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October 08, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-10-08

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General's Brother Killed by Federal.
Troops. and Body Exhibited
Near U. S. Border
(By Associated Press)
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. 8- An
alliance between Gen. Arnulfo Gomez
come across the bcrder of the execu-
most opponents of the Calles' admin-
istration of Mexico, was announced
here today as reports continued to
come across the border of the evecu-
tion of rebel leaders arrayed against
Pres. Cales and the re-electionist pro-
gram of former president Alvaro


Gomez is in the field in the state
of Vera Cruz with a force of severalv
thousand men, while De Le Huerta,c
a refugee in this country, remained 1
at his home in Los Angeles, presum- l
ably directing his, followers.C
The pact of co-operation betweent
the two leaders was reached at as
conference between Sen. Gerzain
Ucarte of Tlaxcala state, representingt
Gomez and Gen. Caesar Lotezde Lara, f
agent in San Antonio of De Le Huer- I
ta whose brother, Alfonso was killed
by federal forces yesterday in the t
state of Sonora.
At his home in Los Angeles, De Le 1
Huerta refused to discuss the SanI
Antonio meeting except to say thatI
he was "in entire accord with anyi
movement which has the motive of.
freeing the Mexican people from the
Calles regime." The former provi-
sional president of the Southern re-t
public who is under indictment for
violation of the United States neu-
trality laws, added that if he weret
directing the present revolnuon he
would not admit it.
Faotioiis. United . ..
"Heretofore we (the Gomez and Hu-l
erta parties) have been united only
by bonds of mutual sympathy againstt
the re-election of Obregon," GeneralI
de Lava exjained here. "We could
not openly endorse the Gomez mani-
festo because to do so would have
brought Calles' rifles against them.--
Now that Gomez also is in open oppo-
sition we feel no hesitancy In declar-
ing ourselves in union with him andf
in fact all rebellious elements inj
Mexico have united under his ban-
De Lara gave no indication of whatt
forces the Huertistas might have Ino
the field. Adolfo de la Huerta is
supposed to be very influential with
the Yaqui Indians in northern Mexi-
co, who are again reported to be in
rebellion. .., 1
Recent official ederal statementsf
were to the effect that the Yaquis had
been paciied and were surrendering;
but today Mexican military headquar-
ters at Nogales, Sonora, reported the
Indians againwere armed against the
Advices today told of the execution
of three other alleged revolt leaders
in addition to Alfonso de la Huerta.
De la Huerta and Gen. Petro Me-
dina died late yesterday in Sonora,
about 70 miles south of the American
border where they were cornered by
detadhment' of 150 federal troopers.
They shot it out against overwhelm-
ing odds, and De La Huerta's bullet-
riddled body placarded "Another Reb-
el General" was exhibited today in
the plaza at Nogales, Sonora, across
the line from Nogales, Arizona.
The gruesome relic of revolt at
the back door of the United States
was kept on exhibitiond (uring the
morning, the sightless eyes pointing
to the American boundary, just 300
feet away.'
Many See Body
Thousands, many of them friends
and relatives of the dead man, gazed
spell-bound at the limp body, which
the heavy guard of federal troopers
had dificulty in keeping propped
against its supporting tree.
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 8-The firm
grip of the Calles government con-
tinues to control the situation that
has resulted from the attemped Go-
maz Serrano revolution.
With General Francisco Serrano
dead, with Gen. Arnulfo Gomez, said
by the government to be bodily bot-
tied up in the mountainous country
in Terote, with 1,500 or 2,000 men at
most, and more than 500 federal
troops closing in on him, and with no
rebel efforts reported here from any-
where else in the republic, the Calles

