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October 11, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-11

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S. S





M u r e T L i i 1 "4 1 Ti a b l e s H a v e B e e n S o l d
For MNitol Work's Lecture
On Bridge at Union
Tickets for the Milton C. Work pro-
gram, which have been on sale at
Wahr's bookstore since Thursday,
October 27, are reported as being
much in demand. More than 150
tables have been arranged for and de-
mands for places at them are contin-
ually coming into Wahr's and also in-
to the-Alumnae office.
Mr. Work comes to Michigan direct-
ly from the Pacific toast where his
time is in such demand that it was
only with difficulty that he could ar-
range- to give five days to this state.
Mr. Work will commence his tour in
Kalamazoo on October 25, going from
there to Battle Creek on the 26th. He
will be in Ann Arbor, October 27, Lan-
sing, October 28, and Jackson on
October 29.
The proceeds of the tour will be
turned into the Women's league build-
ing fund by the committees in charge
at the various places, Michigan wom-
en having charge in each of the five,
places. The visit of the international-
ly known bridge expert promises to be
one of the biggest events in the tiro-
gram of the fund raising campaign of
the Women's league this year."

tSophomore women are re- Basing their conclusions on static-
quested to attend a mass meet- tisfruae thog qeton
ing to be held Wednesday, Oct. tics formulated through question-
12 at 4 o'clock In Sarah Cas- nires sentout to 254 colleges and
well Angell Hall. This meeting universities throughout the country,
is for the purpose of electing a the Committee an Formal Education
committee of ten who will make of the American Eugenics Society,
arangeents for the Annual headed by President Clarence Cook
Fragmns fread Little, recently produced a report
The spread is to be held at S showing the spread of interest in
o'clock in Barbour gmn. All eugenics among students.
freshmen are cordially invited. "It is of course obvious," the com-
__mittee states, "that the extent to
which the subjects of eugenics, genet-
tics, and the like are being taught is n
TEAMS DEFAULT matter of importance in estimating
IN EARLY GAMES the scope of the problem and in lay-
ing a foundation on which a measure
of progress during future years can
In the Intramural hockeygames be adequately based."
yesterday, Helen Newberry won a ; Besides the questionnaires replied
place in A tournament, and Alpha Chi to by 254 institutions, information con-
Omega, who did not put a team on the cerning the curricula of other schools
field, will be placed in B tournament to the total of 499 was used in pre-
as lcsers of the first round game. paring the report. In general, it was
There was no game at 5:15, as neith- discovered that three quarters of this
er team appeared. All previous games dsoee httreqatr fti
were merely preliminary, but these group are dealing with the general
problems of human biology covered by
are very important as they will ter- the descriptive terms of eugenics or
inmate in finals, genetics, either by courses directly or-
The following games will be played ganized for the purpose or by includ-
Wednesday; at 4:15, Alpha Phi vs. ing the material in allied courses.
Alpha Omicron Pi; and at 5:15 Delta ab oratory Study Given.
Gamma vs. Kappa Alpha Theta. Ir .

S Invitations to the reception of
methods of teaching, as obtained ite acult Woen'sCepti on
through this research, is that teach- T u ty Wen's C s o
ers and lecturers are too dogmatic tue. The reception will be
and ten too mislaad the studentsb from 3 to 6 and not 4 to 6 as
stated in the invitation. As there
based on untrustworthy data, and that will be nearly 150 prospective
the student needs a stronger biolog- wl members to be welcomed, a
ical foundation than he is at present full attendance is desired of all
required to have in order to recogize u endance
such overstatements. In ]ind with Members.
this criticism, the committee felt a
need for a required or popular lecture PORTIA W ILL HOLD
I course in biology for all students, to TRYOUTS TONIGHT,
interest them in the prOlblems of TR O T O I H
-eugenies. ---f
Other criticism protester the en Tryouts for Portia literary society
ical type of laboratory work as being will be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
dangerous for immature students be- the Portia room on the fourth floor
cause of the emotional appeal, and ob- of Angell Hall. Women from all class-
jected to some of the text books as es including first semester frespmen

misleading because they minimize the
importance of environment.
Stresses "Caution" in Using Genetic
The keynote of the general sugges-
tions received was "caution." The
general warning is to proceed with
the greatest care and conservatism un-
til more data it forthcoming. This is
suggested in order to" prevent eugen-
ics from becoming sensational and
pseudoscientific. The need of further
research is cilphasized, and some sug-
gested the introduction of eugenics
into earlier phases of education
through physiology courses in high
schools and general s"ience and bio-
l ogy studied in the 7th; 8th and Rth
In regard to educatiig the public,
the chief points stressed were to
arouse educated people and develop im
the public mind such a°scientific atti-
. i nantwith the nresent


