;Tit 00.
I Py
Gifts are Received Insuring Library's
Ileing Set Aside as temorIal
To Woman Donor
111 -Ilection of officers for 1927-1928
- I as held on Tuesday afternoon by
Returning from Chicago, Thursday,
where she consulted with architects
concerning the new Women's league
building, Mrs. W. D. Henderson an-
nounces thi the plans for the new
building are completed, while the
specifications are almost ready to go
out to the contractors, assuring that
the construction of the building
should: start within six weeks.
While in Chicago, Mrs. Henderson
received gifts from Dr. Karl K. Koess-
ter, husband of the late Jessie Horton
Koessler, author of the map of Ann
Arbor, which has been sold for the
benefit of the Women's league, and
from Mrs. Koessler's brother, George
Horton, which insure the library of
ithe new building being set aside as a
memorial. The library will be 'as a
memorial to Mrs. Koessler and will be
known as the Jesse Horton Koessler
lbrary. This gift from the family of
Mrs. Koessler is augmented by a gift
fromethe Chicago group of Michigan
womrre n.
Mrs. Koessler graduated from the
University of Michigan in 1901. Up-
onl her graduation she enteredl the
RusliMeiral college in Chicago and
graduated from there in 1904. From1
Chicago, Mrs. Koessler went to Parisi
where she attended the Pasteur Insti-
tute, doing graduate research work.
While in Paris she met her husband,
and for many years she was associated
with him in scientific research in
Recently g i v i n g up scientific
work she became interested in art, es-
pecially in murals, and took up this
study under several notable artists.
Several of her studies have been ac-
cepted in Paris. Mrs. Koessler's death
came in January, 1927.
Mrs. Koessler was the first Michigan
woman to make a gift of any size into
the Women's league building fund. De-
tails for the memorial are not yet
worked out but everything, according
to Mrs. Henderson, will be done to
bring out the dignity and loyalty ex-
presseml in the life of Mrs. Koessler.
Betsy Barbour Dormitory is very
fortunate in having for its new direc-
tor Miss Mary L. Lytle, a graduate of
Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania.
Dur~ng the past two years Miss Lytle
has made several unusual trips, among
them a long Mediterranean cruise, a
trip last winter to Cuba and the Caro-
linas, and this summer a round trip on
the great lakes on a large ore freight-
er. Miss Lytle says she found the
Mediterranean cruise the most enjoy-
able, as it was the most extensive and
Miss Lytle sailed from New York,
February 9, 1926, on the Empress of.
France of the Canadian Pacific Steam-
ship Company. The first landing was
at Madeira, a city in which she noted
that, although situated on a semi-
tropical island, there were no vehicles
with .wheels. Instead, sledges with
greased runners are pulled by oxen
over the soapstone pebbles with which
the streets are paved. A snowless to-
boggan slide down a 3,300 foot moun-
tain provides one of Madeira's most
novel and thrilling attractions.
The party then visited Portugal,
Spain, and Algiers, which Miss Lytle'
remembers as the first really Oriental
city. The trip continued to Syra('use,
Athiens, Constant tinojde a :nI I the Black
Sea, lialetine and y ii , i iad two
weeks in Egypt. The ship then cross-
ed to Venice where the party left itt
to travel by laud through Italy, re-
joining the ship at Na'les. On thet
way home, t.;S wAo @ mole along the
French Riviera, 'aris, and England
and Scotland.
