THE MTCH-TG AN PATT Y ____________ Published eery morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.. The Associated Press is exclusively en- tiled tothe us for republicationof all news a dispatches creditedo it or not otherwise- credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the. postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. master General.. Suscription , by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, *50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 212T4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 425 - MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor.......Ellis B. Merry Staff EditorP............hilip C. Brooks City Editor....,....Courtland C. Smith Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles Spurts Editor............Herbert E. 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Hamdrnets' TUES1 ,OCTOBER 11, 1927 Night Editor-PAUL J.,KERN NATIOAL BOUNDARIES One of the most beautiful and glit- tering phrases that emanated from Versailles in 1919 was "The rightof self-determi ation for small states," Carried away by their own platitude thegentlemen in charge of that meet- ing actually tried the program and held plebsoite after plebscite to de- termine national boundaries. The program is very nice theoreti- cally, but at the present time, eight years after the first of these votes, the whole situation is still far from perfect; and early this week trouble has agaii arisen between Poland and Lithuania. over the crucial city of Vilna, with Lithuanian fascisti shoot- ing at Polish guards and Poland seri- ously considering the framing of an ultimatum to be sent to Lithuania. While the Vilna trouble is brewing in northern Europe, Bulgaria and Jugoslavia are threatening hostilities in the South over the assassination of Kovachevitch, and the Macedonians and Bulgarians are at grips over the attempted overthhow of Liaptcheff, the Bugarian' premier. All of these incidents do not prove that the peace conference or the League of Nations have been wrong in their treatment of the small western European states, but they do prove that these states, after centuries of petty national hostility and intrigue, will not placidly lie down side byl side at the command of a ringmas- ter. The Poles captured Vilna from the Lithuanians seven years ago, and the date is still celebrated in Poland by .a great holiday to "rub it in" and in Lithuania by a day of mourning. Until the nations of Europe, both large and small, can get over such childish antics, the security of that continent will never be attained, League of Nations, plebscites, "self- determination," and kindred things to the contrary notwithstanding. ENCOURAGING One of the most encouraging aspects of the Mexican political sit- uation in years is the prompt failure of the recent revolution there led by Gomez, Serrano, and followers. If there is one single thing that hasf hampered the progress of that state it is the lack of political stability, and with the decisive vindication of the Cales regime in the recent struggle: it seems that Mexico may be on the verge of attaining that stability. Spanish-American nations 1a c k miserably capability in government, It is to be hoped that Calles's firm policies can be continued, and that the man whom he has chosen as his successor, General Obregon, will be both successful in the impending elec- tion and capable as an administrator after his accession. ANOTHER CLIMAX Two recent developments in thec Chinese situation bid fair to break the' present comparative calm, and to£ force a new line up in the Far East. With a suddenness that has taken Marshal Chang Tso-Lin unawares, two* armies have moved up on him and are threateiing Pekin, capital of north- ern China, with capture. One force is headed by Feng, the Christian sol- dier from Honan province, and the other is an army of Nationalists from Shansi province. If news reports1 from the scene are to be believed, the defense of Pekin will be weakly waged. Should it fall, it will in all probability mean the end of the in- famous Chang of Honk-Kong, whose .picturesque autocracy has been hold- ing the whip hand.t Friends of the nationalist movement! both in China and elsewhere would' be glad to see the Manchurian go by the board for several reasons. First, he is said to be implicated in the Japanese, designs on Manchuria, thereby making himself unpopular with the anti-foreign element. Sec- ondly, his policy from the beginningF despite many oaths of sympathy has been for the security and advancement of himself, regardless of cost. r Bit what Chang lacks in sympathy1 he has in personality and leadership, and it is in precsely these things that the nationalists are lacking. There is I apparently no one to mold a new and more trustworthy regime nor to act; as a focal point for a union of pur- pose and growth since the death of Sun Yat Sen and the resignation of General Kai Shek. Perhaps out of the impending chaos will rise some one to grasp the reins. Few world divil Wars have failed to place steps for new heroes, although the pre- liminary work is often difficult and discouraging. The task confronting a leaderless China is great but perhaps better than that before a tyrannized one. STOPPING A WOUND Out of London has come the an- nouncement that Spain may give up her Moroccan possessions in northern Africa. The statement, made by the Spanish premier, is a result of a meet- ing between him and Sir Austen Chamberlin aboard the latter's yacht in the Mediterranean. The offer is thought to involve a trade of some sort With France, who has not 'et been approached on the subject. The proposition on the face of things would seem to be one of the best. Spanish Morocco has long been a source of weakness to Spain, a pain- ful luxury that could not be afforded without great cost. It has been one of the factors responsible for the weakness of that nation. France for purely physical reasons has done bet- ter, and there is