;, ,A

Woman's place is in the home but
not necessarily her own home, accord-
ing to women Fasciti organizations
which are training several hundred
thousand girls and women for produc-
tive occupations closely connected
with domesticity.
Italy's need for nurses will have
been satisfied within a few years as
five thousand have been graduated in
special courses and 35,000 more are
being trained. More than 100,000
women are being instructed as scien-
tific farmers with the intention of re-
lieving men of such work as animal
breeding, truck gardening, fruit farm-
ing and horticulture of all types.
The most far-reaching of the six
roles assigned to women by II-Duce
-the others being propagandistic,
sanitary, agricultural, scholastic and
pirotocQion of home products-is
"moral tutelage of labor," which
means that social work among labor-
ing classes of both sexes is their
Despite the tact that the principle,
of Fascism is to keep women out of
political activity it is pointed out that
they have equal rights in "politics" of
the new national labor unions. In
several unions women have command-
ing positions. Some say that women
will be permitted to be deputies when
the present chamber of deputies, con-
forming with Mussolini's plan, is
transformed into a "chamber of labor"
representingthe.productive popula-
tion of geographical regions.

Women Should Face'
Decisive Problems,
Says Carrie . Catt1
"More would be accomplished if
women would concentrate on some of'
the larger problems facing the coun-
try and pay less attention to the
minor 'matters," said Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt at a gathering of 60
Nvomen prominent in business or civic,
affairs, recently.
"Two of the most important are the;
spoils system and the proportion of I
crooks to honest people,' Mrs. Catt
said. "One is - illustrated in Major
Mill's article in Collier's on enforce-
ment conditions. What he proves is
that enforcement is difficult because
enforcement officers belong to the
spoils system. All parties have it. It
is universal and in itself a menace to
democracy and a disgrace to our
"Another thing prohibition h a s
brought us is the revelation that we.
are a nation of a great many crooks,
thieves and people without honor. It
has not made the crooks; it has simp-
ly lifted the curtain and revealed what
we are," Mrs. Catt concluded.
Mrs. Catt then urged that the presi-
-dents of all. the women's organizations
should meet and discu1ss the more
vital question. After that, she sug-
gested, the number of organizations .
could be reduced and made more effi- 1
Though unable to speak a word of
English, Senorita Francisca Crispi of
San Diego, Chile, has entered the col-
lege of education at the University of
The women on the faculty at the
Iowa university have a hockey team
of their own.!

.Laboratory study, stressed by scien-
tists as vital to the progress of the
more advanced study of these sub-
jects, is offered by only 82 institu-
tions. On the other hand, 84 per cent
of the replies indicate the opinion
that genetics should be a prerequisite
to the study of eugenics and 90 per
cent would insist on laboratory ex-
perience for field workers in eugen-
ics. Of further interest is the fact
411-- ,rnfir~n n ain-i~v of bin lP

are urged to prepare a three-minute
speech on any subject and present it1
before the society.
Portia literary society seeks to in-1
elude in its programs opportunity for
practice in public speaking, dramatics,
and informal discussions on questions
of popular interest. Women who be-
come members of such literary groups
as Portia and Athena obtain the ben-
efits to be derived from organizations
similar to the English university clubs
composedl of persons who are interest-
ed in sonic aim which all members
have in common. Like the English
groups, also, Portia offers to its. mem.-
hers a social group life which is com-
bined with the informal discussions
to which each member contributes his
share throughout the year.
Women graduate students.at the
University of Wisconsin will partici-
pate in intramural athletics this year,
hockey, horse-shoe pitching and volley
ball being the most popular sports.
Little said: "I believe the thing that
is really importantdfor eugenics is
the cultivationof dispassionate in-
quiry' as a habit of mind or at Y'east
respect for it; this depends on in-
struction in science particularly in
biology and it requires laboratory
courses, else the whole matter is un-
real. If this is taken care of through
courses in physiology and genetics,
the "application" will take care of it-
In concluding, the committee of-
fered several suggestions as to the
proper approach in the teaching of
such subjects, the general aim of
which was "a scientific method of
studying things in their genesis andl
wider causal relations."

