)BER 16, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ATA VAM M MW&74A TM URGES VALUE OF Sorority Need Not Be Detrimental COMMITTEEA NEVDA To College Life, Says Miss Lloyd iin.n nnad'1r ti~ k a au I IOIT 4 HUS~E UUAIA Ul Bc(ard ofP Representives Fosters Spirit of Co-Operation Betweeni Women Executives of League MEETING TO BE SATURDAY Under the direction of the House Or- ganization committee, headed by Eve- lyn Ogborn, '28, seventy-six league houses have been organized within the last two weeks. The work includes electing a house 'resident, going over and discussing all house rules, the responsibility. of the president, the house head*and the individual, and a general discussion of campus organi- zations and activities, the judiciary council, and the work of the league. The presidents of all league houses, dormitories, and sororities, make up the Board of. A jresentatives, which with the Board of Directors make up the governing body of the league. The first meeting of the board of repre- sentatives will be held Saturday, Octo- ber 22. The function of the representative board is to foster better co-operation between university women and the league executives. Problems of all houses are discussed, and an attempt is made to solve them, while ideas re- garding better organization are ex- changed. It is the duty of the house president to convey to the members of her house the business which is carried on at the meeting of the board. The committee on house organiza- tion functions the entire year, and any problems which may arise and are re- ported to the judiciary counsel or the Advisors of Women, are referred to the committee members for investiga- tion. PORTIA TO HOLD SECOND TRYOUTS Second tryouts for Portia literary society will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night in the Portia rooms on the fourth floor of Angell hall. This is the first year that women have been asked to tryout a second time before being invited to membership. Tryouts will also be given to others interested in the society who did not tryout last week and to any of those taking part in the first tryouts and wishing to make another attempt for member- ship. A three-minute speech, prefer- ably tobe given without notes and in an informal way, is required for try- out. Women of every class, including first semester freshmen, are eligible. The W. A. A. executive board will meet at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday, at Cozy Corner tea room. So far as is known, Miss Maud E. Wicks of Chicago is the only woman publisher of a frade paper in the United States, owning and publishing the "Milk Plant Monthly." Osteopathic Physicians Dial 5669 Drs. Bert and Beth Haberer 338 Maynard Street Specializing in Feet "While the present housing situa- iyasons this it not advisable and the tion prevails at Michigan the sorori- g1(iiral consensus of opinion seems to F'aulty Women's Club ties make a valuable contribution in be that serious college work did not bein th is year until the third week At least 150 prospective new mem- that they provide college homes for for a very considerable group of wo- about four hundred women," is the lmen." statement made by Miss Alice Lloyd, The cc-operative spirit shown by of the office of advisers to women. Pan-Ifellenic is greatly admired by. "To discuss the rushing situation Miss Lloyd, who remarks: "The rush- from the University point of view is ig rules uromote a very fine spirit difficult," says Miss Lloyd. "Some six of playing the game. Very largely an hundred girls out of two thousand are honor system is called for."I really involved in rushing. It is only Intensive rushing during a limitedI too true that the rushing period is a period has, in the eyes of the advisers, very hard time for a great many girls. one advantage in that the rivalry is Many friends of the University say, over at the end of that time and the with reason it must be admitted, that sororities settle back into friendly re- sororities do not belong in a demo- lationship. cratic instution. There is an essential "With the strong central organiza- justice in this point of view. But, from tion which now exists," says Miss the point of view of an administrative Lloyd, "it is to be hoped that the office, it does not seem possible to sorority group will be an increasing-I change rushing very essentially until ly valuable one." the women, or at least the freshmen "The girl who is not rushed at all, women, are more adequately housed." or rushed and not bid, is as valuable In regard to the practical difficul- to her University as those who join ties caused by the rushing period, Miss a sorority. The final goal of the Mich- hers of the Faculty Women's Club were welcomed at their reception held Thursday afternoon at the Union. A l n ,f tht- old members l The dormitory is to have five hun dred rooms. half of the building is Scheduled for play in the intramur- Id ~±~1 ~~ "~ '" "'" t b se . h woen n iI ' i I I arge nereen age Q ieUuuenu, b .. _ r.,.. of the club were present to meet the by the men. Provisions will be made al tournament this week is: Monday at newcomers. Mrs. Bates described the to house three hundred foreign stu- 4 o'clock, Alphi Phi vs Alpha Omicron activities of the various sections of dents and the rest are to be American. P1i; 5 o'clock, Delta Gamma vs Kappa the club and extended a cordial in- The new dormitory will be called Alpha Theta; Wednesday at 4 o'clock vitation for new members to atfihate the International House. Rockfeller with one or more of these sections. obtained his idea from an internation- Helen Newberry vs. Delta Zeta; 5 Mrs. Carl Coe was in charge of re- al house recently erected in New York o'clock, Kappa Delta vs. Alpha Ep- treshments, and was assisted by Mrs. to promote better relations between silon Phi; Friday at 4 o'c&ock. Martha George Ehlers. Mrs. Carl Huber, Mrs. foreign and American students. Cook vs. Pi Beta Phi; 5 o'clock, Adelia Joseph Bursley, Mrs. Wilfred