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September 21, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-21

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1 11 -

XXX. No.2.



ATi {iTillotson Says Tickets For Out-Of
niriinDiiirI Town Games Are Nearly All
A- LL Uf -Applied For -
JILLER'S EAGOLE9CIK LANDS 11N- Harry Tillotson, business manager
FTE BEFORE 31EIERS of the Athletic association, reports
IN 1ONTANA TOWN. that the tickets for the out-of-town
football games with Chicago, Illinois,
CLASS B RACE IS CLOSE and Wisconsin are selling rapidly and,
-{ that students wishing tickets for theser
Leader's Time For Flight Is Hour And games should apply at the Adminis-
13 .Minutes In Trip From tration building immediately for ap-
Bismarck, N. D. plications.
Although there is no time limit on
(BY Associated Press) when the applications must be receiv-
BULLETI N edc?, the limited number of tickets for
(iLENDIVE, Sept. 20.-Leslie Miller, Michigan students makes it imperative
Des Moines, flying his Eaglerock air- that requests be mailed as early asf
plane in the Class B races of the Spo- possible. Michigan students have been
kane air derby, landed here at 4:50 p. allotted 12,000 seats for the Chicago
m. today from Bismark, N. D., to be game, 10,000 for the Illinois contest
foowNd one e later by C. W. and 5,000 for the game with Wiscon-I
followedonemintlaterbyCW .



ENROLLS Tt EPhilip C. Pack, Director of Publicity
eFor the Athltgtic As.sciatio
t- -Supervises Prin2ti21g.

M4eiers, Detroit. Miller made the
flight from Bismark in one hour, 131
minutes, and Meiers in one hour and
14 minutes. The flight was originally
expected to take 1 hour and 45 min-I
Roosevelt Field, N. Y.,, Sept. 20.-
Swift disaster today overtook the first
of 15 planes that set out here for
Cleveland on the first leg of a 2,275-
mile race to Felts Field at Spokane,
Wash., in the air derby being held in
connection with the National Air races
at Spokane.
R. E. Hudson, of Marysville, Mich.,
the first pilot to start therace, which
began at 6 a.,in., Eastern standard!
time, was brought down in a fatal
crash near Morristown, N. J., less than
two hours later. His passenger, Jay,
Radike, was killed in the crash, and
Hudson died on the way to a hospital.
Radike, who wa:i IIudson's mechanic,
had spent the night sleeping in the
plane and tuning up the motor so that
he could have it in readiness for a
start promptly at 6 o'clock.
The tragic elimination of Hudson's
plane from the race left but 13 of the
15 starters roaring westward toward
Cleveland. Emil Burgin, of Mineola,
N. Y., was forced to fly back from
New York to Curtis JIield, adjoiningl
Roosevelt Field because of the trou-
ble with the oil pump.
Marysville, Mich, Sept. 20.-(A)-
Richard Hudson, 26, pilot, killed in
the crash of the Buhl Aircraft Com-
pany plane in the air derby, had been
flying six years, having been a cadet
at Brooks and Kelly fields. He had
been employed with the Buhl Aircraft
Company here about a year and a half.!
J. Radike, 35, passenger in the plane,
who also was killed, was a motor me-'
chanic whose home was in St. Clair,
Mich. Lie had been employed by the
company since -February. His widow

