THE MICHIGAN DAILr FRIDAY Published ,every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Cbnference Editorial Association The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suscription bSy carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $4.5gg0. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. '. Phones: Editorial, 425 ; Business 2124. EDITOIALT STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H CHAMBERLIN Editor... ...........Ellis B. Merry Staff Editor..............Philip C. Brooks City E ditor.... .......Courtland C. Smith Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer Women's ditor.........Marian L. Welles Spurts Editor.......:.Herbert E. Ved'er Theater, Books and'Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor.............Ross,W. Ross Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert 7E. Finch G. Thomas McKean . Stewart Looker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson . Smith, Jr. Miltop Kirshbaum Reporters Mfargaret Arthur Sally Knox 'Emmons A. Bonfield Tack L. Lait, Jr. Stratton Buck iar Milroy Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe Jessie Church Catherine Price Sydney NI. Cowan Mary E. Ptolemy William B. Davis Harold L. Passman William C. Davis Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg Margaret Gross David Schyer Valborg Fgelad Robert G. Silbar Marjorie Follmer Howard F. Simon James B. Freeman George E. Simons Robert J. Gessner Sylvia Stone Elaine E. Gruer George Tilley Joseph E. Howell Edward L. Warner, Jr. Charles R. Kaufman Leo J. Yoedicke Donald J. Kline Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BtUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising............Richard A. Meyer Advertising ...............Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising.............. Edward L. Hulse Advertisinga............rJohn.Ruswinckel Accounts ................Raymond Wachter Circulation ......George. B. Ahn, Jr. Publication.................Harvey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock Ray Hotelich George Bradley Marsden R. Hubbard James 0. Br)wn Hal A. Jaehn ames B. Coopr James Jordan Charles K. ( orrell Marion Kerr Bessie U. Egela.1 Thales N. Lenington Ben Fishman W. A. Mahaffy Katherine Frocne George M. Perrett Douglass Fuller AlexaK. Scherer Herbert old rg , William L. 'Schloss L. H. Goodnan Herbert E. Varnum Carl W. Hammer FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1927 Night Editor-MILTON KIRSHBAUM WELL If any further proof was needed in support of the point that scientific ex- perts have no place in politics, or even ,in the scientific departments of politics, is has" been furnished recently with the dismissal of Leigh J. Young as State Director of Conservation. Through is years of service at the University iere Professor Young has gained a national reputation in the fields of forestry and conservation. He has been a leader in many projects for the welfare of the wild life of this and other states, and with his appoint- ment a year ago to the office of con- servation director it appeared for a moment that a new era had dawned in politics, and that the vote getting moron was to be displaced by a regime of intelligence and progress. Immediately upon his accession to office the conservatio n commission undertook several new projects, re- versing in some cases the decisions of the previous commission. But these reverses certainly cannot' be held against the administrator, when the conservation department had for years been a 'political sinecure, and the whole state administration had changed. Then recently. James Oliver Cur- wood died, and in his place Governor Fred Green appointed to the commis- sion Harry Whitely. Under the lead- ership of several good business men on the State Conservation commis- sion, several of the previously made decisions were reversed, .some of them against the advice of Mr. Young. It 'is these reverses combined with previous disparity with the adminis- tration policy, that has lead to the dismissal of the director. There have been no other charges levied against him. There are several interesting points which can be brought up in this con- nection, and all. of them involve Gov- ernor Green. So far that executive has not committed himself as to the reason for'the discharge, but obvious- ly the reason must be one of two facts: either Governor Green dis- missed Mr. Young because the latter failed to agree with him on the con- servation policy, or else Governor Green dismissed Mr. Young because the latter did agree with him and was unable to carry through the poli- aie which' thev both desired. ; weight Ina conservation project. If the second case is true, then Gov- ernor Green has failed miserably In appointing members to the conserva- tion commission who would be able to cooperate with the executive he has chosen. In either case it looks as though tne blame falls directly upon the state's chief executive, and not upon Mr. Young. Finally, however, the