THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCI TI-IF MIaCat-IICAN flwil V aFR~flAY Of" LL 1'7, I. -- Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in' Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial, A-oriation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news' dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local niews pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $4.50" Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21I4. EDITORIAL STAFF! Telephone 4925i MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor......................Ellis B. Merry Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert E. Ved-ler Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor...,....Ross W. Ross Assistant City Editor....Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern NelsonJ. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Margaret Arthur Sally Knox Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr. Stratton Buck Richard H. Milroy' . Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe Jessie Church Catherine Price Sydney M. Cowan Mary E. Ptolemy William B. Davis Harold L. Passman William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Edelsori Pierce Rosenberg Margaret Gross David Scheyer Valborg Egeland Robert G. Silbar Marjorie Follmner lloward F. Simon James B. Freeman George E. Simons Robert J. Gessner Sylvia Stone, Elaine E. Gruber George Tilley Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr., Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke Donald J.*Kline Joseph Zwerdling- BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising .............Richard A. Meyer Advertising .. ........Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts................Raymond Wachter Circulation ...........George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication .. ........ ..Harvey Talcott Assistants office; but when the machine-control- led newspaper comes to his doorstep with columns of publicity for the ma- chine politician, and the billboard across from his front door emblazons forth to the waiting world the sup-i posed fitness of the machine's own choice, even the laboring man's better judgment is likely to be swept aside, and he goes to the polls on election day and votes for the machine-made politician, who immediately upon his accession to office begins to misuse the public funds which that laboring man, pays in taxes. The thing has happened over and over again in American politics. The threat of labor; the ominous shadow of thousands and millions of votes has been cast across the horizon times without number. But the machines have learned to disregard them; they have learned that whatever the policy of the thinking laborers may be, the great mass of them can be coralled and herded into the machine's or- ganization. So whether or not the charges made by Green that gunmen were hired as special officers by the state during the recent mine strike, and that count- less other malpractices have occurred in the administration; the great ma- chines of Pennsylvania will no doubt sneer again, as they have always sneered at the threat of a Labor vote. From the periodicals of entrenched bigotry% there may be culled such statements as "Candidates for office have long since learned that on elec- tion day the vote of the Labor unions does not exist," and the pitiful feature of the whole thing is that the state- men is literally true. It is to be hoped that the Pennsyl- vania attempt will not be another fiasco. It is to be hoped that if the laboring men in that state are right, they will be able to swing the election in their direction; and it is to be hoped most of all that Labor as a group will some day reach the point where the headline,athe billboard, and the crisp new dollar bill on election day do not warp its better judgment. DOWN IN THE ATLANTIC! When Ruth Elder, Florida aviatrix who hoped to fly to Paris, hopped off from RooseveltsField, New York, the Associated Press carried the news to the world in the following manner: "An American woman today placed her life in balance in an attempt to be the first of her sex to cross the Atlantic in an airplane." Today, safe after being rescued by a steamer at sea, thousands might well ask "What has she accomplished?" There is more to the question than that. It should be asked: "What could she have accomplished?" The flight, admittedly, was nothing more or less than a stunt. The hazards of trans-Atlantic flying has already been shown. Science could have gained no more had Ruth Elder landed in Paris instead of in the ocean. Lindbergh's achievement did much to further aviation and science of the air; Commander Byrd and his ac- complices did likewise; Nungesser and Coli lost