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October 09, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-09

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press' is exclusively en-
tted to the use fo irepublication ofallynews
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
crrdited in this paper and the local news pub-
lshed herein.,'
Entered at the postoffie at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, assecond class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 425; Business 21214.
Telephone 492 -
Editor. ... .............Ellis B. Merry
Staff Editor.............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behyrer
Womens Editor..........MarianEL. Welles
Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Bodkstand Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
1rTelegraph Editor............oss W. oss
Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
14- Night Eitors
.Robert E. Finchl G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Xernl Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
,Jn Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur sally Knox
Emmons A. Bonfield Jack L. Lait, Jr.
Stratton Buck Richard H. Milroy
Jean Camphel Charles S. Monroe
Jessie Church Catherine Price,
Sydney M. Cwan< Mary E. Ptolemy
William B. Davis Harold L. Passman
William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg
Margaret-X rOss David Scheyer
Valborg Egelnd Robert G. Silbar
Marjorie Folmer loward . Simon
Camees B. Freeman George E. Simons
Robert J. Gessner Sylvia Stone
Elaine E. Gruber George Tilley
Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke
Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising....'. .. ..Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising .... ......Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.......John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................ Raymond Wachter
Circulation .........George B. Am, Jr.
Publication....H..r........avey Talcott
Fred Babcock Ray Hotelich
George Bradle Marsden R. Hubbard
James 0. BrJwn Hal A Jaehn
fames B. 'Cooper James Jordan
Charles K. c ore1 Marion Kerr
Bessie U. Egeland Thales N. Lenington
Ben Fsishman W. A. Mahaffy-
Katherine Frochne George M. Perrett:
Douglass Fuller Alex K. Scherer
Herbert Goldberg William L. Schloss
L. H. Goodman Herbert E. Varnum
Carl W. Hammer
Night Editor-ROBERT E. FINCH
If there is any quality which the
German nation'h4s never lacked with-
in the last 60 years it is political lead-
ership. Other nations of Europe, in
the great explosion of 1919, suffered
consequences- from which they have
even now not completely recovered
and several of the victorious govern-
Inents are wobbly and on the brink
of crashing still, but not so Germany.
In 1919, when the Allied victory
shattered to fragments the German
monarchy,s and. sent the iron hands of
decades sourrying to cover, Germany,
untrained as she was in democratic
government, raised as if by magic a
Stresemann, an Ebert, and finally a
Von Hindenburg from' the ruins; and
while the victois still are wondering
whether they can pay the cost of war,
Germany has begun payment, and
while othet governments totter and
quake, masive Von Hindenburg pre-
sides over the most stable govern-
ment in Europe. -
If there i any one factor in this
governmental success that stands out
above others it is these statesmen

Germany has produced;. and if there
is any one statesman who stands
out above the rest it is Von Hinden-
burg. Taken from the theater of war+
and transplanted to rule the nationJ
this man, more than any single figure
since the cataclysm, has moldel Ger-
many into a united whole, with no fac-
tion daring to oppose. The: rep'ubli-
cans are by nature behind the repub-
lic, and the monarchists will scarcely
oppose the man who loomed so largeI
in their ranks during the war, evens
though that man has taken the oatht
of allegiance to the republic.
When Hindenburg was inaugurated,
and persons throughout. -the world1
sensed the return of monarchy in hist
accession, Baron Von Maltzen, astute '
German ambassador to Washington,
who was recently killed in an airplanet
accident, stated that the great general
offered no peril to the republic; but
that rather the republic would gain
through the added strength of ther
monarchists who would support him.I
Von Maltzen's observation, while not
entirely correct, was at least correctt
in principle, and the day that Vont
Hindenburg'took the oath of allegiance E
to the rew republic, that day the mon-E
archists suffered a crushing blow tot
their hope of a return to power. c
A few days ago the great soldier-t
statesman celebrated his eightiethe
birthday anniversary as the center ofc

