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October 18, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-18

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Famous Authority on Old English Mu-
sic Wii Talk on Thursday and
Friday in Science Auditorium
Coincident with his tour of this
country and Canada, the Reverend Ed-
mund Horace Fellowes, of St. George's
Chapel, Windsor Castle, England, has
been obtained to give a series of two
University lectures on old English

More than 200 rooms for visitors
will be needed over the week-end,
with the Ohio State game and the
University Press club of Michigan
convention bringing many delegates
to Ann Arbor, according to Milton Mc-
Creery, '29, chairman of the Union
rooming committee.
Persons having rooms available at
this time are requested to list them
today with the telephone operator at
the Union or to get in touch with the
committee chairman or his assistant,
William Nissen, '29, as soon as pos-
To Tell 'of Investigation Lade In A

I Due to the type of the show and
the other engagements for Mimes thea-
ter during the next few weeks, the
second production of the Mimes play-
Sers,"On Approval," will begin its


nniirniiiirulT Pull




run Thursday, continuing through the

DELEGATES TO REGISTER O next week and including a perform-
CLOSE SATURDAY ance Saturday, Oct. 29. There will be
Ino performance on Monday.
STATE EDITORS TO COME "On Approval" is a comedy in three
Dactsand two scenes by Frederick
Assistant To Managing Editor o The Lonsdale, who wrote "The Last of
New York World To Be MainMrs. Chaney," presented here by the
Rockford Players during the summer.
After-Dinner Speaker It is the latest work of the author's,
- -. 7L ,.. - ] 2_ - -- . .. - ., .+ a. . 21 t


Plans for the new unit which is to 'ing, four floors high, and will be added
be added to the University high school directly on the south side of the
building are nearing completion, ac- present building. It will be large
cording to an announcement made enough to accommodate the elemen-
from the office of Dean Allan S. tary grades from one to six, and inmW I E
Whitney of the School of Education addition will house a special section
yesterday, and work on the structure for pre-school children, on the first TRIlS OF FALL AND SINCLAIl
will begin next spring, taking slightly story. OPENS WITH SELECTION
more than a year to complete. Dean Dean Whitney and Prof. Clifford OF VENIREXEN
Whitney and his colleagues are at Woody recently returned _from a trip)
present working on the final plans for to the Universities of Iowa, Chicago, TESTIMONY BEGINS SOO
the use of the new unit. and Northwestern, making an especial -
The new unit will be of the same study of the accomm'odations for pre- Eleven Jurors, Including Three W
general structure as the present build- school children,' for which these men, Qualify, But May Be Chal.
schools are famous. lenged By Either Side
The best and most adaptable of i
these findings will be put into practice (By Associated Press)
in the new unit, and when complete, WASHINGTON, Oct. 17-Three Wo
will give the University the most com- men, one a gray-haired mother, qual
WIplete psychological laboratory for fied today along with eight men, a
studying educational methods of any prospective judges of the guilt or in
school in the country. With this new nocence of Albert B. Fall and Harr
Second Year Men In Engineering, Den- pre-school group including children of F.' Sinclair on the government charg
tal and Architecture Colleges To the ages of two to six years, it will of criminal conspiracy in the leasing
Elect Officers Today make the range of students under ob- of the Teapot Dome naval oil reserv
seilvation from the two-yearolds up f In all, 26 verniremen were examine