loss of the state is the gain of the University. If Professor Young continues his work here which lie so ably started before his leave for the state post, the Uni- versity should be extremely grateful for the set of circumstances that re- turns him to us. EDUCATION BY RADIO Members of the Michigan State col- lege committee in charge of the edu- cational activities of radio station KAR, the college broadcating station, are now said to be considering the possibilities of extending their work to include instruction in certain edu- cational work.1 This is not the first time that the possibilities of conducting courses by radio has been considered by educa- tors in this country. Several stations during the past few years, since the inception of the radio, have given courses by that means. In no case has the result been highly successful, but in justice to the experiment it should be said that it has been diffi- cult to check up on the outcome of such an innovation because of the widely scattered and inestimable radio audience. Generally speaking, nearly all col- lege stations are disseminating edu- cation in one way or another; talks given by college officials over the air in the majority of the cases deal with something in the nature of education. Exemplary of this are the various radio speeches broadcast last year by the University of Michigan, through station WWJ. In this case evidence of their popularity was not lacking, thousands of requests for pamphlets containing the speeches being receiv- ed and mailed out. Obviously, the time is not far away, when, if the radio is not used more extensively for this purpose, this new phase of its use will be thoroughly tried out. In connection with their plan, Michigan State college officials will canvass parts of the state to find out whether or not education by radio is "desired." The result should be well worth observing. TO REOPEN? Of all the sore spots left by the World war, none has been more pain- ful and more insistent than the ques- tion of the Allied debts owed to the United States. The question, in- volving as it does the double compli- cation of sentimental attachment and' business common sense, has perturb- ed all of the victorious nations to some degree since the final issue of the War, and at the present time the French government, is again ap- proaching the United States with a proposal to reopen negotiations. On the face of it the sentimental ap- peal of a nation which has lost heavily in the lives of soldiers and the de- struction of property has a strong voice; but on closer examination the appeal of France is about the same as the appeal of prison reformers who hold up the admittedly pathetic side of the picture for the world to see, while deliberately hiding the cold3 facts which would lead to a rational decision. After all, the decision reached at present is about as fair as could be found. To cancel the war debts would undermine international credit, and would form a precedent that might react very very harshly to France and England if another European war breaks out. Still, to press for im- mediate payment would be similarlyl unfair, and the present compromise agreement, emphasizing a whole- hearted consideration on the part of the United States is certainly liberal. Then, in conclusion, the situation which supports the case of France is not nearly so conclusive as it was five years, or even a year ago. In the in- terim the French national revenue has mounted to a point 9,000,000,000 francs above France's estimated ex- penditures, and the British have found it unnecessary to utilize any part of a $100,000,000 credit extended to them by New York banks. Recently, also, the, Federal Reserve system has reduced the rediscount rate, which will in- evitably drive American capital into Europe, and help immensely to stabi- lize industry there. Throughout the war, in supplies, men, and munitions, America gave unstintingly in a cause which was es- sentially European. She provided gigantic. -sms of mnov to htor CAMPUS OPINION Annonyrmous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. .1. THEATER BOOK M U AUTO BAN INTEREST To the Editor: President Clarence Cook Little in Thursday's Daily stated emphatically, in reference to the Adelphi debate Tuesday night, that such a discussion is "one thing that shows that it is a good idea to continue the present rule.". I am not interested in his be- lief of misinformation of data used- by the debaters who upheld the conten- tion that the ban is unjust. Such be- liefs will be adequately answered by the gentleman who was supposed to have uttered them. But concerning the belief of the President that the "small" attendance at Adelphi "shows a lack of interest in the question," much can be said. In fact, if he had come up to Adelphi llast Tuesday evening he could not have gained admittance as every chair was occupied. The largest number of visitors that ever attended a discus- sion of Adelphi was the crowd that