grateful, for Hindenburg has brought
the stern discipline of the soldier to
the arena of statesmanship; and in
the final analysis Germany can rely
on his word to support the republic.
Hindenburg will not leave his post,
for in the dark hours of 1919, deserted
by his government, defeated on every
front, facing countless perils, Hinden-
burg alone remained to lead his
armies in orderly retreat. When the
great names of German history are
named in the future, Emperor Fred-
eric and Chancellor Bismarck will
have become a triumverate with Pres-
ident Von Hindenburg.
.Though the Republican presidential
nominatio convention is more than
nine months away, the national com-
mitteemen of the party have convened
to lay plans for the 1928 campaign.
From the standpoint of party wel-
fare, this group as represented by its
majority,\ has started out soundly by
considering President Coolidge out of
the race. Despite the possible am-
biguity of his statement, the President,
as has been evidenced several times
since his declaration at Rapid City,
'does not in any way consider him-
To be sure, it would probably be
more advantageous for party unity
and success if the President would
run again. Yet, the party should have
and does have men who can ably lead
both it and the nation. It is well that
these facts be sincerely viewed, and
that the available men of the party
brought forth before the public.
.Border raids by comitadjiis, or ir-
regular bands engaged in guerrila
warfare have again excited Balkan
states to a serious diplomatic crisis.
Following similar troubles between
Albania and Jugoslavia in less than a
year, the latter and Bulgaria has al-
most come to a break in relations be-
cause of the murder of Gen. Michael
Kovachevitch and the frontier incur-
sions allegedly starting in Bulgarian
territory, and, according to the Jugo-
slavian charges, encouraged by the
Sofican government. j
in the Serbian capital the excite-
ment following the raids has run very
high with all factions condemning the
Bulgarian activities. Little has been
heard from Sofia of the Bulgarian side
Qf the case, but it is known that that
government through its minister at
Belegrade has expressed regret to the
Serbian government over the assas-
sination as well as the frontier at-
In part, this note may relieve or
lead to the relief of the strained re-
lations between the two countries. At
any kate, it indicates the goodwill of
the Bulgarian government, though
whether expressed with complete sin-
cerity is hard to judge in the maze of
conflicting reports.
Still, Jugoslavia will not be satisfied
with mere expressions, but will de-
mand the punishment of the murder-
ers. Such a request, of course, is
justified. In fact, the Bulgarian gov-
ernment should not only punish the
actual murderers, but should also
adopt harsh moves to quell the co-
mitajiis movements about the border
land. Admittedly, the latter is diffi-
cult. The physical conditions of the
country and the immigration of dis-
satisfied individuals have both com-
plicated the.situation. Yet, as an in-
dependent state ,it is the duty of Bul-
garia to take preventive action.-
While the Labor party in England

is completing the work of its Black-
pool gathering, and threatening the
Conservatives with the wrath of the
popular vote on many issues, the
Baldwin ministry, which is conserva-
tive, and which is now in power, has
replied with a conference at Cardiff,
Wales, at which a number of counterr
proposals have been introduced.
Political observers seem almost
unanimous in the opinion that there is
small immediate chance of Conserva-
tive toverthrow. Ominous rumblings
in the background, however, indicate;,
that there will be trouble in no homo-
pathic proportions if the Conserva-
tives stick to their announced inten-
tion of reforming the House of Lords
and giving that body more power in
taxing the nation.
"Inasmuch as the continued exten-
sion of the franchise (voting) to those
who hardly pany any taxes at all has
reduced to insignificance the voting
power of the taxpayers having the
greatest financial stake in the coun-
try ... . this- conference resolves that
the attention of His Majesty's gov-
ernment be draw to this grave
anomaly with a view to its rectifica-
tion in a reconstitution of the second
chamber or otherwise." This resolu-
tion, adopted at the Cardiff confer-,
ence, constitutes the essential feeling,
of the Conservative party on taxation1

3trCxrGA N ol
Michigan's cheerleading squad suf-
fered defeat by a close margin at the
hands of the Spartan yell-jerkers at
their annual contest yesterday' noon
at the Lake Tillotson stadium.
* * *
Although outnumbered both in as-
sistants and supporters, the Green
and White captain fought bitterly to
the very end of the contest, and by a
unanimous vote of the Rolls corre-
spondents he was declared the victor.
* * *
The break in the game came when
Captain Endriss sent one of his Weak-
est men to cover the Freshman ter-
ritory in the northwest portion of the
stadium. The Frosh revolted at the
high school antics displayed by the
Michigan leader, and all the efforts of
Captain Endriss and the rest of his
squad were required "to swig them
back into line.
Meanwhile the State captain con-
centrated on a small block of his
strongest supporters, disguised as
bondholders, who were massed along
the 50-lard line. Close observers
state that he managed to provoke
more yells than a painless dentist.
* * *
Spectators at yesterday's game who
also witnessed the contest with Ohio
Wesleyan were much surprised at the
changed appearance of the stadium.
Many doubts had arisent as to what
material was used in constructing the
stadium, but now that the prevailing
rains have completely washed off all
the Ann Arbor water reports that
concerte was used can be verified.
* * *
Many spectators were incensed over
the impolite' treatment of the Paw
Paw high school band by the Athletic
association. Denied a chance to march
out on the field with the other bands,
they were further insulted by being
relegated to what is probably the
poorest section of seats in the sta-
* * *
"'They may call this a football j
game," reclared the Freshman 1
as he peered through the goal
posts, "but I call it a test on ;
the eyesight." |


