... ................. . .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . ~OM../ ALON+a / vivG THL SIDEL N .... w..{ .,vo~u:,r-'S By hrbet I. VT r That Coach Tad -Wieman' has eon- iidence in the backfield of ilbert, -Offma=,Pa bcock, and Rich wh je it has statuedboh of Mchigan'spa~ tie games wsas cle-arly shiown las night when he hidicalmd that these, four Would amsnswertheopening whis- te tmmrrow"vvat Mdison. I'Tve aweioly3 %wo chan9ges frona last '' at iiA rdla o"in taei9(t' ed g a lat st 1ialch t t ,Satfe. l';oiu.3 pq'9 ° " t" i E? l l or pi n y A 1 0 1 Se A M b vrO 1will get MhMis fr MPtatof colGia d"',92.('4)IlpIiM i~n solinmg at eeiitf(r. In inoinaing -,Bovadfor, the pivot post it r~loos as lthoughCoch;e1a is clutching at the last stw amnong> i is i:: early season hopes to fill in t.he hr;ldatentlier. hiles Bobim arosawnn ti(. eener nd sent h a'y a 0"luifer";as lhpeelut tlarough thefl Polposiilg'line t0 f ackei the runner rather f ha3 hla ove(6-r on the defens, In pe) Ilarr iganl received a llow on the knee in the State game a weiek nng) and prolhably wvill not see mch action Sfhe Wlays at: all. Pommnerening, who is to start the game, is a fine de fensive !laver andl is expected to hold: his Own well enough with the Bad- gers. A blow wvas struek ,at hope for a Wolverine assing atack wl hen it: was learned almost defmiitly that Bkill Puckelwartz will not Fe i the starting lin elp. There is a fair Io,s; hulity, Thowever. thati Puc wIllIplay i99 port (;f the con-. test, th~ou gI ths wll be only Ivitli a doctor's sanction9. His left KhaJi k Sstill bound imp r,titlybut 11m:k 'went llhrouglltieme eular ligt drill vil, H1 fe squ d yesterdlay itft- rnoonP1.. ilis1passing tsas a diiunnuy "orking again, oi n stpping the Coach Harry' Kipke also took a turn for thae freshman "Badgers" act- ing as Captain Crofoot of Wisconsin. Ihipke predlicts that Michigan will. h ave its hands full with Thistlewaitens aggregation. Spweialization in their d(iffer- ent departmaents Ivas,,tfie 199a11 oc Cjizitijonj of thle squa(yeserda . fternoon though there wvas a r'> 'l ~nme a alrady"'a. Cassspeedball, latest addition to' n I 2flh~fland ihle '~''~ l 1 fll sorts program, will get under; ~' l~li J15V~ 1I~I5 ll ~Iii~o wayin about two weeks, accordingf to eintramural department. Man- "1 gr("1I1olsrs a ilcdae of teams are reqese t fl ,,, th lolps t ((oe heir entries with the department i-- i~l (I i I e1 ni ' edliately.3 th, h ~\IA' IV Q(IfO1 pehl teams will be grouped ill the e ot~c'~ ~I> ~ ~ Icanesaccording to the schools anid i~t r. "} 1 si e on ca e ci > I mmgl 1 Ir ( t'7;', ei hcU(' e mi°nd ('uiimrieto th ciK s h ~o I sine,'t, ic oneat." he t oldge v, rwardhals inpects vitorym"b <>lthisis to eelopehis se- wich loks lx' dobtd-t1eat1orth Northw(, (he shand, i IS aeis, hi si ftearlater ofiote.is aod-a ci gfuher tie Imsofpoower.l ea T-ci o, hdsarshavde oad ipseeald yearwllneakeicheisrap tooum- thc~ ?re 59is011 lons-e. aynt e "ace"oftifoballfrmSix);( the ) st exyou ar e giso om." .o"Te 01(1 inz a i, who hal y 1".Jexpects is~~till i is ('eninjuy a Cac deenive player1( of5note and anris alwis hd a hr cse f ripp te and whi)le be iwibll makeith pt ou-h recs ord thewimportantedhoatte lin:otestn game. mahnote iofthebatle.sills hasdtrwooed is beg rwgromd wallhisplace.sisno Ayether "ace" of sutablyfor bllaiel will b o nen turay.kleAis er- Joetig,1.Mieot feulark. Joe ti Cot ac nathdesino trdayr.l ii ternmine the intramural championship. cl'asp of huge hands, they mett; inl a iMembers of the winning team in d0owntown hotel for thae first tim_ eaich lea gue' will be awarded cls since they were introduced at an ll": nuimerals, and the team winning the American dinner here two years- ago( 've ;,ity championship will receive when at the height of their ollege:, 1 sw eaters with numerals. fame, fell to talking of football andj Entries are now being received at the intramural office for the al ____________ ______ ca mpus handball tournament, both ingles and doubles. Play will begin. the latter part of this month on the courts in Waterman gyms.1 All students who expect to compete in the all-campus cross country raceE must run the course at least nine tines before being allowed to enter. We This ruling is enforced in order to insure the proper physical condition, of each runner, and to familiarize him 7 with the course. The cross country run will take place about a week be- fore Thanksgiving. Three varieties of fencing, classed Iaccording to the shape of the blade, $ 1 ore engaged in by the candidates. Foils are coached by Herbert Wiggins, who is in charge, of all activities in thie sport. William Tuscon, former The new single breast( c fhampion of the Austrian army, is colors and a great variet, instructing in sabres. E~pee is being 48-coached by Capt. Robert V. Finney, 4 to 52-in1ch lengths. who is an instructor of romance Ian- i ' guages in the University. 1- I BASKETBALL 31AAGERS I All second semester freshmen Iand sophomores wishing to try j Iout for basketball manager are (I' asked to report at Waterman 3 gymnasium at 7 o'clock tonight. 12 1a3E. Liberty St., I Robert Leland, manager ali b f~ . a I Cris- ( d r Mii anersyorbs1efrs < SAFFELL &BUSH