Many Students File Applications For
Fotball Tickets In hiize And
Blue F'orioation:
Michigan's cheering section is rap-
idly being filled by students eager to
i avail themselves of the opportunity of
sitting between the 33-yard lines, ac-
cording to an announcement from the
officers of the Student Council yes-
terday. Many applications were filed
at the Union yesterday afternoon.
Some of the best seats in the block
still remain, according to the .state-
ment of those in charge. Applications
will be received at the Union this aft-
ernoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. All of the
seats in the cheering section are be-
tween the 33-yard lines.
Under the new plan adopted this
year, the cheering section is comprised
of 1,000 seats. New arrangements have
made it possible for applicants to pro-
cure the allotted number of seats for
visitors and members of their family
outside of the cheering section. In4
some cases it is possible for them to
be relieved of their cheering section
obligations and to sit with their fami-j
lies and friends.
The plan Jby wich the student will
be permitted to sit outside of the sec-
tion at one or two games makes the
student responsible for his seat. But the
exchange of tickets will be facilitated
by co-operation between the student
council and the athletic association.
| Norman H. Hill, '10, of Sault Ste.
!Marie, was elected a director of thea
University of Michigan Alumni As-
sociation at a meeting at Manistique,
Michigan, recently. He is to succeed
Thomas Clancy, 103, '10L, whose term
expires soon. Mr. Hill, a former
baseball captain here, is connected
with the state conservation commis-
sion, and is managing editor of the
Soo Evening News.

EI'6 T'l'RA TION ALSO INCLUDES Visitors coming by automobile to
GRADUATE AN LITERARY Ann Arbor for the Ohio State, Navy,
STUDENTS and Minnesota football games will be
- - I aided in parking their cars in advan-
THREE TEACHERS ADDED [tageous locations by lithographed
imaps, showing the available parking
Students and Faculty of School Will spaces in Ann Arbor and the easiest
Hold Picnic on Friday of avenues of departure from Ann Arbor'
This Week. to the neighboring cities and towns.
These maps are being prepared un-
Twenty-five students have regis- der the direction of Philip Pack, di-
tered inythe new school of forestryand' rectdr of publicity for the Athletic as-
sociation, and will be mailed with
conservation which opened for the every order for tickets, beginning with
first time this semester. In addition the Ohio State contest, the first big
to these there are a number of gradu- home game on the 1927 schedule.
ate students. This number does not in-, One side of the map will bear an
dude freshmen or sophomores in the outline map of Ann Arbor, showing all!
College of Literature, Science and the available parking space on the var-
Arts, who are preparing to enter the, ious streets, while th-e reverse side.
school in the future. Two years work will contain a complete diagram of the
in the literary college is required for new stadium.
entrance to the forestry school. It is expected that by designating
Three junior instructors have been the shortest possible lanes of depar-
added to the staff. These include Rich-! ture for surrounding cities a great
ard E. McArdle, '24; Robert Winters, deal of the confusion that formerly
'24, and It. C. Hall. Mr. McArdle has accompanied the handling of visitor's
been connected with the Pacific machines will be avoided.
northwestern experimental station at
Portland, Ore.,, where he did special
work in Douglas firs and made in-
to conduct a course in the identifica- B IU O AN M RNE
vestig"t""ns in sah displ. eis
tion of woods and commercial trees.
Mr. Winters has been with the
United States Forest Service in Wash-
ington and Oregon the last few years
doing work in forest management and' Outbreak is Believed to le One of the
administration. He is -a specialist in i Most Serious Since Americans
forest mensuration. Mr. Hall re eived 1 Occupied the Territory.
his bachelor of forestry degree from ?
Syracuse College of Forestry, N. Y., ( By Associated Press)
and his master's degree from Harvard. WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.-Another!
Ile has been connected with the North-- outbreak between roving bands of#
east forestry experimental station at bandits and the American Marines in
Amherst, Mass. The new dean of the Nicaragua was reported today to the
Forestry School, Samuel T. Dana, was State department with indications that
head of the Amherst station for some it was one of the most serious since
time. Mr. Hall is a specialist in forest the American occupation.
entomology..Although neither the Marine corpsj
nor the Navy department had received
Tlu wis beedtoy in Froom 2039, official information late today of the
club will be held today in ro 09 ate dsace riigtruh
Natural Science building. All freshmen battle, dispatches arriving through
and sophomores in the College of Lit- diplomatic channels, declared that one!
erature, Science, and the Arts, who are Marine and one Nicaraguan national
interested in forestry are invited to guardsman had been killed and an-
attend. other Marine wounded. The bandit
The annual campfire of the members losses were placed at 20 killed and 50
of the forestry school will be held on injured.
Friday of this week. A steak supper The engagement started, the dis-
will be served and an opportunity patches said, when about 40 members!
given for both students and faculty to of the Falgado band, well-armed with
become better acquainted. rifles, machine guns and' bombs, de-,

