A __________M Tfl rliNew Members Are MISS JOHNSON IS B SELLLR F'M b Ae S O OI Elected By Wyvern NEW INSTRUCTOR Athletic A nnouncem ent Of Th FLEAGUEWyvern, Junior women's honorary WEATHER CAUSES WILL ORGANIZE GROUPS FRESHMEN MEET group 18 [N Isociety announces its fall elections to GrnItorIes. SorarItIes. anid Le" membership as follows: Rose Strass- DELAY OF FINALS FOR RIDING INSTRUCTION FOR VOLLEY BALL eWee (Ruth Taylor.) " 'ains '"ill meet in3arbo fore coming to Ann Arbor was on the faculty of the physical education de- partment there. "The University of Michigan offers many opportunities to women who are interested in dancing," says Miss Johnson as she talks about the sub- ject in which she is most interested. "There is much to be given them, if they will give-only interest. Interest is of first importance; ability may be developed." Besides the women in the professional school, there are 144 enrolled in the dancing classes. "With such a large number being trained, dancing at the University of1 Michigan has wondeful possibilities." The brightest outlook in the future is, of course, the dance drama to take place in the spring. Miss Johnson hopes that this may be developed into an event of such individuality that it will become a tradition as the Fresh-c man pageant has. "I had always wished to come to Michigan," Miss Johnson concluded, "And now that I am here, I am not in the least disappointed." UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-Womenl will have their own cheering section Due to unfavorable weather, furth- Riding, one of the most attractive Freshman groups organized during er announcements in regard to the sports sponsored by W.A.A., offers all freshman week are playing volley ball golf tournament which started this women who are interested in the activ- at Barbour gymnasium this fall. Vol- week have been made. Score cards ity an opportunity to be included in a ley ball was chosen rather than for the qualifying rounds will be ac- distinct riding group. The intended hockey because of the lack of space at cepted until Tuesday, Miss Hall an- Iorganization is as follows: a class for Palmer field. Instructions in the rudi- nounces. beginners, a group of those who ride ments of the game are being given by It should be understood by the en- essentially for pleasure, and advanced the captains and practices are being trants that in playing the first rounds, riders, who will be instructed in mil- scheduled. Today the groups will the lowest scores will be considered in itary drills and fancy riding prelimin- meet as follows: deciding the winner. Later on, the ary to the spring horse show. At 4 O'clock. tournament will consist of match play- If enough interest is shown in this Group 13.-(Isabelle Rayen and ing only, and the scores. will be count- last group, with a class of at least 12 Phyllis Treatman) vs. group 14 ed on each ho'e. Players will be: enrolled, W.A.A. promises to make ar- Frances Miller), and group 15 (Cath- matched according to the results of rangements with Mr. Mullison to have ! erine Soehrens) vs. group 16 (Frances their qualifying scores. charge of the class. For the purpose Talcott.) It is hoped at present that the finals of registering those who want to be At 5 O'clock. can be played Saturday morning, Oct. members of each group, a poster will Group 17-(Hermine Soukup) vs. 22. Entrants are asked to. read the I be put on the Barbour gymnasium course rules before playing; all the bulletil board today. playing is required by the rules of At a meeting of Pegasus early this the tournament to be done on the week, many new members were pres- University golf course. ent. Reports from the Mullison CAMPUS BE Istables say that college women have HOCKEY TOURNEY been unusually enthusiastic about 711 North riding this fall. Saturday morning TO BEGIN OCT. 20 rides have been very popular. A re minder might be made that W.A.A. of-! Expert Finger Waving Interclass hockey tournament be- fers 50 honor points for 12 rides of 2 MARJORIE (forme gins Thursday, Oct. 20, at Palmer hours each week. Field. The squads will be chosen early Kaythryn Francis, '28, riding manag- next week, and will be published in er of W.A.A., announces that there will oo competent opt next Wednesday's Daily. be a ride, open to all who want to The schedule for the tournaiient is take part, on Sunday morning, Oct. as follows: Thursday, October 20, 16. The riders are requested to meet 1e are ready to give you Seniors vs. sophomores at 4 o'clock, at the Mullison stables at 9 o'clock. juniors vs. freshmen at 5 o'clock. On There will be a bulletin board posted Tuesday, October 25, seniors vs. fresh- this morning where those who are men at 4. o'clock. and juniors vs. i planning to go are asked to sign. To sophomores at 5 o'clock. Thursday, simplify the arrangements, each perF- October 27, senior junior game at 4 son is asked to order her own horse, o'clock, and sophomores and freshmen before Sunday morning. at 5 o'clock. Tuesday, November 1, seniors vs. I°."r.!/l~:.,1~o sophomores at 4 o'clock, juniors vs.b freshmen at 5 o'clock. On Thursday, Mirror Beauty ShopFor Fur November 3 at 4 o'clock, seniors andSt freshmen; at 5 o'clock juniors and sophomores. Tuesday, November 8, SPAL Fashion the seniors and juniors will play at 4 SP C A o'clock, and the sophomores and fresh- men will play at 5 o'clock. Mondays and Tuesdays The tiny veil on This schedule wil be strictly fol- lowed unless it rains. All postpone- ments will be announced. Shampoo and Wave Will be show MONTREAL-For the first time in $1.25 history, as far as is known, a Chinese *PUYEAR woman has registered in McGill uni- versity for the study of medicine. Dial 7355 for appointment Michigan Th 19Cutting Apts. 537 E .I i t I U1oIof-n 11.1i~