music on Thursday and Friday of this Study of Australian and
week. The lectures will be held at American Labor
4:15 d'clock in Natural Science audi-
Announcement of the engagement -
was made last week by Dr. Frank Rob- Prof. Carter Goo'f v
bins, assistant to the President. Earl sity economics department will speak
V. Moore, director of the University at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
School of Music and Prof. James H. in Natural Science auditorium on the
Hanford of the English department subject "Some Questions from Queens-
were responsible for the procuring of land.
Canon Fellowes. Prof. Goodrich, who teaches labor
The first lecture to be given on courses and the history of labor move-
Thursday will have for its topic the mets was sent to Australia in Feb-
English madrigal form, and will deal I ruary of this year by the Social 1
with the supremacy of English music Science Research council, an organza-
in the 16th century, polyphonic music, tion scoposd ot repres ts
the origin and growth of the madrigal, s spe in
social, economic and anthropological
its harmony, the substance of its s s tonmk a studyothepdiffer-
lyrics set to music, and the principalestde st dhe
madrigal composers -Byrd, Morley. nces oetween k the uyo Australian and the!
igbyeand.comoes-Byherdayley-American labor movements.r
Wilby, and Weelkes. The Friday lec- Though differing in size, the Aus-
ture will take up the rise of the ar trainmvmn en h ags
song, accompaniment, the lute, and tralian movement being the large
John Dowland, Campian, and the lu- in the world in proportion to thed£
tenist school. Canon Fellowes will l- tpopulation while that of the United
lustrate and accompany the lectures States is one of the smallest, thereI1
valtraendwiththepaidyoftheltres' are but two other noticeable difer- x
vocally and with the aid of the lute ences between conditions in the twol
and the piano. Phonograph records ntos codn otersace.
of 'the English singers will also be I nations, according to the researches. 1
usd. theEn rof.sHangrdw l asoMr.The first of these is politically, ast
used. Both Pr of. Hanford and Mr. Australian labor unions have gone in-
Moore feel that the lectures will be to politics and control five of the
of special appeal to students of mu- six provincial legislatures while Amer-
respondingshisrof the period, and cr- ican unions have again reiterated their
Conghistory. is considered an intention to remain free from party
Canonnces; and theisccndsisdehedthn -
authority on the old English music of alliances; and the second is the thes-t
the Elizabethan and the Jacobean per- retical basis upon which the systems -
iods. He was born in London and are based. The Australians are so-
educated at Winchester and Oriol col- cialistic in their principles while the
loge, Ofor. I 197= he onoarylabor in the United States asked mere-
degredfDtoroInM1si7thshon-ary ly for an amelioration of present un-
degree of Doctor of Music was con- I fortunate labor conditions.
ferred on him by Trinity college of Two Countries Similar
Dublin. He has devoted many years Almost every other way Australia
to the collection of Inglish madrigalsand the United States greatly resem-
many ases thesewresoriginaly ub- ble one another, according to research-
many cases these were originally pub es conducted. Both are new countries
lished in separate parts and have con- ith vast territory and unlimited nat-
sequently become scattered. In orderwirasr torysand stimtedrnat ,
to bingtogethr the complete 'texts. ra resources and still their labor
to bringes movements are radically different. In
it has been necessary to make a care- his speech Wednesday which is under
ful search among many cathedrals and the auspices of the Michigan branch
libraries. The songs of this nature of the League of Industrial Democracy
that have been edited by Canon Fel- prof. Goodrich will discuss but one
lowes, number more than a thousand. Prfodihwl ics u n
They havebeen mileda tus. thphase of the results of his research. It
They have. been. compiled under thewi bsmeothnwrprbms
head of the English Madrigal School will be some of the newer problems
a wor in 6 voumes raised in the province of Queensland
a wank in6 volumes. I where the labor unions inaugurated
Canon Fellowes is also the co-editor a general strike against a labor gov-
of a ten volume collection of Tudor ernment.
church music, five volumes of which Prof. Goodrich is author of two
have already 'been published, and has books, both dealing with coal miningI
written several shorter works on mu a ik-n ticulr a ituati n
sic. Since 1910 he has been in charge ahe miinng districts. The first, a
of the music at St. George's Chapel in study of English' conditions was writ-
*London. ten in 1920. It is entitled "The Fron-
Will Sing Also tier of Control," and was the result of
He is said to be a speaker of unus- a year's study of the situation in Great
ual ability, and the singing of old mu- Britain. "Miner's Freedom" was the
sic to his own lute accompaniment will other being published in 1925 as the
add a unioue touch of historical color. result of a study of American mining
The canon has been largely responsi- conditions made on an Amherst me-
ble for the advent of the English sing- morial fellowship. He has spent con-
era who appeared in Ann Arbor last siderable time working in the coal
year on the concert program series fields, particularly in Illinois where
under the auspices of the University the recent protracted strike has just
Choral union. The two lectures that been concluded.
he will give here are from a series of EnTonSponsor Other Talks
three that he is delivering on his Sponsoring the address and probably
tour. All three will be given at the as many as 15 more upon kindred sub-
Library of Congress. jects during the remainder of the year
In the spring of this year Canon eisshe League for Industrial Democra-
Fellowes will" make a tour of Canada,1cy. Previously it has been known in
with the men of the St. George's cha-'Ann Arbor as the Round Table club,
pel choir and the boys of Westmins- but afterrfour years of existence it
tc: abbey. This trip is being made has become affiliated as one of the
a 'the request of the CanadiW Coun- 1 70 branches of thernational organiza-
ell of Education. He will give short I tions which is represented in many
talks in connection with the choir mu- leading American universities and col-
sic. lee.
An attempt will be made to get Its organization is chiefly of stu-
Canon Fellowes to speak before class- dents and townspeople who have band-
es in music and English literature, a - ed together for the purpose of in-
though this has not been definitely I forming themselves on current eco-
onnounced nomic social and politicalquestions.

