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October 13, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-13

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CT014R-13, -92

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press istexclusivelyneflo
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second elass matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,00; by mail,
O1fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.-
Telephone 4925
Editor............ .Ellis B. Merry
Staff Editor.............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor...... ....Courtland C. Smith
Editor 'Michigan Weekly,. Charles E. Behymer
Wome's Editor......Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City. Editor..Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. rinch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Iooker Kenneth G.'Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur Sally Knox
Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Stratton Buck Ricjhard H. Milroy
Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe
Jessie Church Catherine Price
Sydney -M. Cowv n Mary E. Ptolemy
William R. Davis Harold L. Passman
William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn
larence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Margaret Gross David Scheyer
Valborg Egeland Robert G. Silbar
Marjorie Folmer IHowagd F. Simon
James B. Freeman George E. Simons
Robert J. Gessner Sylvia Stone
Elaine E. Gruber George Tilley
Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke
Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager...George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising,..............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising.. .. ..J.Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.... ....John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication'........ ......Harvey Talcott

the individuals of the nation, and who
would curtail the weather reports or
the national postal service or agricul-
tural bulletins for the sake of saving
from one to two hundredths of one per
cent on a federal corporation levy?
Taxes are really payment for a com-
modity and services, and smaller pay-
ments mean inferior commodities and
Then, finally, there is the old but
logical question as to why the govern-
ment should reduce taxes in time of
prosperity and raise them in time of
depression. Apparently the federal
taxes at the present time are working
hardship on no one, and while there
may be mild depressions in some parts
of the country they are by no means
permanent or general. As long as the
taxes can be comfortably paid, with
no sacrifice or hardship, it will be
well to collect them if the surplus is
used only for a sinking fund on which
to draw in times of depression. It has
always been one of the anomalies of
the taxing system that taxes are
heaviest when persons are least able
to pay, during depressions, and lowest
when the nation is at the peak of
With the cooperation of the Federal
Reserve system, . and a few sound
thinking economists who realize that
tax reduction is not the most desirable
end after all, the federal government
could do much toward stabilizing the
business of the country, by applying
at least some of the present surplus to
debts reduction, which would lower
the future cost of government.
Surely the next session of Congress
must not allow the considerations of
special interests to outweigh the evi-
dence of sound common sense and
economics which so plainly points in
the opposite direction.
The reciprocal interchange of stu-
dents between one of the major uni-
versities of the United States and
Argentina is seen in the projected
study tour of 300 Princeton studehts.
The students will spend three months
in Argentina, studying conditions
there and learning the customs and
the habits of the people. It is hoped
that students from Argentina will re-
turn the visit and that there will grow
up between the two countries an ac-
cepted reciprocal agreement which
will make for better feeling and un-
In the past it has always been the
custom for the students from the
South American countries to seek the
United States. And it has not been
practical for the students from the
United States to attempt a four year
course of study in these countries be-
cause of the fact that the courses are
far from being as comprehensive as
our own. But these study tours are
practical and it is to be hoped that the
custom will continue.
Such connections as these make the
youth of these two countries more
open to conviction and more under-
standing of the problems which face
the other races of the world. They
foster relations and they make pos-
sible peace and greater commercial
activity. They should receive every
aid possible.
It is interesting to note that the
language of Esperanto is no longer
being advertised as a proposed uni-
versal tongue, but merely as the "Uni-
versal auxiliary language" on the an-
nouncement of a lecture to be given
here soon. While in a certain sense

Fred Babcock
George Bradley
James O. Brown
James B. Cooper
Charles K. (orrtl
Bessie U. Egelanal
Ben Fishman
Katherine Frochne
Douglass Fuller
Herbert Goldberg
L. H. Goodman
Carl W. Hammer

Ray Hotelich.
Marsden R. Hubbard
Hal A. Jaehn
James Jordan
Marion Kerr
Thales N. Lenington
W. A. Mahaffy
George M. Perrett
Alex -K. Scherer
William L. Schloss
Herbert E. Varnum


OCTOBER 13, 1927

Night Editor-ROBERT E..:FINCH
When the Varsity fo'otball team
takes the fieldat Madison Saturday
afternoon it will start the crucial
game of the 1927 season. The type
of football played in this contest will
determine the success of the present
year. Handicapped by graduation va-
dancies, injuries, and ineligibility, the
squad ha been working gradually
toward Conference form. That the
,team has not yet .reached its peak but
that it has sound possibilities for a
successful eleven was demonstrated
last Saturday in spite of substitutions,
certain unsatisfactory 'play, and the
like which made the showing disap-
pointing to those few who are never
satisfied with less than a 40 to 0 score.
The game this Saturday is a crucial
one for the campus generally. The
student body expects that the squad
will come 'out the victors but if a tie
score or defeat should come' about,
campus sideline coaches should be
given to understand that the Univor-
sity can get along minus their knock-