their lives in that at- tempt. But the Hawaiin stunt flyers and the numerous others who follow- ed them impair, rather than further, scientific aviation. CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as connfidential upon request. Letters pub- ' lished should not be construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The -Daily. . I li' -i THEATER MUSIC II = SPECIAL! Exclusive Importers of SILK I BED LAMPS Fred Babcock George Bradley James 0. Br'-wn James B. Coepe Charles K. (orrell Bessie UT. EgelanJ ]len Fishman Katherine Frochne Douglass Fuller Herbert Goldberg L. H. Goodman Carl W. Hammer Ray Hotelich Marsden R. Hubbard Hal A. Jaehn James Jordan Marion Kerr Thales N. Lenington W. A. Mahaffy George M. Perrett Alex K. Scherer William L. Schloss Herbert E. Varnum FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1927 Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, JR. LACKING Next week the University will be host to a speaker unique in his line, a musician of no ordinary talents, who will come not in concert but as a lecturer. His message will be a sen- sitive one, attuned to the niceties of a great art. Ife will speak in a dingy auditorium, the front of which is tak- en up with laboratory benches. As a conclusion to the Freshman Week activities, there was held in the same auditorium a small convocation, at which the principal speaker was a faculty man. His message also had a finer appeal than that of a lecturer, it was planned for a Sunday morning, but the same dingy trappings damped the spirits of the few present. The one campus theater is over- worked by the combined efforts of at least three dramatic societies to edge in their productions, and the occa- sional musicales which shun the vast emptiness of Hill auditorium are usually forced to seek strange quar- ters. Tentative plans for completing the south wing of Angell hall call for the inclusion of another small auditorium such as that in the science building. Since the date of construction is evi- dently distant, and the demands for a different type of auditorium or theater increase year by year, it would seem' that some alteration in the plan made a few years ago would be -justified. With certain ends in view, those of caring for esthetic assemblies of the smaller sort, and supplying a home for the development of dramatic courses in particular, some project might be worked out before the time of legislative grants comes around again, whereby such ends might be realized. It is worth the thought. TRE THREAT OF LABOR' Out of the boss ridden state of Penn- sylvania, from ,under the yoke of Vare, Mellon, Pinchot, and the great Quaker state politicians, the voice of the laboring man is about to be heard and William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor has served notice on the state of Penn- sylvania that Labor intends to or- ganize to throw off the oppresive+ tactics of the men who are running the state's political organizations. ' This sounds very well, and there is no doubt but that united action on the part of the laborers could overcome MANHOOD MORE THAN SCHOLARSHIP To the Editor: May I, as a former student of the University who has always been in- terested in Michigan's automobile sit- uation, contribute a few more words to the countless thousands that may have been squandered so recklessly on that subject? The impulse to write this was prompted by President Lit- tle's remarks at the recent convention of the Michigan Motorbus association, as reported in The Daily of Oct. 8, but this desire has been growing ever since the motor-less university opened this fall, and needed little to pre- cipitate action. The President is quoted as saying "until we find which of our boys and girls learn to drive wisely, we will take the privilege away and give it back gradually," or words to that effect. The theory behind such ac- tion is good, but in actual practice, the difficulties en'countered will prove well-nigh insurmountable, no matter how many assistant deans and traffic policemen are hired. Just what standard does the President mean to use to determine which of the "boys and girls" shall be allowed the in- estimable privilege of driving a motor car? As a student who was unfortunate enough to be a member of the so- called automobile enforcement com- mittee of last year, I feel safe in say- ing that no yard-stick which will measure student's worthiness to drive a car has yet been discovered. The latest decision at Ann Arbor, accord- ing to press dispatches, is that mar- ried students shall be allowed to drive, but those who are unmarried should not. Just how the bonds of matrimony bring about this startling transformation in the student's driv- ing ability has never been explained to me. Except for providing