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October 11, 1927 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-11

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rt E. Vedder alties in the first twogae is:*-
thinks about 'the son total as much or imore thman thosew
iy M1ichigan in last 1 o all sea.oni.

AT3 P.M.


By Ilerhel
The more one
showing made b3

Saturday's gamie with State the more
attrocious; it seems. As a cynical
senior said, "it was just plain dis-
WhVeR a teami shows the powier'
that thae lWollerines did in seep -
lug to a touch1dowN l in four p lays
to open the gam e, and then has
its ofiense dwindle to nothing,
something is painfully lacking.
The blocking and general, team
workr during the first part of the game
was good to the poiit of excellence.
Tt really is more of an achievement
to have the blocking good eniough'to;
score at touchdown ona four successive
pelays than it is to have perfect block -
ing on a single play which may 're-
salt in a score.
For He remainder of tle=game
the blocking was only sptsmndic,
and the team work practically a
nfotentity. For soine reason, the
nineft Freferred to forget those
drills of last wieek..
As a team the "wolverines were
more sluggish than 'at any, other time
in recent years with the possible ex-
ception of the Navy contest last fall.
They even were penalized once for
staying in the huddle too long. One
spectator was heard to. remark that
he used to enjoy football, when it
was a< game,° rather than a legislative
assembly, as it now seems to be.
Indi videally, there were manry
1 rilot spots. Frank iarrigail at
tackle, jplayed mi almiost, faultless
gane :host of the tunle he was in
the lineup). The same, and more,
tathe said of CHIbert.
Gfilbert's ankle injury; though "not
,serious, k-ept himz- from practice yes-
ternday. Hle is practically s'ure to
play again:;t Wisconsin. Nicholson,
who also suffered an injured anlKlV.
was in uniform yesterday though not
working out muc. H e should be
able to scriln-izage in another day or

Thilteand ag ain gint3lc
Fail state a penialty Fwould pt ii
(And to an~ attack whlich C aer o-
ilse (of aiChigan lscore. The
statistics shunwed ithe Iivne
I!in -2 0 yl'( nri itself "show s tht t h (3 iey w ere on
their way, bt.t not going' anyi-
The 10,000 adlditional seats which
are to be erected on the ring of thie
stad<iulm for the Ohio State gamne have
arrived and 'willsoon lie met up. They
have been specially built to fit the
curves of the Inew sta(lium and fro-;
m ice ant alt lriactlve al)4pearance, (ell R'
though tei earaiy.
'ihe Ohi1 io le game rilise';
to he a xiiOst it Iieting coide-A,
f'°(rm all ,stlndpoits-ti ,ket 4dis-
tr'ibut hNo inelasled. To date" two
of IMe Alunn! ii ssociation hlsave
Vcee=i repo(rted ,as ha liig, their
moneywj returned, and Letters of a
lucre or less vitriolic inature con-.
tinute to por in to !4r. Tillot.

Mix Them or
Take Them Straigh!,'
IJIGGINS' Colored Draw-
ing Inks are good mixers.
Any of the twelve shades may
be mixed with any other or
thinned for tinting, with pure

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4[-I - 1
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f YY .i T

~U{SALE- (iri's riding bre eches,
HOTEL SAGE, Detroit, Mich. size 30. Also ridling boots. Vanig-,
17'17 Center St. Around the corner 217.8,1,0
from Capitol Theate<r,. Downvtown FOR SALE-Piano. Well known 1make.'
shopin (lstiici Quet ino for Excellent condtition. Phone839
re.(':Iind people. All outside rooms. 19 2l0.
Singl, $150; duble'$2,Private_______ ___________
bah:Sinle 1. ad:2; (double, tORSALE-Upright piano jut een

LOST-Ofn Sattuday, one grey kidl
g,-love, blue trillmed. Finderci please,
1.O"IT-Moo~lre 'lfonain pen i th gold
LOfST- A small st rill' of pearls, be-
1 al2~l.Rwr 8 19, 20
jug $5 and s(I everl cert ificates.
Phone86tH Rewad..1-21).


They are indispensable for all kinds of art, architectural
and engineering courses and are exeedingl,'y useful for
charts, graphs, maps, etc. For almost halfr a cenitury these
world-standard drawing inks have been u <cd nd specified
in the country's leading colleges.
You will find these and other superior Hli-gins' product
on sale at your dealer':.