William Preston Beazell, assistant ; and has had but one presentation aside
I from that given by the original com-
managing edit eoalthspe Ner at pany last year. The Bonstelle com-
annual University Press club of Mich- 1pany, with a special cast headed by
igan banquet Friday night. Prof. John Robert Warwick, presented the drama
L Brumm head of the journalism de- in Detroit during the early fall.
"On Approval" will be given with a ,
partment who is in charge of the pro- mixed cast, including Charles D. Liv-
gram,zannouncedsyesterday. s ingstone, '28L; Lorinda McAndrew,
Beazell, who is one of the best '30; Jane Emery, '28, and Kenneth S.
known newspapermen in the east, White, '29. Livingstone will again di-
joined the staff of The World in 1910 rect the staging of the piece, and the '
and' .has held his present position ientire production will be under the
since 1921. In 1919 he was in the spot- supervision of E. Mortimer Shuter.
light when he covered the entire
series of successful and attempted
trans-Atlantic flights. Since 1923, he
has served as associate professor in MKJ
the Columbia university school of .
journalism. Beazell is also the an- Pf
thor of the book, "The Great Boz
The Press convention, held annually. --
in Ann Arbor and attended by editorsj Geologist Invited To Make Speeches
throughout the state, will open Thurs- On Results Of Explorations
day, with sessions also on Friday and Before Danish Scientists
Saturday. Delegates will register at'
the Union on Thursday morning, and! TO RETURN IN NOVEMBER
the first session and address of wel-
come will be heard Thursday after-,
noon, with the President's dinner that Latest advices from Prof. William
evening, H. Hobbs, contained in a cablegram
Four prominent newspapermen will from Copenhagen, indicate that he
speak at Friday morning's session, wvili sail Nov. 14 from Southampton
and the meeting in va talks on the for this country, aboard the Leviathan.
centralized subject of "Conservation." Professor Hobbs has completed the
Friday night, the annual banquet will first stage of his long homewardI
be held at which Mr. Beazell will be journey from Greenland aboard a5
the principal speaker. Danish government steamship plying
The convention will come to a close I between Holstenborg, Greenland, andI
Saturday morning with the general the Danish capital.
business meeting and election of dele- ProfessorcHobbs has been invitedI
gates. In the afternoon the visiting to make several speeches and to meetf
newspapermen will be the guests of scientific societies in Denmark, which
the Athletic association at the dedica- will occupy his time for the next two
tion game with Ohio State university. weeks. He feels himself indebted to
-__ the people of Denmark who haVA tak-
SEXPER'TS DISCUSS ; en a deep interest in his expedition,
EE TARIFFCUSS E and have extended him pany courte-
NEW TARIFF NOTE sies and favors. _

