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October 13, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-13

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1 890


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Petrie, Roden, Gessner, Grentel And
Parker Are Chosen for Group
To Man:age Annual Party
Robert Petrie, '29, Marshall Boden,
'29, Robert Gessner, '29, Earl Gremel,
'29, and Frederick Parker, '29, were
elected to the J-Hop committee from
the junior class of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, and
John Whittle, '29, was chosen presi-
dent in the elections held yesterday
afternoon in Natural Science auditor-
The election polled one of the larg-
est votes of any junior class election
ever held at the University, exceed-
ing by almost 100 the mark set last
year as 472 ballots were cost in the
presidential race. The field of J-Hop
committee candidates was exception-
ally small, as well, only nine men
running for the five ofices on the
committee. The choice was very de-
cisive in every case, with the sixth
wan, Fred Asbeck,''29, polling only
140 votes or 82 less than the man who
ran fifth, the last to be chosen a"
member of the committee.
'The names of all of the men nomin-
ated for the J-Hop committee and the
respective number of votes they re-
ceived follows: (the highest five men
on the list were chosen as members
of the committee.)
Robert Petr,..292
Marshall Boden...........286
Robert Gessner............259
Earl Gremel. ..... ..230
Frederick Parker.......222
Fred Asbeck ... 140
James Duffield ............125
Harlan Cristy...... ......105
Julian Mandelstam..........75
Warren Wins Unnbmously.
As the minor officers of the class
Mary Robbins was chosen vice-presi-
dent, Robert Warren was unanimous-
ly chosen treasurer when he went un-
opposed and Bernadine Malay was
chosen secretary in a close vote over
Leone Lee after a recount. The final
vote on the office of secretary, which
was the same both after the first count1
and the recount, gave Miss Malay 206
votes to 196 for Miss Lee, her oppon-
Virginia Read, '29, and Vera John-
son, '29, were Miss Robbins' opponents
for the vice presidency. Miss Read

Plans for the -send-off for the Var-
sity football squad when they entrain
for Madison, Wisconsin tonight for
the game with the Badgers there Sat-
urday were announced last night.
From 8:30 o'clock to 9:30 o'clock a
meeting of the squad alone will take
place in the Union,-Coach Tad Wie-
man declared last night, and it is par-
ticularly requested that the players
be left to themselves at this time. Im-
mediately after the meeting they will
leave the Union by bus for the sta-
tion where they will be accorded a
reception for half an hour before they
The Varsity band, led by Gordon
Packer, '28, will assemble at 9:15
'o'clock at Morris hall, and lead the
march down State street to the sta-
cording to plans made last night.
Songs and yells will be featured, ac-
The team will arrive at the station
about 9:30 o'clock and Coach Wieman
requests that the demonstration cease
at 10 o'clock, so the players can re-
tire to the car and prepare for a
good night's rest. Although the train
does not leave until about mid-night
they will go on board at this time.

