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October 18, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-18

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ETSaturday's annual struggle between
Michigan and Ohio State will see the
W'Wolverines new stadium filled to the
- -point of overflowing for the first time,
Can(didates Are Preparing F1-'r Final as temporary seats have been erected
Trial Run To Be Held increasing the seating capacity to
Next Saturiay 86,000 spectators.
Workmen were at work all last
SEASON OPENS GCTOBER 29 week erecting the 10,000 temporary
seats around the wide rim of the giant
Well pleased with the shoig bowl. These seats rise to a height of
Wellplesedwit thesboingof0 or 12 feet above the concrete rime
the Varsity cross country candidates and increase the capacity of the big
in Saturday's trial run over the three stadium to the utmost.
and a half mile course, Coach Stephen
.r C Sstrong outfit this season, Coach Far-
J. Farrell directed his squad's en- roll believes the meet will preve a
ergies toward preparing for the fifth fair test of the Wolverine ability,
and final trial run which will be held while the Michigan State meet is ex-
on Saturday, one week before the pected to be an even more severe
opening engagement of the Wolver- trial of the ' Michigan team's true
ine's 1927 schedule. strength.
Saturday's run will be the longest ,Last season the Purdue team was
of the season, as the men will cover badly beaten by Michigan over the
a total distance of four miles. The Varsity course. The Boilermakers
first 10 men to finish in this race will had a cap able runner in Little, but,
be taken to Lafayette on the following like Captain Jriggs and Ilornberger
Saturday to represent Michigan in the of the Michigan outfit, he was lost by
first dual meet of the season with the graduation. The losses seem to indi-
Purdue harriers. cate that on paper the teams are of
Will Be Ready For Purdue about equal strength, but the Purdue
The three and a half mile jaunt tearn is reported to have been con-
Saturday proved that the Wolverines siderably strengthened by the addition
are developing rapidly and should be of two promising sophomores from
in excellent condition for the Purdue last year's yearling squad.
meet. It s rprobable that the men will
run four or four and a half miles at
Lafayette, instead of the regular five
miles, becauso of the fact that the
meet comes so early in the season.
Considering the fact that the run- Qoweai*
ners were forced to run against a
strong head wind on the outward mile
and three-quarters of Saturday's race,
the times turned in were very good.
Monroe, the winner covered *the dis-
tance in 18:18 and Wuerfel and La-
mont were close behind him.
Coach Farrell is satisfied that the
Wolverine cross country team will be
at least as strong as the 1926 aggre-
gation, in spite of the fact that Cap-
tain Briggs and Hornberger were lost
to the team by graduation. Monroe,
Wuerfel and Lamont have .all display-
ed much better form this year than
they did last season, and a number of
others have shown real promise. Jes-
son, a sophomore, who finished fourth
Saturday looks like he will develop-
into a very good cross country run-
ner.' 1
Team Expected To Improve Time
The team is expected to turn in
considerably faster times in the dualAtight weigh
meets than in the trial runs, because
of the fact that outside competition a be had in e
naturally causes the men to run harder.
It is difficult to predict just what the
men will be able to do over the reg-
ular five mile course, but Coach Far- The i e
rell is graduallybuilding them up to
that distance and the final dual GREENW OOD
meets of the season will see them
ready for the full five miles. State Street
Although the Boilermakers are not
reputed to possess an especially

Scranton, Pocahontas
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been growing ever
since it was established.'The secret-
"giving absolute satisfaction to our
customers." We believe it pays to do
business in a friendly way. = If you
think so too, let's get together.
Phones, Office : 451-4552 Yard Office: 5120


AT 3 P.N.

Hu I EL SAGE, Detroit, Mich.
1537 Center St. Around the corner
from Capitol Theater. Downtown
shopping district. Quiet place for
refined peoi.e. All outside rooms.
Single, $1.50; double, $2. Private
bath: Single, $1.50 and $2; double,
NOTICE-We deliver between the
hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt
Divery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481.
THE HEIDELBERG, 807 E. Washing-
ton St. Dial 3409. Private dining
service, German cooking.
21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26
FOR SALE-Piano in very good con-
dition, will sell very reasonable or
rent. Call 8308. 24, 25.
FOR RENT-Large nicely furnished'
room. Teachers, graduate students,
or business people. Steam heat, also
garage. Dial 8544, 422 E. Washing-
ton. 24, 25, 26.