Sophomores of the college of en-
gineering, the college of architecture,
the dental school, and freshmen of the
Law School will hold their class elec-
tions today according to the arrange-
ments made by the Student council
elections committee. The first ballot-
ing of the day will take place at 11
o'clock this morning when the sopho-
mores of the college of engineering
will hold their elections.
The sophomore engineers will meet
this morning in room -348 of the West
Engineering building, where they will
choose their leaders for the year,
while the remaining classes will not
ballot until this afternoon. At 4 o'clock,
the sophomores of the college of ar-
chitecture will meet in the same place,
room 48-o f the West Engineering

through the college and graduate stu- I
Wrong Section Assigned Applicants
For Block; Corrections To.
Be Made At Union Today
Due to an error in filling out their

by counsel at the opening' day of th
second big felony trial growing ou
of the Senate oil investigation. Nin
were excused for cause since the
had formed definite opinions in th
case, and six others -were excuse
three by the government and ,thre
by the defense on peremptory cha
lenges. Each side had seven such cha
lenges left when court adjourned an
it is possible that all of the 11 wh
were accepted today will be take
1 from the box tomorrow and replace
,by new jurors chosen from an add
tiona panel which was summoned ov
Ages Not Asked
Counsel omitted to ask any of th

blanks and having them stamped by I women their ages,. but those of
the committee in charge of the cheer- I men were carefully solicited. Z
ing section some students who pur- youths, only slightly past 20, were
chasedu nifnms and intended io sit. remptorily challenged later.


UllaZIUU Uli LiVL111:1 Qr1i'Lt LA1LLVAILAIU 4V -.


building, for their elections. ntecheering sections tave been
sent seats' which are not in sections'
21, 22, 23, the blocks occupied by the'
SOPHOMORE ELECTIONS 1 cheering section.
-- , 1 All students who got these tickets
College of Engineering and who have signed for the cheering
Room 348 West Engineering section are requested by the Student
building .............."....11:00 council to return their tickets to the1
I committee in the main lobby of the
College of Architecture Union between 3 and 5 o'clock this
I Room 348 West . Engineering I afternoon or tomorrow afternoon to
I building ..................4:00 1 exchange them for seats in the section.
1 It will be necessary for them to have
School of Dentistry ; these seats to use their uniforms and.
Room 231 Dental building .5:00 I it will be necessary for the appear-;
- - I ance of the section that they sit in it.!
FRESHMEN ELECTIONS I The committee wishes to emphasize l
Law School I the fact that the tickets which are
Room B Law building .....4:00 I in the cheering section are in sectionsI
21, 22, 23 of the stadium, situated be-
tween the 33 yard lines. Students
At 4 o'clock also the freshmen of who signed to sit In the cheering sec-
the Law School will meet in room tion and who have their uniforms are
of the Law building for their elections adiosad wo ha their
advised to make certain that their
and an hour later, at 5 o'clock, thes.
sophomores of the dental college will seats are in these sections., If they
meet in room 231 of the Dental build- has these tickets and they will be ex-
ing, where they will ballot for their changed for the seats which these
officers. students hold.
Different colored ballots will be ! The students will not lose their ex-f
used for each election, in order to t
avoid any possibility of fraud, and sepny exchange .sTeytikl
steps will be taken to assure the eligi- simply exchange the student ticket
I ~which they hold ;for the ticket in the
bility of each candidate before he is section. Students who apply to the
allowed to run.
- committee for change are asked to