"Moving pictures taken in the larg-
er universities of the United States
are fast becoming an important factor
in displaying of a true conception of
university life before the American
public," says Herbert L. Connelly,
Alumni Secretary of Wesleyan Uni-
versity at Middleton, Conn. Mr. Con-
nelly has made a survey on this sub-
ject, the results of which are an-
nounced in a recent number of the
Amateur Movie Makers.
Over 57 American Universities, In-
cluding Michigan, have determined to
incorporate movies in a scheme for
securing financial aid, attracting new
students, gaining the interest of the
Alumni, and for creating new and
greater interest in their institutions
in general.
An article entitled "The Traveling
Campus" also states that due to the
use of this new movie system the cam-
pus mountain has actually come to
the graduate Mohammed, and an-
other movie miracle is recorded. Al-
though Michigan is still contemplating
the project, 16 other universities are
now producing complete scenarios
consisting of campus scenes, atheltic
events, alumni reunions, pictures of
interesting people connected with the
university, and special events.
The prospective student will, in this
way, have a chance to learn something
of the actual life in the university
that he contemplates entering. The
absurd conception of college life
which is held by many Americans can,
in time, give way to a realistic picture
of what students are doing, on the
campuses. the filmf will be sent to
various cities to be shown and the in-
stitutions themselves may exchange
them to herald their rival achieve-
The Denver Clarion says, "These
films are telling the story of higher'
education in the most simple fashion
and by a means which has the most
Five girls taking home manage-
ment at the University of West Vir-
ginia live in a model cottage and keep
house as part of their course.
Rev. J. J. Steffens, pastor of St.
Mathews episcopal church, Evanston
denounced woman's methods of eman-
cipation as unconventional.

According to Miss Dorothy Ketcham
director of the Social Service depart
ment of the University hospital, the
students of the University of Michigan
have a large field in which to work
at the hospital.
The students in Occupational-
theropy can teach the children to use
their fingers in writing, drawing, and
building. Thus, they are prepared tc
go on to school when they recover
This department is on the 6t1 floo:
and includes about four or five hun
dred children from all over the state
and a few from other states.
The girl students here interest the
children by telling them stories, read
ing poems and plays and playing
games with them. This training help
the student if they intend to teac
school when they have finished them
University schooling.
The older patients in the hospita
are taught, Algebra, French, Histor;
and other subjects which enable then
to enter school when they are wel
enough without being put back so far
One of the big social events of th
year is the Hallow'een Party. Th
Woman's League and other organiza
tions often provide for this entertain
ment as well as other events. The:
furnish music, ,entertainment, decors
tions and food.
In order to be listed in the schedul
for the golf tournament which will b
started very soon, women who are in
terested must fill out cards, whic
may be obtained from Miss Hall.
Freshman Girls Glee Club try-out
will take place from 4:30 to 6:00 tc
day in Room 216, School of Music.
Interclass hockey practice today
seniors and juniors at 4 o'clock, an
freshmen and sophomores at 5.o'clock
The squads will be picked soon.

that a definite miajority of o.gy tune as s conv
teachers believe that genetics and state of scientific knowledge.1
eugenics should be required of all bio- Sfate Universities Lead in 1i0logy.
logical, sociological, and medical stu- Among the interesting statistics
dents. About half were in favor of which were revealed through the corn-
such requisites for students of law mittee's work is the strong showing^
and one quarter that they should be made by state universities. Of still
required of all students. greater import is the fact that a larg-
May Require Biology as Prerequisite er percent of coeducatiinal colleges
The report further comnments as fol- and universities offer "courses in gen-
lows: "It is interesting to note that etics and eugenics than either the cob
the feeling about students of sociol- leges for men or women. Colleges for
ogy and medicine is just as strong as women rate second and colleges for1
is that about biological students them- men third. The men's colleges show
selves. This will undoubtedly mean a higher percentage of laboratory
that as time goes on an increasing work than either of the other groups,
number will believe in the require- although they are lower in pereentage
ment of one or both of these subjects of actual courses in genetics and
for all other students. Once the value eugenics. These facts gain even
of the genetic method of analysis is more force in the light of a study
admitted in sociology and medicine it made with regard to courses in child
is logically only a question of time psychology and child welfare by Miss
and clear thinking before its Xalue to Doris Twitchell. These'also show a
all educated. people is definitely re- corresponding lack ' of interest at
cognized. The rate at which the per men's colleges.
cent. of those who will believe in re-. Sociology was also recommended as
quiring genetics and eugenics for all a part of the background requisite
students increases will be a fair inea- to the proper study of eugenics, since
sure of the progress of the scientific it was felt that no such course is ade-
point of view helping us to face our quate without consideration briefly at
problems of higher education and race least of the living races of men.
improvement." Should Develope Habit of Dispassion-
Present Mletods Are Too General. ate Inquiry.
The main criticism of the present Commenting on the study, President
Reopening of the Famous
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