By K. G1. P.'
Out .of a singular mixture of music
and reminiscence, Alfonso Zelaya,
Nicaraguan pianist who is playing at
a local theatre this week, launched a
scathing indictment of jazz and its
:apitalists during an interview yes-
terday. Zelaya is a graduate of West
Point, although a native of Nicaragua,
and his father was president of the
atter Central American republic for
eighteen years. It was surprising that
his dressing-room talk was not of
politics primarily, but on the con-
trary it was almost wholly of music.
He spoke yesterday morning to the
class in the history of music at the .
nvitation of Earl V. Moore, of the
University School of Music.
The psychology of good and bad
nusic is the feature in which Ze-
laya is specially interested, and on
which he forms his opinions. He is
anxious that the appreciation be
brought to those who are receptive but
who, are not actually learned in the
subject. He says that the appeal of
}oza is physical in the last analysis,
that it leads to thoughts and deeds
that could not possibly be arrived at
through the medium of the other type,
which awakens niceties in the Indi-
vidual. "If modern jazz cannot be
condemned on the ground of exceed-
ing moral bounds," declared the' pian-
ist, "it certainly can on the grounds
of the imbecility of its lyrics. Read
the words of any popular number and,
see for yourself.I
"Whiteman and Gershwin are bet-I
ter than the average, but they, too,!
are commercial rather than artistic.
For one who is searching for a real
American music, there is nothing bet-
ter than McDowell, Cadman, or even
Victor Herbert," he continued. "Her-
bert was a wonderful artist, and so
is Ernest Pascal. Such men have
realized the tragedy of the modern
reception of good music, and have en-
deavored to better the situation.".
Zelaya stated that he was warned
than Ann Arbor audiences would not
take kindly to his type of entertain-
ment, that students demanded music
of a diferent type; but he professes
to be extremely gratified at his re-
Regarding the situation in Nicara-
gua at present, the pianist said that
it was unbearable to most of the citi-
zens. He compared the men in power
to Benedict, Arnold, saying that they
had sold the country, and that they
were forced to appeal to outside pow-
ers to keep the peace among the
larger groups. Describing the utter
poverty and hunger that prevailed in
many sections, he broke off to say
that it would be far better in the
eyes of many if the United States
should take over the country on the
same basis as the Phillipines. It
is only in this way, he contends, that
that the natural wealth will ever be
developed to the country's advantage.
It is estimated that Public Utilities
will spend $28,000,000 for advertising
this year.

Juniors Of All Schools And Colleges,
To Hold Elections For Class
Officers Next Week
Robert Leland, '28, was elected
president of the senior class of the,
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, and Dales Knapp, '28, was chos-
en treasurer at the meeting held yes-
terday afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium. The election was the sec-
ond held in the literary college, since
after the first balloting, held Wednes-
day afternoon, it was found by the
Student council that Kenneth Haven,
'29B.Ad., president-elect, and Wayne
Schroder, '29B.Ad., who was chosen as3
treasurer were both ineligible.
The Senate Committee on Student
Affairs Thursday night upheld the ac-'
tion of the Student council, and yes-
terday's election was held to choose
officers for the two positions vacated.
For the office of president Leland
had two opponents, only one of which,
Gordon Packer, '28, presented ap-
preciable opposition. Nevertheless
Leland was nominated by a clear ma-
jority on the first ballot, with 198
votes to 104 for Packer, and the third
candidate trailed far in the rear.
Knapp Only Choice
Knapp had even less opposition in
the contest for treasurer, since he was
the only candidate nominated, and
after his naming the nominations were
closed, making his a. unanimous
choice for the office. Knapp ran sec-
ond to Schroder on Wednesday for the
office of treasurer and Leland wasf
the second place candidate to Haven
in that election.
Next week the junior classes of all
schools and colleges on the campus
will hold their elections in the same
relative order as the senior did this
week, the juniors of the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture (who
will have separate elections), the
juniors of the Dental school, and the
juniors of the Law school holding
their elections on Tuesday.
Juniors Elect Wednesday
Wednesday afternoon the junior
class of the College of' Literature,
Science, and the Arts will hold - its
elections, and on Thursday the
juniors of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, and the College of Phar-
macy will elect their officers. The
exact times and places of all of these
elections will be announced by Ellis
Merry, '28, chairman of the, Student
council elections committee, in The
Daily early next week, and it is prob-
able that most of them will be held
in the same rooms at the same time
as those of the seniors this week.
The policy of using different colored
ballots for the various sclools and
colleges will be followed again next
week in the junior elections. Of
especial interest will be the balloting
for the members of the J-Hop com-
mittee, which' will take place in all


Extension Division Director Talks of
"Work, Play, and Drudgery",
To Convention
Speaking before the conference on
highway transport and the sixth an-
nual meeting of the Michigan Motor-'
bus association yesterday noon at their
luncheon at the Union, President Clar-
ence Cook Little emphasized two phas-
es of university life possibly overlook-
ed by the public represented by such
a group as the busmen. President'
Little explained how the university
was of value to the bus industry by
means of the potential aid every stu-
dent enrolled might give it in after
The second phase of university work
that President Little mentioned was
the work attempted by university of-


There w ill be no cheeing section
for the game this afternoon, accord-
ing to ain announcement by tihe conm-
mittee of the Student council il charge
of the section. This announcement
was necessitated because of the mis-
understanding which seems to exist
in some quarters regarding the dates
of the games at which the cheering
section will function. The section
will be used only at the three home
games which follow this one, the
Ohio State, the Navy, and the Minne-
sota games.
Attention is also called by the com-
mittee to the fact that students who
have applied for seats in the cheering
section are responsible for their seat
in that section for all three games,
and should make application for their
seat for the remainilg home games
at once. Some students who signed to
sit in the cheering section have order-
ed only their ticket for the first home
game and the committee has not yet
received the application for the other
After the seats for all of the games
have b~eenl ordered ill the cheering1
section, arrangements may be made
with the committee to sit outside of
the section at one home game.