In their lengthy examina ion of t
esmen, none of 'the counsel made rE
erence to the decision of the Unit
States Supreme Court last Monday r
storing Teapot Dome to the gover
ment and in which Fall was chart
terized as a "faithless" public serva
and the naval oil lease was declared
be the result of "collusion and ci
spiracy" between Fall and Sinclai
Defense counsel was persiste
however, in asking prospective jur
if they understood that this wast
first time that this particular case h
been called for trial, and if they b
been influenced by ahy matter o
side of possible newspaper artic
about the oil question.
Although the presentation of teE
mony may not begin before Wedn
day; Owen Roberts of special gove
ment oil counsel, had the records t
show that H. M. Blackmer, fort
chairman of the Board of the Midw
Refining company, had failed to
spond to a summons served upon I
in Paris by an American consul un
the Walsh act last year.
. Miller Appears
Former Gov. Nathan Miller, of N'
York, appeared for Blackimer and w
George Gordon Battle, ,also of N
York, will represent him whenl g
ernment counsel asks that he be
judged in contempt of court and fi

(By Asocited Pess)Professor Hobbs has spent the sum- I
(By Associated Press) mer making scientific researches into'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.-While first meteorological conditions and the
glances at the new French tariff note movement and thickness of the great
in official quarters found it highly Greenland icecap. The party whicht
unsatisfactory in some respects, the he led, including Ralph L. Belknap of '
document was submitted to expert j the University faculty, second in com-
examnination today with representa-imand, has created a weather station
tives of the State and Commerce de- equipped with a wireless plant with
partments and tariff commission co- which it is hoped that storms can be
operating to establish the exact sig- predicted and broadcasted 48 hoursj
nificance to be attached to the con- .before they reach the traveled lanes,
ditions under which France offers of the North Atlantic. The expedition
concessions as to customs rates on has also driven and plotted stakes
American goods. with which to measure the movement I
Neither the State department nor of the glaciers that form the ice-cap.
the French embassy was prepared to This part ~of the work will be com-
give out any summary of the com- pleted by- Belknap during the 1928
munication, one of a series hoped to season.
end tariff disputes between the coun-
tries and enter upon new commercial HONORARY GROUPs
At the State department, comment TO MEET TONIGHT
was restricted to the declaration that I
the conditional clauses appeared un- Holding the first of its two formalj
satisfactory, but without any definite meetings, Phi Eta Sigma, national3
indication as to their nature. ( honorary fraternity for first year men,
will have its initiation banquet at 6:15
JACK MAY ENTER o'clock tonight in the Union.
FOR SINGLE YEAR Nine men who secured the required
scholastic average for the second se-,
me---'o lat ya rforthe etir
Permission for Prof. P. M. Jack of mester of las year or or e entire
Aberdeen university to enter the Unit- year if not thefirst semester will be
initiated into the fraternity. Active
ed States as a visitor for a year was
received from Secretary of State members will attend as sophomores,
,Frank Kellogg yesterday by Dr. Frank! stated Leonard Scheele, '30, president,
Robbins, assistant to the President. yesterday. ':
The telegram, however, sustained the ,The initiation will begin at 5:30
refusal of the State department to o clock in room 304 of the Union.
allow Professor Jack to enter permna- President Clarence Cook Little, Dean
nently since his resignation from the George W. Patterson of the engineer-
post of professor at Aberdeen when- ing college, and J. A. Bursley, dean of.
he took up graduate work at Cam- students, will address the initiates
bridge two years ago renders him and members informally.
ineligiblefor admission.p d An average equal to half hours of
#Professor Jack was appointed last A grade and half of B grade is re-,
summer to the position of head of the' quired of first year men for admission
rhetoric department at the University, to the group.
and has since that time been endeav-
oring to enter the country. Dr. Rob- STATE PRINCIPALS
bins will not make the hurried trip TO HOLD MEETING
to Washington, D. C., as planned
in view of the telegram received yes-mhss
terday. Hope was expressed that I Membein of the southeastern Asso-
some arrangements can be made for ciation of High School Principals
his permanent stay after he is once will hold a meeting on Saturday, Oct.
admitted. 22, in room 2001 of the University
a high school, according to an announce-
J TT hNT I M DE ment made yesterday by Prof. J. B.
ALUM"NUS ADE Edmondson of the School of Educa-
T TT1-110 n T " ' DN 'TL lT I+ r .--1hote;n.f1

.. ,...

