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October 15, 1927 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-15

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R 15, 1927


. . . . . . . . .................... . ..... . .. ....... ... ... - - ---- --- . ..... . . .


(Special to The Daily.)

tral bureau in which it may be collect-


Reviewing the activities of the ed and put in form for effective util-
personnel department and outlining t
what it purposes to do, D. T. Howard,
director of that department at North- "The faculty member, both in his
western university, declared in a re- dealings with students and in hies
'cent address before the school's studies of conditions and policies, will
faculty that "a personnel department often be able to utilize our facilities to
is a fundamental requirement of the advantage. A telephone call, a note
college of today."!
The personnel department was es- by campus mail will be sufficient in
tablished at Northwestern in the fall most cases," Howard declared.
of 1922 under the direction of L. 1. "The lepartment extends certain
Hopkins, now president of Wabash special aids to students. These in-
olege It onsistsof a directorc with elude wok in abnormaleta cases,
six Ipeople under him, who occupy! adis'e and help to students Who have
two offices, one in Esvanston and one special problems to contend with, as-
in Chicago. A yearly budget of about sistanee to graduates in finding the
$20,000 is appropriated for the work. work they want (by directing them to
Problems such as a personnel de- he proper agencies) and adjustments
partment mUst meet are of a type that in:situations where students feel that
have grown up duinn the past two they have not been fairly dealt with
decades, Howard stated, "We have on by the University. We try to keep in
the one hand,, he .says,"a student touch with campus affairs, with living
oIy composed of ini ildals ofswdely and working conditions, make studies
varying talents, dispositions, and of the scholarship of groups and
aims, and on the other, complex cur- classes of students, and of the ef-
ricula, multiple courses of study, com- fects on scholarships of outside work,
plicated requirements. The essen- campus activities, and the like.
tial problem arising from ilhesecon- ."We have also special tasks to per-
ditions seems to be this: How can we form in relation to the admiistrative
secure for each and every student an offices of the university. We take
opportunity for self-development i charge of the giving of mental and
accordance with his individual bent placement tests, and entrance examin-
ations, in co-operation with the Dean
and makeu Proper crse. of the College of Liberal Arts. Dr.
"Thus it becomes our task," the di- Clark, our statistician, has assisted
rector continued, "to place each stu- the Dean in making a study of ways
dent so far as possible in the courses nd means of selecting students to be
of instruction to which he is by nature
best suited. It is obvious that many
students can find no place in college R P H E
suited to their personal needs; these TH ATE
will do better elswhere. It is also THEATER
clear that our facilities for carrying
but the task of correct placement and
guidance are limited. But, such as TODAY ONLY
they are, we are morally bound to
utilize them, and ought constantly to AL MW ILSON
be on the look-out for new ways and
means of carrying out this important Famous Stunt Flyer and
work. It was to assist in this work
that the personnel department was Conqueror of the Pacific Ocean
'If we are to solve our personnel
problems, we must find some means "THREE MILES UP"
of obtaining correct information and
learn how to utilize it to best advan- A 1rama of the Air
tage. This department can and does
collect a great deal of inforimtion-
about individual groups, conditions- TO~W
much of which could not be obtained
by any other agency. Instructors, on TOM MIX
the other hand, often have facts and
figures and specific bits of informa- Western Ace in
tion which could-be utilized to advan-
tage by other instructors, by commit- "SILVER VALLEY"
tees, and by this office. The be-t use
of such data era l e necessary a cen -______________________

admitted to college. We have on oc-
casion made special studies for the
President and for university commit-
tees. The Freshman week program
has been sponsored by this office."
ln concluding, lie went on to say,
"The first interest of a college is, of
course, in the development of the in-
tellectual powers of its students.
Hence all that promotes intellectual
initiative and good scholarship is of
great importance to us. Most faculty
men find themselves dissatisfied with'
the intellectual standards now pre-
valent on the campus.
"If during the coming year, the
personnel department might aid in
forwarding a definite program looking
towards improved ideals in scholar-
ship, one of the highest ambitions
would thereby be realized. And par-
ticularly, I think, we ought to be at'
all times actively interested in pro-
inoting 'scholarship in its pure and
disinterested form, to the end that
science and letters may be strength-
ened by recruits drawn from the high-
est ranks of our student body. No
more critical problem confronts us,
than that of adequate instruction for
students of superior ability. Move-
ments already initiated to promote'
their welfare should be followed up'

- [A~
Au ext(mded trip through Europe, to
strrt tii:s month, has been planned by!
l'ro :) 3i\oritz Levi, French Profes-
'4V Emeritu. Prof. Levi is to be ac-
'ompanie1 lby his wife and daughter.
'Th? Irip is to start about, and p rob-

:Sv on ile 21st of this month, the stated that Thursday night's meetings
i"inerary including France, Italy, Ger- 'vere very satisfactory and that the

n a! Atria. with Paris and
Vienna the two main points of inter-
est. The purpose of the trip is merely
one of plleasure, and the Professor and
his family will probably retirn late in
the Spring.
Low heels are gaining in populari-
ty with the women at the University
of Texas.

Freshmen in attendance were enhu-
siastic. Addison Connor, '28, captain
of the golf team, gave a talk in which
he enlightened the first year men in
regards to the annual fall games with
the sophomores.
Smokes were distributed and enter-
tainment in the form of music was
furnished. Wilfred Tisch, '30, Jackson
Wilcox, '30, and Charles Kingsley, '30,

Justin Weaver, Z9, cnairmain of the
underclass committee of the Union,


zOLD FRESHMAN presi"e rthe separate groups.
C 0dUP MEETINGS "ypnhreshmen the
unorgluL - rap basketball
fhree group meetings for freshmen ar. i, s< g th torma-
were held Thursday night at the gOtut mlen ' tas so that the
I nioi, completing the first set of six aint e ition eng
atigtain. nen 1: :t ustonis being
. uenfs.
T,,,+- RT - IM nrim t n fh acec upo"". ) " ' so fal.

as to organize a quartet.
Another set of group meetings is
'iylannedl for the near DTutm'e, nd it W,
'spct ted thai by tha tlmus the firih-
t; will be In a position i provide
. onslderalbhe enTt'r;innIii .fr'thE
etings. rhe nenhers wll he il-
hme by mail a 10 thu mime an(d
~ o t " coin ga hern"s

-peal Dance Orchestra
Open for Engagement
PA RTIF4 4h2 Tlhonpson St. BATA4OM
1. _


Tree Inn


205 So. State St.

'"1 ,
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Brings the Crowds

Noted for qualit, of food, good service, pleasdnt atmosphere

Service a la carte

Daily Luncheon and Dinner Specials

Week Beginning, Monday, Oct. 3
Bonsteile Playhouse
By J. C. and Elliott Nugent
NIGHTS: Bal. 5c, $1.00; Ore., $1.00,
$1:>0; ats.: Tues., Thurs.,
and Sat., 50c, 75c.

Former patrons will be pleased to note that the treen Tree
is resuming its old established plan of service.
We hope you will resume your patronage.

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This handsome Overcoat
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inches long.

Ito esiddleman


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