Conservative men about the campus
were greatly overjoyed yesterday
upon hearing the news that President
Little has declined to aid the move-
ment working for a 13 month calen-
(From The Daily)
"When approadhed later and
asked to participate actively in
the movement he (President Lit-
tle) replied to the effect that his I
duties with the University occu-
pied all of the time he could give I
them and that they were more
important than the projection of I
the new ideas." {
* * *
Among other plans carried out by
President Little for the betterment of
the University welfare is the estab-
Jishment of the "Little Museum," just
opened to the public eye.
With complete arrangements made,
including it's own official guide and
permanent quarters in the presidential
office, the new museum has been
established as an integral part of the
University, and, it is believed, will in
time take its place among the more
unique exhibits of the campus.
* * *
Exhibits already included are a por-
trait of the president of the Cathol-
something or other that preceded the
University, a bovine masterpiece in 12
portions, and a very late example of
Semetic communication. More will
be added as soon as possible.
* * *
In order to make this project a true
success and keep our President oc-
cupied, it is up to the lesser, half of
the campus to get together and sup-
port this latest endeavor to make a
bigger and better Michigan. Anyone
having any suggestions or any ob-
jects of historical interest should sur-
render them at once in the interest
of the University.
* * m
First of all, while it is still possible,
some relics should be set aside to re-
call the days when automob'iles might
be seen about the campus. Some
specimens, of parts at least, should
be obtained at once before it is too
* * *
Almost two years have passed by
since President Little succeeded in
banning liquor from fraternity houses
and the campus at large. Surely there
are some thoughtful students who
will be willing to contribute a few of
their own relics, empty of course,
saved from those memorable days
when they could enjoy the same privi-
leges as their high school contemp-
* * *
And, above all things, we should not
fail to contribute somes evidences of
the days when a University president
did not also have to be an orator.
* * *
We find it especiall hard to under-
stand why the sponsors of such a
movement to change the calendar
should stop -at a division into 13
months. As long as they're at the
job they might as well go ahead and

make a really .thorough reform.
* * *
In order to lighten their duties and
relieve them of undue mental exertion,
we are offering, for the approval of
the world, the Rolls Reformed Calen-
* * *
The feature of our innovation is
simplicity. Any University student
can read and understand it. Instead1
of arbitrary divisions, the Rolls cal-
endar will be made according to the
laws of nature.; There will be a total
of 365 months, one for every day of
the year. Could anything be simpler?
* * *
Think of the monthly check from
home, every day! Think of the untold
waste in time and money for correc-
tions that would be saved by this
thoroughly.logical arrangement!
* * *
Results of the Junior literary elec-
tions held during the first part of the
week were confirmed yesterday at the{
formal Junior convocation.
* * *
A few who had failed to attend the
regular elections came to Natural
Science auditorium to cast their votes
for other candidates but the men who
had already been chosen remained un-
* * *

B 0 0 K S
Opening with "Cradle Snatchers,"
Russel Mecraft and Norma Mitchell's
bit of clever situation building and
character contrast, a show dirty
enough;for any audience, 'The Rock-
ford Players opened their second sea-
son lasth week with two new leads
whoirl R6bert Henderson brought back
2rong fland. They are Velma Roy-
ton, a widely traveled actress, and
Charles ,Warburton, for many years
directo of the London Shakespearean
playhopse, "Old Vic."
The' second offering, running this
week is George F. Kaufman's "Butter
and Egg Man," another of the more
popular plays of the summer season.
Sometime later Shakespeare's "Mer-
chant of Venice" will be presented, in
the manner of a striking production
by Fermin Gemier which Mr. Hen-
derson saw in Paris on his brief ex-
cursion after the colse of the Summer
Eight plays, of a widely varied se-
lection, made up the program for the
summer, the second mid-year season
in Ann Arbor for The Players. With-
out question the outstanding of a
series of accomplishments was Elsie
Herndon Kearns' interpretation of
Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler." She char-
acterized the role as "fantastic" neu-
rotic, and so thoroughly human!-", 1
and she made it that, and more-she
was utterly ruthless, admirably dis-
Amy Loomis, in addition to intel-
ligent and sympathetic interpreta-
tions, showed a versatility which en-
abled her to act very creditably in
such diversified vehicles as the vapid
"Pigs," "Gammer Gurton's Nedle," an
old English drama, and "Fanny's
First Play," which for her involved a
part full of frankness, composure, and
Shavian cynicism.
Besides the plays mentioned, there
was "Hay Fever," Noel Coward's com-
position of clever lines and funny sit-
uatiopband Shakespeare's "Comedy
of Errors," produced with, old-fashion-
ed sdtting and costumes, and which
proved a rollicking affair.
Th'"'Players left behind them in
Ann Arbor Sam Bonnell, Robert Wet-
zel, and William Bishop, all of whom
have taken and are taking part in
campus dramatics, and Harold May,
a newly-discovered actor from the
Summer Session.





