D, was elected to head the seniors cated. of the School of Dentistry, and Clar- ence Vliet, '30A, was chosen president!rloniimrn Impy T[ of the sophomores of the architectural HIU tH[H Metrpolian e ue (ompay ; college at the elections held yesterday h'ilau cenes Of1Ih~iaonaii, btiii under the direction of the Student Andmooit~i Bi'l( 1114 4 , ~lli Ocle tti lcin edysedy1 11 iL council elections committee.IPUT IS I'ILIIS him These elections mark the opening U TO BE SHOWN TO ALUMNI of the third week of class elections --- -held under the direction of the Stu- - Work of taking the pictures for the dent council, with the seniors having Treasury Says Slash May Not Safely University motion picture will start chosen their officers the first week, Exceed $160,000,000 For t oday, according to an announcement the juniors the second, and the sopho- This ,Year made yesterday by Dr. Frank Robbins, CORPORATIONS WILL SAVE assistant to the President. The pic- I 'SOP1iO3IOIE ELECTIONS tures today will be merely general l TODAY . (By Associated Press) scenes of the campus, with views of j College of Literature, Science, WASHINGTON Oct. 18.-Applica- the Diagonal and similar spots, while .1 And the Arts A,. tomorrow the making of the film itself Natural Science Auditorium tion of the prospective reduction of will begin. I 4 o'clock income taxes for the calendar year on A. B. Jewett, general manager of the j which levies will be paid during 1928 i I do," Dean Bursley answered. 3. "Have you anything to say regarding the automobile ban?" lie was asked. "There is nothing to be gained by talking about it," Dean Bursley re- plied. 4. "Will there be anything on it later?" "I don't know," Dean Bursley re- plied. 5. "How is the enforcement prob- lem coming in general?" he was asked. "As far as I know there is no prob- lem in connection with the automobile ban. I might say, however, that I be-, MANY EXCHANGE SEATS AT UNION' I I , . E x 3 Metropolitan Moving Picture company - of Detroit, which will take the pic-# tures, and G. L. King, a camera man1 the same company who will Oo1 most of the work in connection with I the local production, visited Ann Ar- bor Monday with a view to looking over the locations for the scenes. ; Will FilmI Pep MeetingI The scenes of the pep meeting Fri- C day night will be taken, and also the pictures of the stadium dedication; game on Saturday. The moving pic- ture men will also take "shots" of the Imeeting of the Board of Directors of the Alumni association on Friday. At1 Committee Will Be In Union Lobby Again This Afternoon To, Make Changes Many of the students who signed for the cheering section and purchased their uniforms, but who received tick- ets outside of the section reported to the committee at the Union yesterday afternoon to exchange their seats for seats in the section. Announcement was made by the committee Monday that many students who had signed for the cheering sec- tion and who had purchased their uni- forms, had received tickets from the athletic office which were not in the sections assigned to the cheering see- tion. This error was due to the fact that their applications had been in- correctly filled out. All of those students who signed for the section and who did not re- ceive seats in, sections 21, 22, or 23 were advised that an error had been made and that they should consult with the committee to procure their proper seats in the section, between yh 3vard lines the game on Saturday the two stu- dents, Marion Welles, '23, and Jo Chamberlin, '28, who take the student3 parts and the alumnus, Nathan S. Pot- ter, '98, who will play the part of the father, will be filmed viewing the game. The object of the University moving picture is to show campus life as it is today, and it will be distributed to University alumni associations throughout the country. It is part of' the plan of the administration to bring the alumni groups closer to the Uni- versity itself, and in addition to show- ings for alumni associations it is quite possible that it will be released to high schools through the state. Dr. Robbins has charge of the ar- rangements for the picture and John Snodgrass, '28E, and John E. Starrett,, '28E+, have been, appointed from the Student council to assist from 1he student standpoint. 