little reason to be- lieve that she could not extend her dominion with little trouble. Great Britain is a disinterested party, more so since the Gibraltar matter has been definitely cleared up, and she can be taken on her word to be interested merely in clearing up international differences among her neighbors. There is but one factor at this stage that may become a wrench in the ma- chinery, namely, that Spain is con- sidering the matter on the ground that France will "form a satisfactory compromise." The nature of that compromise is the hub on which everything turns, and it will reveal any inner considerations that the Spanish premier may have. AN. OPEN DISCUSSION Invitations are being issued by the Department of Commerce to a nation- al conference for the consideration of every branch of aerial activity. This convention is planned for the discus- sion of the problem of aviation and all of the people of the country who are in any way interested in the in- dustry will be invited. The major problems which face the conference are five in number: amendments to existing air regula- tions; standardization of schools now teaching aviation; airports and their regulation; the improvement of the service of the department to aviators and commercial aircraft corporations; and the drawing of a standard plan for the testing of all aviation ma-, terials. Aviation has before it much work to be done in the line of formulating standard practices and regulating [itself. Conferences such as this should do much to bring a closer understanding between members of the large group, and to improve the standards of the industry when it is' just starting its phenomenal growth. "Administration would pay for flood control." In the present condition of POTICSL POLITICS The Interfraternity council, official Whatisit of the fraternal spirit on our campus, gathered in it's first business meeting under the new figureheads selected last week. * * * Inasmuch as a request had been made for the payment of dues, a large number of fraternities were not rep- resented at roll call. After the preliminaries and the call for new business to be discussed, a long pause ensued. Just as someone was about to suggest adjournment, another rose wearily and suggested that something be done about the automobile question. * -* * Spurred to action by this moment-. ous topic, a few more delegates strug- gled to their feet. After several min- utes of spiritless discussion, the council decided it wasn't any use to do anything about it. And they decid- ed upon a resolution. * * , Next to be discussed was the sug- gestion that permanent delegates be sent by each house to the council. It seems unfair to those liable to be thus chosen,. since the burden of attend- ance had formerly been spread over the whole membership of each house. But the delegates accepted the sug- gestion without protest. Consternation was almost produced among the officers when a delegate rose to ask the destination of the an- nual levy of dues. Fortunately one member recalled a plausible answer, and the meeting proceeded peacefully. * * * Suggestions for a more satisfactory method of electing officers were next considered. The president opened a magnificient opportunity for a dirty crack when he asked if anyone was dissatisfied with the present system. But most of the delegates were no longer paying any attention and the moment passed., THE PRESIDENT IS INELIGIBLE, LONG LIVE THE PRESIDENT! Now that the Seniors and Dean Bursley have reached a compromise upon a class president, everybody ought to be thoroughly satisfied. * * * WITH a class as experienced in such matters as that of '28, we should naturally have expected some new kinks in the election situation. * * * One might also naturally suppose that the Senior elections would be the best conducted political spectacle on the campus. But as a matter of fact, the voting process carried on at that time is the most inefficient of the y e a r.I * * * Most of the trouble is caused by Freshmen who attend the elections. Being entirely unfamiliar with the correct methods of polluting the bal- lotbox, they gum everything up and are a big nuisance. AT THE ALL-CAMPUS ELEC- TION "If the Freshmen come any greener," declared the - disgrun- tIed politician, "they may have j to be barred from representingj their Senior classes." * * * The Frosh really ought not to be blamed for their activities. As a mat- ter of fact, like toads, they have a very useful function. When anyone has been around the campus as long as many of our lead- ing upperclassmen, he gains a large amount of knowledge and experience that scarcely anyone could pick up in a briefer career. We should hate to think of the effect of a group of such in supreme control of campus elec- toral affairs. However useless a lot the Fresh- men may be, they at least lend all element of chance. *.* 31ICHIGAIIUA ON HORSEBACK A number of Michigan's own BMOCs, their standing certified by the golden hatchet ofa Michigamua, went out Sun- day afternoon to do battle with inertia by means of good, sound horseflesh. In addition to the good time had by all, the leading representative of the Student council learned the value of prompt action when his fiery mustang refused to give way to an automobile. . a* * *u Fortunately the unbanned auto THEATER B 00MKUSI MUIC I i i THE FACULTY CONCERT A review, by Gerd Aage Gillhoff The opening program of The Fac- ulty Concert series resembled an ele- vator in that it had its ups and downs. The concert began with a descension and ended with one, but between the drops there were several ascensions, not high enough, however, to cause the reviewer to suffer from vertigious- ness more than he does at present. The first down was a lengthy violincellosolo by Hanns Pick, a new member of The School of Music fac- ulty. Music of a stately simplicity is well suited for the instrument which should not be used to exhibit one's technique or lack of it. Herr Pick's tones were often harsh and