made their appearance last Tuesday, and this in spite of the student's dis- inclination to climb four flights of steps. Also the campus knows that the Adelphi room is not any larger than a classroom and hence can not accommodate everybody who desires to ,attend, The banning of autos has made the students conserve on walk- ing and count each precious step so that many students are not inclined to climb four flights of steps with the hope of finding a seat in a room that can only hold a very small percentage of the students desiring admittance. But let the President give Adelphi the use of Natural Science auditorium and we will guarantee a capacity audi- ence, and even then he might have to stand up.. The fact is that the interest on the campus concerning the auto ban is just' as heated as that day last sum- mer when we were informed that cars will be prohibited at Michigan. Let the President realize that the campus is discussing the ban, and that the campus is desiring some sort of ac- tion, which we hope will come soon. -Robert J. Gessner, '29. "MISINFORMATION" To the Editor: Adelphi's Bills Committee feels forced to write a reply to President Little's newspaper comments on the auto-ban debate held last Tuesday evening. The President's charges of misinformation are based in turn upon his own misinformation. He charges Gerald O. Dykstra, '30L, who opposed the ban, with using inac- curate data and making statements that are untrue. His opinions are based entirely upon the article ap- pearing in The Daily the morning after the debate, which was am- biguously stated so as to lead to a misrepresentation of the facts. Of course it is not expected that Dr. Little should make it a point to at- tend the Adelphi debates, and so not being there he did not know that the accident Dykstra referred to was not the one involving the five students, but rather the one involving the pres- ident of last year's Senior class, The facts that Dykstra stated in the de- bate are still the facts concerning the Maentz case. Namely, that he, because of injuries from the accident, is not in school this year, but at home, out- side the jurisdiction of this ban, and driving a beautiful LaSalle, while we who are back in school, because of the ban which his and other accidents brought upon us, have to walk. The Adelphi Bills Commmittee ad- mits, in justice to President Little, that the excerpt in The Daily would naturally lead one to believe that the other accident was meant. But the committee does feel that it was much too general to warrant the Pres- ident's charges against Dykstra, which he knew would appear before some 25,000 readers of the Times-News and The Daily. We, admit that misinfor-, mation is to be greatly depreciated. However, an opponent: of the auto ban does not seem to be the guilty party this time. L. W. B., '29L, R. J. G., '29. FRESHMAN WEEK To the Editor: Since my name has been drawn into the discussion of Freshman Week, I should appreciate the opportunity to say, through The Daily, that those of us who were responsibe for the pro- I gram are fully aware of its defects 1 and welcome constructive criticism. The unwillingneq of the upperclass- men to lend a helping hand and the. obstructive efforts were, of course, disappointing. It seems to me that those mn n nA 'lMr -.' , nm nn , S ' sI Week Beginning. )oidiy, Oct. 3 Bonstelle Playhouse "THE POOR NUT" By J. C. and E:liot NugeNIt NIGHTS: Bal. 75, $1.00; Orcli., $1.00 $1.50; Mats.: Tues., r'1 1t,., and Sat., 50c, 7,-. Osteopathic Physicians Dial 5669 Drs. Bert and Beth Haberer 338 Maynard Street Specializing in Feet Just Received a New Line of Parchment Shades Par"hment Candle Shades...SOc Parchment cLamp - Shades 8" anad 10" -0c-0c I'archment Shields,........5c arS":nat-L1m -6 Parchment Bridge Lamp Shields Shades. li" a1d118".-$1.75 50c-$1.10-$.75 and up Bed Lanp..............00 Something New in Lamp Shades at an Extremely Low Price-See Them Ernst Bros. Electrical Shop 210 So. Fourth Ave. TONI0HT: Benamino Gigli, tenor, and Edythe Browning, soprano, will present the first program of the Choral Union Concert series at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium. TONIGHT: The Mimes present "The Bad Man" In their theater at 8:30 o'clock. A FEW BOUQUETS FROM THISTLES (Editor's Note: This is the last of the reviews of "The Bad Man" to be published in this column, although the play will continue at the Mimes thea- ter through Saturday night.) In competition to Dr. Yost's pet pastime, Dr. Shuter's program, of "dramatics for all" has taken hold with a vengeance, with Porter Emer- son Browne's "The Bad Man" as its initial activity. The enthusiasm would seem to be larger in proportion than even that in speedball, if ap- plause and curtain calls are any cri- teria. Certainly the melodrama of the Southwest is not the best thing that Mimes have ever done, but within the limited vision that is available, it is safe to say that it is the most enter- taining work of the last three