Tomorrow at 4 oclock the largest e
election of the week will be held when.
the sophomores of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts meet
in Natural Science auditorium formthe
choice of their officers, and Thursday
the sophomores of the College of
Pharmacy will meet to choose their
class officials in the Chemistry build-
These are the last of the series of
class elections which will be held
early this fall, since the freshmenj
elections in all schools and colleges
of the campus will not be held untilr
I after Thanksgiving, at a date to be I
set by the Student council. The School
s of Education elections wei'e held int
disregard of the council regulations I
and the School of Medicine will hold
its elections at its own discretion,
since the laboratory periods make it
very difficult to secure a meeting of1
the whole class at once. The junior
elections of the School of Medicine]
have already been held.
The freshmen law class will ballot
today with the sophomore classesI
since the Law School has no regular-'
ly enrolled sophomore class, and while
known as freshmen the group in{
reality has but two more years as
students in the University.
Announcement of the cast for the
University moving picture was made
yesterday from the office of Dr. Frank
Robbins, assistant to the president,
with the reception of an acceptance
'from Nathan Potter, '98, of Ann Ar-
bor, who will play the role of the
returning alumnus. The two student
characters of his son and daughter

bring their tickets with them, as no
exchange will be made otherwise. The
committee will be in the Union main
lobby from 3 to 5yo'clock today and to-t
morrow afternoon also.

Mip to

$100,000 as, provided by
told newspapermen that

A special mock court trial, designed
upon a test case in newspaper libel,'
will be held as the first of a series of
feature innovations in the course in1
newspaper law, at 8 o'clock tomorrow
in the editorial room of 4the West Med-
ical Building. Robert W. Desmond
of the Journalism department will
preside as judge.
The case, designed by Joseph E.,
Burnswick, '28, and Milton Kirshbaum
'28, will characterize the work under-
taken in the course by Mr. Desmond,i
and will go through legal procedure.
Kenneth Patrick, '29, and James L.
Rigelhaupt, 28' will act as attorneysI
for the plaintiff and defendant respec-
tively in the case termed "Vedder,
versus The Michigan Daily." Specia]
witnesses will be summoned and cross
examined, and the class will end witY
a decision by the court, in which will
be inc'orporated the Supreme court
ruling on the case, with its citations.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17--Although
called suddenly from the west coast
by President Coolidge to discuss bud-
get matters, Maj.-General Charles T.
Summerall, chief of the army staff,
did not have an appointment with the
President upon his arrival in Wash-

mer saw no reason why he should
pear "involuntarily" in a case
which he was not at all interested
in addition believed the Walsh a<
be unconstitutional.
Flanked by an array of counsel,
clair and *Fall had places near
rail which in this little courtr
shuts off the correspondents and
public, giving plenty of space for
former, but extremely little for spe
Sinclai.r frequently consulted
his attorneys during the examina
of each venireman. He gave ad
when it came time to exercise per
tory challenges, studying the lis
prospective jurors very carefully
Fall sat half the time hunched d
in his chair with a black over
thrown over one shoulder. Occasic
I'ly he dozed, but was keenly alert v
it came to removing jurors from
box after they had qualified.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 17-Charles
Levine came home today and wa
ficially warned that he might e:
to hear much criticiSm of hN
inspired by jealousy of his ex,
in being the first trans-Atlantic
The Weather


Carl Fauster, '29, has been appoint-
ed chairman of the music committee
for the 1927 Union opera, "The Same
To You," according to an announce-
ment made vesterday by John E. Star-

Among the national directors are Nor-
man Thomas who spoke here last year.
Arthur Garfield Hayes, Robert Morse
Lovett and other prominent figures.


Please get your order blanks

J UDGE Ut 1 B GRT IKE.Nr.1 1tion. The meeting will begin at ]u
o'clock and will conclude around
LANSING, Oct. 17-Governor Green noontime.


(By Associated Press)
and continued cool; fair
temperature tomorrow.



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