__________________________TH E M I ITCAN DAILY t
1,Angell Ha l on "Esperanto, The International Auxiliary Language." The
T ; public is invited.
Chas. Palmer.
University of Michigan Band
Formation tonight at 9:15 at Morris Hall without uniforms.
Gordon Packer, Drum Major.
PIi Eta Signil:
All members are urged to attend the initiation and banquet to be held
BrOwn Wil1 Address
Traditional Smoker
("al: of lthr imos~t important tra-
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Volume 8
Numiiber .21
To. Heads of Departments:
There are being sent by Campus mail today printed "information sheets"
which the heads of departments are requested to fill out and return to the
President's office. Similar information was reported last year, the present re-
quest is made after consultation with the Deans. The material is desired for
the files of the President, who will appreciate a response from those addressed
as promptly as possible. F. E. Robbins.
University Lectures.
Canon Edmund H. Fellowes, M.A., Mus. Doc., of Windsor Castle, England,
will give'two lectures on the music of the Elizabethan Period and its relation
to the literature of that time. The lectures will be illustrated by voices and
music of the period. The lectures will be given in the Natural Science Audi-
troium at 4:15 p.m. The dates and subjects are as follows: Thursday, Octo-
er 20, "The English Madrigal." Friday, October 21, "The Elizabethan Art
Songs." The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins.
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
It is planned to hold a meeting of the faculty of these colleges on Tuesday,
November 1, at 4:15 p.m. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Faculty of the College of Pharmacy:
Faculty ofgthe College of Pharmacy will meet Friday, Oct. 14, at 4:10 p.m.,
in Room 212 Chemistry building. C. C. Glover, Secretary.
Psychology 31:
Section 14 meeting Tuesday and Thursday at 11 o'clock in the Pharm-
acology building will hereafter meet in room 3126 Natural Science.
Norman Maier.
Zoology I Make-up Examination:
Those students who were absent from the final examination in Zool-
ogy I may take a make-up examination on Saturday, October 15, at 9 o'clock,
in Room 3089, Natural Science building. Students should bring bluebooks.
George R. La Rue.
Romance Philology 201:
Members of Romance Philology 201 are requested to bring Grandgent's
Vulgar Latin to class Friday. John R. Reinhard.
Zoology 32 (Heredity) Make-up Examination:
Students who were absent from the final examination in Heredity may
take a make-up examination on Saturday, October 15, at 9 o'clock, in Room
3089, Natural Science building. Students should bring bluebooks.
Evangeline Shoebrdge
Student Mathematical Society:
The Student Mathematical Society will meet Thursday, October 13, at 7:30
in Room 3017 AngellHall. Two papers will be given. All interested in Mathe-
matics are invited to attend. M Nadelyn C. Kingsley, Secretary.
University Club Members:
First Club Night is on Friday the 14th at 8:15 p.m. This is a good op-
portunity to. bring new faculty members as guests.
Program Committee.
RaisarBimnini Concert Program:
Rosa Raisa soprano, and Giacomo Rimini, baritone, both of the Chicago
Civic Opera Company, will give the following program in the first conbert in
the Extra Concert Series in Hill Auditorium, Friday evening, October 28th.
Accompaniments will be played by Mrs. Guglielmo Somma, pianist.
Aria "Ernani Involami" from Ernani (Verdi) Rosa Raisa; Aria "0 cas to
for" from Re Di Lahore (Massenet) Giacomo Rimini; Voron (Dubleva), Oh,
-ease thy singing (Rachmaninoff), Aria from Pique Dame (Tschaikowsky)
Rosa Raisa; Duet from' Don Pasquale (Donizetti) Rosa Raisa and Giacomo
Rimini; Aria "Ritorna Vincitor" from Aida (Verdi) Rosa Raisa; The Two
Grenadiers (Schumann) Toreador Song from Carmen (Bizet) Giacomo Rim-
ini; April Weather (Rogers) Iris (Daniel Wolf) Rosa Raisa; Duet from the
Magic Flute (Mozart) Rosa Raisa and Giacomo Rimini.
Charles A. Sink
University Girl's Glee Club:
The regular meeting will be held today in Room 305 School of Music at
4:30 and each following Thursday at the same hor unless otherwise no-
tified. Delma Loyer.
VarsitryGlee Club:
There will be a rehearsal of the University of Michigan Glae Club from
seven to eight Thursday night in room 308 Michigan Union.
Franklyn D. Burger, Manager.
Tryouts for W'omes Debate League:
The tryouts for the Women's Debating teams have been postponed until
Tuesday, October 18th, at 4:00 p.m., in Room'4203 A. H.
