ESTABLISHED 1890 1 Ar 41P MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVIII, No. 20, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1927 EIGHT PAGES LAWYERS. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, EMTISTS PICK JUNIOR gFFICERS fSWEEPING FIRE STRIKES OCEAN CITY DISTRICT Damaging Blaze Reported to be Under Control After Destroyhig EIght Blocks Near Board Walk (By Associated Press) OCEAN CITY, N. J., Oct. 11-Re- ported under control after sweeping LEIGH YOUNG, FORMER DIRECTOR OF CONSERVATION, DISCUSSES RESIGNATIONDEPARTMENTAL PROBLEMS HOUGII WILL HEAD EUNIEERS; STARK IS PRESIDENT OF 01AWYERs' .i LITERARY ELECTION TODAY approximately eight square blocks of 1 E fOcean City's hotel and business sec- Lownsbury 1s hosen Dental Presi- tion, fire which started at Ninth St. dent;.Arehitsecoral Jnors and the Board Walk tonight, again dchetse athew Spence got the best of the firemen and made tfits way farther into the center of ,FHawvley Stark, '29I, wasA cted the resort. The blaze started at about 7 o'clock prtsident of the junior class of the j tonight and firemen summoned from Law School, William Hough, '29E, half a dozen nearby seashore re- was chosen to head the juniors of sorts believed they had it well in the engineering college, Mark Lowns- j hand after it had swept the district bury, '29D, was elected to head the bounded by Seventh and Tenth streets juniors of dental school, and. Mathew and the Board Walk and Wesley ave- Spence, '29A, was elected president nue. At 10 o'clock the blaze shot of the juniors of the architectural ,back into Central avenue, one block college at the class elections held north of Wesley, and attacked the yesterday under the auspices of the Central avenue public school., Student council in four junior classes A large number of hotels, moving of the University. s icture houses, shops, rooming hous- The elections were the first sched- es and private homes were destroyed. uled for this week under the plan of At 10:30 p. m. Mayor Joseph G. Champion announced that the 'oss up to the hour would exceed $2,000,000, CLASS ELECTION TODAY and that the blaze still was spreading. Junior Literary Students. Natural Science Auditoruim 4:00I (________j IDEED OT "A conservationist is not content- ed unless he is making restrictions," Leigh J. Young, recently deposed di-I rector of state conservation, stated in an interview yesterday. "There must be an issue to fight for or a pur- pose to gain. They are never con- tented.'' Mr. Young was asked to resign from his position a few weeks ago by Governor Green, although no specific charges were made against the com- missioner. Mr. Young returned to Ann Arbor Monday to take up his position as associate professor of sil-I viculture in the school of forestry and conservation. He was on leavel from the University when he accept- ed the position as commissioner. Discusses Resignation In speaking of why he resigned, he FEDERATION- OF LABOR TURNS FROM POII Sees Panacea For Labor Troubles In Courts; Purports to Repeal Anti-'Trust Laws{ THIRD PARTY IDEA SCORED (By Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11.-Leaders of America's working millions today, spurned politics as a cure-all forI Labor's woes andjmoved with all their force to seek the power of the equity, court.( Half of the smouldering embers of # union labor's resentment against the i said: "With the state primary coming to interest itself only in land and on inside of a year, the Republicans forestry problems. "With the state primary coming on Mr. Young is to teach classes in inside of a year, the Republicans silviculture here and is going to make looked around for publicity. They researches in Saginaw forest of ex-l weren't concerned with the little periments Which he began a number1 things but wished something that of years ago. Next Friday he is to would get them big headlines in the address the conservation meeting of newspapers. Tlie conservation com- the Michigan Press club on the nat- mission at that time had just re- ural resources of the state. pealed an order prohibiting the spear- Mr. Young was a member of the ing of fish. This law had been in committee which organized the plans force for two years and then was re- and led the first field party in 1922. pealed. Immediately the ardent con- The last session of the legislature servationists of the state protested gave a big appropriation for the ex- because discrimination was made panding of the survey. This made about spearing fish in the north and possible the publishing of maps and south of the state. A big issue was data