11111HUl MIJL, TLE TAX CASE eegarden Acts As Sargent's Assistant Definite Recomninpidation by President g SExpected Soon; New Problemsis Clee ase kDbts EXPEC CANOE IN RATES By 7 Avd Lawrence WASHINGTON, Ocet. 8- The ad-f mnisItration' s' in a quandary,' over tax ' redue ti ,n. What looked several montiths'sago'Tike acertainty; now s anf neertarty.=r Political credit that was expected to ensue from a reduc- tion In taxes in a presidential year mi :rvanish as a possibility if the d~nauda on the roasuryl ae any- thing -like 'the discussion :today ind- Cates. Bu President Coolidge soon must write' hs' ainual message to con.- gjess definitely recommending a course of action. So also must the secretary of the treasury frame his annual report with. recomnendations on the tax question. That there will be a revision of the adminstration' pptli'ns of the law is, of corse, assured for each year's ex- pe mends adds "to the sign total of knowledge on the subject of :tax re- form and there will be very little con- troereyabout improving the adnin- istrative provhdofts of the law. Look For Clminge As for the. making of new rates some changes no doubt will be ad- vocatedl on 'the theory' that greater pi'oductivity of revenue is accomplish- ed ;With the lower than the ;higher} rate' The trouble is that the expected $500400,000 surplus on which tax re-. 'viSioR was to have been based shows signs of being 'Iabsorbed by proposed expend~tures for 'ccontrol of Mississippi valley floods and there projects like Bioulder' dam which will require .mon- ey, as will public buildings and the naval program. If Mr. Coolidge had his way, there would be a minimum of expenditure and some sort of tax reduction. But he may be unable to stem the 'tide this time, 'especially as some 'of the ap- priations like flood corol hardly can be postponed. Debt Retrement For this reason, the word is ,going out from'. administration quarters- that per- haps-the country will not insist on tax reduction and will 'accept debt rtime- m~'ent' instead. "Thte latter course proved successful this' 'year; for while It results indirect-. ly "in' a 'redudeion, of the interest bur- 4den "which 'the' income tax payments' liave to meet, 'it also furnishes a buf- fer for a large or small' surplus. To cut taxes, however, means making a' direct estimate on 'future income and When the surplus' is 1fiely to be small anyhow, the treasury does not like to se the tax rates cut; Politics will play its part in the final decision' and con'ress will have to makre up its mind whether it wants to spnd 'more money this coming De-II cemnber or 'save it for the taxpayer in f i e $ r f - e e a e u t o.St u d e n t s i n I a o v e r T e c h , r e c e n t l y ; celebated the fk, ieth anniversary of I the' invention of the German automo- bile by hauling the original machine from the school museum and driving 270 miles to the home of its invent- or.f I 1 1L. 1V11, A VAJ..' A.1k'LL'111- I. DETROIT ALUMNI BOSTON-Although she -wrecked ther III(IH I:.ANT) PARK, MIC H1.