1 will be sought by Chairman Smoot of mores this week. The sophomores of the Senate finance committee who out- the College of Literature, Science, and lined a comprehensive revenue plan the Arts will hold their elections at 4 today coincident with the announce- o'clock this afternoon in the Natural ment by the Treasury that the pro, Science auditorium. posed cuts must be held within-a total Pharmacy Elections Thursday of $260,000,000. The sophomores of the College of The program of Senator Smoot in- Pharmacy will hold their elections on volyes another attempt to put the pro- Thursday and the freshmen of all posed revenue bill into law by March schools and colleges except the Law 3, to give the taxpayers the benefit of school will not choose their officers I reduction in payments due March 15. j until after Thanksgiving. This was accomplished two years ago, The Medical school classes and the I and the Utah senator believes it can School of Education are not included be done again. The Treasury's an- on the schedule of the Student council nouncement complicates the plan of committee since the larboratory pe- leaders in Congress, including Senator riods in the former school make it Smoot, who had contemplated a total impossible for a definite date to be cut of at least $300,000,000 or even set. $350,000,000. The Utah senator be- Other officers chosen at the elec- lieves the latter figure possible if tions yesterday, in the engineering Congress adheres to a strict economy, college, include Robert McCoy, '30E, 1 program in its expenditures.. who was chosen vice-president, John It was emphasized, however, at the MacDonald, '30E, who will serve as Treasury that while another surplus secretary, and John Widman, '30E, of half a billion dollars or possibly who was chosen treasurer. In the $600,000,000 is seen for this fiscal year, presidential race Cochran defeated it will not be safe to go beyond the Widman by a margin of four votes out $250,000,000 in cutting the permanent of 98 cast. In the vice presidential tax bill of the nation. Much of the race McCoy defeated George Holbrook, surplus for this year, it was declared, '30E, by five votes out of 97, and for will be composed of large non-recur- secretary MacDonald received 53 ring items, including $70,000,000 from votes to 46 for Charles Waddell, '30E, payments of railroad loans and about his opponent. Widman, defeated can- $300,000,000 from back tax collections. didate for president, defeated Basil As the situation is shaping up, the Carr, '30E, for the office of treasurer principal cuts in taxes seem likely to by a vote of 57 to 40, this being the be given to the corporation and mis- largest majority of the morning. cellaneous levies which usually are -- Mrgi iuVols Geate pad o a iscl bais egadles o t1 4 t ,k i s i ,. r .1 i Cf rl 1; i .I E yyC t 7 t . The conitrte- G will be in the main r paid n a fiscal basis regardl lobby of the Union again this after- "2UESTIO N FROM In the freshmen class of the Law quarterly installment arrangement for to'assignthe rest of the seats. Q EENSDShool Ferdinand Heilman, '39L, was income taxpayers. Senator Smoot t\lj tdenseosigne r the seat .LiOSti for vice president, while Lyle would have the proposed reduction in All students who signed for the chee- SPEEC SUBJECT Eiserman, '30L, was elected secretary. corporation tax apply on incomes ofI fons, but who were assigned seats- Irving Yorysh, 30L, was chosen treas- this calendar year.y sd otons w1r 2 asnd s3a' iProfessor Carter Goodrich of the urer. In every case in the Law - ----- asked to consult the committee and 1tivezsity ceononmics depai'tmieint will school the margin was more or' less ALPHA NU HOLDS ng their ticketswiththemsothatpcak at 4:15 today in the Natural clearly defined, Rich winning the pre- te ay aign tem se Science Auditorium on the subject sidency from Thomas Winter, '30I. TRYOUT SESSION in the section. The office will be open "Soie Questions from Queensland" chairman of the J-Hop last year, by fronm 3 until 5:30 o'clock. Pro.f. Goodrich, who this year made ; a margin of 74 votes out of 170 Vast. Tryout speeches featured the last _______. a special study of Australian labor lhilmnan defeated his opponent, Leslie open meeting which Alpha Mu will ADVI EAIGI Npirollemis for the Social Science Re- Butlcr, '30L, for the vice presidency hold this semester, ten men giving ADVICE IS GI VEisearch Council, will emphasize in his by a vote of 112 to 51, and Eiserman their talks at the meeting last night. HONORARY GROUP talk the differences between the Aus- G defeated Clifford Van Blarcom, '30L. A business session was held after __aliand American tradeunion his opponent for the ofice of secre- the regular meeting at which the men Warning the members of the dan-. movements, especially from