by the commission andi made the, raised about this and I was asked to survey independent of left-overs for resign." the carrying on of their work, Mr. Charges of one of the board of Young . stated. conservation that Mr. Young had done nothing while in office were dispelled when the former commissioner said that he was kept at work ten hours a day in order to get through his 1 business. I-Ie referred to the size of-, his mail and the necessity for main- 3 UPRISING DYER taining; a lampe corr6 s onlnr d 'h ! STUDENT HERE DIES SUDDENLY, HEART FAILURE William Fink, 130L, of Detroit, Suc- cumbs While Playing Speedball At Ferry Field William Fink, '30L, of Detroit, died suddenly yesterday afternoon, of heart failure, while playing speedball on Ferry field. According to Irwin Bunin, '28, the game had just started and Fink was walking out onto the field to begin playing when he fell forward on his face. At first it was thought that he was unconscious, and he was given first aid by Frederick Williamson, '28M, a senior -medical student, who was refereeing the game. A physician arriving a few moments later pro- nounced him dead but he was rushed to the University hospital, where the opinion was expressed that he had died instantly. Fink was believed to have been in 1-11 116u p iOjJ Anuence. e 1k boardp assed bills that it had taken me a month to prepare without look- ing them over," he declared. Loutit Is Successor The appointing of W. H. Loutit as successor to Mr. Young is only tem- porary, the former commissioner said. "I don't believe that he will take the position for $25,000. To expect anyone to go into the position of I conservation commissioner and in 91 months to familiarize himself with all departments as I had to was a very difficult task, especially when five of those months were during the session of the legislature." Mr. Young advised that the department of conservation be broken up into two parts, one to specialize in fish and game, the other FOO TBALL SQUAD TO HAVE SENDOFF good health. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, General Alvarez, Calles' Chief States of the Health Service, stated last night Belief That (xoniiez Will Not Try that Fink had had a complete exami- To Escape By Way Of Coast nation a year ago, and that nothing indicated that he was not in excellent LEADERS NOW IN HIDING condition. Since then he had been in several tines for minor ailments but had had no serious ailment. ([3y Associated Press) Fink was 21 years old and a mum- MEXICO CITY, Oct. 11.-Mexico ber of Tau Epsilon Rho fraternity. In City settled down again to business addition to being a freshman law stu- as usual today after the shortest and dent he was a senior in the College of most promptly suppressed revolution Literature, Science, and Arts. the country has ever known. Federal forces in the mountainous region of Perote, in the state of Vera Cruz, con-' tinned to uirsn Genoral l m Al-I ME . S N I GIRL AVIATOR STARTS, OFF WITH H9,LDEMAN FOR LEBOURGET FIELD FOG WILL PROBABLY BE MET IN MID-OCEAN, ACCORDING TO FORECASTERS SAFETY FACTORS CARRIED Miss Elder Makes Attempt To Be The First Woman to Accomplish Air Voyage Across Atlantic (By Associated Press) ROOSEVELT FIELD, New York, Oct. 12-An American woman today placed her life in the balance in an attempt to be the first of her sex to cross the Atlantic ocean in an airplane. Ruth Elder, 23 year old Lakeland, Florida, aviatrix, was the woman. Dressed as if for a game of golf, she hopped off today with her pilot and townsman, George Haldeman,- in the 'Stinson-Detroiter "American Girl." Her hop-off was made at 5:04 p. m. Their destination isIeBourget field, Paris, where Col. Charles A. Lind- bergh concluded his famous trans- oceanic flight. The "American Girl" took the air gracefully after speeding down the runway for about 2,000 feet. Miss Elder, also known as Mrs. Lyle' Womac, waved good-bye to the few spectators from a cockpit win- dow. Shecarried with her a tiny bible, given by her mother, a Chinese ring and a toy cat, all of which she considered of equal value in bringing good luck. Supply Is Plentiful For rations on their 3,600 mile air journey, Miss Elder and' Haldeman carried each three turkey and three Swiss-cheese sandwiches, a flask of boullion and three flasks of coffee. Caffeine tablets were carried in case of drowsiness. The plane carried 520 gallons of gasoline, 20 gallons of oil, and a radio sending outfit capable of flash- ing, messages about 75 miles. Their course was to be 1,244 miles due east, thence in a northeasterly direc- tion, following the ship lanes