Dr. C. Ransom Williams Outlines
Plans to be Followed in Teach.
lug Subject Matter
Announcement was made yesterday
by Prof. William T. Worrell, of the
department of Senitics, concerning
the addition of two courses in his de-
partment, dealing with ancient Egyp-
tian language writings and art. The
two courses are to be under the super-
vision of Dr. C. Ransom Williams of
1 Dr. Williams has spent many years
in pursuit of these subjects. For six
years she was with the Metro Museum
of Art in the Egyptian department as
a curator and spent last year in
Egypt with the Oriental institute for
the University of Chicago. Dr. Wil-
liams received her degree from the
University of Chicago and spent
several years studying at the Uni-
versity of Berlin.
In anainterview yesterday, Dr. Wil-
liams gave a brief outline of the two
courses which she is to give. There
will be one course offered of the an-
cient Egyptian language, from about
2000 B. C. This course will contain a
study of the hieroglyphic Egyptian writ-
ings and its purpose is to give a stu-
dent a general basis for knowledge of
the ancients. The other course, Dr.'
Williams stated would be a study of
the main and major arts of Egypt.
This course will be illustrated with
slides and will include Egyptian arch-
aeology, painting and pottery. Dr. Wil-
liams announced that some of the il-
lustrations would be in color, and
stated that she had some rare speci-
mens of Egyptian jewelry illustrating!
the process used by them.in manu-
First Course.
This is the first time a course of
this type has ever been offered here
it was announced by Prof. Worrell,
and students who are interested
should avail themselves of the oppor-
tupity presented, he said.
Dr. Williams was head of the depart-j
ment of archaeology at Bryn Mawr
for five years. She taught both an-
cient and classical archaeology. For
some years she was connected with
the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York city and became deeply in-
terested in Egyptology. In 1924 she
published a book on the Egyptian
jewelry owned by the New York His-
torical society. She was the first to
use photomicrographs in the study of
the jewelry. Many of the secrets of
the early Egyptians she learned by'
close study with the microscope and
by actual experiment. After many in-*
vestigations she found out how the.
Egyptians drew wire from flat sheets
and twisting it by drawing it through
small holes.
To Include Middle Egypt Art.l
Mrs. Williams' course in the Egyp-i
tian language will include a study of'
the hieroglyphics or picture-language
of the time of Middle-Egypt, or about
2000 B. C. Both the major and minor'
arts of the Egyptians will be studied
:n her art course. Lantern slides will
-illustrate her lectures. She will make
a survey of the arts, statues, pottery,
Sfurniture, and jewelry and attempt to
interpret the early Egyptian life. s
During the last year Mrs. Williams
has been in Egypt making investiga-
tions in archaeology. She is to leave
for Chicago Friday to visit Professor!
and Mrs. Breasted of the University of
Chicago, who have been conducting
an exploration party in Egypt during
the last few years.

'Legionnaires Are Hosts to President
Of France and Other Guests
At Paris Banquet.
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS, Sept. 20,-The American,
Legionnaires were hosts tonight to the
President of the French Republic, M.
Gaston Doumergue, at a banquet at
'which were assembled almost all the
great French leaders, civil as well as
'military, with whom the American Ex-
peditionary forces cooperated in the
Before- the speeches began, the gath-
-ering of 400 Americans and French
drank "To the memory of Woodrow
;Wilson, Commander-in-Chief of the
American forces in the World war."'
This act of homage was proposed by
the toastmaster, Gen. Milton J. For-
National Com. Howard E. Savage
'was made a commander of the Legion
of Honor at the conclusion of his
tribute to France. President Dou-
mergue himself fastened the collar and
cross about Commander Savage's neck,
and the commander, who is much
taller than the French president,
stooped far over to be kissed on both
cheeks. i
As Commander Savage ended his
speech, M. Doumergue rose saying:
"I drink to a great citizen and a great
statesman, President Coolidge."
W'hen the applause ended, President
Doumergue continued: "I wish to ad-
dress a thought to the dead, and after
the dead a thought to the living who
have come to establish justice." Turn-
lng to Commanger Savage, he said:
"I create you, Commander Savage,
commander of the Legion of Honor."
The Republican Guard band played
the "Star Spangled Banner," and many
of the immortals feted at the ban-
quet board went out into the night,
to be greeted by the crowd, who had
long waited for a glimpse of them.