Miss Lytle pronounes Egypt the
most fascinating part of the journey,
especially the trilp lip the Nile, whereiI
she found the natives the least civil-1
ized of any people she had en count ered
Following the principle employed byj
the men, in paying their membership;
fee into the Michigan Union upon en-1
tering Womnen this year had a $10.00
fee added to their tuition. One dollar
of this fee was turned over to the
undergraduate organization of the
Women's league while nine dollars of
this fee was paid ito the University
treasurer toward a life membership il
the Women's league. hl new prince-
on the trip. Ilowever, for pure charm, ple was euacte L by the Board of Reg-
she recommends, England and Scot- ents last June and was put into ef-
land, especially 1he lake districts feet for the first time this fall.
which were ideal from the point of Alany woman in the University had,
view of both scenery and literary as- however, already paid their life mem-
sociations. iership fee, so to these women will be
"Throughout the entire trip," Miss returned $9.00. This refund will come
Lytle said decisivAly, "London is the directly from the Alumni office as soon
one city in which I felt I would really as the money is transferred from the
like to live." University treasury to the Women's
On the return trip in May an un- league fund. The $1.00 which was
usual experience was provided by the
fact that the ship's arrival at Quebec
was delayed -48 hours in the icefields
of the North Atlantic.
Professor Thi'nks College Women Will
preserve Universities' Best Tralitions
paid into the undergraduate organiza-
tion, naturally cannot be refunded.
Women entering this year for the
Iirst time, will be assessed the extra
$10.00 each year for the remainder of1
their sojourn here and upon gradua-
tion will receive their life membership
in the Women's league.
Pegasus, the women's riding club. The
o cers elected are: Ann Sayler, '28,
president; Margaret Cole, '28, secre-
t treasurer; and Beatrice Cowan,
'2,riding manager. The next meet,.
iig of the club Ill be held at 4:15 on
Monday afternoon, October 10, in the
pIarlor of Barbour gymnasium.
lergasus was organized to promote
interest in r:ding among University
women. Preparations are being made
by the club for the third annual horse
show which will be held next spring.'
A number of social activities are also
All women interested in joining
Pegasus should see the notice posted
in the gymnasium for further informa-
in order to encourage the practice
of good posture and to cure foot de-
fects, the department of Physical Edu-
cation is this year stressing its plan
of offering to women, classes in indi-
vidual and corrective gymnastics.
The classes, which are held on Wed-
nesday at the hours, 11, 2, and 4
o'lock, are composed mostly of fresh-
man and sophomore women, although
they are open to upperelass and grad-
uate women as well. In fact Miss
Rawlings, who has charge of the class-
es says, "We want all the girls to feel
that we are here to help them if they
want to be helped."
One hour a week is being devoted to
this work by those girls who have so
far enrolled in the classes. Enroll-
ment is entirely voluntary on the part
of the girls and does not count toward
fulfilling the hours of gymnasium
work required of freshman and sopho-
more women.
Of special interest in regard to this
work of the physical education depart-
ment,,is the installation in the gymna-
sium of a 'silhouettegraph' which, by'
pictures made from time to time,
shows the results of the department's
Michigan women are lagging behind
in the interstate competition for po-
litical prominence, statistics show,
Ruth McCormick of Illinois, widow of
the late Congressman Medill McCor-
mick, announced her candidacy for
Illinois congressman-at-large. If
Mrs. McCormick should succeed in
winning a seat in the house of Repre-
sentatives she will be the second Illi-
nois woman to appear in congress. In
women's political history, eight have
appeared in congress. The first con-
gresswoman was Miss Jeannette Ran-
'kin of Montana, who was elected in
1916. Since that time the following
have held seats In the house or the
Senate: Mrs. Huck of Illinois, Mrs.
Nolan of California, Miss Robertson
of Oklahoma, Mrs. Norton of New
Jersey, Mrs. Rogers of Massachusetts
and Mrs. Felton of Georgia. It is
time that the women of Michigan
stepped forth in the political world.
said because the women are to be
the future mothers and teachers of
all mankind." Miss Tagore made this
statement in one of a series of lectures
at the World Federation of Educa-
tion convention, held this year in
Toronto, Canada. She is primarily
interested in the educational better-.
ment of the women of India. She
is very prominent among the people
in India, being president of the Wo-
men's Iklucational Societies of India,
and the head of a small primary
school in Calcutta.