tovhe English channel. The fuel supply was -considered suficient to carry them 4,400 miles. The radio call is I WTAG. The plane is expected to do 100 miles an hour. . Ahead of the"flyers was some un- favorable weather. While most of the journey, according to weather for- "casters, will be good, there is a stretch of fog, an area about 700 miles in mid-ocean. Some also was to be met, Haldeman said. In case of a forced landing at sea, each was equipped with a rubber life- suit, with gear for covering the hen~r d A k irt in lin frn t f hr the Council, with the juniors of the College of Literature, Science, andl the Arts voting at 4 o'clock today in Natural Science auditorium and the, juniors of the School of Business Ad-I IN SPEECHTO CLUBS New York Man Says Present Problems. ministration and the College of Phar- Are Due Chiefly to Adult court injunction as used in labor dis- macy electing their officers tomor- Inefficiency putes has been fanned to flame by the row, vigorous speeches of representative To Elect J-Thp Committeet i' IS EXCHANGE DIRECTOR tradesmen, the convention of the The junior class elections held this American Federation of Labor adopt- week alto inclltde the election of " mrca eerto oaoraot ok somittde he fr o each "Leaders of Tomorrow" was the ing a resolution concurring in the J-Hon committeemen from each theme of Cameron Beck, personnel di- stand of the executive council. school and college on the campus, rector of the NewYork Stock Ex- The action of the convention means: and lhose elected yesterday include change, speaking at a dinner of the that the federation purposes to use John Bowman, '29L, from the Law Kiwanis, Rotary and Exchange clubs every power at its command to seek School, Roland Gies, Jr., '29A, from and the Cham.ber of Commerce of Ann repeal or amendment of the Sherman the college of architecture, and Fred Arbor held at the Masonic Temple last and other anti-trust laws which were Rahn,'291, from the junior class of night. declared in the council's report to be the dental school. In the engineering "The problem of the hour is not so directed against labor rather than the cellege John Gilmartin, '29E, was much the problem of juvenile delin- product of labor. elected with the hiighest number of rdcIflbr votes, and aeording to precedent he f quency as it is of adult inefficiency," Resumption of discussion of the use wille haimac n o the committee said Mr. Beck, "The keenest psychol- of the new court weapon, which was ogist we have today is not the profes- interrupted by last night's adjourn- and lead . the annuali social event, sor in your university, but the average ment, was marked by the proposal to since the jue,nior class of the College senior in the high school." establish a third political power-; of Literature, Science, and the Arts Himself an orphan, Mr. Beck takes branding of all America's bar associa- elected the chairman last year. With especial interest in the rtaining and tions a's unfriendly to labor, and an of the committee from the engineer- character formation of the orphaned appeal to the working classes to use ing college, were chosen John Moore, boy, Many of the young4men employ- their voting power in an effort to seek '29E, and George Hubbell, '29E. [ ed in the stock exchange are without judges who would favor the cause of Gilmartin received 67 votes, Moore parents, according to the speaker, but labor. received 62, and Hubbell 46, the great majority of them are being The convention, through President and - the other candidates, trained for the higher positions of in- I William Green of the federation, re listed in order, were John Hall '29E, dustry in night schools. He lid stress affirmed its oft-projected policy of non- with 43 votes, Richard Williams, '29E, on the need of a training in the econ- partisanship in labor activities. His with 41, Thomas Leslie, '29E, with omic system of this country for the declaration came after Mack S. Hayes, 38, Donald Smith, '29E, with 34, Rich- young men and women of the present of Cleveland, O., delegate of the In-1 ard Spindle, '29E, with 32, and Austin day. ternational Typographical union, had 7 Paddock, '29E, who received 23 votes. The opening of the Community proposed formation of a third party! Mliner Officers Chosen Fund campaign in three weeks under composed of trades-unionists, liberals The minor officers of the various ! the direction of Dr. Butler was also and farmers in an effort to obtain classes were also chosen in the elec- announced at the.dinner. Many of the patronage from the "Old Line political tions yesterday, the juniors of the instructors and officials from the bosses." engineering school choosing Thomas University were present, among them Favor Sale of Beer. Yates, '29E, for vice president ovei Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics, LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11.