RY OVE Dr.MayCensures
ro17NJ %Wm
ice and (rofoot i liacklield
As Iimpori Factor In
Badger Offensive
(Py Dan. Albreet.)
Sports Editor, The Daily Cardinal.]
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 11.--The Wis-
consin football team, back from its
26-6 victory over Kansas, today began
final preparations for its all-important
mneetiag with Michigan, Oct. 15.
The Badgers gained considerable
self-confidence Saturday from the
convincing manner in which they
riddled the Jayhawker line and, in
turn, held their own against the Jay-
hawker attack. With another week of
practice., the team should present an
even stronger front against the invad-
ing Wolverines.
Center Attack Aronmid Crofoot.
The Wisconsin attack this year is
built almost wholly about Capt. Edwin
J. "Toad" Crofoot and Gene Rose,
quarterback and running halfback, re-
spectively. Both showed to advantage
in the opening-game against Cornell
college, but their work at Knsas def-
ititely established their as key-men in
thie Badger offensive.
Crofoot is a speedy, shifty runner
Who carries the ball from. several
formations and is especially danger-
ous as a pass-receiver. The combina-
tion of Rose to Crofoot brought Iowa
and Chicago to their downfall last
season, and the Wisconsin captain ac-
counted for two touchdowns last Sat-
urday by catching passes over the
Rose is Double Threat.
Pokessing as he does the double
threat of a runne rand passer, Rose
is looked upon as the coming star of
the Wisconsin squad. He made num-
erous long gains both against Cornell
and Kansas, his most spectacular feat
to date being a 37-yard run to a touch-
down last Saturday.
Although Rose and Crofoot domin-
ate the Wisconsin backfield, numerous
other men are fighting earnestly for
positions in the same lineup. Lewis
Smith and Harold Rebholz stand as
the best candidates for fullback.
Which is the better must still be de-
Many Backfield Aspirants
Fighting for the other halfback post
are Harry Kyr, Joe Kresky, Pat Mo-
hardt, Bo Cuisinier, and "Babe" Wei-
gent. All of these particulary Kresky
and Cuisinier, possess .good points.1
The one department that has wor-
ried Wisconsin most this season has
to do with punting. Crofoot and Reb-
Sholz. have been doing heavy duty as'
kickers, but neither appears able to
match the punting sill of Louis Gil-
bert, Michigan halfback.
To Avoid Gym WorkI
The increasing tendency of a
large number of students to sign up
for regular sport activities in order to
Svcid gymnasium 'lasses is highly un-t
(ICesirabe," eclar d Dr. George A
May, director of physical education,
yesterday, in decrying the flagrant
abuse of a privilege granted to the?
According to Dr. May, gymnasium
classes are just as essential in de-
veloping the mental faculties as any
other course in college. These class-
es are in charge of specialists who
give the freshmen expert training in
all branches of gymnasium work, thus
increasing the mental as well as the
physical development of students, Dr.
May avers.
But- there seems to be an inclina-
tion for a great many to want to merely ) MRkr= C UYiLR.
play, with no thought as to their qual-
ifications for various branches of Star center fielder of the Pnttsburgh
sport. Fencing leads the list of Pirates, who was kept on the bench
sports which students have picked to during the latter part of the regular
obtain the physical education credit season and throughout the World
required. More than 80 freshmen have Series, Over 200 Chicago fans, form-
signified their choice for this activ- ing a "We-Want-Cuyler" club, sent a
ity, some of them are taking it in petition to President William Veeck
good faith while others are taking it and Manager Joe McCarthy of the
merely to get credit, having attended Cubs asking that Cuyler be purchased.
the movies or read dime novels where Cuyler, always a good fielder, has
the hero has been proficient in the art been hitting consistently over .300 and
of sword play, fans are at a loss to account for the
Approximately 300 freshmen have action of Donie Bush, manager of the
signed up for various sports, with Pittsburgh club, in keeping "Kiki" out
many more expected in the next few of the regular lineup. Cuyler was
weeks. Other sports which have at- fined $50 in midseason for failing to
tracted the freshmen are, football, slide into base on a close play.
wrestling, cross country, and swim- -___>se_______seay.
All men who have entered sport
activities are expected to report for FOR QUADRANGULAR MEET
their particular branch of the sport The brilliant 23 to 32 victory of the
three times a week, in order to stay Wisconsin cross country team over
on the team and get credit for gymna- Kansas university last Saturday rein-
slum work. To date a great many, forced the Cardinal's possibilities of
Dr. May further stated, 'haven't re- annexing the haIcrier title of the Big
ported to the director in charge of Ten ' again this season. Although
their respective activities. There will Frazier, a Jayhawker, finished first,
be a close check up made and those Captain Zola and Peteja of the Badg-
who do not meet the requirements will ers crossed the line second and third
be expected to go back to the gymna- respectively, followed by other Card-
sium class assigned. . inal runners. The time was 17:45:6.
Coach Jones this week began training
CHICAGO-- F'our of Stagg's men his pupils for a quadrangular meet at
were kept out of the Indiana game Chicago on October with Northwest-
due "-to a scarlet fever quarantine. ern, Indiana, and Chicago.
FOR WISCONSIN I ~With Strong 'Teams nrni~
T m TwH For Acquatic Season lIN Lf [
Thirty odd Wolverines, accompanied
by Coaches Wieman, Kipke and Brown,
Trainer Hoyt, Harry Tillotson, busi-1
ness manager of the Athletic associa-
tion and Direcior Yost, will depart to-
night on their initial road trip of the
season in quest of a victory over Wis-
consin, first Conference opponent of
the year.