scratchy, and not infrequently his fingers stray- ed a fraction of an inch beyond their appointed places. His playing, which was that of a pedagogue, was marred by a heaviness and lack of grace that even his desire to display his technical ability could not lessen. Mrs. Maier was not at her best in the selections she played. Her most effective number was Liszt's "Etude in F minor" which requires great bril- liancy. Mrs. Maier has that, and she is excellent when she plays such com- posers as Mozart and Haydn. She was not so fortunate in the Debussy number, failing to create a mood, nor was the desired effect attained in the Chopin nocturne. These numbers re-t quire an emotional subjectivity, a re- finement of touch, a feeling for tone color which very few pianists possess. A lack of ability in this direction does not, of Course, reflect on one's talent as a pianist. Even Paderewski, can't play Debussy as Ganz or Gieseking can. The reviewer was affected agree- ably by Miss Strong's mellow, flexible voice. The highest peaks of the pro- gram were surely her singing of the Debussy aria and Fourdrain's splendid "Carnaval." Her second group, the final down, was not so impressive. LaForge's "Hills" had passages re- calling Debussy, and her own compo- sition ended with Massenet's "Elegie." The program was too long, and the eagerness of the audience to depart was somewhat too apparent. Miss Strong deserved more applause and Herr Pick less. s * * NOTA Despite the advertisements that say "Metropolis" is attuned to a brilliant age, this column advises you to see it, against the usual policy of exploiting the screen. None of you have ever seen anything like it, with the possi- ble exception of "R. U. R." and this has all the technical scintillation that only the Germans seem capable of giv- ing. The plot is exceptionally weak, and the actors extremely foreign. -K. G. P. * * * "A NEW TESTAMENT," by Sher. wood Anderson; New York: Boni, Liveright and company; 1927; $2.50. A review, by Harold May Sherwood Anderson lays, belly down, on a hill side, his back to the sun, suddenly the world is laying on Sherwood Anderson, the world is in Sherwood Anderson rolling about in his mind, up and down in his veins; he is about to give birth to a world. All this by reason of the sensuosness wrung ,out of the combination o Sherwood Anderson, the sun, and the warm living earth. The author of "A New Testament" is a mystica sensu- ous mystic, a whole-lifer, a Buddhist without a Buddha, a saint without a god; his only mood is the subjective mood. Anderson is the latest and greatest disciple of' the ubiquitous and Yea-saying Walt Whitman. While Anderson has in his mind all the lush growth of ideas and emo- tions that ,properly speaking, belong to genius, his art, his ability to clarify, emphasize, and attractively form his ideas, may sometimes be called in question. Some of his perceptions that when expressed, ought to stand out brilliantly, like flame, as they stand, in his book, leave only a vague flick- ering impression, like the passing of a hasty shadow. Mystic experiences, some of them parallel to Anderson's, some of them not, but of the same or better quality, have been"expressed before and been expressed better by Havelock Ellis, J. K. Huysmans, Car- dinal Newman, Emerson, Origen, St. Augustine, and many others. Perhaps the reason for the superiority of the above men lies not in the sharpness or the vividness of their experience, but in their training in the use of their languages.,In the movement that has been going on in America for the last two or three decades, against the bondage of form, in which Sherwood Anderson has certainly played a large 'I NIG i i i Week BCglnning, Movday, Oct. 3 Bonstelle Playhouse THE POOR NUT" By J. C. and E i1lf\it uzge ut 11S: Ral. 75e, $1.00; Orch. $1.00, $1.51; Mats.: Tu., lur and Sat., 50c, 7.3v. 1 P. -. Till hMIPF'S MO)EL C I 'l' i 1 . ~ r, . All Thi .,.. s Week--Exhibition Extraordinary! Open From 11 P. M. Iii Storeroom at 221 South Aienue Ss1)The Ornal Adnlt, 2cSWISS Children., 1e0 1,.(" l? i GRANGER'.' 'n' Dancing Tonight and Wednesday Night Eight To Ten Each of these mid-week dances is just long enough to provide a most enjoyable diversion from the routine of studies. Bill Watkins' Wolverines furnish music that puts lots of life into the evening. Dancing every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Granger's Academy 5 , ,. ,. .. FRATERNITIES! - SORORITIES! Are you plannnig on securing a location close in to the Campus? If so, consult us. We have a few good houses-the kind you will be proud of. We will be pleased to confer with you on this matter at any time. 1. Hill Street: 13-room house with 3 baths, and auxiliary quarter:s over garage that wi'll house several students, steam heating plant, oil burner, large water softener. House is beautifully finished and the rooms are large. Exterior a ppearance is attractive. Priced around $35,000, with very reasonable terms to reliable organiza- tion. 3. Large house near hospital, suitable for large medical or dental fraternity. Tiled wash room, steam heat. Dancing room will accommodate 40. House capacity 23. Priced at $21,000, with reasonable terms. .y \ 1.: :.! a 'I i <. Y . 1 ti 1 ... ' , 1. CALL MR. SERGEANT - with - / REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Realtors and Insurance Office Phone 22571. Brooks Bldg. Home Phone 6189 ,' 'S I ==WN Distinguished by a favor that places it first IT is a natural pride that Camel feels for its triumphs. Not only did it lead the field shortly after its introduction. It passed steadile on with each succeeding year until today it holds a place in pub- lic favor higher than any other smoke vcra aa na i C-V -11- --01'rm V m f is indeed the myriad qualities of per- fection that are to be found in the choicest tobaccos grown. And the art of Nature is aided by a blending that un- folds each delicate taste and fragrance. You will more than like Camels., Vnt tii-i 1"rt~M c -aet e ®r