President Expects New Ambassa
To Take Up Duties Under Reces
Appointment At Once
Ly Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.-ApparE
A ly determined to leave no stone'
turned toward settlement of the IV
ican problem before his own term
pires, President Coolidge disclosed
1-day that he had drafted Dwight
jMorrow, his friend and college ek
mate, and a partner in the New Y
banking firm of J. P. Morgan and c
pany, for duty as ambassador to M
' The appointment was approved
day by the Mexican government
was announced immediately at
White House.
Mr. Morrow will sever his cone
tions with the Morgan company
once. The President expects him
take up his duties in Mexico City
tder recess appointment without
I 'lay, although the exact dlate of
I departure has not been fixed. He s
ceeds. James R. Sheffield, resigner
sThat Morrow's selection would n
opposition because of his conmeci
with the Morgan company which
been closely identified with the d
ing between American bankers
Mexico on loan problems, was rec
nized at the State department e
before the President's decision
came known. There were hints of't
opposition as soon as word of the
pointment reached senators in Wa


survives .
Municipal Air Field, Chicago, Sept.
20.-(AP)-As a cold drizzling rain
which had soaked Municipal Air Fiel
here stopped falling, and the first rays
of the early morning sun drifted over.
the assembled hine up of 12 planes, the
New York-to Spokane air derby was
renewed at 5:39 3-4 a. m. central
standard time, today, when Leslie
Miller, of Des Moines, Iowa, leader of
the race to date, hopped offs in his
Eaglerock plane for.St. Paul, the first;
stop of today's run. .
Barely three-quarters of a minute
after Miller, C. W. Meyers, of Detroit,
piloting a Waco 10, speeded into the
air after th~e flying leader and ,at ex-
actly two-minute intervals thereafter
each of the remaining 10 planes!
hopped off on the second day of the

i !


scended on the garrison of Teltaneca
MUSEM'S ROGESSat one o'clock yesterday morning and
continued the attack for four hours
IS UP TO SCHEDULE before they withdrew.
-- Luring the fight, hand bombs and
The new museum being built at the dynamite bombs were used freely by
northeast corner of the campus is well the bandits while the newly organized
up to schedule, according to Dr. icaraguan national guard, cooperat-E
Ruthven, curator of the museum. It is ing with the Marines, was described
scheduled to be occupied about Janu- by the officer in command as 'putting
ary 1. Most of the exhibits in the old up a splendid fight as on other occa-
building have already been packed sions."
preparatory to moving. The other bandit leader, Sandino,
has been reported to the Navy depart-
UNION PRESIDENT CALLS ment as attempting to rally his forces
F ORETRYOUTS THIS WEEK !n the mountains around the Puerto
Second semester freshmen or sopho- Cabeza railroad after his rout by
mores interested in activities at the American aviators- Last reports saidI
Union are asked to see William V. he had only about 50 followers but ap-
Jeffries,, '31-L, at the student offices peared to be well supplied with money
fromi 3to 5 o'ocnk any day this week. and provisions.