-Thej Otto Pommerening, '29E, by a margin I;J. A. Bursley, dean of stude'nts, and American Federation of Labor conven- of two votes out of 122 cast. Lorimer Alexander Ruthven, director of the tion went on record today as favoringI Spoor, '29E.. was chosen secretary by i museum. modification of the Volstead act to a margin of 35 votes over his oppon- The University Glee Club, directed permit the sale .of wholesome beer. ent, Carl Bloomquist, '29E, and Eu- by Theodore Harrison, sang at the The action was taken by the adoption gene Easterly, '29E, was elected treas- function. of the resolution committee's reportI urer by another exceptionally -close Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the which favored concurrence in the exe- margin when he received 62 votes to journalism department acted as toast- cutive council's recommendation for 60 for Harold Dailey, '29E. master. such liberalizing of the prohibitionI In the Law School William Frue, j---'law. '29L, was chosen vice president by ELROY GUCKERT TO TALK -d- a margin of 25 votes out of 111 cast, Ito be a meeting for the men students Amos Pinkerton, '29L, defeated Mary Elroy Guckert, former athletic di- in physical education. Jrancis, 29L, his opponent for the I rector at Hillsdale college, will speak- office of secretary by a vote of 72 on the topic, "Recreational Activities IOWA C1ITY--A book, 422 years to 40, and Donovan Erickson, '29L, 1 in Europe," at 8 o'clock tonight, room old, was given to the University of was unanimously chosen treasurer. 20, Waterman's gymnasium. This is Iowa Library. In the architectural college John 2nuIwa iary. Brnle, '29A, was elected vice pres- SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION BLOSSOMS idont by a vote of 30 to 16 over hisiAS'"LITTLE MUSEUM" IS FOUNDED opponent Kenneth Holmes, '29A. A LM e e e el S .k e k e e e e s F. ' I 7} I ? I t i 4 j t { 1 1 +I k . I k I 1 I t 3 '1 4, ! f { -1v upu-e uenvais omeZ, ~3 mada, and Medina and their remain- ing handful of followers, all that i8 left of the routed rebels after their battle Sunday with the federal forces under the command of General Es-j cobar. .'THE BAD MAM' I GIN Plans Po r Second Production of Year .. Are lrecmeedning; i ay 1c Presidential headquarters during Staged Next Week the day made no further announce- A sendoff for the Varsity football ments except to say that the federal EE team when it leaves for Madison to- forces were still trailing the rebel IOPERk KEPS EN BUSY morrow night is being planned in- generals who with not morg than 100 s formally on the campus. ' The squad followers in all are fugitives in the Possibilities of further performances | will leave the Michigan Central sta- mountains. It is considered certain of Porter Emerson Browne's "The Badi tion before midnight, departing fromn}here that General Gomez and his Man, which was given last week by the Union at 9:30 o'clock. companions are bending every effort the Mimes Players as their first t-I The Varsity band will take part, to escape to the coast and to get away traction of the season, were voiced marching down State street to the in a fishing vessel in the hope of ulti- yesterday by E. Mortimer Shuter, di- station at 9:30 o'clock. Arrangements mately reaching a foreign country. rector of Mimes, although nothing ef- for the informal sendoff given the General Alvarez, Calles' chief of staff,! mite will be announced until later in, team will be announced tomorrow. said however, that he believed Gomez the week. would continue to hide in the moun- Plans for the next production of tains rather than attempt to escape Mimes are now proceeding, and the I SFord Outlines Plans to the sea coast. title of the play and the casts will be Three Generals We announced in the near future. This' For Rubber Contcern NOGALES, Ariz., 01t. 11.-War de- production, along with utheuextensive partment advices from Mexico City to preparations now being made to get On Expansive Scale the Nogales Herald today announced I into shape the choruses for the 22nd a crushing defeat of insurgent forces annual Union Opear, "The Same to (By Associated Press) near Boqpill, state of Michoacan, and You," make it difficult to revive "The DETROIT, Oct. 11.