Theodore Rogvoy, '28A, was yester-
Gdaynamed winner of first place in
the annual Opera poster contest. The
S TO prizedesign was chosen only after
O Flonger deliberation than had been
originally set by the dommittee. The
first series of designs submitted were
PRESENTATION TO TAKE PLACE set aside by the committee, since they
FRIDAY NGiT BY MEANS 'were all of about equal worth, and the
OF SPECIAL WIRE period of competition was extended
- 7- a week longer, closing yesterday.
AITON WILL GIVE SPEECH Stanley F. Zuck, '28A, took second
honors in the contest, and Lyle Overt-
Performance to be One of tie Best man, '31A, was awarded honorable
Since Inauguaral a Year Ago mention. The first prize is $10, and
According to Abbot the second, tickets to the Ann Arbor
performances of the Opera.
Broadcasting by direct wire from The design submitted by Rogvoy
will be used on all posters advertising
the studio room on the fourth floor of the Opera in every city 'on the 1927
University hall, WWJ will be on the itinerary, and in addition will be used
air tomorrow ' night with second on the cover of the program and the
"Michigan Night" program of the year. 'bound music score, which are sold
Announcement of the complete pro- wherever there is a performance. It
to be made from 7 to 8 o'clock was carries out in a few colors the motif
made yesterday by Waldo M. Abbot, of the new Opera, "The Same to You,
program manager and announcer. which is modernity.
Tomorrow night's program, accord-
ing to Mr. Abbott, is one of the best I
to be sent out over the air since the
inaugural a year ago. Dr. Albert C.
Furstenberg; professor of Otolaryn-
gology in tle Medical school, and a
member of the staff of the University
,hospital, will speak on the subject,
'oreign Bodies in the Lungs." This Choose Lonsdale's "On Approval" For
will be a continuance of the series of Second Production To Be Played
talks begun on the last program' of p During Current Season
the 1926-27 program, by Dr. R. Bishop'
Canfield, of the University hospital. WILL USE MIXED CAST
Sharfman to Appear on Program.
Prof. Leo L. Sharfman, of the econ- t Beginning Thursday, Oct. 20, Mimes
omics department, has chosen the iwill present "On Approval" a comedy
topic "Government and Business" for in three acts by Frederick Lonsdale,
his talk tomorrow night. "Professor as their second production of the new
Sharfman has been called in consulta- season. "On Approval" will run for
tion with many large business organ- eight performances, closing Saturday,
izations throughout they country to dis Oct. 29, and playing every night ex-
cuss economic pr.oblems and his repu- cept Monday.
tation in this field assures an interest- j The comedy is a modern one and
ing and instructive talk," Mr. Abbot the latest from the pen of Lonsdale,
said yesterday. j who wrote "The Last of Mr's. Chaney,"
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, a specialist presented last spring and during the
in the history of Hispania America, j summer by the Rockford Players.
will tell of the Spanish invasion of Since its original run in New York
Michigan during the American Revo- it has been produced but once by
lution. This incident is little known other companies, and that early this
and few radio listeners realize that fall when it was presented in the Bon-
the Spanish flag flew above Fort St. stelle theater in Detroit by a special
Joseph during the War of Independ- company headed by Robert Warwick.
ence fo rthe purpose of claiming this Special permission was granted
state for Spain. Mimes to put it on.
Will Hear Hamilton A mied cast drawn from the Mimes
Oi the musical side of the pro- Players will present "On Approval"
gram, James Hamilton, instructor in following the custom established dur-
voice in the University School of ing the last two Mimes productions.
Music, will render five solos. Mr. It will include Charles D. Livingstone,
Hamilton has been heard in practical- '28L; Jane Emery, '28; Lorinda Ms-
ly every state in the Union upon the Andrew, '30, and Kenneth S. White, '29.
concert stage, has over 40 performan- Livingstone will again assume the
ces of the "Messiah" to his credit, ap- actual direction of rehearsals, while
peared as soloist for the Apollo Club 'the production will be under the su-
of Chicago, and sang the tenor role pervision of E. Mortimer Shuter. The
with the Haydn Choral Society of Chi- former will be remembered for his
cago. The selections to be rendered j title role in "The Bad Man," which
by Mr. Hamilton are "Trees" by ran last week, as well as for several
Rasbach; "By An' By," arranged by leading parts last season.
Burleigh; "Were You There" arrang Tickets for "On Approval" will be
ed by Manney; "Run Mary Run," by reserved and will be priced at 75
Cuion; and Dumnma by McGill. cents. The sale will commence Tues'-
Marion Struble-Freeman, instructor day, Oct. 18, from the Mimes theater
a-Fr , st box office.
in tn vioin a tueunivni'l

American Federation Of

Labor Votesj

Approval of Action -in China .
And Central America
(By Associated Press)
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12-The Amer-
ican Federation of Labor today frown-
ed on an attempt to interfere in the
government's foreign policy in Latin
America and China and recorded its
unanimous approval of the Monroe
"Concerning the general subject of
relations with South America, the
,committee is firmly convinced that a
proper adherence to the Monroe Doc-
trine is necessary for the best inter-
ests of the people of both Central and
South America,"' the committee re-
port said.
After affirming the Monroe Doc-
trine, the report continued: "It may
be that the Nicaraguan situation in
Central America was considered suf-
ficient by authors .of the resolution
to base the general charge with ref-
erence to the South American re-
publics. The committee believes it
proper to point out that President
Green (William Green of the federa-
tion) acting as president of the Amer-
ican Federation of Labor and presi-
dent of the Pan-American Federation
of Labor, has already taken the Nica-
raguan situation up with thle United
States government in an effort to be
belpful to the Nicaraguan people. That
however, is a subject which is before
another committee which will doubt-
less report fully concerning it."
Referring to the resolution's criti-
cism of the United States "sending
warships and troops to China," the
report said: "As to China,, the Chinese
problem in its present aspect is a'
result of class interferences and in-
terventions on, the part of the for-
eign governments in the internal af-
fairs of China. In that respect our
government "has committed error. AI
mere withdrawal would 'simply result
in giving certain other nations in-
volved, an opportunity, if they are so
inclined, to use so-called American in-
terests in China to further embroil
our government. President Green-
and the executive goverftment are, we
understand, giving earnest thought{
and study to the problem and to -what#
procedure is most likely to enable the
United States further to prevent er-
rors with reference to China."
The Weather


School of Business Adnis-ra-.
Room '207 Tappan hall....4:00
Colleg'e of Pharmacy
Room 303 Chemistry build-
ing............... .5:00

reached the final ballot, where she
was defeated by a vote of 226 to 167.
The race for the presidence of the
class went to Whittle with very little
opposition. The only other candidate
in the field was Hubert Thompson,
'2),'who polled only 132 votes to 339
for Whittle. There was no third can-
didate nominated for this office.
Other Classes Will Ballot
This afternoon the juniors of the
School of Business Administration
and the, College of Pharmacy will
meet to choose their officers. Sopho-
mores of all schools and colleges of
the campus will hold their elections
next week, according to the schedule
of the Student council, while the
freshmen elections will not be held
until after Thanksgiving day. All of
the balloting will be in -charge of Stu-
dent council officers, and different
colored ballots are being used in the
various schools and colleges of the'
The election yesterday was the larg-
est thus far held of the class elections
to date, and with the possible excep-
tion of the freshmen literary election
will be the largest this fall.
Completing the first set of six group
group meetings, three freshmen
groups will meet tonight at the
Union. Wilfred Tisch, '30; Jackson
Wilcox, '30, and Charles Kingsley,
'30, will preside over the separate
The spaker for this evening's gath-
ering will be Addison Connor, '28,
captain of the golf team. In addition