Shaw. Cheever vs. Delta Delta Delta: Satur- and Mrs. Huber Ryan poured. The Despite the fact that women are day, 8:30 o'clock, Betsy Barbour vs flowers were furnished by the Gar- granted air pilot's licenses in France, Alpha Gamma Delta; 9:30, Chi Omega den Section. they do very little flying, because the vs. Phi Gamma Mu; 11 o'clock, Alpha airplane companies will not hire them. Chi Omega vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Honoring Barbour Scholarsan Honoring the Barbour scholars and their friends, Miss Grace Richards, of the office of advisers to women, will I 11 1, I~~~~1 a'u kcv h Uuhv rm flf' -! I r i E _I Miss Elba Ra'wlIngs "Many college women think that in- receive next Thursdav from 3:30 to! Lloyd stated: igan girl is, as expressed its the rush- 153 'clock in the parlors of Bar- I1 Y lr 3 i i t i; 1 i 1 l 1 1 a' ' I dividual gymnastics can have no poI-"The sororities this year very cour- ing rules for 1927-28, the same for ;our gymnasium. Miss Alice Lloyd, MARCEL EFFECT - RINGLET ENDS teously acknowledged Freshman Week non-sorority and sorority undergrad- Miss Beatrice Johnson, advisers to sible place in the schedule of the aver- by postponing the beginning of their uates. There is no line, ecept an women, Miss Fandira Crocker, and WaterivaifagnwceKikHeadr lings, who is an instructor in this rushing until Freshman Week activi- artificial one, whic can be drawn tot Miss Dorothy McEachran, chairman of pins, o tis nistruct r yi this ties were over. In order to make this separate these girls. It is, therefore, the World Fellowship Comittee of DI MATTIA SPECIAL- cation movement, thAnn1period of rushing effective it was nee- my earnest plea that a11 the women the Women's League, will assist as FOR ONE WEEK ONLY essary to extend it through two weeks of Michigan recognize that the Univer- hostesses. Before coming toAnn Arbor this of college classes, instead of the one sity itself claims their strongest feel- GENUUNE EUGENE WATE fall, Miss Rawlings asan instructor week of previous years. For many ings of loyalty and friendship.' Full page portraits will announce Wavs special fo i graduate of the University of Ore- Poor poise and incorrect posture is athe winners of a contest to decide the lone week........ gon, and has also done work in the disadvantage. not only physically, but s ae U very o n-six representative, women on the cam- No Extra Chcogel- San Francisco Y. W. C. A. and in a in a very real social sense as well." day evening at the University of Ari- ps of the Oregon Agricultural Col- children's hospital at Seattle. "Our ultimate aim," Miss Rawlings ona. lege i WVe hope that more university wo- concluded, "is to encourage univer- IIIilllillilliiltilitliilltliiltilliititlltliltlttilli men will take advantage of the oppor- sity women to take special work be- ill tunities which classes in individual cause they want it and not because MRS. H. B. MERRICK T gymnastics offer. One goes to a den- they are required to." That this pol- M.ER CFREDERICK TLTI-TONIC tist if her teeth need care, or to a re- icy of the physical education depart-1 Very special for pair shop if her fountain pen is wrong, ment is being carried out this fall is of 928 Church St. ii one week . $800 but few people think to take advan- shown by he fact that only a small - =No Extra Charges tage of classes which add to bodily minority of those who were examined InViyeS VOu to meet strength. Although it is not a dra- are actually required to enter the in MREXTRA -SPECIAL - EXTRA matic activity, it is vitally important. dividual gymnastics classes. -seRS. FRANKLIN C. FETTE iAotURlINE-Pou D PROCESS i- of ekng C -n A soft, loose, lustrous marcel effect with Ring- of Peing, ina let-end. A safe and ,gentle process. Will not SE L 11 N injure the inest texture of S President of Fette Rug Co., who produce the hair. ............n... .10.00 - N Etra Charges By the Month or for the Semester - Your Choice Merrick Heirloom Handmade Chinese Rugs,N tCr. Underwood, Royal, L. C. Smith, Remington, and Others eERP I to eleven p. m.I Marcel......... .. EX SEam Treatmek We Keep Them in Order O tb 9 and 2 t Hair Cut.......... dOe and Hot Oil ... $1.75 October 1thand-0thha1poO..........0c Hena Pacc .... $1.50 Rider's Pen Shop and nine a. m. to twelve noon Wednesday, f~ R E P A I R!I N O October 19th, and BEAUTY SHOPP see display of these exquisite Chinese Rugs Pne5887553 s. State see carved jfade, jewelry -Poe87 1 Early Fal and other Things Chinese± l. E a l F l lllllllllll giligegil0 iU 111111i 11111111111119R illl1111 111111I" Fashion u m mm mm ma min mmam mu"" " Events - Return Engagement Confirm-- Wm. H. Miller Fur Showing Tones in Sheer Hosier OCT. 17 OCT. 18 -~ rice FUR EXHIBIT $1.95 to -and $3.50 SALE I - Tuesday, Oct. 18th - Select Your New ~-\Fur Coat _-- From' - The Manufacturers line on display and le dhere for this one zj An exquisite group of Furs that, like all W. H. Miller Furs, are re ot sn e = - ave~ilr- - characterized by the beauty of the pelts, the perfection of their _ I" !- : blending, the excellency of the linings. The fur mode of the season = is sufficiently varied to permit each to select a fur according to personal choice! The staples, like Hudson seal, Squirrel, Raccoon,' Opossum, Beaver, Mole, and Mink are always favorites. Caracul, too, - is enjoying popularity. Also novelty furs, like fitch ands broadtail! DEFERRED PAYMENTS on Human Nature, Society, and Letters Special offer of a payment plan is made in selling L Miller Furs for those who know and appreciate good by valve;-Xa furs and yet are unabie to make the entire g _- payment on a coat at the time of purchase. Select the RLES HORTON COOLEY -Fur coat yo wish and arrangements will be made for deferred payments. l f Sociology, University of Michigan- lIIE(Second Foor) 3 $2.50 lill- - aIa The Art of Simplicity is a Fine Art To achieve it, the smart: woman seeks professional ad- vice. 1/1 Consulting Costumer SNickels Arcade 11 1 it tl![t lilll lI 1ib ll lilllilll 0