-Plans for the the death in action of three rebel Bad Man." at this time despite the establishment of a rubber develop- generals. The battle occurred last numerous requests that it be done, Mr. ment company on a concession of from night. Sue ad three to four million acres in the state Advices also indicated that the sol- The attendance record for the of Para, Brazil, were announced today diers and firing squads of President Mimes theater which was established by Edsel Ford, president of the Ford Calles of Mexico had smashed the re- last year with the presentation of Motor company. -.public's latest revolution in virtually Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Christie"' was! The concession lies in the Amazon every state except Sinaloa on the west broken by a considerable margin by aAVuu. it pumc n Ine e ron of eacL suit carried a breath condenser', to provide water to drink, and a field canister of emergency rations. They had no rubberl 1ife rafts Miss Eidor river valley on the Tatajos river with th RiYVo U]f DTLIm ULn Vnt Intl ,ue i-ver oz ioubt to the west anda the Xingo river to the east. One of the conditions of the grant I is that a certain amount of acreage be planted to rubber each year. The company is to be known as the Ford Industrial Expansion company, of- t ficered by Henry and Edsel Ford and F other officials of the Ford company. Its capitalization is to be $1,000,000. To Start Production coast. Execution within eight days of up- wards of a score of generals, charged with mutinous tendencies, and of more than 60 civilian leaders accused of re- bellion, are said to have left only six leaders of any consequence in the country who openly oppose the Calles regime and the program to again elec.t Alvaro Obregon president of the republic. Obregon is Calles' choice for the post. FRESHMEN HEAR TALK BY GILBERT Louis Gilbert, '28, spoke before the first three freshmen group meetings of the year gathered last night at the Union. More than 300 freshmen were entertained there in separate group meetings presided over by John. H the attendance during last week at' - 'The Bad Man." This is thought by considering the rafts without value. The adeatnrs Thdinisthugt y -Very lights, a Very pistol, aviation the directors to ;be due in great inca- d fares also were carried. Part of the sure to. the use of mixed casts in the I staging. I navigation equipment was three com- Prospective activity on the part ofpasses, and an earth inductor. The Play Production and Directikn and the .Srs w lae Redy Comedy club, as well as the programI OL ORCHARD, Maine, Oct. 11 - of plays designed for production dur- Teste d ested ain .v- ing the year by. Mimes, have compli- pondanderete , ecarry ng every cated the schedule for the use of the lpound expected oC her on the trans- Mimes theater, and as a result the x- atlantic hop to Copenhagen, the Si- act dates for dramatic performances korsky plane O"h chard beac read in the future are not certain. The and noised for its flight. condemnation of University hall audi- Despite the earnest plea of Mrs. torium by inspectors last year made Ralph p.-Brewster, wife of the gov- that theater unavailable ex dept for ernor of 'Maine, in behalf of the wo- class work. men of her state, that th g flight be postponed until another season, Mrs. VARIABLE STARS 1 Francis Wilson Grayson tonight said Othat she and her crew had thorough- SUBJECT OF TALK ch ly considered (the hazards involved > ; a "t i L IVI'J1T, Oct. 11.- the new type Ford automobile will be in production within two days, the Ford Motor com- pqny announced today, revealing the, fact that the Ford plants have been busy for several weeks turning out new engine blocks, axles, wheels, pistons, crankshafts and other major parts. WENLEYCOMvIPARES 1hrig,'30, Charles M. Miller, '30 and The method of computing the massl a - TraTWilliam Lowry, '30, who will have and velocity of "Eclipsing Variable and were determined to go forward at I the earliest opportunit. i Charles Hlagerstrom, '29E, was chosen, secretary by a vote of 29 to 17 for Walter Chaffee, '29E, who opposed him and 1 erman Klein, '29A, was chosen treasurer over Samuel .Wetzel, '29A, by a vote of 30 to 16. In the dental school H. Streit, '29D, was elected vice president, L. Sigis-I niond, '29D, secretary, and D. C. Mil- ler, '29D, was chosen treasurer. All of these elections were unanimous. In the presidential races in the( varous colleges Hough beat Richardl Spindle, '29E, in the engineering election by a vote of 85 to 50, Stark beat George Christe4son, t29L, his' opponent in the Law School by a voteE of 5' to 49, and Spence defeated Sam- uel Wetzel, '29A, his