in the violin at the University Schooi
of Music, who will also appear on the
program, has given concerts in Bel-I
gium, Holland and France as well as
in the United States. Her selections
will be: "Nocturne" by Chapin-Saras-
ate, "Praeludium and Allegro" by
Pugnam-Kreisler, "Der Nussbaum" by
Schumann-Aver, and "La Gitana," by
The first program of the current
year was broadcast Friday night, Sept.
30, and the third program will be on
the air two weeks from tomorrow
Ann Arbor residents or organiza-
tions having rooms available for}
alumni at the home football games,
are asked to list those rooms at the
Union as soon as possible. Accommo-
dations at the Union being limited, the
house committee has been forced as in
previous years to secure further quar-
ters for alumni for the three home
games, Ohio State, Navy, and Minne-

The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications is offering
scholarship prizes under the fol-
lowing resolution:-
Resolved: That the Board in I
Control of Student Publications
shall for the current year offer
..cash prizes of $100 each for
I scholarship attainment, accord- j
ing to the following rules:
1. Every student who has done
substantial and satisfactory work I
on any student 1publication or
publications under the control I
of the Board, for four or more
semesters shall be eligible for
one of these prizes. The Sum- I
mer Session shall be rated as a
half semester.
2. Every such student who has j
attained an average scholarship
of B or better during the period
above specified shall receive one
1 of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
prize shall file an application
for the same at the Board ofice
in the Press Building after the I
opening of the University in the I
. fall and before November, and |
j the prizes shall be awarded and
paid before the Christmas holi-
I 4. No student shall 'be an ap-
plicant for any scholarship prize -
more than once.
5. The scholarship standing
of each applicant shall be esti-
mated in accordance with the
system of grading currently em-
ployed in the various schools I
and colleges of the University. I
The Board requests applicants
for these prizes to file their ap-
plication as soon as possible at I
the Board Office in the Press

at about 1 o'clock in'the morning and University Choral Union. His lectur-
that of the Celtic about 8 o'clock. i es are said to be of wide appeal to
The "American Banker," the Mau- students of literature and history- of
retania and the Celtic all reported the period, as well as of music. He
ideal flying weather, good visibility will illustrate his lectures by playing
and favoring winds, but the flyers the lute and piano and by singing. He
were due to run into foul weather will also use a phonograph, playing
shortly after dark tonight. Although records made by the English Singers.
the Weather bureau's Atlantic ser- The first lecture will deal with the
vice had been suspended for the sea- supremacy of English music in the
son today, Dr. James H. Kimball pre- 10th century, polyphonic music, the
dicted from yesterday's shipping re- origin and growth of the madrigal, and
port that a storm area of 700 miles in several of the leading madrigal com-
width would be encountered tonight. posers. His second will follow the
Expected to Reach Paris. -rise of the art-song, and the lute as
Barring accident, Miss Elder and an accompaniment, bringing in Dow-
Haldeman expected to arrive in Paris land, Campian, and the Lutenist
about '7 o'clock Thursday morning, school.
Eastern standard time, which would It is possible that Canon Fellowes
be Thursday noon French time. Two may give lectures before certain Eng-
more ships in the projected path of lish and music classes, but that has
the plane reported to the Associated not been definitely decided as yet.
Press shortly before 4 o'clock today The interest that his work will have
that they had not seen the American for the student of English literature
Girl. The ships were the Cameronia, cannot be over-estimated, according to
Girl. The shis wer the Cmerofna Mr. Moore.
about 1,500 miles northwest of New


(By Associated Press)
with local rains today; to.
mostly fair and slightly


Commenting on the recent decision
of the Missouri Supreme court in the
libel case brought against W. H. Zorn,
editor-publisher of West Plains, Mo.,
by J. B. Eldridge, sheriff of the coun-
ty, Mr. R. W. Desmond, instructor in
the department of journalism, said
that the court's stand that free com-
ment and criticism of the public pol-
icy of public officials by newspapers
is justifiable, has been brought up
many times before in previous libel
i cao-,imc + t hnres -

interests of the public," said Mr. Des-
mond. "In the days of Horace Gree-
ley and other pioneers of the press,
the usual, practice was to 'sling mud'
but now newspapers are very careful
of what they say."
Mr. Desmond who has had consider-
able experience on various newspa-
pers, and who has just come from the
position of editor of the Paris edition
of the New York Herald, mentioned a
case of libel brought against that
paper which illustrated how careful a
mna, mir t h. ido thin it nuhlishes.


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