at least one real incentive for the eary con- summation of college romances, I fail to see what this decision has ac- complished. To draw the line on a matrimonial basis appears unjust to me-quite obviously so. However, it is needless to point out all the injustices that have necessarily accompanied the automobile rulings -most persons at Ann Arbor are familiar with them. ' The whole auto- mobile question is merely a phase of a much larger problem, which con- cerns two conflicting theories of edu- cation. The kind of education I like to think is beiig offered at Michigan is the kind that Ernest Thompson Seton had in mind when he wrote "Manhood, not scholarship, is the first aim of education." I believe that slogan should appear daily at the head of The Daily's editorial columns in these days when Michigan is so sadly in need of it. It is the kind of education that leaves the student free to meet toe problems that he must meet soon- er or later, that teaches him to live in the environment in which he must live after graduation, that rewards him with a diploma if he succeeds on his own initiative, and that politely sends him home if he fails. In contrast to this, there is the type of education so aptly described by President Little when he declared, in his "motorbus" speech, that the uni- versity official must combine the roles of preacher and parent. Under this theory, the faculty would lavish fatherly care on some 10,000 "boys and girls," peotect them from all the pitfalls into which they might stum- ble, eliminate all temptations that might detract from their scholarship, and finally present them with a diploma, which they have not earned in any way but by fulfillment of a few scholastic requirements. That, in my opinion, is not "education" even when at its best, at Michigan where the size of the "famlly" makes it impossible for the 'fatherly care to be anything but superficial, I believe that is entirely unfeasible. There, however, is the real argu- ment. Anyone who subscribes to the latter policy must, perforce, approve of the automobile rules, as they are merely one example of the parental care and solicitude. Anyone who be- lieves in the former policy must in- evitably oppose such infringements of personal liberty as the auto ban, hit- ting as it does that part of the stu- dent's time which is his own, outside of the classroom. Needless to say, I prefer to remem- ber Michigan as it was my first two years there, when the student was NOW, IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN- There comes a time in the life of every editor-even in the life of the editor of such a prosperous column as Theater, Books and Music, when the paper has to be filled with large and nerve wracking blurbs. The thea- ter is in a state of passive stagnation. "On Approval" and "Dulcy" are in rehearsal, but they don't open for another week. Raisa and Rimini don't sing until week after next. None of the publishers have sent me any interesting books.... local art and belles lettres have fallen into the most abject ennui. And there's noth- ing to do but write advance notices of this and that and what not. And since "On Approval" seems to be worthiest and most deserving effort in this field, I might as well write about it. * * * This show, which Mimes are going to do next week-beginning Thursday night and playing through the fore part, of the week following-is just what might be expected of the author -Frederick Lonsdale. It is his latest, barring "We All Do" which hasn't opened yet, and bears the unmistak- able imprint of th heavy hand of the master. It is smart comedy-cleker, and pleasingly social, and it has the kind of story Michael Arlen tells of Mayfair with its sophistication and bad man- ners. The lines without seeming to do so, rush headlong through a broad side of comedy. There are only four characters, but they are fascinating and brilliant-like all people in par- lor comedy. They are well bred, cul- tured and have background; and they insult one another with both polite and dirty back slaps. It is not the best of the Lonsdale plays. "Aren't We All" has better situation, and "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney" is more dashing and agile. But Lonsdale at his worst is better than no Lonsdale at all. And when "On Approval," with its featherweight dialogue and risque application, opens next Thursday night it oughtto pro- vide one thing-an entertaining eve- ning at the theater. * * * BARRE HILL'S RECITAL Barre Hill, baritone, late of the Union opera, the Glee club and other things opens his second professional season next Wednesday evening in Kimball auditorium in Chicago. In- cidentally Chase Sykes, another grad- uate, who has recently gone conti- nental to the extent that he