Dr. Wilhelm Cuno
Director general of the Hamburg-
American line who has been consid-
ered as likely candidate for German
ambassador to the United States.

Look to See Michigan Offense Display
Strong Passing and Running
Plays for Game
By Herbert E. Vedder
Led by Capt., Paul Smith, Michigan
State College, the perennial under,
dog, today will bring to Ann Arbor a
team again slated to lose to its larger
rival, the Wolverines, but nevertheless
the Spartans are set to put a plucky
and determined eleven on the field.
The game will start at 3 o'clock (Ann
Arbor time), and if the weather is
favorable a crowd of 40,000 is expected
in the second conflict in the new sta-
Without a doubt, the State offense
will be built almost wholly around the
versatile Saginaw back,. Paul Smith.
Last year Smith was a serious menace
to the Wolverine goal throughout, and
jin the second period kicked a field
goal from the 31 yard line for the first



School Band to be Honor Guest
of Athletic Association
During Day

The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications is offering
scholarship prizes under the fol-
lowing resolution:-
Resolved: That the Board in
Control of Student Publications
shall for the current year offer
cash prizes of $100 each for
scholarship attainmenteaccord-
ing to the following rules:
1. Every student who has done
substantial and satisfactory work,
on any student publication or
publications under the control
of the Board, for four or more
semesters shall be eligible for
one of these prizes. The Sum-
mer Session shall be rated as a
half semester.
2. Every such student who has
attained an average scholarship
of B or better during the period
above specified shall receive one
of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
{ prize shall file an application
{ for the same at the Board ofice
( in the Press Building after the
{ opening of the University in the
I fall and before November, and
( the prizes shall be awarded and
{ paid before the Christmas holi-
1 days.
( 4. No student shall be an ap-
I plicant for any scholarship prize
more than once.
5.m The scholarship standing
of each applicant shall be esti-
mated in. accordance with the
{ system of grading currently em-
ployed in the various schools
and colleges of the University.
( The Board requests applicants
for these prizes to file their ap-
plication as 'soon as possible at
the Board Office in the Press
3 ' _ .1.! - - .-__ . .--4 ._

Three bands, making a total of over
175 pieces, will be on the field of the
new stadium for the game with Michi-
gan State, this afternoon. Besides
the Varsity organization there will be
the military band from State college,
and the Paw Paw high school band.
The three bands will march on the
field together, the State band in the
lead, followed by the Varsity and Paw
Paw bands, respectively. The two col-
lege bands will counter-march down
the field, while the high school takes
its place in seats reserved for it by
the athletic association. Just before
the game, the two bands remaining on
the field will take positions before the
flagpole, and lead by Leonard Fal-
play the Starcone
cone, director of the State band, will
play the Star Spangled Banner. From
there, they will maneuver to a place
in front of the Michigan stands where
they will again cooperate in playing
the new "stadium March." The usual
events will take place between halves.
The Varsity band and the M.S.C.
band are led by Nicholas and Leonard
Falcone, respectively. There are 65
men in the visiting organization and
75 in the Varsity band. The State
band came here for the game last year
and many will remember the fine ap-
pearance made by their military or-
High School Band Guests
The Paw Paw high school band
numbers 35 pieces and is a nationally
known band, having held many cham-
pionships. This school was a pioneer
in having systematic training for
bandsmen, and each year, the school
bas a fine organization. A. B. Castle
is the director. This band, with the
members of the Paw Paw football
team, will be .guests of the Athletic
association during their stay here.
After the game, the members of the
yarsity band will entertain the State
musicians at a dinner at the Union.
This is the second successive year
tthat three bands have appeared for
the State game, the U. S. Marine band
being the third one last year.
(ByA ssociated Press)
APPLETON, Wis., Oct. 8.-Six men
were killed, 16 others were hurt, two
seriously, when falling floors and
crumbling walls of the Kimberly
Clark paper company crushed them
today. Nine others believed caught in
the wreckage are sought, their fate
being uncertain. The beater room o1
the mill was occupied by about 30 men
at the time of the accident, shortly
after 9 o'clock this xlorning. Officials
of the mill entertained but little hope
for those buried in the debris.
The mill is the largest of its kind i
the world, and the beater room wa
located in about the center of th
The 30 men were trapped in a two-
story brick unit of the large papei
mill plant around which the village o:
I Kimberly with 1,300 inhabitants ib
!! hr-t4 ,on ha,-r p ra ,am 4,,mh i