"I came to this country to study
educational methods,'! s'tats Miss
Tagore, "and to take back something
to my own people." She thinks that
American people have the wrong idea
of Hindu women. They are not "down
trodden," nor the "playthings of, men"
as is the common opinion. In olden
times women of India talked with men
concerning philosophy, and music, and
political situations, and they are just
as capable now as they were then.
"What India does lack in," she
says, "is a real educational system
for women: only one per cent of the
Interesting experiments directed to-
ward curing the mentally deranged
are being tried out at the Kankakee
state hospital for the insane. The
psychiatry department has instituted
a beauty parlor at the hospital. Pa-
tients who formerly fought any at-
tempt at cleaning up are now calmly
submitting to, baths, shampoos, hair
cuts, facial massages, and manicures
Some of the patients have fought
their way back to mental healti
through learning the art of beauty
culture. Since the beauty parlor wa
opened, twenty-two girls have left th(
institution, able to adapt themselve i
to conditions in the outside world
These results forcibly refute the the-
ory that loss of personal pride is the
inevitable accompaniment of a failing
Intramural hockey games startet
yesterday at 4:30, with a practic
game which was played between 11
Beta Phi and Phi Gamma Mu. Botli
teams made an excellent showing ii
spite of the poor conidition of the
field. As Kappa Alpha Theta wa:
unable to put a team on the field
the game scheduled for 5:00, result
ed in a practice, game for Alpha
Omicron Pi.
The following games will be hell
this morning; at 8:30, Delta Gammm
vs. Zeta- Tau Alpha; at 9:30, el
Omega vs. Alpha Xi Delta; and a
11:00, Phi Sigma vs. Theta Phi Alpha
women can read at the present time
If we could work by individual effort
then we could do something to pro
mote education among the women an(
girls of India.'
"Democracy has swamped the col- the brain. Education retains for them
leges and under its influence college and, for thenm there is still some de- DISCUSS MARRIAGE
men are becoming more and more a light to be had in the pursuit of in-,-
type--the salesman type," is the state- tellectual enls which can never, by Answers of all kinds esulted when
me nt of a professor of a well known any conceivailo means be turned into a group of 30 young women, studentj
I college, who occasionally writes for commissions. Tho sex is proverbially at the University of Wisconsin, were
some of the better magazines." But curious-and curiosity is no poor asked of what use they considered a
there is one force that moves to counter synonym for intelligence. And no husband to be. Strange as it may be,
this. The women in general, develop doubt another proverbial attribute, only devotees of "love," seemed to be
into individuals. I do not pretend stubbornness is responsible for the those engaged.
to say whether their opposition is con- other virtue that remains to be dealt One young lady with a cynical trend
scious or merely instinctive-but if with. Skepticism seems to be indis- of mind, referred the (uestioner to
hereafter our colleges are to preserve pensable for education, but the college Oscar Wilde. 'Mon marry because
any of the spirit that was lovely and man neither possesses it himself nor they are tired; women, because they
admirable in the past, I am disposed respects its possession in others. Ile are curious; both are disappointed."
to believe that the 'co-eds,' those ir- relies on the honesty of the institution Says another, "a permanent dancing
responsible and over dressed young that accepts his tuition; surely no partner." A third states her opinion,
nitwits, will save it unassisted. professor would accept any money for "Personally, I can't see that husbands
"'The college man lives up to the type saying something that was not true. A are good for anything, ani yet, I hate
that has been created for him by the text book cannot lie, and a professor to go through life alone." "It takes
humorous magainzes, in that he seems will not. only 52 days to starve, so he wouldn't
perpetually bored. The excitements "Logic evidence, experimentatioi, be good for love alone.'- "Someone to
and ecstasies of the intellectual life and verification are all very well, no fight with," this from a red haired
are not for him. He has no hunger doubt, but an economic waste of time. woman. "It's so much fun being in
for those impractical, breathless, diz- In a pinch, I would undertake to con- love with someone," dimpled another
zy wis-doms. that add stature .to the vince a class of meen of nearly any- muiaiten."