is now Charles Baromeo, is making his de- but with the Chicago Civic Opera company this season. Theodore Har- rison was maestro to both while they were in the University, and both were rather prominent in music and dra- matics. * * * ON THE RIALTO "The House of Women" which open- ed at the Maxine Elliot took the cen- ter of the New York stage last week. Since there was considerable comment and a review on this dramatization of Louis Broomfield's novel "The Green Bay Tree" when it was in Detroit on try out, there is little that can be ad- ded. The critics seemed to agree that Nance O'Neill and Elsie Fe1'guson were fine and that the play, except for the character studies contained, was awful. * * * On Tuesday night Walter Hampden presented Ibsen's "An Enemy of the People" at the ;theater which bears his name. Mr. Hampden's decision to give the romantic drama a vacation was thought to be quite a nice idea, although Mr. Woollcott announced that he (Mr. Hmpden) was too thea- trical-as usual. * * * Angelo Musco-Italy's most dec- orated comedian-presented Nino Ma- toglio's "L'Aria del Continente," and according to The Times was given quite an ovation at the Manhattan Opera house. The play is given in Italian which, of course, limits the patronage and at the same time its breadth of appeal, but by the aid of an English translation in the program, the audience captured the gist of most of the play. * * *a In the field of musical comedy there were two outstanding attractions: "Sidewalks of New York"-which con- tained Miss Ray Dooley's first starring part-and H. H. Frazee's much be- lated "Yes, Yes, Yvette." Miss Dooley was presented by her husband, Eddie Dowling (it was originally planned ERNST BROS. ELECTRICAL SHOP 210 South Fourth Ave. 1 1'hone 665G aStreet U; I _ _.._ _ i 117 4'UALYTI'.4 "A Are you keeping nice and warm these cool days, if not, come in and look over our line of heaters of all kinds . pare 4 IQUALI rx. 'Q 67 Q S vra &A." Sugar Cured Canadian Bacon $3.50 VOGEL BROS. MARKET Fresh and Smoked Meats Fish and Poultry Electric- Oil Heaters Priced from $4.75 to $7.50 $6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 9.00 11.25 Oak Heaters will burn anything, $20, 24, 27.50 Fire Place fixtures always look nice as well Coal Grates Screens ... Andirons . as keep $5.5 Dto 12.50 .. $6.00 to 25.00 .. $5.00 to 25.00 you warm Fire Side Sets. $5.00 to 30.00 Fire Side Baskets and Coal Hods .$5.00-to 10.00 QUALITY. Jno. C. Fisch ll'a - 1 -1 i 1, !, "ll, 114-1 r ) ! it i it 0QUALiTY.. ll~jii il~ii 1VL'.hf~g ~ ul '' a.. . ,.. ... ,. . . a,.. ..a....: .k...... ... _ ., _......., A MORAL OBLIGATION A New York bond house, which sold issues about a year ago for a company which failed recently, has announced that they will repay the amounts lost by all investors. The debenture is- sue, although underwritten and sold by this company, involved them in no legal ties and holds them not at all responsible for the failure of the is- sue. They have taken it upon them- selves as a moral obligation to those people who trusted in the word and the reputation of the company in ,in- vesting their money. Such a move as this explains why it is that the reputation of the larger bonds houses in the country is above reproach, and why thousands of peo- ple are willing to entrust the whole of their savings in the companies which these houses back. The com- panies have taken upon themselves the problem of selecting only those securities which are reliable. They offer no speculation-they simply of- fer a chance to share in the profits which accrue by the loaning of money. More such moral obligations on the part of business in the United States] will do much to relieve the tension which is often felt in investment cir- cles. And it will lead more people to invest thei-r money in legitimate enterprise, underwritten by reliable firms. Stock ownership and the shar-] ing of responsibility being an import- ant unit in our industrial system,; N *k~5 ~ ~ n 7/f .x1.'k' Skrip, successor to ink, makes all pens write better, and ~ ~the Lifetime pert writ best. A cherished honor That it's. a real collekiate favorite everywhere is but one of many honors borne by the jade preen pen with the little white dot. And because this Lifetime pen spends most days in the writ. in, hand and least in repair shops, it is worthy of all honor. Unconditionally guaranteed for a lifetime of flawless writing, it costs more because it is worth more. Its careful, sturdy construction makes possible the guarantee. And the Titan pencil is a twin in dependability. 'Lifetime" pen, $8.75 Lady "Lifetime", $7.50 Others lower "Lifetime" Titan oversize pencil to match, $4.25 A t beterstresevrvwm, v Identify the Lifetime pen by this bwwte dot. 3 : d ~ 1 ..~ ,,, ,. . . {