DAILY O FFICIAL BULLE1TIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. n. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 8 TUES)DAY, OCTOBER 11, 1927 Number 19 To the Deans: There will be no confcrence of the President and the Deans Wednesday, Oct. 12. Frank E. Robbins. lnivershty houses for Rent: Nine room house at 1229 South State. Entirely redecorated, floors refin- ished. Water softener, laundry trays, new basement. Very good condition. Rent is reasonable. Dial 9512. Three-room apartment with bath and enclosed sleeping porch. Steam heat, frigidaire service, entirely redecorated, floors refinished. Close to cam- pus. Rent is reasonable. Dial 9512: E. C. Pardon, Superintendent. For Sale by Buldings and Grouinds lDepartment: Monroe furnace in excellent cdndition. Suitable for 6 or 7,room house. Price $50. Phone 9512, Buildings and Grounds dept. E. C. Pardon, Superintendent. Political Science 124: The make-up examination in Political Science 124 will be given October 15 at 9 o'clock in 2033 Angell Hall. Paul M. Cuncannon. Men Students in Physical Education: All men students enrolled in the four-year curriculum in Physical Educa- tion are expected to be present at a meeting to be held on Wednesday evening, October 12th at 8 p.m., room 20 Waterman Gymnasium. Mr. Elroy Guckert, former athletic director at Hillsdale college will speak on the topic, "Recre- ational Activities in Europe." Refreshments will be served. E. D. Mitchell. Sopboliore Women:, There will be a mass meeting of all girls in the Sophomore class to elect the general comixmittee for the Freshman Spread in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Barbour Gymnasium, Wednesday, October 12th, at 4 o'clock. Helen Rudolphi, Vice-President, Class of 1920. THE MICHIGAN DAILY gan Union at 7:30. It is urgencitly requcsted that all members be in attend- Walter North, Jr., Librarian. IIIIPN C O L I Acolytes: Acolytes Society will meet on Tuesday evening, October 11, at 7:30 CALLED VITAL FACTOR o'clock in Room 106 Mason hall. Prof. R. M Wenley will speak on "Some Im- pressions From England." R. Hoekstra. I lrofes%4)I11. l,. Scott Of Rhletorlc ..epartment Lands Agricultural Alpha Nu: College At Los Basos Meeting tonight at 7:30 on the fourth floor of Angell hall. All men whoO have made an application for membership, but have not yet given their TERRITORIAL CLUB MEETS speech, are requested to do so at this meeting. Additional applications for - -- membership may also be made at this time. Important business meeting for "The School of Agriculture at Los all members. IBasos is accomplishing more in the Lyl'e E. Elserman, President. Philippines than any other element Adelph l-House of Representatives: in the Islands," stated Prof. H. L. Now Booking - "THE CAMPUS OWLS" The Dance Band Supreme x Call-manager, Dance Craft Orchestras, Craft Typeshop, next to Arcade Theater, Phone 8805 All active members are urgently requested to attend the open sessiont evening at the societies' rooms-on the fourth floor of Angell hall, whent outs for Adelphi will give a five minute speech on a subject of theiro choice. Balloting on the candidates will take place in the closed session. plicants from A to M inclusive are to report at 7:30. Robert J. Gessner, Speaker. this try- awn Ap- Engineering d iebati: 0 Tuesday evening at 8:00 room 848. F. N. Menefee. Mathematical Club: Regular meeting will be held in Room 3201 Angell Hall, on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 8 p.m. Professor Hopkins will present "Report on the Problem of Three Bodies." Election'of officers. All persons interested are cordially in-1 vited.1 W. W. Denton. Cerele Francais: There will be a meeting of Cercle Francais Wednesday, October 12 at 7:15 p in., in room 202 South Wing, for the purpose of organising and forming plans for the coming year. All last year's members are earnestly requested to be present. Milo S. Ryan, President., i'hysics Colloqhnim: Dr. Dean Mcl aughlin will speak on the subject "Eclipsing Variable Stars" Tuesday, October 11, at 4:15 in Room .1041, East Physics building. All inter- ested are cordially invited to attend. W. F. Colby. Aeronautical Society: There will be a meeting of the Aero Society Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1927 at 7:15 p.m., at the