the polit- tary by a vote of 101 to.61. Yorysh I who have tried out this fall were vot- ger of becoming a dead honorary or- ical aspect. defeated George McKnight, '30L, for ed upon. ganization and the tremendous pos- The lecture is being sponsored by the office of treasurer by the margin I The applications of the following sibilities, if guided on the right path, the League for Industrial Democracy of 84 to 75. i men were accepted: Lyle Chubb, R. to constructive University service, formerly -known as the Round Table In the sophomore dental class all C. Hewitt, F. C. Forsythe, Douglas Ed- President Clarence Cook Little ad- club. According to present plans, the of the officers were elected unani- 1 wards, Fenelon Boesche, Roland Stan- dressed the semi-annual meeting of club will arrange for some fifteen mousuly, being, beside the president ger, Ledru Davis, Francis Kamman Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary other lectures during the university Harry Carr, '30D, as vice president, Henry Howard, Robert Hutton, Rus- fraternity last night in the Union. year. E. A. Northway, '30D, as secretary, and sel Moore, Jay Wabeke, Martin An- Dean George W. Patterson of the 1_(Clifford Kiehn, '30D, as treasurer. gelino, Clay Olmstead, J. E. Arsulow- engineering college and J. A. Bursley, S JINS OVERDUE In the sophomore class of the Cob icz, Alfred Golden, Paul Franseth, dean of the students, spoke also to the V (Ilege of Architecture, James Willard Julius Zink, Townsend Clark, Evart organization. Dean Bursley traced IN BOSTON FLIGHT '30A, defeated Donald -Williams, '30A.I Scott, John Schuesler, Alvin Neller. the history and aims of the organiza- ._for the office of vice president by a and Norman Tait. tion while Dean Patterson showed the BOSTON, Oct. 18-Eddie Stinson, vote of 21 to 12; Owsley.Vose, '30ALO, beneficial results to the University Detroit airplane designer and builder, defeated Stafford Hodder, '30A, and NEW LOANS MA4DE through its distinguished graduates. disappeared tonight into the scurry- Walter Bill, '30A, for the office ofA Fifteen first year men were taken ing murk of a cold New England secretary in a three-cornered race TOTALLING $3,700 into the fraternity. "northeaster' while flying from Hart- 1after the first ballot had revealed a ford, Connecticut, to Boston on the three-cornered tie. The final ballot At a meeting of the committee of the 'URE OPENING last lap of an 18,000 air tour to pro- gave Vose 15, Bill 10, and Hodder 7. Brosseau foundation yesterday, fifteen NINXT N W SPFA ThTT /mote interests in air ports. His wife i Calvin Banwell, '30A, defeated Ed- 1 loans were awarded students, totalling ATjNEW STADIUM was with him in his Stinson-Detroiter ward Bellaire, '30A, for the office of i$3,700. This raises the amount loaned playing of the "Victors." The parade plane. class treasurer by a margin of 17 !this year from the Brosseaufount will then disperse, each section re- Hopping off from Hartford at 4:00 1 votes out of 43 cast. Vliet won the loandto from0, and makes the amount turning immediately to its seats in the p. n., the Detroit flier, who should presidency of this class from G. C. loaned from all the fundroxis year turnng mmeiatly o is sets n te P in, -more than $39,000. Approximately stadium shortly before game time. have reached Boston in an hour and Bernwell '30A, his opponent, by a 200 students have received loans this The line of march will be headed .a half had not reached his destina- vote of 20 to 13.r Schiller, of the Mimes staff. A larger tomorrow. , He asserted that t orchestra has been secured to play in fense would prove that there v the pit, following 4 policy inaugurated such thing as a policy of the g this year to provide better musica ment to keep oil under the I facilities for the separate shows. and that while the government "On Approval" is of the English present only one part of the I i PA RADE TO FEAT CEREMONIESP Featuring the formal opening and dedication of the new stadium Sat- urday will be the march of a parade that will enter the stadium at 2 p. m. The ceremonies, according to officials, will be very brief. The parade will form and enterI f i! ;( l t ,! by the Varsity band and followed byI the governors of Ohio. and Michigan, the presidents of the two universities, tion or reported down anywhere en _The Brosseau foundation is the route shortly before 9 o clock tonight. BERGER TO SUCCEED DEBS largest of the various loan funds, and A hasty telephone poll of emergency the total amount annually available 11