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October 14, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-14

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F 1890


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MMORY OF CARNEGIE Varsity Band Leads
Crowd As They Give
By C. S. .
In spite of inclement weather, a
crowd of several hundred students and

Hid Initiation And
C L U B H [ R S G IJ K E R IBa n q u e t N e x t W e e k I [ FO R ES
Phi Eta Sigma, national freshmeni-~
Bases Talk On Study of Recreationl scholastic honorary fraternity, will Professor Emuidhas.iizes Many ePdS
Activities Viewed in Travel hold its fall initiation banquet on International Language Il



- - J~orhroughterEurrs
RIBTE TO SERVICES OF nspeople were at the Michigan r Thursday, Oct. 18, according to an an-
E towsnonncement made yesterday by Leon- -
MELLONS IN SUPPORT OF Central depot, last evening, to give MITCHELL ALSO SPEAKS ard Scheele, '30, president of the or- CLASS TO STUDY SUBJECT
ART EXHIBIT the football team a sendoff to Madi- ---- ganizaton. The men initiated will be
!* f son for the game, on Saturday. Elroy Guckert, former athletic di- those whose grades during the second With "Esperanto, the International
SEES INDUSTRIAL PEACE The team came directly to the sta- rector at Hillsdale college lectured semestet' last year warranted their Auxiliary Language" as his subject,
tion after a short meeting in the Un- Wednesday night to over 45 men stu- choice as members, and immediately Professor C. L. Meader, of the lang-
President's Address Frmally Opens ion, and went on the train immediate- dents of physical education, who are following the initiation, at 6:15 o'clock, uage department, delivered a lecture
International Exhibition Of ly. It was followed in a few minutes members of the Physical Education a banquet will be held at the Union. yesterday afternoon at 4:15 in Room
Paintings In Pittsburgh I by the Varsity band, without their Club. Mr. Guckert, who spoke in Wat- The grades necessary for initiation 231 Angell Hall.
uniforms but marching well anyw l ) erman Gymnasium building, talked on to the organization are at least 12 Prof. Meader frst brought out the
(By Associated Press) With the band came a crowd of noir Recreational Activities in Europe. Mr.,hours of A and B work in any school needs for an internationa.1 language.
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 13- Commem- students who swelled the small group Guckert has just returned recently or college of the University. The difficulties which would e 0r
wrating the anniversary of the day which had gathered at the station en from a foreign study and his talk was Old members,of the organization are come by such a language he classfied
on which Andrew Carnegie dedicated time and had waited a half hour. based on this study. requested to get in touch with Scheele as those of trade and commerce, inter-
vCAs soon as the band arrived, The The gathering was called to order ;as soon as possible to make reserva- national broadcasting, communication
his surplus wealth to the education 1Victors was played with spirit, and by E. D. Mitchell of the Intramural tions for the banquet. in international congresses and con-
of the people, President Coolidge de- was followed by several cheers start- department, who gave a brief descrip- ferences the distribution of scientific
cdared in a speech here today that a ed by a group of boys who were stand- tion of his plans for the Physical Ed knowledge, and those experienced in 1
mutuality of interest. has arisen be-ing in advantageous places on a mail ucation Club, and a word of advice foreign travel and study.
truck, to the students. The next speaker was UH rt ny h
tween employee and employer result- Chilled by the cold wind, which Harry Samuels, who, after a short Hestrgessei an arnfcsia one thes
ing in an "industrial. peace,'' which swept the platform and disheartened but extremely forceful talk on the Jl1lvanguae being ancie lanlgges s
"a short time ago would have been by Dthe non-appearance of a varsity importance of physical education, as~VhilLconL such as Greek, Latin, etc., being un- William Green
thought impossible." cheerleader of any sort, the crowd be- sumed the office of introducing guests ' suited to niodern needs, and the ex- W a s hea
Ills address also formally opened gan to dwindle away after ten m- of the gathering. Among the staff hInigration Bars Withholding Pro- cessive nationalism of modern lang- i ho F aton o Lab tor aner
utes or so. Gordon Packer, the drum- members present, were: Paul Wash- s ican Federation of Labor for another
the international exhibition of paint- major of the band, came to the res- kee, R. O. Courtright, and Dr. Warren fessor May Lower To Enable uages rendering them impractical.