Union. Mr. E. J. Hill, recent winner of the International Balloon race, will be the speaker. R. W. Miller, President. Organ Rec tal: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give the following program in the Twilight Organ recital series, on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is cordially invited to attend. The program in full is as follows: Allegro vivace (Symphony V) (Wid- or); Prelude (Saint-Saens); Allegro (Vivaldi-Bach); Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C (J. S. Bach); Cantilena (McKinley); Matin Provencal (Bonnet); Traumerci (Strauss-Christian). Allegro (Symphony IV) (Vierne). Charles A. Sink. Choral Union: Choral Union tryouts will be held for men Tuesday, Oct. 11, after the 7 p.m., rehearsal. Also for women, Thursday, Oct. 13, after 7 p.m., rehearsal, at the School of Music. Earl V. Moore, Musical Director. Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regular meeting of the Michigan Gamma Chapter of Tau Beta Pi on .Tuesday, October 11, at 6:00 p.m., at the Michigan Union. .W. E. Berger, Secretary. Theta Sigma Phi: There will be a meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Dorothy Morehouse. Alpha Epsilon Mu: The opening meeting of the year will be held tonight in Room 308 Michi- I{ Quadrangle: The regular meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 1954 Cambridge Road. Preston E. James is to speak. Athena Literary Society: Regular meeting of Athena tonight at 7:30. New members are expected to be present as well as old. Pauline Zoller. Mummers Dramatic Society Tryouts: Tryouts for Mummers Dramatic Society, this afternoon at Newberry Audi- torium, from 3:00 to 5:00. Ithiner Coffinan, President. Mumnmers Dramatic Society Tryouts: Tryouts for Mummers Dramatic Society, Wednesday afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00 at Newberry Auditorium. First semester freshman may become mem- bers. Everyone interested is invited to tryout and are asked to come prepared to give a short selection. Ithmer Coffman, President. Cargoyle Staff and Tryouts: Meeting at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. FredericWV. Ziv, Managing Editor. Tryouts for the Reserve Band: Tryouts for the Reserve Band will be held tonight (Tuesday, Oct. 11th) at 7 o'clock at the Band Headquarters on State street. Any student in the Uni- Iversity is eligible. Nicholas Falcone, Director. trehme, Former Hi-Y Members and Others Interested in Christian Associa Lion Work: The "Frosh Rendezvous" annual fall event will be held Oct. 15 and 16 at the Fresh Air camp. All interested in learning about the plans, the cost, what to bring, who the leaders are, etc., come to the Rendezvous meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, Lane Hall, eight o'clock. Wm. Brumbaugh, Pres. S.C.A. Faculty Women's Club: The first meeting of the Faculty Women's Club is to be a reception, for the wives of the new members of the faculty, at the Michigan Union, on Thursday, October 13, at 3:00 p.m. Mrs. W. L. Badger. Transportation Library: The Transportation Library in Room 1026, E. Engineering Building, will be open from 7 to 10 p.m., on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings for the purpose of study and research. Visitors are welcome at this time as wvll as during the day. J. S. Worley. Subscribe For The Weekly. Overcoat WE OFFER 75 new overcoats that just arrived these coats are tailored in the latest Collegiate styles, styles that are popular right now at all the leading universities of-the country. Ti T he New Fly Front Single Breasted Coats Make your selection now, for we believe this to be the greatest offer ever made in Ann Arbor. fBflretg HOUSE DANCES C L U B S JOE SOLOMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA A Real Dance Orchestra Open for Engagement JOE SOLOMAN - PHONE 3418 PARTIES BALLROOM 1 1 11111111111111f1111111111111111111111111[l 11111111111li1 11 1 i lti h T~he Michigane'nsian 0 I I Rates among the finest of uni- versity'annuals. At present, the seniors are being photographed as rapidly as possible. That this section may be completed in the allotted time. This ends Dec. 1, about 6 weeks away. By earyy cot-operation with the Ensian (buy your ticket) and your photographer (have the sitting made), you will avoid the rush of the last 3 weeks. I I