Conference rules allow a s .- eol
tA take only 0t men in its entire
road squad which limits the
number of players to about '3.
Coach Wieman will not annouice
these making the journey until
the final 1' mne phaetice this after-
The Michigan squad will occupy
special cars which will 'be picked up
at 11:42 by the regular Michigan Cen-
tral train and will arrive in Madison
tomorrow morning. A short signal
drill and limbering practice will be
held on Randall field' tomorrow after-
This afternoon's program calls
for a signal drill and defense work
against Wisconsin plays. Tonight
the team will assemble for a meet-
ing at the Union at 8:30 after
whici: they will go to their sleep-
ing cars, taking part in the gen-
eral sendoff.
Secret drill was again the order
yesterday with the team divided ac-
cording to positions for polishing off
its defense. Later in the afternoon
the team worked on the offense with
a picked squad of freshmen forming
the opposition in a semi-scrimmage.
Due to the fact of his speed but
seeming lack of stamina, it seems
almost.certain thatt Sammy Bab-
cock wil be in the starting line-
up against Wisconsin. If the
coaches feel that Puckelwartz's
Lou Gehrig
Who was the seventh man to be
awarded the American league most
valuable player trophy. He received
56 out of a possible 64 votes from the,
baseball scribes.
(Py Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 12.-President Ban
Johnson of the American league to-
night entered the stretch run of his
career as a baseball power after
serving the league 27 years. The re-
tiring president called a meeting of
his board of directors for Chicago next
Monday when the affairs of the league
will be presented them preparatory to
his surrendering of office at that time.
All the records and financial affairs
have been checked and audited so as
to present a complete record of trans-
actions which have take place since
the one time czar of organized base-
ball took up his duties in 1900.
hand is knit enough he may start
too. In this case, hoffn an be
lcid out unfil tL- second period.
pre-onference season incile A.A.U.
comletition, a Christmas week "barn-
storming" tour, and a meet with eith-
er Princeton or aie as the program
for Coach Matt Mann's Big Ten cham-
pionship tank squad.
Invitations have -been sent to the.
former members of the Big Three
to open the new pool planned for the
Intramural building, completion of
which is contracted for, by February,
and indications point to the probabil-
ity of a match between two of the
three most prominent contenders for
national honrs during the past few
Two Michigan A.A.U. meets are
planned for the Union pool before
January, however, one to be held here
December 2, and the other to be de-
cided upon at a meeting of the ama-
teur body of the state Saturday night
in Detroit.
Coach Mann will present an array
of swim stars which again is expected
to completely overshadow all opposi-
tion in state competition.
Four regularly enrolled members in
the University, only two of whom are
members cf the Varsity squad, are all
eligible to engage in A.A.U. competi-
tion, forming a combination that is ex-
pected to shatter at least one world's
record for four-man relay teams.
Captain Darnall and Seager are the
Varsity swimmers, while ex-Captain
Samson and Hawkins, formerly a
.Princeton leader, complete what will
undoubtedly become the fastest colleg-
fate squad ever assembled.
Tentative scheule plans for the en
Accident Cue otoenn
Auto Race When Burning Car
Sets Track Afire
(By Associated Press)
N. H., Oct. 12-The 200 mile Columbus
day sweepstake automobile race here
was called off today when Harry
Hartz's machine blew a tire on 1 he
51st lap, rolled over five times and
caught fire, and set the board track
blazing in four places directly in front
of the grandstand.
While uit mechanics and track fire
apparatus subdued the flames the
other races were flagged off the
track as the referee called off the
race. Hartz was taken to the field
hospital with a split head and broken
leg while race officialsasmapped out
a program for the rest of the day.
The accident occurred when Hartz
attempted to pass Frank Lockhart,
who was leading, by a terrific dash
high along the upper edge of the
track. The machine reeled out of
chntrol as the tire went, crashed to
the dirt at the infield rail, and bounc-
ed back to the track.
Hartz was thrown clear of the blaz-
ing wreckage as the machine began a
series of cartwheels.
Hartz is prominent in automobile
racing circles, having been an annual
participant in the 500 mile Memorial
Day classic at Indianapolis. He also
has taken part in many other races
here and abroad.
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We Keep Them in Order
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DIAL 3916
North Main Street
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Durable and Light
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Thousands of good seats for the
lichigan-Wisconsin game next $atur-
Cay and the Perdue tilt a week fol-
lowing are available' to fans. TicketsI
will be on sale up to game time for
each football contest. Pasteboards for
the Purdue engagemnent will be put
on sale starting Oct. 17.
Michigan-Wisconsin relations, which
AwilI reach its annual climax next
Saturday at' Camp Randall Stadium,
date back about 25 years, during
which time both squads have clashed
12 times. Wisconsin's last victory was
realized in 1899 when the Cardinals
whipped the Wolverines, 17 to 5.
Athletics for all students at the
University of Wisconsin is being exe-
cuted effectively with the inaugura-
tion of the extension program of Geo.
Little Biadger athletic chief.
HELSINGFORS, Finland-Pentilla
of Finland hurled the javelin' 229.21
feet setting a new world'srecord.
IINNESOTA-Art Pharmer, triple
.threat man has been declared eligible.
BLOOMINGTON- Indiana coaches
have opened football practice to stu-
What's Wrong With
This Picture?
PITY the poor "frosh" who,
. childlike, doesn't know how
to mount his drawing paper on
the board. However, with Hig-
gins' Drawing Board and Library
Paste his troubles will all be over.
Even for Freshies it will mount1
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way! Maxwell Parrish, whose
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house, says ,"Ihave never found
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