I i

THIS AFTERNOON: The first pro-
gram of The Faculty Concert series
at 4:1 o'clock in Hill auditorium.
* * *
It has become a byword in the
lobbies and box'offices of Manhattan
tliat the road is, dramatically speak-
ing, closed, a sign marked "Detour"
across its reluctant portals. Yet
down at the Whitney, Don McIntyre a
pugnacious survivor of the dying race
of hinterland impresarios, still keeps
open house for the drama. Staunchly
defending this outpost of the show-
shops, he is determined to bring to
his patrons the cream of the theater,
while other rural enterpreneurs are
content merely to import the skimmed
milk. Good drama, he has found, is
not necessarily a vendible commodity
in Ann Arbor; yet he isnevertheless
bringing numerous seasonal diver-
sions to this intellectual, though dif-
fident, metropolis.
Signal among the events of the
Whitney's season will be the visit of
emissaries from the Theater Guild,
an organization justly celebrated for
having made good drama solvent in
Gotham. The company is on an ex-
tensive junket in the provinces from
Montreal, Quebec, to Forth Worth,
Texas, and includes George Gaul, of
"The Brothers Karamazov" and Stuart
Walker's mummers in Cincinnati,
Erskine Sanford, the original "Mr.-
Pim" in Milne's gay trifle, and Miss
Florence Eldridge, best known for her
dextrous histrionics in "Ambush."
Expert missionaries of the drama,
they will bring hither for our conver-
sion three distinguished exhibits, each
a sermon far more eloquent for that
cause than all the wearisome castiga-
tions of this reporter; to-wit, Molnar's
"The Guardsman," a deft bit of Aus-
trian tongue-in-cheek, suave enter-
tainment for the civilized; Sidney
Howard's "Tlie Silver Cord," in which
that Jungman's fancy turns to
thoughts of excessive mother-love,
laying it bare with a cruel but 'santi-
tive scalpel; and Shaw's shrewd ante-
dati'on of "What Price Glory," the
familiar "Arms and the Man." The
Theater Guild's visit, scheduled, ap-
propriately enough, for Thanksgiving-
time, is indeed an occasion for ho-
s ,fI and flag-waving. Ateendaec
is, or should be, on your required list
for this semester.
A close second in importance is the
star-studded "Merry Wives of Wind-
sor," a scintillant display of Avery
Hopwood in Shakespearean idiom.
Otis Skinner is the rotund Tavern
Knight, having previously assumed
his pauch in some special perform-
ances of "Henry IV" two summers
ago; and Mrs. Fiske and Miss Henri-
etta. Crosman, the latter just out of
"Trelawney," will play his lady-
The other divertisements are vari-
ous, not to say sundry. They include
such diverse items as an exhumation
of the literary "Servant in the House,"
easily the Dean Inge of the drama,
and Kenyon Nicholoson's "The Bar-
ker," which smells of no lamp save
the kerosene torches of the tent-show
it so fragrantly depicts. In the gory
field of melodrama, there are a trinity
of peep-shows calculated to glaciate
the blood and raise even permanently-
waved tresses: "The Noose," a pleas-
ant if specious piece from the gar-
rulous typewriter of Willard Mack;
"The Shanghai Gesture," the Honor-
able Al Woods' opulent and eye-filling
production of John Colton's shrewd
employment of the hoakums, dealing
with a commodious Oriental love-nest
that is almost Statler as to mere ex-
tent, and explicity card-cataloguing

most of the indecorums and frailties,
including prostitution, infanticide,
nymphomania, and what have you;
and lastly "Broadway," that pungent
chronograph of the night-clubs.
For those who prefer Euterpe's
shrine to that of Melpomena, there
will be the "The King's Henchman,"
with Miss Millay's lovely book set to
Deems Taylor's music, grand opera
said to be in English--as if any singer
could betrusted that far! As to the
carnivals and saturnalia, there will b.e
"The Vagabond King," Frimi's medie-'
vil frolic presenting Master Francois
Villon with an educated larynx; "Peg-
gy-Ann," an engaging music-box,
blessed with some risible jokes and
several notable ballads and rounde-
lays; and "My Maryland," in which
the Messrs. Lee and J. J. Shubert re-
fight the Civil War in what is known
as a nice sort of way.
All -in all, it should prove a season
which will at once make not Mr. Mc
Intyre, but his coffers, groan, as it
makes the Whitney's aged welkin

I -I


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The customary aeroplane exhibition
scheduled to be given over the sta-
dium during the second half wa.
called off because of a misunderstand
ing on the part of the pilot.
The aeroplane appeared over Ani
Arbor promptly as had been planned,
but the pilot was unable to locate
Michigan's subterranean stadium.
After a thorough but vain search over
a large stretch of territory about a
mile to the east, he finally gave ur
and returned home.
In his report the pilot stated that
he had sighted a stadium, believed by
the authorities to be the old stands on
Ferry field. However, as they appear
ed empty, he thought it possible that
he had come on the wrong day.
* * *
While the rival cheerleading squads
were fighting it out along the side.
lines, a football encounter was being
staged on the field by picked teams
from the rival Universities.
* * *
Although Michigan's cheerleading
organization suffered defeat, the foot.
ball players managed to save thc
Maize and Blue from a complete rout
by downing their rivals by the one.
sided score of 21-0.
* * *}
An element of mystery was injected
into the contest when an unknown
player dashed onto the field in the
second quarter and took a place on
the Michign team. Spectators scan-
ned their programs but could find no
clue to the identity of the intruder.
** *
AMONG the other unfortunates may
be mentioned the man who bet on the
Yanks and can't remember who held
the other end of the wager.
* * t
Purdue smashed out a 19-0 victory
in the initial encounter in the brand
new Big Three of the football hemi-
* * *
The excessive irritation of the Pur-
due Boilermakers upon hearing the
grammatical conversation of their
opponents gave them the. winning
punch, according to reports from the

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