ings held in Pittsburgh this,' year ecue and found an embryo cheerleader Forsythe. Mr. Bugni, a senior educa- Him To Enter U. E. In bringing out the advantages of year at the convention of that body
through the support of Andrew W. who climbed to the top of one of the tion student, then took the floor and - Esperanto as an auxiliary language, being held at Los Angeles. Green, who
coce n e h iln rw nintroduced Mr. Guckert. BARRED FOR THIRD TIME 1 Prof. Meader cited the following ad- is the successor of Samuel Gompers
Carnegie and Richard B. Mellon and coaches and led the willing crowd in dTIEvantages: it is quite practical; it is as labor's chief, was without opposi--,f
alluding to their some cheers. Much concern was ex- Mr. Guckert gave a description of not a substitute for national lang- tion -in the election. On every issue
services Mr. Cool- pressed over his safety atop the pas- his findings in the way of athletics The third refusal to allow Prof. uages; it makes possible a finer dis- of the convention the delegates have
dge paid them a senger car, but he kept his perch and recreation in three foreign coun- P. M. Jack of Aberdeen university, tinction of expression than do even shown the results of his wise guid-
idgwethpaidu tsthe miswaseandd
high tribute which and encouraged some loud yells, even tries, Germany, England, and Russia. Scotland, to enter the United States the modern languages; local diverg- ance and his election was a foregone
drew a hearty re- if he did lag behind on most of the In Germany, according to Mr. Guck- was received by the office of the ences may 'he easily held in check; conclusion
sponse from the beats. ert, there is very little organized ath- President from the State department and it is quite simple. At. this point,--
audience which After a few half-hearted, final at- letics. Their favorite sports are, ac- yesterday. Professor Jack has been Prof. Meader illustrated the simplicity
p a c k e d Carnegie tempts, the crowd dispersed and fol- cordng to him, hiking, field and appointed head of the rhetoric depart- of the language by givngRsAmIactta
Institute music hall lowed the band up to the State street track, and dueling. ment of the University, and has been oxthensanguasby giving Hsome actual -
ex m l s f is gr m a.ie t e
"They stand out,, district, leaving the team and the "Groups of people will go for sev- unable to secure entry to the countryegentioned some of the requirements
id d coaches to retire for a long sleep on oral days or even weeks at a time under the immigration restrictions. me tr
hes enw ar two special coaches which were at- on a hiking trip," he stated "They Co-incident with the refusal, how- of an international auxiliary languagemtroshnu
devtn thiase tached to a sleeper train, about mid- go for both the exercise and to see the ever, came information from Aberdeen stating that it nmst be of such nature
eot theeveof night. country." Although, due to the lack to the effect that Professor Jack act- that a person of ordinary intelligence
es to the service of Lacking the proper leadership, the of finances to build tracks and fields, ually had been engaged in teaching can learn to rea, write, and speak it Vried Pubjecs o Interest
crowd did well in its unorganized at- they carry on their track and field during the last two years, and wasthat it must
TS 44 165 remaining as a cod.i elinituognzdemygyas n wsVre ujct fItrs
leaerinngreat fi tempts to give the team a royal send- meets in the streets, there is enthus- for that reason eligible to enter this be under no nationalistic handicaps, A Miii igh"
.dleerigesan- off, but as an inspiration to a con- iasm abounding, the populace turning country as a teacher. The basis of the so as to invoke no racial animosity.