-P. C. B.

The Wisconsin game will forecast this is a retreat for the pr
clearly what the remainder of the sea- the simplified language, it
son will be, as far as the success and on the other hand, upon ai
the campus support of the team is basis than could possibly
concerned. The Varsity will play the attained otherwise.
best football of which they are capa- To attempt to overthrow
ble. And while a victory is expected, as thoroughly established
the campus at large is also expected and as enriched by literat
to follow up with support, win or lose. as English and French
That much is plain, course nonsensical; but to
them some form of univerE
TAX REDUCTION stood communication wl
The United States Chamber of Com- used from one side of the p
coerce, representing 1,500 member or- other is not so ridiculou
ganizations and with central offices in surd, especially when tha
Washington, D. C., is attempting at partakes of the simplici
the present time to secure support peranto.
from its affiliated bodies for the re- The new ground occup
duction of national taxes by $400,00,- Esperantists is encouragin
00each year. The reduction would promies that they have1
take plice in the corporate income tional and it gives promis
levies and the federal estate and war there language nay come
excise taxes, according to the plan of use. To attempt to sul
the national body. tongues of nations is usele
On the face of it a tax reduction ish, but to provide in addit
such as this measure seems sound, an easily and universally
but when one 'gets down to examine auxiliary language is not f
the facts he is likely to find an error such a tongue may accomp
in the plans of the organization which amount toward the prom
is likely to creep into the plans of any universal understanding.
organization: which places its own
interests on par with thoseo f the na- With Big Bill Thomps
tion. Tax reduction is a~ great vote- for President perhaps Lo(
getter, without a doubt, and to the pold can be induced to co
common weal it sounds well and good. all-Chicago ticket as vice-I
Nevertheless there is another side to candidate-that is, if any o
the issue, and a very powerful side, are out of jail in 1928.

roponents of
puts them,
much firmer
have been
w languages
by tradition
ure and use
are is of
set up with
sally under-
[ich can be
planet to the
s or so ab-
at language
ty of Es-
pied by the
ng; it gives
become ra-
se also that
into general
pplant the
ss and fool-
ion to them
foolish; and
plish a vast
otion of a
on running '
wb or Leo-'
omplete the
f the three

* * *
"I2prgy," the first seasonal produc-
tion of the Theater Guild opened Mon-
day night at the Guild theater, and
was given proper consideration by the
critical demagogues. The Messrs.
Woollcott and Anderson were rabidly
enthusiastic over their particular pet
-Rose McClendon. And everybody
seems to think it a good show.
"Porgy" will be remembered as a
dramatization of Du Bose Heyward's
novel of that name. It is done by a
cast of Negro actors, since the Guild's
first company are now rehearsing
their other plays for the season, whiclk
includes Goethe's "Faust," "The
Genius and His Brother" by Sil-Vara,
"The Game of Love and Death" by
Romaine Rolland, Tchekov's "The Sea
Gull," Turgenev's "A Month in the
Country," Langer's "The Camel
Thorugh the Needle's Eye," and C. K.
Munro's "All Our Yesterdays." This,
of course, does not include the initial
appearance of Miss Fontanne and Mr.
Lunt who will present their second
venture "The Doctor's Dilemma" very
soon, or Eugene O'Neill's "Marco Mil-
lions," which will be their third of-
* * *
C. Witwer; New York: G. P. Putnam's
Sons; 1927; $2.00.
A review. by R. Leslie Askren.
Witwer ought to be shot at dawn
-and ,then deified before lunch for
writing l"The Classics in Slang." He
deserves shooting for trying to make
a novel out of it, and still more de-
serves being made at least a saint
for writing the most vicious and de-
licious slang in .literary captivity.
What Witwer tries to do is write
the more familiar classics in the slang
of "One Punch" McTague, give a cross
section of the prize fighter's life, and
through all carry the love tangle of
McTague, the Beautiful Ethel, and
Jack Hootmon, the villain. His achieve-
ment in mixing the oil and water of
these antagonistic elements is notable,
but it comes second to the extraordi-
nary slang in which the book is writ-





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