opponent in the coliege of architecture by a vote of 25 to 17. Otto Wenzler, '28A, was elected president of the Architectural society at a meeting held immediately xol- The "Little Museum" has been established as an integral part of the University and will in time take its place among the more unique ex- hibits of the campus, according to an announcement made yesterday from the office of the President. The first official showing of the collection, which had at that tiine been several hours in the preparation, was made yesterday afternoon before a small group of newspapermen in the Pres- ident's office. Many curios have strayed into the case already, and while it is admitted that the exhibit has little scientific, importance several of the objects are at least of historical interest. The first piece that strikes the eye is a frayed picture of John Monteith, who was president of the Cathelopiste- Imiad, the predecessor of the Univer- situ of Michigan. Not only was this an express train go by. The drawing iOLD AND MODERNI charge of these groups for the re- Stars" was the subject of a lecture is done in 12 different views, made a ' ENGLISH SCHOOLSImainder of the year. given yesterday afternoon by Dr. Dean few seconds apart to sho)v the devel- _ _Entertainment took the form of Mchaughlin, of the department of opment in the cow's interest. On the Speaking before the Acolytes last music, and smokes were served to the astronomy, in room 1041, East Phys- first picture the cow's tail is swung to night, Prof. Robert Wenley of the phil- freshmen. Many more meetings to ics building. the left, and her mouth is closed; on osophy department, gave some impres- I follow a similar plan will come in the Eclipsible variable stars Dr. Mc- the last picture the cow's tail has i sions of the academic system of Eng- future and cards will be sent out in- Laughlin explained, are stars whose swung all the way over to the right land. He compared the present day forming the freshmen of their group light varies in intensity because of the and her mouth is slightly open as if i educational system with that of his meetings. Extensive plans are being passing of a star of lesser intensity in contemplating some leisurely remark. 1 own days. made for the year and these were ex- front of it. Stereographic slides were Officials of the 'Little Museum" are When Professor Wenley was a stu- I plained to the freshmen present at the used in the presentation of the spectra unanimous in their opinion that this dent there he said, there were only meetings last night by Justin C. Weav- graphic data of the eclipsing variable work is a masterpiece. two universities in England, Oxford, er, '29, chairman of the underclass de- stars which was obtained from the The third striking exhibit is a letter and Cambridge. Today there are 19, partment. observations of various astronomers. which was sent to Dr. Frank Robbins, most of which are provincial and are assistant to the President, advertising dependent upon the local element to REPORTED CONNECTION WITH NEW a perfect tailor-made suit for $22. The supply the student, body. Unlike the CALENDAR MOVE.DENIED BY LITTLE letter is on exhibition, together with American university each school -- a sample of the goods, in order that specializes in the industrial work of' "I am in no way connected with the corrections; but I don't believe that it the benefit of this generous public its individual locality. movement proposing a new 13-month can be changed at this stage of the service may not be lost on a small "The modern university system is game." group. wholly an outgrowth of the Industrial calendar except through expressing President Little explained that he While the institution is no doubt revolution and the Education act of my hope that the matter would receive had been approached on thle subject of the youngest on the campus, the di- 1870," the speaker said; "most colleges careful consideration and investiga- the new calendar, and had replied to POSTER RESULTS NOT MADE PUBLIC Results of the annual poster con- test conducted by Mimes to determine the sketch to be used in advertising the 1927 Opera "The Same to You" will not be made public until later in the week, contrary to previous an- nouncements. Tardiness in turning in the designs by the contestants is given as the'reason for the move, since .all of those submitted have not yet been judged. Regular chorus rehearsals for the Opera are being held several times a week, under the supervision of E. Mortimer Shuter and William M. Lowis, Jr., '29. LODGE LEADS IN MAYORALTY VOTE i