Mel ( -., iurCo.
Gooyer D ru1 P4
('ippes' rug Store

a1k i- FKK he;I )uCo.
.IaL lol tr

KOL FTH AtORMnssuit -
i ndtpcoats strictly made to
oidrinl yshop, 15 So- Main
St. 17t, 18, 19
NOTICE--Emuna Fis cer Cross, teach-
ly on the faculty of ASchool of, Musi;c.
Extens=ive study abroad. 610 E.
Libert y. Apt. 8. Phone 3566 or 21104.
FOR RN-Piano ;in prIivate family.
1523 S. University,.:Dial 22288.
18, 19, 20
FOR RENT-Near Campus. Newly
decorated two-room apartment with
or without garage. 815 Avely. 3079.
FOR SALE-4-tub 3 Crosley radio, $15.
Call 8552.

tuned. Will sacrif'ice to avoid ay
ing storage. Chxeaper than rentingy
one for th1e school year. Call 3732
(luring the day.19
00OLOR"TD MAN wishes position a
cook in fraternity. Detroit :and Ann
A1rbor references. Cll IH. Dickerson
for ineformation, 5517. 17, 18, 19
WA,_'NTED-Salesmen to sell armbarnds
and p T. n~nants at football gmines.
Call 596;4. 17, 18, 19, 20

I1OST (11) nday. (Id t 1~hible wit
owners ir"st name (on.1it. Box 4-.
L L-Persojn :w ho;.rrowed Conklin
pnin1 Room 25 A1,gell Hall Friday
Iplease roturn it to F21 East Jeffer-
son or cal' 3141.



Quarr'y 1rup- Co.

WANTED-Part t 1 m e automobile
salesman. Mee~ with experience in
selling pref<)rreo. Prospects furn-
ished. Salary anid Commission.
Hudson Sal;,, &aud Service 310 E.
lI.iALP WANTED-Male student five
nights a week two hours a night.
Call after 9 o'clock evenings. 5291
Walnut street 21738. 19





IOWA --- Twenty five women have
been (Alose:n for the varsity debates


Yfor I'le
nIAI cZ rdeoInc0



The Mans Shop

This very rugged model is made
of brown heather calf wphich is soft
and pliable but r.,her hcav ).


,jf4 A
"ndthre's oewhigthat isn'te
of all the bodyguards Demp-
sey and Tunney had."

The iddl Roo Wit

' a
z . _ "s .... , _-

)fore and maore is the injured
list cdif ;~arg1 g. Nyl,'o A'i:n4'ri arm
wa1s (out of , sling asr~tt Snigh t, )lal
b (,arlewar h3z is (tietlnitely- assur- ,
E at!!?'':.2. Ther is a Fstrong pos-
sIbility that he( will start the con-
Perhaps the indIecision in the' hud-
dlle and abouot otlier things i gen-
eral is dlue to 'too little signal drill.I
At any rate, this w-eek's program
i s o liint to diligent work in this
depoartmlent as well as in fundanien;
1>;l [5Timning ( : (3'Qi'.uy fternoonl. ,
C avil Tad 1 vlweinuan annoi!(' 1
that spctatoj~rs will not 1e allow-'
ed to wlitne2ss any of tis 'week's
pracetice sessioiis 4durillg which thie
team w siIl aten ipi to 1)011511 off
an9 offens"e anda defense somewhat
mocre suitable for a Conference .
Judging from Saturday's perform-
ance, there is much to be done in this
direction. . In all dlue fairness to the
team and coaches, however, it must
be conceded that the Wolverines at-
tempted nothing new or different in
the Way of plays. Nothing was un-
A clearer idea of how well cov-
eredt the Wolverines were may be
gudiered from the fact that
scarcely a play tried tit'last
Thlursda's secret practice Was
used in the game.
Wisconsin's surprisingly good show-
ing- in downing; Coach. Franklin Cap-
poon's :Kansas eleven by a 26-6 score
has brouoght home to the team the
fact that Wisconsin is not a team to
be crifledl with, and one which is de-
veloping fast.
One thiiig iceh the coaches and
players must wvork to eradicate is
the great amount of yardage lost
throughi penalties. Last Saturday
the Wolverines lost aibout 74) yards

r, '
l '
8 r I
. .L .
7. :: f

. w

t /


The Season's Newest and Most

Of ord Gray is one the best colors



in Men's

for fall.

We have them in chevi-


ots, finished and unfinished goods

with light s tr i pes---a


Kuppenheimer and
Belmnt Clothes

We are now s howin'g a new,
small shape curl brim, hat in both
brown and dove gray. The price is
Our stock of neckwear has jnever
been larger or more complete. We
invite your inspection at any time.
$2.00, $2.50, $3.50

,assortmnent which we cordially in-
vite you to see at your convenience.

At Prices t0 Please

Zb52 and more

Our Furnishing Goods are from old es 1blishcd lines which

alone is. guaranteed of their quality.
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reew od






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