Borah May Approve
.Chairman Borah, of the foreign re-
lations committee, which will pass on
Mr. Morrow's nomination, said in a
formal statement that Mr. Morrow
undoubtedly would carry out the
policy of the American government
Michigan Night" .Will Be Broadcast toward Mexico and his opposition or
Again by WWJ, Waldo Abbot, I suport of his nomination would turn
Director, Announces. ! entirely on what he regarded as that
ALL DATES ARE FIXED Senator Moses, of New Hampshire,
another Republican on the for'eign re-
"Michigan Night" will continue to lations committee, confined himsel to
be a radio feature during the coming this cryptic comment: "It is a capital
school year, Waldo M. Abbot, of the appointment."
rhetoric department, and program Senators Fraser and Nye of North
manager and announcer announced Dakota, both of the Republican in-
yesterday. surgent group, expressed the opinion
As last year, the University pro- that the Morrow selection would not
grams will again be broadcast from tend to clear away misunderstandings
station WWJ, the Detroit News (every with Mexico.
other Friday night), with Mr. Abbot Senator Ashurst, Denocrat, Ari-
again officiating as announcer. The zona, however, said he believed Mor-
first program this year will be broad- row's' nomination would be confirmed
cast Friday night, Sept. 30, although by the Senate while another Democrat,
arrangements for the opening night's Fletcher, of Florida, said he was sure
program have not yet been completed. Mr. Morrow had the "ability and qual-
Following are the dates. for the t ifeations" required for the position.
broadcasting of Michigan night pro- Committeemen Desire Information
grams for the 1927-28 period: Sep- I It was an open secret that some
tember 3Q; October 14; October 28; memb Ers of the foreign relations com-
November 11 and 25; December 9; mitte desired additional light as to
January 6 and 20; February 3 and 17; 1 what policy the administration intend-
'March 2, 16 and 20; April 20 and May ed to pursue toward Mexico under Mr.
4. A program will also be broadcast Morrow's ambassadorship. Some of
the night of the J-Hop, Program Man- them also indicated that they would
ager Abbot announced. want to know from Mr. Morrow per-
Indications are that this year's pro-t sonally whether he has severed for all
grams will be evenbetter than last time his connectio ihwith Morgan and
'year's, which attracted wide commen- company. If a majority should take
dation, with excellent cooperation al- the same view the new ambassador
"ready assured. Earl V. Moore, diree- f and State department offical would be
tor of 'the. University School of Music '~ called before the committee for ques-
is now arranging a program of music tioning on these points.
to cover the entire radio year. Spe- Presumably, however, Mr. Morrow
cial numbers will be given along with will have been on the job as ambas,
the regular programs. sador for some weeks at least before
Theodore Harrison, director of the the question of T ,q confirmation can
University Glee club, and a soloist of: be taken up in fI- Senate in Decem-
note, has also agreed to render some ;her, and in that time the policy of the
selections this year, Mr. Abbot de- administration may be defined more
Glared. clearly..
The supply of pamphlets, including ! There is an understanding in some
the addresses given over the radio quarters at the capital that the rela-
last year, and which were much in tions of the two governments have
demand by alumni all over the coun- been improved during the east few
try, was soon exhausted after publi- ,months as a result of inouiries and
cation last spring, Mr. Abbot said. conversations carried on since the in-
In response to numerous requests, it I cident of the purported forgery of
is planned to again compile a similar diplomatic papers touching on the
pamphlet, with a supply big enough iAmerican attitude
t'o meet the demand this year.

' 11 u Ill t) . L %J e) V %, A V%,, M "At j u-,y 1.- 11 -


Michigan's stadium which has never
been oil'icially named but which will'
be called the Michigan Stadium, is,
ccrtain to be complete in time for the
regular football season, and will prob-
ably be ready by the end of next week,
1 lelding I-1. Yost, director of inter-!
ollegiate athletics, said yesterday.
The. Ohio State football game, sched-
v ed for Oct. 22, will be the formal;
opening of th_ stadium, but there will
La no dedication. -
In conLuinction with the building
roPositions Director Yost announced'
that contracts call for completion of i
the o Intramural S'ports building
by Jani. 15, in time for use during the
-ne:on semr.ester. The old stands will
remaion sFmerry field, as well as the
track, and these will be used for regu-
hrr track meets, practice sessions,
graduation ceremonies and the like.