1OR RENT- Furnished
corner apartment, first
Packard. Light, lheat a

floor. 308
nd 7water.
25, 26, 27

SAIAESLADIES wanted; must be ex-
)eritnced in ladies ready to wear
dept. None other need apply. TIo
work all or part time. Good wages,
steady employment. The Fair Store,
200 N. Main.
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
WANTED- Students' laundry. Clean,
quick and efficient. Dial 22392. 308
Packard. 25, 26, 27
WANTED - Rooms for Ohio State
Game. Two professional men and
wives want two double rooms for-
Friday and Saturday nights, Oct. 21
and 22. Call R. S. Miller after seven
in the evening, 4147. 25
WANTED- Two rooms for Friday and
Saturday nights of Ohio week-end
Preferred near South State Street.
Call Wallace Ferguson, 4418. 25, 26.
WANTED- Experienced dance or-
chestra musicians. Dial 5320 after 6

TICKETS for Ohio State Game. Call
Norquist 4518. 23, 24, 25
ANTED-MAlfn from 7 a. m. until
noon Oct. 171th, to load rugs and
drive into Detroit with me. Mrs.
H. B. Merrick, dial 3155, 928 Church
Street. 24, 25.
WANTED-Tickets for the Ohio State
game. Singles or more. C. P. Teeple.
815 Church. 8494. 24, 25
DEDICATES" Pennants, mounted
on canes at 0. S. U. game. Sell at
50c. Big profit. Sell one hUudrcd
-earn $15.00. Call Diamond after
2 p. m. 6759. 25,26
THE HEIDEIBERG-807 E. Washing-
ton St. German home cooking. Dial
3409. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
WANTED-TWo tickets for 0. S. U,
game. Phone 8621 or 21112. 25, 26, 27
LOST-Leather bill fold in or near
Hill Auditorium, Saturday afternoon
Liberal reward. Phone 8436 25
LOST-Light blue Kuppenheimer Top-
coat in classroom or camnpus res-
taurant, Tuesday or Wednesday last.
Call Swartz 21044. 25.

WANTED-Student girl to
of children from 3 to 6.


for [e
r Ico


Read The Want Ads

APARTMENT-324 E. Jefferson. Four o'clock. 25, 26.
large rooms; private bath; heat and WANTED-Ohio State tickets, . any
water. First class condition. number of tickets up to six. 4121
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 20 Extensian 31. 22, .23, 24, 25, 26







for, a complete selection
of winter coats finely
tailored from the best of
woolen fabrics and with
patterns that will please
you-we invite an early

t scotch grain that
ither black' or tan.

Room With
Over Calkins

" 5
Thy N5 OQ

inspection at

your con-

venience * ** * * the


is moderate

$52 and



Today tele-
phone cables
cross country
that Daniel
Boone knecw.


° r i
y 1
Y 3?
_.Q "e
i .
: 4 : .
r ~
y -, ,+ '
B t
EQ . , I




To the Daniel Boone
in every man!...


. .__ ' .,

- \+ -
T F Q J.

It is still the day of the trail blazer. In
the telephone industry pioneers are cutting
new paths in the knowledge of their art.
This industry is continually on the
threshold of new ideas, with each devel-
opment opening up a vista for its explorers
to track down.
Their activity will be as engineers in
laboratory research and plant operation,

but also in supervisory and executive posi-
tions-planning the course of activity for
groups of men and carrying the burdens
of administration.
The responsibility and opportunity of
management take on an increasing impor-
tance in an industry such as this, where
forward-looking leadership must point the
way to ever better public service.

The Mans Shop

324 So.LState Street
Upstairs-over Calkins


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