the oher bytduring h gre talent ference championship team, it was a out in great numbers to witness the refusal of the State department was Thesprogress of Esperanto during ATAIN ANNOUNCES
teohrbtunnhigrataetpoatep.meet.,Y the last 25 years was then outlined. !A ET
to the administration of public financepoor attempt. e the fact that in order to secure entry Prof. Meader stated that five million
"We Americans believe that we are as a professional man, one must have a.d t hgeImA
as secretary of the -Treasury"oithei-the sportsmen of the world," Mr. been engaged in that profession at people are now said to be able to read All arrangements tor broadcasting
Uited States, where his leadership inI Guckert said, "But I think that the least two years preceding the date of the language, and declared that all the second Michigan Night" program
the last six years hasbeen greatly in-iI L English are the real sportsmen. Wher- application for entry. criticisms of it on the ground of im of the year tonight through station
strumental in restoring the economic ever you find an English colony, you Professor Jack had been on leave practicability would soon disappear if WWJ, the Detroit News have been
equilibrium of the oINr are sure to find a vast abundance of from Aberdeen university to study at more people could be induced to take completed, Waldo M. Abbot, program
On the platform with Mr. CoolidgeJUILI sports. This is true even in the col- Cambridge, and as a result was not up. The language; he said, would manager and announcer, of the rhe-
to the seveopentr ofsric ar, Oonies in Shanghai and Korea." recognized as having been enaged soon adjust itself, eliminating what- m upon re-
other Pennsylvania citizens who have "Russia," said Mr. Guckert, "is the in the teaching profession. The new ever faults it may contain, as soon as turning from Detroit yesterday after-
contributed their wealth and interest Juniors In Pharmacy, Education, And l most interesting country in the information from England, however, a number of people sufficient to bring noon.
to the development of American art, Business Administration Elect world There is more interest there including a letter from C. A. Chase about these changes would learn it. Included on the second Michigan
as well as representatives of a dozen Class Officers than in all -the other countries com- senior tutor of Trinity college at Cam- Mr. Felix Pawlowski, Professor of program which, according to Mr.
foreign countries' which have paint- bined. This is true of athletics as bridge, indicates that even while Aeronautical Engineering, then spoke Abbot, is one of -the best over the
ng Wexhibited. Eo e VANECK DEFEATS HAVEN well as of other things." working toward his Ph.D. degree at for a few minutes on the origin of twoyear period, are thre speakers
,ages And Encouragement According to the speaker, Russian that university Professor Jack was Esperanto. He stated that it was from the University, one soloist and
The production of these works of Sidney Steensma, '29P, was chosen athletics are supported vigorously. engaged in instructing advanced stu- founded -by a group of politically-in- one violinist. They will entertain to-
art, the President said, shout be presiden.t of the junior calss of the There is no upper class, and the low- dents. terested students at the University of I night starting at 7 o'clock and con-
College of UPharmacy and Stanley er class exhibits an unusual enthus- Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the Warsaw, and that it is a combination cluding the program at 8 o'clock.
added, it is "even more desirable to Ford, '29B.Ad., was elected to head iasm in their games. Mr. Guckert President of the University, will leave of a large number of European lang- Following are the speakers and
encourage their wide appreciation by the juniors of the School of Business then described the Russian game. for Washington early next week to uages. He then continued with some their sujects included on tonight's
the people." . Administration at the class elections "garrutkee," a game similar to the present the case and the additional of his personal reminiscences and ex- program: Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg,
"It is a fundamental principle of held yesterday afternoon. Paul Per- "Duck on the Rock" of our boyhood evidence to the State department offi- periences with the language. professor of Otolaryngology in the
our institutions,"he'declared, h rigo, '29P, was chosen for the J-Hop days, except that they use sticks in- cials there. Thus far the rulings have Announcement was then made to the Medical school, and a member of the
freedom, education and wealth are ! committee from the junior phastead of tin cans. been on a sheer technical basis. effect that a class in Esperanto, meet- staff of the University hospital1;
not to be reserved for the few,ut class and Charles Vaneck'29B.AdThe Latin countries, the speaker The third refusal received yester- ing once a week, will be conducted "Foreign Bodies in the Lungs;" Prof.