soul. But the Women whether selt- thing by merely repeating many times "le consensus of opinions, echoed
consciously or n'ot, are really interest- that it was so because I said it was so. disillusionment, and although "love"
ed in living by the higher centers of One doe not teach women in that way. was admittedly the object of several
BEYAUTIES i TJrIAT ATNO -One painstakingly examines the facts, the exact meaning of the word was byi
BEATIIE WYIN 1 goes over the evidence, caulks the no means agreed upon. Still, all of
LASTINGSUCCESS seams of one's logic, and in everyre- the women possessed marrying am-4
spect prepares oneself for intelligent bitions. "To insure me a responsible
Winners of America's beauty con- opposition. It may be the devilish ob- position in society," frankly stated
tests find that the permanent value of stinacy of the sex. No doubt, it is, one. "Someone who wil laugh with
the victory is almost neglible. but whatever its place in the ultimate ine and not at me" formed the ideal of
Only one winner of the national synthesis of wisdom, it is the begin- another. "A comrade," was the wish
beauty contest, started in 1921, has ning of knowledge." of several.
"Journalism is a fitting profession
for women, and women are fitted for
journalism." This is the opinion of
Mrs. J. C. Mack of Newton, Kansas.
Mlrs. Mack is the daughter of Noble
Prentiss, former editor of the Kansas
City Star. She is recognized as a very<
capable journalist by others in the
In speaking of women's qualifica-
tions for this profession, Mrs. Mack
saild that they were better spellers
than men, and more careful in their
grammar. Women look out for de-
tails, and observe the four 'W's'-why,i
where, what, and who. Women also
have good memories, and can give a(
hunman interest touch to a story, that(
a man could not.
Mrs. Mack further said that the flap-
per type was not fitted for journal-j
ism, nor for any other profession.t
Because dignity is needed in a profes-
sion, and because a flapper lacks dig-
nity, she does not make a good news-i
paper woman.
Mrs. Mack pointed out that she was
making these statements from thes
angle of "Womenin Journalism" and
not from any wish to discredit the men
in the profession.
lIow does one spend the 106th an-
niversary of his life? This question is
one that the townspeople and residents
decidd for M11rs. Francoise Levapresto,
oldest resident of Grant City, Staten
Isla id..
Athree-day observation was cele-
brated by business houses and resi-
dents of Grant City. The' celebration'
culnminated with a community gather-
ing. School children, friends, moving
picture men, photographers, and
strangers flocked around her home,
even the motorman tooted the hornI
1hen passing by. Flowers, candy, and
gifts of many different kinds were
heaped upon her.
Mlitaking the fire box for a mail
bt, an absent-minded co-ed at Wel-
lesley called out the fire department
instead of mailing a letter.
Commander Evangeline Booth of
the Salvation Army believes a dry
Englanmd is possible.
achieved ony sort of success and that
one-Miss Margaret Gorman, Miss
America in the first contest, married a
prominent Washington real estate
Miss Mary Catherine Campbell, win-
ner in 1922 and 1923, had a small suc-
cess in vaudeville, and then returned
to her home in Columbus, 0., while
Miss Norma Smallwood of Tulsa,
Oklahoma, Miss America of 1926,
earned about $500 a week during her'
short stage career, but that period was
,short lived. And this year's winner,
Lois Delander of Joliet, Illinois, has
taken heed of the experience of the
others and has decided to go back to
school rather than try to gain & trans-
ient fame.
Indian Woman Lays'
Stress On Education
That the education of women is
nore important than education of
men, is the belief of Miss Sushama
Tagore, who is visiting at the Un -
versity of Illinois. Miss Tagore is
the neice of Rabinidranath Tagore,
the great Bengalese poet.
"I relieve this to be true," she
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