years. Most of the strong spots have been lauded and the weak ones pounced upon at this writing, but there are still a few things unsaid, dealing chiefly with the latter. Lymie Crane has been alternately' sniffed at and designated as weak, whereas he should have had a large bouquet of sympathy: His is one of those parts giving nothing and taking a lot, and in the end putting their speaker in a rather asinine light despite all the exertion in the world. What is meant is that while others in the cast burst on and glided off in their respective flashes-or splashes-of color and I character, he was usually left on the boards to stand on one foot and look handsome. Quite a difficult predict- ment, but one filled very patiently by Crane.. Then there was Mary Louise Mur- ray who threw away that jewel of great 'price-to a co-ed, to-wit: dig- nity. There are not many so posessed of all the essentials who would con- sent to be ibounced around like Bus- ter Keaton, and all for the sake of art. But then she bounced so nicely and every one thought it was great fun. It is still a problem to most of us how Pedro's bullet that was delivered point blang managed to bounce off Bud Kleutgen at such an angle as to inflict a scalp wound. But that is one of the vagaries of melodrama, and it might-have hit an air-pocket. These last few lines are a unani- mous ballot for the mixed cast reform as it seems to have struck the local guild. There is only one of the fu- ture prospects that we would care to see put on by whisker crew, and that is Uncle Tom's Cabin. Charley Liv- ingstone would make a great Eliza. * * * LAST WEEK ,ON THE RIALTO Of the new plays opening last week in New York, the most talked of seem- ed to be "The Letter," at the Morosco, which J. Brooks Atkinson of The Times sums up as follows: "Somerset Maugham, as author, and Katherine Cornell, as featured player, manage to piece together an engrossing melo- drama." Which, if somewhat non- committal, insinuates-and judging from Alexander Woollcott's review in The World it is true-that Miss Cor- nell did some very fine work, and that the play while not exceptional is ade- quate. S* * * "Creoles" at the Kaw theater, is described by Anderson of The Post: "M'sieu Herndon had us all in New Orleans....with Pirates of 1850 and similar adjuncts of a play called "Creoles'' by Samuel Shipman and Kenneth Perkins. Though it contain- ed ..... Helen Chandler and some opulent scenery by Norman Bel-Ged- des, it is a fancy bore, pretentious and uninteresting." Most of Mr. An- derson's: ,critical colleagues agreed that the ,play won't last long. How- ever, tie Princess Matchabelli, whom you ma remember as one of the two rnadonnas Morris Gest imported for The Miracle," is in the cast. "The 'Garden of Eden" at the Selwyn is, according to The World, "a highly theatrical fib, from the German scrap book of Avery Hopwood." Mr. Hop- wood who was once a demon bedroom farce carpenter, lives up to his reputa- tion with some very*'shocking scenes in the second act, but despitesthis, and the fact that the play was given more publicity per cubic inch than any show in years, it is expected to flop rather quickly. Subscribe For the Weekly - What do yo u carry? No matter how heavy a probrai you carry, the addition of a Lifetime* pen will lighten it. Guaranteed to write-not for this school term merely, or until the four-year grind is done -but forever, as long as you live. It is the pen r' that spends the most days in the writing, hand and the least in repair shops. It costs more because it is worth more. And the Titan pencil is a twin for dependable writing service. Both are favor-, ites with colleke men and women everywhere. "Lifetime" pen, $8.75 Lady "Lifetime", $7.50 Ot ers lower' "Lifetime" Titan oversize pencilto match, $4.251 At better stores everywhere 4 4PO ii Embodying all the masterly design and craftsmanship of bodies by Fisher. --offering such marks of distinction as full- crown, one-piece fenders and bullet-type lamps-- e-and finished in lustrous colors of genus ine; lasting Duco-today's Chevrolet is everywhere acclaimed as one of the world's most beautiful automobiles . :so refresh- ingly different, so outstandingly smartand stylish that people everywhere turn to admire it! And this remarkable smartness is matched by a type of performance that is no less outstanding-perfect comfort at every speed; flashing acceleration, and delight, ful handling ease Come in and see today's Chevrolet. One glance at its custom-built beauty, one ride at the wheel of your favorite model-and you will know why Chevrolet is every- where classed as thenworld's finest lows priced carp TIMPERIAL LANDAU Reduced to $745 The Touring $ or Roadster *25 The Coac . $595 The coupe -" 625 The 4-Door $695 Sedan . . The Sport 715 Ca'rlet 'A-TonTruck $395 (Chassis Onry) I-Ton Truck $495 (Chassis Only) All prices f. o, b. Flint M'ichligaxn Check Chevrolet Delivered prices ed include et handlng and fn nancing Chargos ,available. 11 I