are to be reached through equal op-swas elected to that body from th said, are generally agreed on their day, which was sent from Washington this year under the jurisdiction of the Leo L. Sharfman, of the economics
port aked Ameic on th pot.tia junior class of the School of Business national game. Soccer is the "foot- before the additional evidence as to Tolstoy League. All those interested department, "Government and Busi-
have staked America on the potential dministration, ball of both France and Spain Professor Jack's occupation during are asked to meet on Monday, Oct. 17, ness;" Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the
The other officers in the junior (Continued on Page Eight) the past two years had been received, at 4:00 o'clock, in Room 1025 A. H. I history department, "The Spanish In-
The founder's day 'address of the __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v ~s o f M c i a .
class'of the College of Pharmacy was sent by Wilbur Carr, acting sec-
president was a part, of as busy a , sc iofAthe rCollege of Pharmacyan."
whowere all elected unanimously, are UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS r'tary of state. SALE OF SUBSCRWPTIONS Jame*Hamilton, instructor in voice
day as he had .on any of his speaking -__uteUivrsiyShoooMuicnd
trips. Arriving here early in the morn- Fred Weinman, '29P, vice-president PRESENT FOR WEEKLY CONTINUED well-known tenor render severa
i Mary Bowen, '29P, secretary; and PRSNTDDIAINFRWEKYCNIUEelkoneowlrne eea
ing, he motored from the special train Don Hall, '29PP,treasurer.Thy;ntedSGaesAAPCrWILsolos. Marion Struble-Freeman, in-
to the home of Robert B Mellon to The United States Air Corps dedi- SHOW TOMORROW With three editions already issued, structor in the violin in the University
be 'the joint guest of the Pittsburgh Business Administration oclasated Wright Feld Wednesday at Day- subscriptions to The Michigan Weekly School of Music will play several con-
banker and Secretary Mellon;whoseare Francis Rooney, '29B.Ad who ton, O. The dedication was accomp- By means of a special wire in- are still being sold. The office of The cert numbers.
home here is closed, was chosen vice-president; Archibald anied by a 108 mile airplane race, stalled by Western Union, those not Daily is open every day and many The program will be proadcast from
Coolidges Visit Fort Pitt Back, '2sB.A.,ce-presiden chde-which was won by Lt. A. I. Woodring, attneding the Michigan-Wisconsin more are expected to buy subscrip-i the studio room on the fourth floor
After breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Cool- -who averaged 158.968 miles per hour game at Madison Saturday will have tions. The copies that have been is- of University hall, by direct wireon-
idge motored to the principle down- rotary; and Henry Balgoom, '29B.Ad., on the 12-mile course. At the dedica- an opportunity of witnessing the grid- sude so far have met with approval nections with WWJ. Mr. Abbot will
town streets to the blockhouse of who was chosen as treasurer. tion were Professors E. A. Stalker and graph in Hill auditorium. The game and the idea of the publication is gen- as usual officiate as announcer.
old Fort Pitt, one of the landmarks I One of the features of the junior gL. V. Kerber, both of the University of will start promptly at 3 o'clock, thp orally commended. The subscription
of te cty, ere surouned y aclass election of the School of Busi-
othe city.eresurrounded by ness Administration was the defeat of d ittle Leaves For
lreand enthusiastic crowd, they 'KenetheHven,'eaves. Fwoowa
signed the register and posed f or pie- Kenneth H aven, '29B.Ad., who wasNEW RGAN WITH ALL M DERNI PR VEMENTSTO-
hesnd etres teadedorplc-1elected a week ago to the presidency NEW ORGAN WITH ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS TOagoon rence
tres d returned to the of the senior literary class and then REPLACE WORLD'S FAIR INSTRUMENT THIS MONTH . C
sion for luncheon: This evening the ofte en r li ray c ss nd h n
1 fdeclared ineligible, for a post on'the -Of Umn versity Hea s
President and Mrs. Coolidge accepted I dcae nlgbe o oto h
Print aon t dinne.rwithge te-committee of the J-Hop. Vaneck de- A new organ, costing in the neigh- changing modes and from old age, back so that the long snaky coil will
tees of the Carnegie institutions nfeated him by a vote of 24 to 15. Black i borhood of $75,000, will, soon replace the old organ was worn out and by no longer marethe singgappearance oftetariesthdCtCt 4
w as elected to h s office over L eo stg;n a s i i i g d g i a i s t P resident C larence C ook L ittle l ft
the foyer of the music hall. ,29Ad. byao off0 to 18 the old World's Fair organ which the the new standards of playing, it has trip. There will be 120 stops' instead last night for Chicago where he will
A ni international atmosphere was andw Rooney a s they na nimte o us20 cho ice Universitye ne e tp atnd c nern e ih 1 ote