fieials in toughening the moral fabric
of the undergraduate and in teaching
a correct sense of right and wrong.
President Little stated that the univer-
sity official, in addition to his official
capacity, must combine the roles of
preacher and parent.
Discuss Auto Ban.
In connection with the second phase
of university life, the President dis-
cussed to some extent the present au-
tomobile ban. 'The bn, he asserted,
was instituted for three reasons: Au-
tomobiles used unwisely resulted in
the killing of students; automobiles
gave an unwise sense of values to the
student; and automobiles softened
their moral fabric. Students, he de-,
lared, must stop, look, listen, and use
cars wisely. Until we find which of'
our boys and girls learn to drive wise-
ly, we will take the privilege away and
gradually give it back when we think
they know how to use them, the Presi-
dent stated. -
Dr. W. D. Henderson, director of the
University extension division was the
second speaker at the luncheon yes-
terday. Dr . Henderson spoke on
"Work, Play, and Drudgery." He en-
deavored to present the essential ele-
nients by which the three conditions
can be distinguished. Play must have
the spirit of contest and adventure em-
bodied in it, for when it lacks these it
becomes work. Then, work, if it has
not the element of change in it, be-
comes mere drudgery.
Entertain Wives.
The wives of the delegates were!
guests of the association at thel
luncheon, at which there was an aPt-
tendance of more than 100. George P.
MeCalum, president of the Michigan
Motorbus association, presided.
l The afternoon session of the con-
ference as held in room 348, West
Engineering building. Professor
Roger L. Morrison of the highway en-
gnerin Ldepartment presided. M.
I S. Aldrich, secretary of the West Vir-
ginia Motorbus association, Charles-
I ton, W. Va., spoke on "Bus Terminal
I and Joint Schedules;" Dr. E. Blythe
Stason, of the Law School, addressed
the body on "The Nature of Certifi-
cates of Public Convenience and Ne-
W. G. Fitzpatrick, general counsel
for the Peoples Motor Coach Company,
spoke on "Supreme Court Decisions on
Inter-state Highway Transport;" By-
ron P. Hicks of the Michigan Public
Utilities commission also adressed
the group.
Guests at Conceert.
Through the courtesy of Charles A.
Sink, of the University School of
Music the delegates and their guests
* were presented with complimentary
tickets enapling them to attend the
concert of Beniamino Gigli, held last
inight at Hill auditorium. The mem-
1 bers of the association will attend the
1 Michigan S t a t e-Michigan football
game this afternoon. Official business
f for the conference was wound up this
morning at the c'losing meeting. Prof.
Roger L. Morrison of the law school
s lectured on "University Contacts in
Highway Engineering and Highway
I Transport.

Well-inown Artist's Program Consists
Of Songs and Arias Sung In
ifrechl and Englsh
Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor of
the Metropolitan Opera coimpanly, op-
Oned the local music season last night
in Hill auditorium with a program of
songs and arias in French and Eng-
lish. The concert constituted the
first of those in the regular concert.
series, held annually under the au-
spices of the University Choral Union.
The feature of the affair was the un-
ually large attendance, practically all
of the season membership seats be-
ing filled.
Edythe Browning, an American dra-
matic soprano, assisted Gigli in the
program, rendering several numbers.'
Vito Carnevali acted as accompanist
to both singers.
The clear vigor of Gigli's voice was
especially brought out in the singing
of the aria "O Paradiso," from L'Afri-
caine by Meyerbeer, which opened his
program. Other numbers sung were
the aria from Fiotow's Martha,
"M'appari," the aria from Pagliacci,i
"Vesti la Giubbi," and several French
and English songs.
Miss Browning sang the aria "Pleu-
rex, pleurex, nes yeux' from Massen-
et's Le Cid, and the "Pace, pace," from
! Verdi's La Forza del Destino, in ad-
dition to several song groups. Her1
appearance with Gigli was thought by1
oficials of the School of Music to addI
color to the program as well as va-

Several changes are evident in the,
itinerary of the 1927 Opera, "The
Same To You," as announced by Paul
Buckley, director of the Union, when
compared toihe schedule arranged
last year. Three cities, two in the
East and one in the West have been
dropped this year, while one in this
vicinity has been added. The number
of performances will run on the same
average as last year, it is thought.
New York and Washington will not
be visited by the Opera company this
year, as has been the policy for somel
time of making certain Eastern cities
every other year. Also Indianapolis,
added last year in place of Flint, has
been dropped in favor of the latter.
Chicago will again see the opening
performance out of Ann Arbor, when
"The Same To You" will play tie
Auditorium Friday, Dec. 16. In place
of making the Detroit engagement at
tile close of tile tour, it wvili be made
directly aftertChicago this year. Three
performances will be given. One per-
formance will be given at each of the
other cities on the itineraryas fol-
lows: Toledo, Lansing, Grand Rap-
ids, Flint, Saginaw, Cleveland, Buf-
falo, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati. The
closing date will be Dec. 31, affording
a few days longer vacation to the
members of the cast than previously.
_- - I . _, !... _ - . .