The tryouts will consist of a five-minute talk on either side of the follow
ing proposition:
"RESOLVED, that the direct primary system of nominating candidates for
public office in the United States should -be abolished."
All students wishing to tryout must be present at the above mentioned
room prompt'y at 4 o'clock on Tuesday, October 18th. J. M. O'Neill.
Tryouts for Adelpli:
All candidates for admission whose applications already have been filed
with the clerk and whose names are from N to Z inclusive, are requested to
report in the Adelphi Room, 4th floor Angell Hall, Saturday morning, October
15, at 10: 00 a m. They- must come prepared to give a five minute speech on
any subject of their own choice. Robert J. Gessner, Speaker.
Girls Going to Madison Game:
All letters or wires' from parents must be on file before leaving Ann
Arbor. This means telegraphic action for those permits not yet received.
Please give this prompt attention. i
The Chaperone fee is ninety cents per girl and can be left in the office
of the Advisors of Women any time before office closing hours Thursday.
Berths and tickets are obtainable at Michigan Union from 11 a.m., to 5
p.m., Thursday and Friday. Beatrice W. Johnson, Advisor of Women.
iota Sigma'Pi:
The first regular meeting of Phosphorus chapter of Iota Sigma Pi will be
held in Room 410 Chemistry building on Thursday, October 13, at 7:30 p.m.
Mabel Miller, President.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon:
Sigma Gamma Epsilon will hold a short, but important business meeting
today (Thursady, Oct. 13) at 5:00 p.m., in the Russell Seminar Room (4065),
Natural Science Bulding. All members should be present.
Ralph E. Taylor, Se.cretary,
Advisers' Tea:
All University women on campus Thursday afternoon are most cordiallyl
invite to Barbour gymnasium for tea from 4:15 to 5:30 with the Advisers of
Women. Girls from the Andrus League house are to be assistant hostesses.
Beatrice W. Johnson, Advisor of Women.
October 18th in Room 302, Michigan Union. Please call at the office of the
Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, and pay the $1.25 banquet fee.
Leonard A. Scheele. President.
Sophomores and Second Semester Freshmen:
An initiation and banquet for all those eligible to membership in PIi Eta
Sigma (Freshman Honorary Fraternity) will be held in Room 302, Michigan
Union, Tuesday, October 18, 1927, at 5:30 p.m. All candidates are expected' to
report at the office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, and 'pay{
the $7.50 initiation and banquet fee before that date.a
Leonard Schlee, President.
ditional events of the football year
will take laco next Thursday night
when the annual Ohio-Michigan foot-
ball .smoker is held in Toledo. Bob
Brown, '26, of the Michigan coaching
taff. and W. A. P. "Wan" John, '16,
of Delioit, will be the Michigan speak-
ers. It is expected that members of
the Ohio coaching staff will be the
speakers for Ohio State.
Flavor -No
Irritation -No
11,105 doctors
give written
+ io
".During a strenuous re-
hearsal, with the worken-
tail'ed in operating the
World's L!argest Theatre,
where 'one's nervous sys-
tem isaworking undergreat
pressure, there is nothing
quite like a 'Lucky Strife'
cigarette. It does not im-
pair the voice, and gives
the mental relaxation so
cssential to carry on."
HAT is the quality that Giuseppe Danise,
Queena Mario, Adam Didur, Antonio Cortis,
Nanette Guilford,Wilton Lackaye, Lenore Ulric,
"Roxy," and other famous singers, actors, broad-
casters and publicspeakers have found that makes
LUCKY STRIKES delightful and of no possible
injury to their voices?
For the answer we turned to medical men and
asked them this question:
.Do you think from your experience with LUCKY
STRIKE cigarettes that they are less irritating to sensi
tive or tender throats than other cigarettes, whatever the
reason ?
11,105 doctors answered this question "YES."
Consider what these figures mean; consider that they repre-
sent the opinion and experience of doctors, those whose busi-
... r y
,,: , ..
irr'i i
... . .:
.,, g:
,'' StR j , . r
ness it is to know.
r «ZS,
No Throat irritation-No Cough.
Chinese Students' Christian Assopiation:
A social meeting will be held in Wesley Hall, on Friday, Oct. 14, at 7:30
p.m. All Chinese students interested are cordially invited.
H. C. Chang, Secretary.
Professor C. L. Meader will lecture Thursday, Oct. 13th at 4:15 in Room
*We hereby certify that we have
examined11,105 signed cards con.
firming the above statement.
Accountants and Auditors
New York, July 22, 1927.
UN lwl.j.