IUniversityhas owned since it was re- become hard to play the newer type of 70 as on the present one, and the attend a conference wth 11 other
given the exercises at which the Pres- of the class for vice-president. - moved from the Music Hall of the Chi- of music without appearing slow and keyboard will operate over 8,000 pipes, middle-western university presidents
ident spoke this afternoon by the pres- The president, Ford, was elected by cago fair iin 1894. narrow in range. The Board of ranging in size from the largest, 32 on the subject of junior colleges. The
dore from Fraethe mnisterbasso a vote of 21 to 16 over his opponent The old organ was built by the Regents, realizing this fact, appropri- feet long by 2 feet square, to one that conference was called by President
F - rd Hrden Farrand and Votv Organ comnanv for ated the sum of $75,000 for a new or- is about the size of a small lead David Kinley of Illinois.

Austria,. Roumania and ..the Nether- I na. ucu. _ ... w., w.....w.... .,. ,.. ., r... ,, .i ... .,.. ., .. ., .,...,. - ., i - - Beside
rands, and the charge d affaires, from ! These are the last junior class elee the World's Fair, It was installed in gan at a recent meeting. pencil. President Little and Kinleyi
Eetg.um and Italy. On he platform k tions to be held this week under the i Music Hall and during the celebra . !. The new organ is being lauilt by There will be the astral pedal' di- the following university heads will be
also in addition to members of the auspices of the St hdent council, and, tion, daily concerts were given on it the Sinner Organ company of Boston, vision: great, swell, choir, solo, echo, I present at the meeting; George uniht-1
lVlcllcrtt families were Secretary Davis the sophomore elections will open i by :some of the greatest orga.ntsts of Mass., under the specifications of i and a floating string organ playable mire, president of Ohio, State ' (next Tuesday on the carne schedule of' the time. At the time, this organ ° Palmer Christian, University organist. 1 from each of the manuals. The prey- Sity; L. D. Coffman, president of the
of the Labor den yrtment and Mrs. University of Minnesota, Glenn Frank, ;
Dam is; Senator Reed and Representa- C schools and colleges as those in the represented the finest in every devel- I The new instrument will include the ent echo organ will be retained.
junior class this week. opment in organ building, and was best features of present-day organ Playable. from each. of the key pr(, "odent of the University of Wiscon
tive Porter, Borin and Campbell, all
et Pennsylvania, Otto H. Khan, the I The juniors of the School of Ednca- the first of the large organs to be run building. I Hoards will be a set of tympani, a set 1 sin, W. A. Jessup, president of Iowa
New York financier, and Mayor Kline i tion; who disregarded the Student f by electricity. In the Skinner instrument, the en- of cathedral chimes, a harp, a celesto, university. W. L. Bryan, president of IIII
of council schedule and held their elec- I After the fair, it was purchased by tire mechanism will be brand new, y and a Steinway grand piano. I the University of Indiana, Edward Ell-
Pittsburgh. bons several weeks ago chose H. W. the University School of Music and in'- not a bit of the old being kept as it is There will be a complete comple- j lost, president of Purdue university,
y Haskins, '29Ed., as president, Alettal stalled in University hall, where oc worn-out and obsolete. The new ment of mixtures so as to give full S. D. Brooks, president of Missouri
1 O TO RECEIVE ( Morton, '29Ed., as vice-president;. and casional concerts were given. In 1 mechanism will be electro-pneumatic majesty to the playing. The new or- 1 university, E. A. Burnett, president of,
TURNS 'OF GE i Stella Cornwell, '29Ed., as sceretary. 11913, when Hill auditorium was built, ! and will represent the highest de- gan includes many, of the old features ! Nebraska university, E. H. Lindley,
The class did not elect a treasurer. the organ was remodelled and trans- velopment in this stage. The wind- without the vices, and will enable the i president of the University of Kansas,
ferred'to the new building, where it i pressures will vary from seven to 25 performers to give a greatly wider W. M. Splawn, president of the Univer- [I

".American Gfri" Cover, Greater Part
of Trip Before Broken 00 b'
Pipe Stops Engine
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 13,-Ruth Elder,
the first woman pilot to set out froze
New York to Paris by air, ended her
flight less than 1,000 miles short of
her destination with her plane In
flames in the open sea. But the worm-
an flyer and her co-pilot Capt. George ,
Haldeman, were taken on board the
Dutch tanker Berendreeht, safe and
A message from the Dutch steam-
ship, relayed by a". British steamer to s
the Devizes radio station, said that the
crew of the plane were saved with
both well bet the plane was destroy-
ed by fire.