Many Innovations Will Be Tried By
New Head Of Public Speaking
Courses In University
James Milton O'Neill, who has been
connected for the past 14 years with
the speech department of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, first as an as-
sociate professor, later as a professor,
and finally as chairman of his depart-
ment, has come to Ann Arbor this fall
as chairman of the department of
speech in the University here.
Professor O'Neill has already effect-
ed a number of changes in the depart-
ment of speech, as it is now called in
preference to its old name of public
speaking; probably the most impor-
tant being the opening of the depart-
ment for graduate work. In doing this
he is following the program which he
originated at Wisconsin where several
Masters' degrees and a few Doctors'
degrees were given in speech. Similar
opportunities are now available at
Another change is the new method
in which the Varsity debate teams

duced by elimination until the final
teams are selected.
In this way the responsibility of
preparation for the debate will lie
entirely with the students. Members
of the Speech faculty will be present
at the trials and will offer counsel
and advice to each of the debaters but
further than that there will be no
active coaching. The system will ap-
ply to both men and women's de-
The first tryout for the women's
debate teams have been set for Tues-
day, October 11, from 4 to 6, in room
4203 Angell hall. All tryouts must
register in 3211 Angell hall by Octo-
ber 4. The room will be open from
9 to 12 on Tuesday and Thursday
mornings for that purpose. The try-
out speeches are limited to five min-
utes on either side of the following
question: "Resolved, that the direct
primary system of nominating can-
didates for public office in the United
States should be abolished." Michi-
gan's affirmative women's team will
debate Ohio here while Michigan's

from Dartmouth in 1907. Since then
he has done graduate work at both
Harvard and Chicago. For two years!
after leaving Dartmouth, he was Eng-
lish master at the Hotchkiss school,
Lakeville, Conn. In 1909, he returned1
to Dartmouth as instructor of Eng-
lish and from 1911 to 1913 he wasas-I
sistant professor of oratory. In 1913,
O'Neill went to Wisconsin as assistant
professor of rhetoric and oratory. He
became professor in the same depart-
ment in 1915 and held that post until
coming to Michigan at the close of the
past scholastic year.
One accomplishment in paricular
should be mentioned in connection
with the new professor's work at Wis-
consin. While the're he secured the
establishment of a speech clinic for
the study and correction of speech
faults such as stammering and stut-
A member of Delta Sigma Rho and
Pi Epsilon Delta, Mr. O'Neill was for-
merly editor of the Quarterly Journal
of Speech Education. He is the co-
author of the "Elements of Speech,"

The Michigan High School Debating
league has recently announced its pro-
gram for this year, which will be its
eleventh year of activity. This league
is composed of all the four-year high
schools in the state and sponsers the
elimination. debates and the final
championship debate which is held in;
'Ann Arbor on April 25th, 1928.
The question which will be debated
this year is: "Resolved, that the1
Direct Primary System of Nominating
Candidates for Public office in the
United States Should be Abolished."
It is expected that the enrollment for
this year will exceed the total enroll-
ment of last year which numbered 235

A meeting of the radio committee
will soon be held after which the pro-'
gram for the first Michigan night,
Sept. 30, will be announced. Edward
H. Kraus, dean of the college of
pharmacy, and also dean of the sum-
mer session, is chairwian of this com-
mittee. Other members are: Fielding
H. Yost, director of intercollegiate1
athletics; Wilfred Shaw, of the alumni
association; Mr. Moore and Mr. Abbot.

Hawley Tapping, field secretary
the Alumni association, has announce
the Second Triennial of the Un
versity of Michigan clubs, which w
take place in Chicago, May 17, 18, an
19, 1928. Headquarters for the mee
ing will be at the Blackstone hoteli
Chicago. Ralnh M .nvde r a'1d w

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