--HI I ~ TO HOLD BANQUET plan1e in attempt to land, T 'hea Rasche, stichool pup'1; ils ( areive ynsu G the German aviatrix, asca'ped Lnin- credit for "wa lkiing to schiooleer Th eri ~iest flilisn cl aclub will hold its second a nnu al din-- ner on Wednesday, Oct. 12, in t h:,1 E L L I N Lln 'D tothtl Th baq e Is-to be given in honor of the class o> '"' e i a T y p ew riter ,2?. By the Month or for the Semester -- Your Choice The speaking program includes an address by Professor Oscar J. Campw- Underwood, Royal, L. C. Smith, Remington, and Others bell of the University English depa rt- eKe hmi re ment and short talks on football byW epTe'i re coaches Harry Kipke and 1301)brown. Rider's Pen Shop' The Campus Glee club quartet. is il~o included on the progra.m. R P I IN 'jKW"IKPAK LAUNDRY CASES Durable and Light I AlB I, S 1"I L LMI1 COVERElI i v Subscribe For the Werely 1113-S.University 118 E. Huron Downtown Pipes 5,000 of them The most modern pipe. "Kaywoody lDrijikless" Guaranteed to smoke sweet. -Also-. Sasceni, Benwades, Ortikis, Mila- n'3, .-jnderbore, Civic, Dunhills, Drink] iess. UN ITED CIG"AR H.UMIDOR" -~Cigars Ti you haven't seen our Humidor in Michigan Theater Bldg., you haven't:'seen a modern Cigar Stare, fly"~ i rmti~thA MUi ted Pttes. Cigarettes Brands W~arty Cigarettes At IS)Doialty Tobacco IF It Smnokes We Have IT Michigan Theatre BI'd.g 533 E. Liberty John letters Announcing the Opening y of the United Barber Shop in Ann Arbor r"" h,' CUberty I mum" Harold1 Benson Teegarden Of Greenville, Ohio, who has begun work as special assistant to Attorney General John G. Cargent. Over 1,000,000 pounds of maple su- gar were produced in Canada last year. 1 O R'P HE UM THEAT.'IER ,Y Tues. and Wed. We Take Great Pleasure in Presenting i 0 4 0 0 M4id 1 '1ein1iln attire tree ?n onle eot,,hiioi ndresses complete six ons. Flaming 01s ange pents. finsband and iwife slooiiiiig il hig'hway; S lwldt (.Y 6 hon01e. Newl Yolk to ]saris iM 331w hours. A I lokcAlled meslory of p10-J:opiy el'wlsy 5004 oies in ea day, unthlinkable ii eyasn . e drsWolemi r kniceprs (i ei'the tweek-endilli A' freh sauc Lgir'l, Clara Boiw is an ov r inuih i 'imiisbp llaingthe baby idols of yesteryear. B1{cau ((este without 'a love !story runs i >; vweeks bill New York nt $21 The luzlilic is !shoppg~ingfor picturesw°, 1n01 de(l',, iew t"nd ti hey 'f cry fol. bety,' color, life, the unusual. And so coin:--, "Meropo];," altuncd isti:,?s brilliankt agie, so different from anything ecver seen on the screen that it Its sent ertics and public luto paroxysns of praise. It's ANew Wor l ads the . h mi to? v h !!I r 1 C0313ENMINCTODAY What-Will Love Be Like 1,00'Years From Now! Engag"emlent Vow.ted to .. FATASTIC FAAU7icI ;lj 1 I I rjL- , - i the Brings to you Mother -- and' you Dead, sister and! brother,- and every sweetheart One of the most magnificent, mnolt magnetic sereen performannces an4 pictures of the year Here the genius of John Batrrmorc' rises to its greatest heights Here !.& regitered genuine eneLlt.. STls is BA RRYMOR' at 6dA Aepeak of per f eclricio TEXAS-A~ secure the mental 'lntr danger from; neessity of named as re this purp'osal sment is on foot to .,huance of depart it football. The u~s injury and the ise traizning er for the making of . . Ii { 14 y , I7 nr" IgtrtrA /ii" f ea / 'Il4,AICj.,,2 /r ' t r rt'i'erJ J'!la such a its ,* " eri' eel of!this g' hes fs rrh~t .. , V 4 I met // , ill I I 1 J Z1 ,I C I Q- O 4 0 MARTIN HALLER FURNITURE-RUGS 112 E Liberty St. T Ij ++ / r T _ " ..- .,,. , i M - r'. F, t r j+,, ,I js, . rs . \ , 0o L IBERI SHERW OOD, fin Life says:- paid geto oi aaeIhv azinig pictures as are crommlnedlInto hrgantic production. tx".. 1 ' 0 POLICY SUNDAY 7 :Ot0 8:40 Adults, 50C Children 2i;c f ALSO A UNIQUE- ADDED PI104,IAX Mlchig n Locals Jimmie Adams , About town and "iin up-state MUMM1VIAY"4 News Scoops Lattest Topics Arcade Orchestra Directed by Rudolph Lodeesen O '4 ',; Wrought of ,,American Lamp steel, notice the quaint lamp holder with parchmreiit sae pca shade. A special "rn t"A.. .