The position of the Berendreeht
was given as 43.34 north, 21.$9 west,
about 325 miles north northeast of."
the Azores and it was expo"eted that v'
the daring flyers would be landed
To Paris., from the position of the
Berendrecht is 850 miles. The nearest
continental land to the place where
the plane landed is Cape Sinisterre on
the Spanish peninsula, 450 miles. The-
distance to Ponta Delgada, the Azores,.
is 325 miles,
The "American Girl" had traveled
nearly 3,000 of the 3,800 miles, Captain
Haldeman estimated he would ,have+
to cover to reach Paris, presuming
that he was on his course along the
long trail.
,PARIS, Oct. 13.-Ruth Elder faited
by a. scant 800 miles of accomplishing
the first woman to cross the Atiantle
by airplane.
She and her co-pilot, Capt. George
Haldeman, were forced dfiwn on 'the ,
waters of the Atlantic by a broken, oil
pipe and tonight are safe and sound
aboard the Dutch tanker Berendreeht "
which rescued them.'
The plane was destroyed by fire as
the tanker was attempting' tti salvage
it, the ship reported. The Berendreeht
is en route to the Azores where she
expects to land the aviators Saturday
The first news of the landing and
rescue arrived here at 4: 35 p.m.,. in a
radio message ;Miss Elder sent to the
J Paris office of- the Associated "Press,
I The message read:
I ibanded by S. S. Berendrecht with
s broken oil line. Both Haldeman and 'I
okey-Muth Elder,"
ANNISTON, Ala., Oct, 13 "We are
safe and no one, any worse off," Ruth
Elder. radioed her mother, Mrs. J. a "
Elder today.
The message sent from the tanker
i Berendrecht, which picked up Miss,
Elder and her co-pilot, Capt. George
j Haldeman, and relayed by the steams-.
Ier Bayanogs reads:
We are safe and no one any worse
off. Landed by S. S. Berendrecht.
Wire you plans later.. 'Love. Rztth"' .:
Since Ruth and her co-pilot, Captain "
George Haldeman nosed their Plane'
the "American Girl" Tuesday after-,,'
noon, on their attempted flight to
1 Paris, her father and mother have
maintained their belief that she would
come through safely.
Their assurance was visibly mingled
with worry, however, and neither Slept.
! last night. Brothers and sisters of
I Ruth, who was the baby girl of ,the
1 family, gathered in the Elder home t0
await the news that seemed so long in "
Mr. Elder had borne the situation,
bravely, -but this morning was on the=

point of giving up hope.
I did my best to feel all right about
it," he said, "but about 8 o'clock this
1 morning, when she was duo in France,
my heart began sinking and I told my
1 wife that 1 thought our daughter was
lost. Our joy, is now unbounded."
LAKELAND, Fla., Oct. ' 13.-The
home town of Ruth Elder and George.
Haldeman outdid itself today in a wild
j jubilee over the news that the trans-
Atlantic flyers had been picked up at

It mattered not that the "Americ',
Girl" had failed to reach its destin


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