Spartan score since 1918.
In addition to his kicking, Smith is
a most valuable passer and runner.
Last year the State passes worried the
Wolverines considerably while several
times it was Friedman who finally
downed Smith.
iPass Defense Weak.
The Spartan defense against forward
passes is reported as being weak so
far this season, and it is expected
that the Wolverines will unleash a
varied pass attack today, if the field
is dry. Yesterday the Michigan squad
worked on perfecting- a pass defense
to avoid a repetition of last fall's
ragged work in this department. It
is also quite probable that Tad Wie-
man's minions will test the effective-
ness of the newly developed off tackle
running attack.
At least three and possibly five men
will start this afternoon who were not
in the Wolverine opening lineup of a
week ago. Neither of the tackles, lIar-
rigan and Gabel, started against Wes-
leyan. Gabel has apparently recovered
from his injuries but will play only a
portion-of the game. Harrigan, by his
showing of the -past week, has earned
his rights at left tackle, forcing Pom-
merening and Grinnel to the side-
lines at the opening whistle, though
they are sure to see service before the
game is over.
Mcholson to Start.
.Nicholson is the third of the new
starters selected, although Thisted and
Schoenfeld may either one get the
l men have been staging a close battle
for the position and as yet none has

Gigli One of Best
Gigli himself is considered one of l
the three tenors who have contended
most ably for the place left by the1
late Enrico Caruso. He received his
earlier education in Rome and travel-
ed about Italy, and later Europe, sing-
ing in the various opera houses. After-
wards he made his American debut at I
the Metropolitan, and has been sing-
ing there during the official season
ever since.
Gigli makes few engagements be-
fore or after the season in cities other
than New York, with the exception of
those in Europe and South America.
This was the first time that he had
ever sung in Ann Arbor.
The first number of the extra -con-
cert series will be the appearance on
Oct. 28 of Rosa Raisa and Giacomo
Rinini, of the Chicago CivichOpera
comlpany. Single seats will be sold
henceforth for all concerts sponsored
by the Choral Union.- $

shown any marked superiority over
the other two.
Although named, it is not altogether
certain that George Rich 'and LaVerne
Taylor will start the game. If there
is any doubt that Rich is not "right"
after his bruising of a week ago, Joe
Gembis will get the call at fullback.
Taylor's back has been troubling
him again the past day or two and it
may be that Boden will be in the
starting lineup in his place.
With the possible exception of Rich
the backfield will remain the same as
a week ago. Hoffman playing quarter-
back, with Babcock and Gilbert at the
halves. The great amount of reserve
backs available now, however, make it
almost certain that Coach Wiemar
will make numerous substitutions to
try his men out under fire.
Domhaoff Will Play.
With Domhoff eligible again, he will
probably work in at quarterback for a
time, while Greenwald, at halfback, is
another who is considered sure to play
Jim Miller, his leg apparently fully
recovered, will very likely be given a
chance to exhibit his punting as a sub
stitute for Gilbert.
Coach Ralph H. Young of State alsc
has his backfield worries, but, barring
injury; Dickeson will be at quarter
back, Schau at -fullback and Wilsor
and Captain Smith at the - halves
Kurrie at halfback and Deason at the
signal calling post are other possibil
s eities.
Possible Lineup.

(By Associated Press)
TIENTSIN, China, Oct. 8.-Serving
as guards of the foreign concessions
here, the largest concentration of
troops in North China-10,000 men-
since Boxer days, are wvatching thel
latcst development in China's civil
war keenly, and completing plans for
tie defense of the concessions if need-

Phi Eta Sigma, national honorary
scholastic fraternity for first year men
in the University, will hold its first
. h nn 5 t n t + ar Ot. ..in nthe

The city is orderly and foreigners
are following their usual activities,'
but foreign uniforms are everywhere
in evidence. There are approximately
1,000 American residents here at pres-

Oosterbaan (Capt.) LE Chr
Harrigan LT
Palmeroli LG
Nicholson C
Baer RG 1
Gabel RT
Taylor RE




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